Deep Down Inside Of Me ~Prodi...

By kaykay_mindless

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The First Chapter Is The Intro/ Description!! More

Deep Down Inside Of Me ~Intro~
This Is What I Do
Nope, Not In Me
Why'd You Have To Do This To Me?
Char...Prod....The Club?
You Won't Win This!
The Secrets Are Revealed
He Won't Come Between Us
A Little Further? Maybe
That Good Type of Pain
Please Forgive Me
Have I Lost Her?
Just As Everything Was Going Good....
It's a Game......
If You Knew What I Knew..
Now You Know
Wish You Didn't Know
Game On Baby
Round 1

The Girl That Tried To Kill Me

7K 203 43
By kaykay_mindless


"Tavia! What am I suppose to tell him?" I pant back and forth in front of her while she did something on her phone. Probably ignoring me. 

"Tell him what happened. Duh"

"It's not that easy! He wakes up and Im just like oh hey Im Char and I hit you with my car.." 

"Well that IS what happened!"

"But Tavia!" I stop in front of her and cross my arms. "Have you seen that man? He looks like he'd beat the fuck outta me!"

"He has a broken rib and wrist, he wont be... Beating the fuck outta you. Char... Calm down"

"I hit a man... And now he's in the hospital"

"He'll understand"

I turn around and look at the guy laying there, still sleep. They gave him medicine for pain that kinda knocked him back out. 

Well.... Im Char, Short for Charmiane! I hit.... Hm I think his name is Prod? Anyway it was an accident! I feel really bad about it and it's killing me that he's not awake yet. Tavia here is my best friend, who just so happened to be in the car with me when I hit this guy. It really wasn't my fault! Who tries to cross the road where there is no light? He's wearing black so he blended in more with the night... And I just didn't see him until it was too late! 

Tavia and I hear a small groan from the guy and trust me, I ran closer to him as fast as I could! 

"Hello?" I say softly

His eyes open a inch then he blinks, opening them wider. Tavia came and stood by his other side.

"Hey!" I slight smile.

Tavia shakes her head at me then looks down at the guy. 

His eyes meet mine then they go to Tavia. "What the fuck" He whispers

"Look I can explain"

He blinks some more, probably hoping for a dream, but Im sorry. This is reality! 

"Where am I?" He looks back to me.

"The hospital" I answer.

"And why the hell am I here? Why does my body hurt?"

"Look um --"

"Who are you two? How'd I get here??"

"I'll explain. Can I sit?" 

He moves his leg and lets me sit on the bed. 

"Alright. Well You were walking... Across the street like a hour ago. There wasn't a traffic light near and I didn't see you. I kinda uh, hit you? Im so sorry! I didn't mean to!"

"I remember that" He says calmly 

"Im sorry"

"As long as you pay this bill"

I frown. "Im Char"

"Char.... The woman that tried to kill me. Who are you?" He looks to Tavia.

"Im Tavia. Char's friend"

"And I wasn't trying to kill you!" I inform him.

"Chill. I was just playing. So Im guessing my wrist is broken?" He looks at it.

"Yes. Oh my God Im sorry!"

"Char! He said ok!" Tavia yells.

Prod chuckles. 

"It's not ok! He has a broke wrist and rib!"

"I have a broken rib? I can't feel it" He says

"Well its not actually broken like snapped. They gave you medicine"

"Oh" He nods. "What time is it" 


"Damn... Question,.Can I walk?"

"Standing might hurt"

"How old are you, Char?"


"Aw a lil teen"

I smile. "How old are you?"


I just nod. "How do you feel"

"Fine. A little pissed off... But fine"

"It was your fault" Tavia mumbles

Prods eyes shot to her as he just glared. 

"Um.. Well It's really late and I just wanted to be here when you woke up" 

"But you'll be back.... Right?" He now looked to me 

"Uh.... Yeah" I nod. "I don't just wanna leave you here. Hey, do you have any family?"


"Maybe you should give them a ca--"

"Nah, I don't need them"


"I don't need them" He repeats in a serious tone. 

