Hello My Fake Fiancé (Book 1)

By redladiebug

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Dr. Dawson Conn is your average Man's Man. You know the type, single and always ready to mingle. The thought... More

HMFF1-The First Encounter
HMFF2-Dream? You Mean Nightmare
HMFF3-Bed Wars
HMFF4-Goodbye Boys' Night
HMFF5-Zero Privacy
HMFF6-Meeting His Mother
HMFF7-I Really Loathe You
HMFF8-Freaking Friction
HMFF11-Good Morning
HMFF12-Dresses Doctors and Diapers
HMFF13-Oh Boy!
HMFF14-Introducing The Conn Family
HMFF15-Daddy and Hudson
HMFF17-Meeting Her Father
Author's Note
HMFF19-The Storm
HMFF20-Drunken Birthdays
HMFF21-Preparing for the Babies
HMFF22-The Delivery
HMFF24-Hide and Seek
HMFF25-Hudson Mommy's Coming
HMFF26-The Steak-Out

HMFF9-Doctor's Visit

48.5K 1.2K 34
By redladiebug

Chapter 9....Doctor's Visit

I kept thinking about the pregnancy tests that I took while I was at Abby's apartment. The three positive tests haunted me in my dreams. I showed the tests to Dawson, but we both agreed that making a doctor's appointment to verify everything wouldn't be a bad idea. I know I was in denial, but there was a tiny part of me that was hoping that this was all a big mistake. It felt like every day I was conjuring up a new alternative scenario. Like, maybe the tests that I took were faulty and produced false negatives...three times. Even the first few days of morning sickness I tried to dismiss as food poisoning, but the morning sickness lingered.

Who ever came up with the term morning sickness, was an idiot! I had been puking my guts out morning, noon, and night. Not to mention I was stressed out to my max juggling work, Dawson's family, and well Dawson himself. He was always worrying about me, and just being a pain in the neck. Now that I'm pregnant I don't get any time to myself. None. He's always there checking on me. It makes me furious, it's like he thinks I'm helpless.

"Danielle, are you cold?" Dawson asked sitting by me in the doctor's office.

Truth was I was freezing, but I didn't like the fact that he picked up on that. "No," I lied.

I was kinda  being a brat, but I didn't see the reason to pretend we were a real couple when no one was a round. Dawson held my hand and started rubbing my thumb gently. It felt really good and for a moment I thought he was being really sweet, but I had to remember he was playing a role. It was all for show.

I had told Dawson I didn't want to get married that I would raise the baby on my own, but he raised hell about it. So I just decided I'd let him think he got his way, but there was no way I'm agreeing to a loveless marriage. It wouldn't be fair to the baby or me.

"Well good morning, I'm Dr. Stevens," the gray headed man stated coming into the room looking at my chart.

"Good morning," we chorused. Dawson stood closer to me. Hovering like hawk.  

"Dawson, can you please stop smothering me?" I muttered. I hated his over-protectiveness. He had come accustom to doing that whenever another male came in the room. I felt like he was marking his territory. He could think again, I wasn't anyone's territory.

"Where is doctor Berry?" Dawson asked with a forced smile.

"She's out of state taking care her bed ridden mother. I'm filling her place until she get's back," Dr. Stevens smiled.

I knew just by the way Dawson tensed that he didn't like the fact that I had a male doctor. Again showing his over-protectiveness.

The doctor laughed and looked from me to Dawson. "How long have you and Romeo been married, and is this your first baby together?"

"We're not married!" I shouted.

"But we are engaged to be married," Dawson snapped back quickly.

"So I'm guessing this is the first baby," Dr. Stevens laughed. I just glared at Dawson as to confirm the doctor's question, and he just chuckled. "Well all of your tests came back good, and you're about 10 weeks in."

So my nightmare just became reality, I'm pregnant with Dawson's baby. I wanted to cry all over again.

Why was this happening?

