The 5sos sister

By CourtneyDavies5

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5 seconds of Summer fanfiction!! The 5sos sister. Violet is the sister of Ashton Irwin, one of the 5sos boys... More

Chapter 1 - meeting 5sos
Chapter 2 - the beach
Chapter 3 - sunday morning wih ashton
Chapter 4 - job search
Chapter 5 - Studio 5
Chapter 6 - what a fuckboy
Chapter 7 - Paparazzi and sneaky pictures
Chapter 8 - Interviews and performances
Chapter 9 - New conversation and an album
Chapter 10 - break with the boys
Chapter 11 - PARIS !!
Chapter 12 - back to school
Chapter 13 - New friends and new hobbies
Chapter 15- hangovers and drunk stories
Chapter 16 - My first date and its with Luke Hemmings
Chapter 17 - My first date and its with Luke Hemmings
Chapter 18 - Movie star in the making
Chapter 19 - Learning to dance and getting to know the cast
Chapter 20 - lights, camera, action
Chapter 21 - The kissing scene
Chapter 22 - A jelous Luke?
Chapter 23 - you like me???
Chapter 24 - A proper date
Chapter 25 - How do we tell Ashton??
Chapter 26 - Everyone is friends again.
Chapter 26 - Everyone is friends again part two
Chapter 27 - Big news for the boys
sorry i haven't published
Chapter 28 - im going on tour?!
Chapter 29 - leaving the boys?
Chapter 30 - Saying goodbye

Chapter 14- drinking underaged and drunk truth or dare

406 13 0
By CourtneyDavies5

Today was time for me to go to my first ever party.

Yes, I have never been to a party. I know it's hard to believe, but when you get bullied people don't want you at your parties.

This is my first ever proper high school party and I'm so excited. I need to pick out an outfit.

In the end I decided on a black top with holes cut in it, a black skirt with black tights and black wedges. Yes, I like black, a lot.

Once I picked out my outfit I went into the shower and listened to music. After about half an hour I came out and got changed.

I then blow dried my hair and decided to leave it down in my natural waves.

For my makeup I went for my usual mascara and eyeliner look, but this time I added dark red lipstick and a little bit of a smokey eye.

After I looked in the mirror and was happy with my appearance I walked downstairs to tell Ashton I was ready.

When I got down there Ashton's eyes scanned me up and down, his eyes then went back to my top.

"Nope" he said simply.

"But Ash, there's nothing wrong with this" I complained.

I worked really hard to pick out this outfit. I wasn't giving up that easily. He always did this when I dressed up a bit. That's why I'm glad I never go to parties.

"Violet Irw-" he said when he suddenly got cut of by the door bell.

He sighed and then went to answer it.

Saved by the bell.

Turns out it was the boys and Kat. We all arranged to meet here and then head over to Chelsea's since Kat was the only one who really knew where it was.

The whole journey to Chelsea's house Luke wouldn't stop staring at me.

First of all I just ignored it and talked to Kat, but then I started to get annoyed.

"What!" I snapped.

"Huh?" Luke asked.

"Why are you looking at me?" I asked in return.

"Am I not allowed to check out hot girls?" He smirked.

I then turned away as my cheeks started to heat up. He called me hot, agh, if only he wasn't such a douche.

We finally got to Chelsea's house and the party was in full swing.

"Hey" some guy said opening the door. He looked in his early twenties and just like chelsea. This must be her brother.

"Hey Joe, Chelsea invited us" Kat greeted giving him a hug. I could see Ashton glare at him from the corner of my eye.

Awe, Ash is jealous.

"Cool, I'm Joe" he introduced himself and then let us inside.

"Chelsea is in the back room by the pool" he said gesturing to a room next to the backyard.

We all headed to the room and she opened the door.

"Let the party begin" she squealed as we all entered the room filled with drinks and places to sit.

Let the party begin alright.

After about 4 or 5 hours later we were all pretty drunk. Obviously I took it the hardest due to not doing this type of stuff before. We are so wasted right now.

"Let's play truth or dare" Chelsea giggled.

We all agreed and sat in a circle ready to play truth or dare.

"Wait. What are the rules?" I asked tripping over someone as I sat down

"Well if you pick truth you have to answer a question honestly, and if you pick dare you have to do what we tell you" Kat explained. She didn't seem as drunk as the rest of us. She can handle her drink.

"Extra rule-if you don't want to do the dare or answer the truth, you have to drink a shot" Chelsea cheered.

We all mumbled an okay and got ready to play.

Calum spun the bottle and it landed on Michael. This should be fun.

"Truth" he slurred. He was definitely the most drunk out of all of us.

"Who do you like the best out of the boys" Calum asked.

"Luke" he mumbled and slouched back down. (A/N sorry guys, but I totally ship MUKE x)

It then landed on Ashton.

"Truth" he answered.

"Out of all of us who would you let date Violet" Michael smirked.

"Agh! None of you!!!" He yelled. Drunk Ashton is even more protective then sober Ashton.

"You have to pick" Luke smirked. Out of all of us Luke has definitely drunk the most, but he's still alright. He can also handle his drink.

"Where's the shot" Ashton sighed reaching for the glass.

He reached for the glass then drank. He made a face then put the glass down. He then spun the bottle.

It then landed on Luke.

"Dare" he smirked.

"I dare you to strip" Ashton laughed.

"Even underwear?" Luke smirked.

"No. You can keep what's there to yourself" Ashton said scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Alright" Luke said.

He sent me another smirk then just like that he stripped.

The girls were basically gawking at his body. Even me.

Luke caught me staring and gave me a wink.

"Like what you see" he whispered.

"Seen better" I lied with a wink of my own.

Luke spun the bottle. OMG it landed on me.

"Truth or dare princess" Luke asked. Wait did he just call me princess.

"Dare......" I mumbled unsure.

Definitely a mistake to pick dare.
Hey guys.
This chapter took ages to write.
Hope you liked it.
Picture of  Violet and Luke above.
What should their ship name be.
Vuke or liolet or vike or lulet.
Can't decide.
Comment and vote xx


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