"ok. What about any friends?"

"A couple"

"Call them and let them know why happen so they know where you are"

"Where's my shit?" 

"Right there" I point. "I guess that's yours. There was this guy here earlier but he left and said he'd be back later"


"I don't know" 

Tavia went and sat back down. Her face was telling me to hurry the fuck up and lets go! 

"But yeah. I'll be back. I promise"

"iight.... Cause you have to pay for this" He says looking at his phone.

I just look at him as he gives me a quick glance. 

I opened my mouth to say more but Tavia over there was shaking her head no and pleading to leave. 

"Bye Prod"

"See ya"

Tavia and I walk out the room and down the hall. 

"I hate hospitals!" She yells

"You wont be saying that if you ever need one"

She pushes the elevator button to send us one up to get us. 

"Is it me or did he sound rude? A little" I ask

"I mean you hit him with your car. I wouldn't be that nice either. He said he was pissed" 

I just sigh. "I can't believe I hit a guy"

"Well believe it" Tavia says.


"Naw man... I woke up and this girl told me she hit me... With her car!" I explain over the phone to a girl I've been cool with since high school. I didn't have many friends, by choice! But she kept trying to talk to me no matter if I swerved her some times or not. Finally I said something back to her and we became... Friends? 

"Well are you ok?" She asks

"I got a fucked up wrist and rib. Why is yo ass still awake?" 

"Don't worry about it, but why were you crossing the street so late at night"

"Don't worry about it Alysia" 

"ok.... Prod. You're the one in the hospital bed while Im at home" 

"Oh shut the hell up. Fuck you" 

Alysia laughs. "You won't be fucking anyone with a broken rib" 

"If you wanna ride... That'll work"

"Come on Prod.. I don't wanna even get in the same bed as you. You better call one of your hoes"

"Why not?"

"We're just friends. We already talked about this" she giggles.

"You know Im just playing. Come see me" 


"Now damn it!"

"Nope. Later!" ..... "Damn it!" she adds

"But you're the only person that actually cares about me"

"I do. But that's not true! Your family loves you. Its kinda your fault You're so distanced from them"

"I know but you're the only person I LET be this close"

"Thank you"

"Yeah. Now come see me. I feel lonely as hell"


"Please Alysia"


"Thanks... Do you know Roc?"


"Damn. I want my weed"

"You're in the hospital with broken bones. You don't need any weed" 

"I can't believe I got hit. That car just popped outta no where"

There was a knock on a door, then the door just opened revealing a woman probably in her late twenties. 

"Good. You're awake!" She closes the door and walks on in. 

"I'll call you later. Bye" I hang up in Alysia's face. 

"How do you feel?" She asks while looking at me

"Fine for now"

"ok, well the medicine will soon wear off" She walks close to my IV. 

The Lord knows I hate needles and I hadn't even noticed it was in my arm. 

"Are you aware of what happened?"

"Yes.. But when can I leave? I have stuff to do"

"Im afraid you can't do that much"


"I don't think you should even try to leave the house. You surly shouldn't try to drive.... Or walk"

"So you want me to just lay down?"

"That would be best, but I'll prescribe some medicine for you"

I sigh. I never stay in the house for over two days! Not walking? Hell no. I can't do that! 

"When can I leave?" I ask once more

"They'll discharge you at 12 noon. Someone needs to come get you" 

"Anything earlier?"

"No. Im sorry"


"I'll be back to check on you soon"

"yeah...." I sigh. I hate hospitals! 

 Many hours later, Alysia long gone, My room door swung open.


"Yep. It's me! Wassup"

"Oh nothing..... Chillen in this bed. Give me weed nigga"

"We'll get locked up!! Are you dumb?"

"Get me outta here!!" I whimper

"You should've looked both ways before crossing the street!"

"I did"

"No you didn't. The chick that hit you is sexy" 

"Char...... She is but she almost killed me!"

"It was an accident"

"Accident my ass"

"Damn. Does this hurt?" Roc pokes my arm.

