Unpacking Secrets

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Devin's POV

I stare as he begins unpacking my clothes. Oh my lord, what is he going to think of me when he gets to the ladies underwear, skirts and crop tops I hid at the bottom.

So yeah, I enjoy cross dressing from time to time and I have my reasons for it but I don't think anybody would get the chance to find out just as I arrive.

I barely touch my food as I watch him. He was putting my clothes away so quickly, it wouldn't be long until he got to the bottom. I wanted to yell for him to stop and get out but I didn't want to drive my new friend away.

I really want Balz to be my friend, at least. He seems so nice and fun so far. I've never had a friend like him before, I've never really had a friend.

I ended up losing concentration on the task at hand and my eyes focused on his face. He had a sweet face. You wouldn't think so normally with angel bite piercings but they suit him so well. His black hair looked great, even under the helmet, and his icy grey/blue eyes really stood out. He was gorgeous, not that I was ever going to mention that to the guy of course.

"What's this?" He asked slowly. I glanced to his hand were a pair of black lace panties were dangling from his fingers.

"I, uh, well... Um..." I had no clue at all what to say.

"They yours?" Was his next question. I just nodded, not finding it in me to speak. Luckily, he continued. "You'll have to wear some of this sometime to show me. I'm sure dressed as a guy or girl you'll be just as pretty." His cheeks turned a faint shade of pink. Was he blushing?

Who cares? I was probably turning a similar shade to a tomato. He didn't seem disgusted at me and just continued putting the rest away for me. He also metioned I was pretty. Maybe he... For god's sake Devin, it hasn't even been a full day.

Yawning, Balz stretches his arms above his head and I watch the muscles in his arms as he does so. "I'm going to watch The Office down stairs, want to join?"

I shook my head, "No thanks. I'm going to try sleep."

Balz's face fell momentarily but it only lasted a second before it was replaced with a smile. "Fine, Officer Peppercorn is now off duty." He took off the helmet and instead dumped it on my head instead. "Your code name is going to be Ghost."

"Why 'Ghost'?" I asked curiously.

"You're pale as fuck and so quiet I could forget you're around. Therefore, you are Ghost." He stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I watched him as he then left the room leaving me alone. I took off 'Officer Peppercorn's helmet and put it on the side table before preparing for bed.

Ghost. I like it.

Hello little ghosts!
Another chapter for you all. After this one the next chapter will be a time skip a couple of weeks but I wanna know what you think first.
Hope you enjoyed!
- Ghosty xx

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