Falling For Hood | C.H.

By uhngodly

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Helen has just moved back to Australia after years of living in California. She is living with her brother, L... More

Chapter 1 : Home
Chapter 2 : Unpacking
Chapter 3 : New School, new problems
Chapter 4 : The Copy Room
Chapter 5 : The Almost Library Hook-Up
Chapter 6 : Pizza! Pizza!
Chapter 7 : I Crawled Out Of Hell
Chapter 8 : Memory
Chapter 9 : Awkward Calum
Chapter 10 : She's Radioactive
Chapter 11 : The Fault In Our Panda Express
Chapter 12 :
Chapter 13 : My Worst Nightmare
Chapter 14 : Not A Morning Person
Chapter 15 : The Water Gun Fight
Chapter 16 : Caught By Luke
Chapter 17 : The Terrible Plan
Chapter 18 : Payback And House Clean up
Chapter 19 : My Drunken Story
Chapter 20 : Michael's New Hair
Chapter 21 : I Become Boyfriend Material
Chapter 22 : We Race Shopping Carts
Chapter 23 : The Truth and The Dare
Chapter 24 : Opening Up, We All Become Super Heroes, and Mean Girls
Chapter 25 : Trusting Calum
Chapter 26 : Helen Almost Becomes My Muderer
Chapter 27 : Calum The Intruder Sees Me Half-Naked
Chapter 28 : Getting To Know Helen
Chapter 29 : Touch
Chapter 30 : These Are My Confessions
Chapter 31 : Gotta get Out
Chapter 32 : Sweet Spot
Chapter 33 : Red Bulls Or Red Bitch?
Chapter 34 : I'm A Gift
Chapter 36 : Rebecca Pushes My Limits
Chapter 37 : Fight! Fight! Fight!
Chapter 38 : Helen Isn't So Fragile
Chapter 39 : Executed
Chapter 40 : Lukey
Chapter 41 : The Flirting Games
Untitled Part 42 : The Truth Comes Out
Chapter 43 : Puzzle Pieces
Chapter 44 : Rage
Chapter 45 : Coming Out...Wait What?
Chapter 46 : Rehab
Chapter 47 : Matchmaking Luke
Chapter 48 : Planning Ahead
Chapter 49 : It's Only A Date. No, it's THE Date!
Chapter 50 : Date
Chapter 51 : Luke In Control
Chapter 52 : Throwing Rock? More Like Socks
Chapter 53 : All I Need
Chapter 54 : Stay With Me?
Chapter 55 : FIFA
Chapter 56 : Well This Is Awkward...
Chapter 57 : No Need For Explanation
Chapter 58 : What Happened
Chapter 59 : Guacamole
Chapter 60 : I'm Making It Official
Chapter 61 : Back In Black
Chapter 62 : Invitation
Chapter 63 : New Year's Party
Chapter 64 : American Idiots and The Summer of '69
Chapter 65 : I Can't Remember
Chapter 66 : Hangover
Chapter 67 : Reunited
Chapter 68 : New Songs
Chapter 69 : The Call
Chapter 70 : Finding Helen
Chapter 71 : I Don't Want You To Go
Chapter 72 : California Bound
Chapter 73 : Caught By The Law
Chapter 74 : Old School, New Problems
Chapter 75 : This Is My Independence Day
Chapter 76 : Talk With Ashton
Chapter 77 : Music For Sleeping Band Members
Chapter 78 : You're Worse Than Nicotine
Chapter 79 : FallingForYou
Chapter 80 : 4 Australians, New Land
Chapter 81 : Huntington Beach and Griffith's Observatory
Chapter 82 : English Love Affair
Chapter 83 : S. E. X.
Chapter 84 : Sherlock Hemmings
Chapter 85 : Battle Lines
Chapter 86 : Calum Is My Problem
Chapter 88 : Saying Goodbye
Chapter 89 : Up All Night
Chapter 90 : Heavy Sleepers
Chapter 91 : Big News
Chapter 92 : Meeting The Hoods
Chapter 93 : If You Don't Know
Chapter 94 : Do Not Touch
Chapter 95 : Pregnacy
Chapter 96 : It Begins...
Chapter 97 : Trying Too Hard
Chapter 98 : It Ends...

Chapter 87 : Luke Steals A Range Rover

170 2 0
By uhngodly

| Calum |

I looked at her phone that I had in my hands. I didn't bother looking at her texts or pictures.


