Hunted [ Completed ]

By Casualblonde

13.9K 576 100

First Xavier, and then the hunters. Will Riley ever be able to live a safe life, one where she doesn't consta... More

Author's Note
Important (book continuation)
Author's Note


33 4 0
By Casualblonde

In a matter of seconds, Brad had the whole pack rounded up with mothers and children all hidden away safely. "You sure you're coming with me?" He asked me softly, dragging me around as the pack ran outside to get ready.

"Yes, and what happened to your guards around the perimeter?" I queried, double checking that everyone was safe before heading outside with everyone else. The transition from a sleeping pack to an armed one had taken a few minutes, far too long for my liking but the hunters hadn't arrived. Yet.

"I don't know, I can't reach them." He growled softly, cursing as his foot caught on a step going down. Every fighting wolf stood, shifted and on high alert; ears pricked towards the awaiting forest and hackles raised. "How far do you reckon they were when you heard them?"

"Maybe a few miles off?" I guesstimated, falling into line with Brad and the other wolves. We remained human, standing tall and strong as we waited, Brad holding my hand reassuringly as the anticipation built up. This is what we had trained and waited so long for. This is what we would make it through, how bad could a few hunters be?

I felt Brad's gaze on me, my eyes moving up to meet his. "You don't even realize just quite how much I love you," he seemed to whisper, even though the smallest pup a mile away would've picked it up. A sad smile crept onto my face as I squeezed his hand gently, going up on tiptoes to kiss his lips gently. Before I could reply with the standard four words, a gruff laugh reached our ears, growls ensuing.

"I knew we weren't going to be a surprise," a voice walking out from the forest said with a grin, "But I thought we'd at least see some panic and chaos running around. Instead, I see-" he seemed to do a mental count, he grey eyes scanning every head, "at least three packs joined together, no?"

Brad remained impassive, waiting for them to strike first. "Oh right, how rude of me! I am Daveno, glad to make your acquaintance." His wrinkly face bore a smile as he took a step closer, one of our wolves jumping forward slightly, letting out a warning growl. Just as soon as we had moved, three wolves emerged from the forest behind Danveno, growling just as menacingly as we had.

"I'm not going waste time on pleasantries because we all know why you're here," Brad said impassively, not showing any sign of surprise at the wolves. Of course, we already knew he had werewolves on his side. "But I would like to know why you're going through so much fuss just to kill us."

"Alpha Brad, I'm assuming?" Daveno seemed to spit out the word Alpha, a man in a leather outfit much alike to his walking out to stand behind him, a gun in hand. The newcomer must have been at least six foot three, towering over Daveno. Brad nodded before Daveno continued, "I really just want to get this over and done with-"

"Oh yes, your three wolves and a girly looking man could surely take us down," I hissed out at him, scowling at his audacity. The man at his side raised an eyebrow at me but I held my ground, Daveno letting out, what seemed to be, his signature laugh.

"Oh be assured," he gestured wide with his arms, men and wolves alike now walking out from the forest behind him, surrounding us from all sides. There must've been at least forty wolves and around twenty men men all bearing guns. "I came well prepared." The click of guns being reloaded filled the air, all barrels aimed at us- a sight I'd rather have gone without.

"At least spare us this," I released Brad's hand, taking a step forward much to Brad's dislike as he growled warningly. The gun barrels seemed to train on me as I got a few steps closer to their supposed leader. "Think of it as a dying wish; why do you want us dead?"

"We don't give monsters a dying wish, it's against our code." Psychopathic Daveno grinned at me sadistically. "But," he stepped towards me until he was a foot away, pulling a gun from his holster, "I will kill you myself, Luna." He clicked back the revolver, placing the gun inches away from my forehead.

"Get away from her!" Brad yelled, his heavy footsteps thundering towards us as his breathing became ragged with the shift.

"Stop!" I yelled at him, turning to him slightly yet keeping my body angled towards my killers, begging his eyes to see the plan forming in mine. He froze, his eyes pleading back at mine to put him out of his torture and let him save me. But if he got anywhere near me, I would surely be dead along with the rest of the pack and, quite frankly, I wasn't ready to die. I shook my head, not be able to face him anymore as I turned back to Daveno.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way," Daveno said, his yellow teeth spilling the words as his finger rested on the trigger but before he could pull it, I put my plan into action.  I slammed my palm up, my enhanced speed and agility making it easy to flip the gun into my grip, slinging his arm behind his back in a dead lock grip and placing the gun against his temple, holding his body in front of mine in case any of his buddies decided to try shoot me.

I stepped backwards slowly until I was at Brad's side, never letting go of my prisoner. "Drop the guns!" I yelled angrily, resting my finger on the trigger and growling when none of them listened. "Or else I'll shoot!"

"They don't care about me," Daveno said, chuckling rather strangely for someone being held at gunpoint. "They hate you monsters just as much as I do!" He spat out onto the ground, wincing as I pressed his arm up awkwardly. "Let her shoot me if you have to! Just kill them all, I want them all dead!" He yelled to his 'pack'. "I have to avenge my daughter!"

There was silence across the clearing, wolves from both sides waiting in anticipation to see what the humans would do and then, just like that, a gun was fired.

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