Airports and Coffee

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Devin's POV

Why were airports so uncomfortable? Oh yeah, it's because of the mass amounts of people who, even though they have planes to catch, insist on stopping or staring at me. Why am I at the airport? I am here because I, Devin Sola, am joining the band Motionless In White, or at least I think I am.

For the last couple of weeks I had been skyping with the band but with terrible signal. They had recently lost their guitarist TJ so Ricky Horror had taken over that role, leaving the bass spot free.

Thanks to the crap signal I had only seen pixalated images of them and I am standing at the airport doors outside with a suitcase in one hand, bass over my shoulder and a photograph of the band in my other hand while I attempt to try and spot them.

I've been standing in the same place for about a hour. I was told, by I think it was Ricky, that they were going to be here to pick me up but there's been no sign of them yet. I am beginning to think they have changed my mind, it wouldn't surprise me. I'm not that good.

Sighing, I turn and head back into the airport. Maybe I should have a coffee and wait for them to text me what's going on. Starbucks is pretty much empty so it doesnt take long for me to get a hazlenut latte and I successfully find a seat in the corner.

I can't help it but stare out the window at the passersby and I cradle the coffee in my hands in a desperate attempt to warm them from the chill outside. Trust me to freeze myself by waiting for people who wouldn't show up.

A shuffling sound is heard behind me and I find myself whipping my head around to see who it is. Four guys all dressed in black stood in a group looking embarrased and nervous. One with long hair and spiderbites spoke first "Um, are you Devin?"

I nod my head quickly in conformation. This has to be them. I glance down at the photo in my hand then back up at them. They're all even more attractive than in the photo. I immediately stood up and offered my hand. "Y-yeah, I'm Devin. Nice to meet you."

The one who spoke took my hand and shook it. "I'm Ricky. These guys are Chris, Ryan and Mr shy guy hiding behind Chris is Angelo."

I shook each of their hands but i just realised, "I thought there was five of you?"

Chris laughed and gestured towards the counter where a shorter figure stood with his back to us. "That's Balz." Chris said while I try not to laugh at the guy's name then smirked "He got the short straw and has to buy us coffee"

Ricky smiles, he has such an adorable smile, "Hey, can we sit with you while we drink our coffees? Then we can head off."

I don't think I could ever refuse them so I nod, pleased that I haven't been abandoned. Looking over, I notice Balz being confronted with multiple coffee cups. No way could he carry all those. I sum up the courage and head towards the counter to help him.

Hello little ghosts!
This is the first chapter to my Ghost X Balz fic. It's more so you can get an idea of what's going on right now.
-Ghosty xx

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