"What happened?" I heard Luke say behind me.

Oh shit.

I exhaled, "She left."

"What?" He asked.

"Helen left. We got in an argument and she left."

He scratched the back of his head and groaned.

"Have you tried calling her?" he asked.

"I would, if I didn't have her damn phone!"

"Why do you have it?"

"She told me to keep it, to see if I trust her as much as she trusts me." I looked up at him. "I fucked up, man."

"It's not your fault. We all fuck up every once in a while, it keeps us on our toes," he offered me a hand and I took it.

He helped me up.

"Look, I'm not one to interfere with your relationship. It's none of my business. So, I'm going to help you find Helen and you two are going to fix this."

I nodded.

"I'm going to go get the other two," he said and went back inside. I followed.

I closed the door behind me and locked it.

Luke came into the living room with Ashton and Michael behind him.

"So where do you think she is?" Michael asked.

"I don't know," I replied.

"She didn't tell you?" he asked.

"Oh yea, Michael! We get in a fight and Helen tells me where she is going so I can find her! Yeah!" I said and gave him a sarcastic smile.

He rolled his eyes.

"Helen can be anywhere. How are we going to find her? We can't navigate ourselves around this place! We don't know the city, the streets," Ashton said.

"We'll figure something out," Luke said. "First we have to think of where she could be"

"What about Adin?" Ashton asked.

"What about him?" I asked.

"What if she went to visit him? They are really close," he replied.

"Ash, you're a genius! She's probably there." I exclaimed. "Let's go!"

"Hold on, Calum," Luke said stopping me. "How the hell are we going to get there in the first place?"

Michael patted Luke's shoulder, "It's time to borrow one of your Dad's cars."

"What? No!" he replied. "What if we crash it? Or what if it gets robbed?!"

"C'mon Luke, it's our only hope," I said.

"Fine," he sighed.

"Let's take he Corvette," Michael giggled.

"We are not about to take his most expensive car, Michael," Ashton said.

Luke went over to a glass bowl that had all the keys. He grabbed a set and went to the garage.

He unlocked the Range Rover and we all got in. I jumped into the passenger's seat. Mike and Ash piled in the back.

Luke put the key in the ignition.

"Fuck," he mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm looking for the button that opens the garage door," he replied.

"It's right there," Ashton spoke up.

"Where?" Luke asked frustrated.

"There!" Ashton pointed to a black button that had 'garage' on top of it.

Luke pressed it and the door slowly lifted up.

He turned the engine on and drove out of garage.

We waited for the door to close once again before getting out of the driveway.

The engine purred under Luke's control.

Such luxury.

The car had lots of button that I was tempted to press to see what they would to, but decided against it.

"Don't touch anything," Luke said and gripped the steering wheel. "Especially you, Michael."

"What? Why me?" He asked sounding offended.

"You always ruin things," Luke replied.

"At least I didn't ruin a perfectly good relationship," He mumbled.

"I didn't fuck my relationship with Helen, okay?" I defended.

"Mhmm," Michael replied.

At least I hope I didn't ruin our relationship.

We arrived at the hospital and were looking for Helen's car in the hospital parking lot.

"It's right there!" I said and pointed to the black Challenger.

"How can you be so sure?" Ashton asked.

"She has the sticker that says 'Music Is Me,'' I said.

"You're right," Luke said and parked in the space next to Helen's car.

Luke turned the engine off and exhaled, "We made it."

"Yea, after almost an hour of driving around town, dealing with drivers with road rage and getting completely lost," Michael said.

"Well this was your idea, Michael," Luke defended and took his seat belt off.

I did the same and opened the door. My Vans hitting the black top lot.

After everyone got out, we walked towards the lobby. My heart was pounding wildly.

When we got inside, the cool air hit us and refreshed us from the heated weather outside. The lady at the front desk smiled at us after giving us our visitor passes.

I took a deep breath as the elevator doors closed. We all stuck the visitor passes to our shirts as the elevator went up.

Hopefully she's here. She has to be here.

And if she's not, then we're screwed.

The door opened after the ding and we stepped onto the white floor.

Nurses in blue uniforms walked around, some helping patients walk others held clipboards or where behind computers.

A woman walked towards us. I recognized her as Adin's mom, Athena.

"Luke, right?" She asked and pointed to Luke.

"Yes, is Helen here?"

