Be my princess: Stuck In BMPP

By Reira-Shearwin

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Okay not good in descriptions but i will do my best. Juliana was having a good day or she thinks. She loves t... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: A good day?
Author's Note
chapter 2: Meeting the princes
chapter 3: Breakfast
chapter 4: The ball
chapter 5: Noises?
Chapter 6: History
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note Must Read!
Chapter 7: Research
Chapter 8: Ariving at Liberty Manse
Chapter 10: Music
Happy Birthday Edward!!!
Author's Note
Chapter 11: Knowing Juliana Better
Chapter 12: Rhythmic Gymnastics
Chapter 13: Leaving Nobel Michel to Villa Altaria
Chapter 14: Villa Altaria
Chapter 15: Day Out Of The Villa Part 1
Chapter 16: Day Out Of The Villa Part 2
Chapter 17: Here We Go Again Part 1
Chapter 18: Here We Go Again Part 2
Chapter 19: The National Library
Chapter 20: Finding The Path
Chapter 21: Lunch With Mike And The Princes
Chapter 22: Oriens
Chapter 23: Date
Chapter 24: A Peaceful Oriens Ball? Or Is It
Chapter 25: Juliana's Past
Chapter 26: Day 1 Of Being Captured
Chapter 27: Is She The One
Chapter 28: Mother?
Chapter 29: He Really Loves Her
Chapter 30: Confession
Author's Note
Chapter 31: Surprise
Author's Note
Facts About 'Stuck in BMPP'

Chapter 9: Another Ball

494 16 9
By Reira-Shearwin

Later when I finished putting on my dress I got a knock on the door.

'Who can that be?' Curious, I opened the door to see Joshua n his tux.

"Joshua, why are you here?" I ask while opening the door wider for him to see me.

"I just.. Just came here to.. To..Umm." Seeing a incredibly blushing Joshua I could see that it was time to go.

"Um... If we don't leave now then we will be late." I interrupted.

'Hopefully it is not important. Of course it is important! He came all the way from his room to me! He could just went to the ball and left me there!'

Walking past Joshua, he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"I wanted to ask if you want to be my date. That's all since the last time you made a huge scene the last time." Joshua continue to blush waiting for my answer.

'Well that's so rude! Just because I made a huge scene! Okay Juliana, calm done. In the game he didn't do this so it might be good.'

"Okay, it's not like one of the princes already asked me but we need to hurry or we will be late."
I started o rush as I continue to hold Joshua's hand without bothering to let go.

When we reached in front of the gigantic door to the ballroom, we both recomposed ourselves before opening the door.

Walking down the yet again long stairs, but in Liberty, we started to make our way to the other princes.

"Well look who we have here. The bitch who has forced Prince Joshua to be his date." Laura says as we came to the table.

'Really! How obnoxious could she be! Does she even have a brain? Because I don't think so.'

When we reaches the table, all the princes, except Joshua, gave him glares that can kill you if it was real.

'Wait is the princes jealous of him?Be calm. Calm done your lovely princes could be jealous right now. Calm down Juliana before they think your a freak!'

"Thank you for inviting me to this ball." I curtsy to Keith before raking a seat next to Edward.

"You look beautiful my dear. Far more beautiful than a goddess that descended from the sky." Edwards says while kissing my hand and staring at me with those beautiful eyes.

'I can feel a blush coming.'

Trying to hide my blush I said," Thanks."

"Edward, might I remind you that Juliana is my date tonight!" Joshua gives stares at him when Roberto interrupts saying," My dear Julie, why didn't you ask me for you to become my date!"

"That's because you never asked and might I remind you that you are suppose to be the one asking like Joshua did for me." I tried to be as polite as possible but Wilfred says," I should have ask. Is is still possible for you to have your fist dance?"

"Of course." I let out a giggle but instead all the princes started to bicker with one another to have my fist dance even when I already said that it was for Wilfred.

"Are you forgetting me here!" Laura snaps.

"Get lost ." Keith looks at Laura seriously and angrily.

Before Laura could say anything, Luke suddenly came to Keith and starts to whisper something in his ear.

"What! You are now telling me this!" He yells.

Guests starts to turn their gaze to Keith when Glenn asks him what's wrong.

"Those idiots I swear there will be hell to pay! " Keith curses under his breath.

'Well not the correct answer.'

"The pianist who was suppose to provide us with music couldn't attend for some reason he did not say." Luke answer in Keith's stead.

'Now that I think about it there wasn't any music since I came.'

"What do you suppose we do?" Glenn asks.

"We are currently trying to contact our main orchestra to come but for that will be impossible since they still have to prepare the instruments." Luke answer.

'Oh yea there are suppose to be different music that is to be played in a ball but why a single pianist? Maybe just a famous one but it is about time for me to step in.'

"Well I can provide you with a pianist." I interrupted.

"And who will that be?" Laura said in a rude tone.

"That will be me. I only played a piano once. But I am not the best but I will do my best. All I need now is the music sheet." I let out a shrug as I said that.

"Luke, get the sheet that the pianist was suppose to play and give it to her Now!" Keith yells.

"But wouldn't it be a bit too hard for her. Not even some of the beat pianist can do it. Only he." Keith sent a death glare to Luke and sent him hurrying for the music sheet.

"I can't wait to see you fail." Laura says under her breath with a wicked grin on her face.

When Luke came back with the sheets, I quickly scanned through the sheets and gave it back to him.

"Wouldn't you need the music sheet?" Luke asks stunned.

"It's easier compared to what I played before. Even when I only touches a piano once. Now where is the piano?" I ask.

Seeing a stunned Luke, he showed me the grand piano that was located near the back corner of the room.

When I took a seat in front of the piano, I can see Laura's amuse look on her face waiting for me to fail.

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