"Don't touch me"

"I was just asking" 

"Knock knock!!" Someone yells through the door

"GO AWAY!" I yell back.

"God I said I was sorry!" Char walks in, now in shorts with a nice designed tank top.

I look at her for a moment. "You again?"

"Look im not just gonna leave you. I'll be here through your hole recovery" Char then looks at Roc. "You're that guy..."

"What guy?" He asks

"You were there last night"

"I was..."

"That's Roc. One of my nigga's...And that's Char. The woman that tried to kill me" I introduce them to each other. 

She sighs and I stop her right away to tell her Im just messing with her some more. 

"You two seem like you have some serious talking to do so Im just gonna leave now...." Roc says

"I knew you didn't wanna come here anyway" I say

"I mean I care and all but hospitals aren't my favorite place" 

"What ever. Leave. Hey Char" 

Roc laughs. "Well damn. Bye" 

"We have to talk... Well because um..." Char sits back on the bed like earlier. "You know how you want me to pay this bill?"


"Why am I paying it?"

"Why am I in the hospital?" 

"You walked out in front of my car"

"Your car wasn't there when I looked. Plus... You were speeding"

Char chuckles. "No I wasn't but either way you shouldn't cross the street where there are no traffic lights.... Or a cross walk"

"Look.... Im already pissed and you're not helping me any"

She sighs. "When do you get outta here?"

"What time is it?"

"a quarter to 12"

"at 12. Can you take me home?"

"Sure. Where do you live?"

"I'll show you on the way" 

She nods and just sits there.

"SOOO. Are you in college?" I ask


"But you're here"

"Yeah... I'd usually have lunch around this time" 

"Where's Tavia?"


I nod. Can I just get outa here?

~45 Minutes later~


"Ouch. Shit. Fuck. Damn" I say while going up one step at a time. Each step had its own word.

I was cut off by Char laughing at me. "You're pretty funny" 

"I've been told" 

"And this is a nice house. A lot cleaner than I expected" Char takes a look down the hall and then in my room.

"Yeah.Im clean" I gently lay back on my bed with my legs hanging off "You can sit if you want" 


She stopped looking around my room and begin walking toward the bed. Suddenly she trips over my foot. 


"You just don't like me do you? Damn"

"Well move your foot. You tripped me on purpose"

"No I didn't. I have better things to do"

"Not with broken bones"

I just look at her. "I didn't find that funny"

"Did I laugh?"

"You have a smart ass mouth"

"I just asked a question. I didn't mean to sound rude" 

"...... You a trip. Help me up"

"No. You need to rest"

"I rested all morning!"

"Rest some more"


Char laughs. "Wait. You really can't sit up? Your ribs are up there not down by your waist"

"It's all connected" 

She grabs my hands.


"You're to heavy to yank up" She gently pulls me up. 



"Give me your number"


"Because you hit me. What if I need to get in contact?"

"I'll do that before I leave. What do you do for a living?"

"Fuck bitches"

"Really?" She didn't sound too happy

"That's not all... But that's all Im telling"

"So you're just a straight up player?" 

"Not really. They keep coming back for more so....." I hunch my shoulders.

"Have you ever been in a relationship"

"Nope. Don't plan to"


"There is no girl out there worth 'loving' to me"

"How do you know if you've never tried to love"

I hunch my shoulders. "Maybe I don't wanna try it"

"But why?"

"Why do you care?"

"Im just having a conversation. Maybe you're not worth loving to some girls" 

I bust out in laughter. "Please.."

Char rolls her eyes. "I gotta get back to school"


"Are you gonna need someone here to help you?" 

"No. im not a baby"

"But you're hurt"

"Thank you"

"Ugh. I'll see you later"

"So you're coming back?"

"I don't know"

"Number please" I hand her my phone wanting her to put her number in. 

She did, told me bye again then left. 

Slowly, I laid back down on my back and began to think about what she said. Me loving someone... Like that?  Hell naw cause I can't just have one. See that's why Im not getting married! 

Love? That's just something I don't do.


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