"Yea, she's with Adin. Go on in, I think they're still watching a movie. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to get some lunch," She walked past us and into the elevator.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," Athena replied just as the doors sealed shut.

I began waling towards Adin's room.

About two feet away from the door I heard loud giggling.

"And then she called me a Fuck Face," I heard Adin say.

The giggling grew louder.

"That sounds like Helen," Ashton said.

I put my hand on the knob and opened it.

Helen was on a chair beside Adin's bed. She was laughing uncontrollably and held a SmartWater bottle in her hand.

When she saw me her smile wavered and she stopped laughing.

"Look who it is, Mr Hood," Adin said from his bed.

Helen's eyes were red, so I know she's been crying.

She stood up, "What do you want?"

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"I don't know, do you trust me enough?" She asked.

I shut my eyes, "Let's just talk."

"See! I knew it!" She exclaimed. "But, fine. I'll talk with you."

"Thank you," I said.

She walked past me, still clutching her bottle.

"We'll stay here," Luke said.

"Yay, more company," Adin said. "Don't make her cry anymore, Calum. Please. She's sensitive."

I nodded and walked out the door. Helen stood by the elevator doors, waiting for them to open.

The doors opened and we stepped inside.

The door closed and I took a deep breath.

"Look, I'm sorry for accusing you of cheating. I shouldn't have done that," I started.

"It's both of our faults. You should have paid more attention and I should have deleted those texts."

"But I had no right to do that. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I'm such an idiot," i mumbled.

"Don't say that. You're not an idiot. We're not perfect, we make mistakes. It's a part of life Calum. But why, Calum? Why did you get so mad over a silly text?"

"I was jealous! I don't want to share you with anyone. I don't want you to slip from my fingertips and I sure as hell don't want to let you go."

The doors slid open and we walked out and towards the front doors.

"Everyone wants a taste of you and that is why I get jealous," I continued after we stepped out of the hospital.

She smiled a little and I followed her towards her car.

"Do you?" I asked.

"Do I what?" She asked.

"Do you really think this relationship was a mistake?"

Helen looked away, "No, Calum. I was just pissed off and hurt. I say things I don't mean when I'm mad. I'm sorry. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I just can't think of you as a mistake or regret."

I smiled at her. "I trust you."

She snorted.

"Don't laugh, Helen. I trust you enough that if I had to put my life in someone's hands, it'd be yours," I took her hand. "You have everything, my love, my heart, and my trust. I trust you so damn much and I thought you knew that. And if you don't, now you do."

I cupped face with my hands.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for every bad thing I've done. From screaming at you to accusing you of cheating and for making you cry. I know you're a fragile soul and I want to protect you. I promised never to hurt you and I broke that promise. If starting over will keep you from leaving from my life, I'll do that. I'll do any goddamn thing."

"I don't want to start over, Calum. We both made mistakes and I forgive you. If we start over, we lose everything we built up. And this relationship is just getting good," She said.

I tilted her chin up and stared into her beautiful blue eyes. I kissed her lips. She didn't hesitate to kiss me back.

The tension between us slowly faded away, replaced by our unconditional love we had for each other.

I pulled away and grabbed something from my back pocket. I handed Helen her phone.

She took it and slid it into her pocket.

"Did you see all my selfies?" She asked.

"You had selfies on there? What? If would have known that I would have sent them to my phone," I said immediately regretting giving her her phone back.

She snorted, "I only have three."

"So why didn't you just delete the texts?" I asked.

"Well, it was a while back and then he stopped texting me so I forgot about it. The last time he texted me was December something. And you pretty much consumed my life so I forgot about him and the texts," She explained.

I nodded, "Can I have some water?"

"No," She said and pulled the water away before I could grab it.

"Please?" I asked.

"Not from this one, sorry," She said.

"Just give me some, it's probably not that bad." I took the water and brought the bottle to my lips.

My taste buds told me this isn't water and I immediately spit it out.

"What is that?" I asked.

She took the bottle from my hands, "It's vodka."

"Why the hell do you have vodka?"

"I was drowning my sorrow out, if you must know."

She put the lid back on and left the bottle full of the liquid in her car.

"Hey, my Dad has that exact same car," Helen said pointing to the silver Range Rover."

"It is your dad's car," I said.

"What?!" She asked.

"How do you think we got here?" I asked.

"I don't know. It didn't really matter, I was a little tipsy so I wasn't thinking straight. C'mon, we have to get his car home as soon as possible."

Together we both walked back towards the hospital.

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