"Well, we will set up a later check up, and next visit would you like to figure out the sex of the baby?" Dr. Stevens questioned.

"Yes," Dawson replied smiling.

"No," I stated.

"Well we'll just wait till next time to see if you've made a decision," Dr. Stevens replied smiling, and making his way out the door. "Oh my best wishes to the bride and groom."

After our doctors appointment I was beat. I decided to order a pizza and binge watch some new show on my T.V. I was five episodes in when I heard my phone go off.

"Hello? No don't go down that hallway!" I stated as I answered my phone.

"Dani? Sounds like you're having a good time," Abby replied on the other end. "I know it is really last minute, but can you do me a huge favor?"

"I can try. What do you need ?" I asked pausing my the show.

"Well I have to pick up an extra shift because someone called in sick and I was wondering if you could watch Bryson while I was at work?" she questioned unsure of my response. " I normally wouldn't bother you, but his normal babysitter is out of town."

"Abby say no more, of coarse I can watch my adorable nephew for a few hours," I reassured her.

"Are you sure? Dawson won't mind?" Abby procrastinated. " I don't want to mess up any of your plans for tonight, I can try to ask my neighbor Mrs. Greene to watch him."

"Abby, bring Bryson to Dawson's. I want to spend time with my nephew. Plus, Dawson is working late, so you're saving me from having a lonely evening on the couch," I laughed.

"Dani, you're a lifesaver!" She squealed and hung up the phone.

It took Abby a little while to find the place, but watching her reaction to Dawson's abode was very amusing. I'm sure my reaction was very similar.

"Dani, this place is incredible. I never want to hear you complain about Dawson ever again," She laughed. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"You know money isn't everything," I stated.

"Yeah, but it sure does make things comfortable," Abby teased. "Here is his diaper bag, It has bottles, extra clothes, toys, you name it. It's in there."

"Yes Ma'am," I stated saluting her.

"Enough of that, but before I go I must run to the little girls room," she stated. I pointed her in the right direction. "Oh My God! Even the bathroom is beautiful!"

I was playing with Bryson on the couch, when Dawson waltzed in. Bryson was just a little tottering tot. He couldn't really talk all that well yet but he sure could walk. Sure enough Bryson took after Dawson's leg.

"Bryson get...come back here," I laughed.

Dawson scoped Bryson up in his arms, and Bryson just laughed. "Who's this little guy?" Dawson asked looking at me.

"Sorry for the late notice, but my sister had to work late, and she couldn't find a babysitter so I agreed to watch him instead of her taking him to work with her," I replied taking Bryson from Dawson's arms. "Bryson's my buddy! Right Bryson?"

Bryson's smile just lit up his face when he heard his name, but he cried when I started to take him out of Dawson's arms.

"I'll hold him, here give him to me," Dawson stated smiling. I just looked at him like he had to be kidding. He was going to hold a squirmy toddler voluntarily?

"Okay his bottle's in the fridge, just holler for me if anything goes wrong," I stated going to the couch to grade my papers.

Dawson turned the TV to some kiddie show. I was surprised two hours later when my sister came to pick up Bryson, and she had to lift the sleeping Bryson from Dawson's arms. Dawson was really good with kids.

He'll be a great father.

The thought made me want to cry. If only Dawson hadn't gotten me pregnant and we had fallen in love for real. Maybe, just maybe, then I could marry him, but I just can't make myself do it. He doesn't love me. He loves the baby.

"I hope he wasn't a problem," my sister stated.

"He wasn't a problem at all, we just had a blast!" Dawson stated smiling.

"Well thank you again, Dani" Abby replied.

"You're welcome Sis," I laughed.

"Dawson it was nice to see you again," Abby replied.

"Nice to see you too, Abby," Dawson replied. "Have a nice night."

"You too, love birds," Abby laughed.

Oh goodness I was in over my head. Why did Dawson have to be so kind? I want to the egotistical pig back. At least I wasn't head over heels for him.

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