YOURS SINCERELY • newtmas au

By newtoffs

217K 19K 5.7K

Thomas is writing letters to Newt, who seems to be the other side of the coin he's stuck to. ( tmr highschool... More

WCKD Academy Bulletin Board
GHS Bulletin Board
001 | Thomas
002 | Newt
003 | Thomas
004 | Newt
005 | Thomas
006 | Newt
007 | Thomas
008 | Newt
009 | Thomas
010 | Newt
011 | Thomas
012 | Thomas
013 | Thomas
014 | Thomas
015 | Thomas
016 | Newt
017 | Thomas
018 | Newt
019 | Thomas
020 | Newt
021 | Thomas
WCKD Academy Bulletin Board
GHS Bulletin Board
022 | Thomas
023 | Newt
024 | Thomas
Passing Notes in Class
025 | Newt
026 | Thomas
Phone Call
Passing Notes in Class
027 | Thomas
028 | Newt
029 | Thomas
GHS Bulletin Board
030 | Thomas
Newt's Locker
031 | Thomas
032 | Thomas
Passing Notes in Class
Phone Call
033 | Thomas
034 | Newt
Passing Notes in Class
035 | Thomas
36 | Newt
Science Club
HAPPY 10K READS! (Contest Thingy?)
37 | Thomas
37 | Newt
Newt's Locker
Minho's Locker
38 | Thomas
39 | Newt
40 | Thomas
41 | Newt
42 | Thomas
43 | Newt
The Park
Contest Prizes+Winners!
44 | Thomas
45 | Newt
46 | Thomas
47 | Newt
48 | Thomas
49 | Newt
50 | Thomas
The Mall
To: Alby
To: Aris
To: Sonya
To: Rachel
To: Minho
To: Teresa
51 | Newt
12/24 ; 6:30 PM
12/24 ; 6:45 PM
12/24 ; 7:00 PM
12/24 ; 8:00 PM
12/24 ; 8:15 PM
Passing Notes on a Tissue Paper
12/24 ; 10:00 PM
12/24 ; 10:24 PM
12/24 ; 10:30 PM
12/24 ; 11:00 PM
12/24 ; 11:15
12/24 ; 11:35 PM
52 | Newt
53 | Thomas
54 | Newt
55 | Thomas
56 | Newt
57 | Thomas
58 | Newt
59 | Thomas
60 | Newt
61 | Thomas
62 | Newt
63 | Thomas
64 | Thomas
65 | Thomas
66 | Newt
67 | Thomas
68 | Newt
69 | Thomas
70 | Newt
71 | Thomas
WCKD Bulletin Board
GHS Bulletin Board
72 | Newt
73 | Thomas
74 | Newt
75 | Thomas
76 | Newt
77 | Thomas
78 | Newt
79 | Thomas
80 | Newt
81 | Thomas
82 | Newt
- ̗̀ tumblr! ̖́-
83 | Thomas
84 | Newt
85 | Thomas
86 | Newt
87 | Newt
88 | Thomas
89 | Newt

Phone Call

1.8K 178 236
By newtoffs

10:23 pm

Incoming call: Unknown number


"Mmmh. Hello?"

"It's me."


"Yes. Um. Hi."

"Uh. Hi."




"I'm sorry."

"You know you didn't have to say that again."

"No, just--just let me say it out loud, okay? I'd feel like I'd be lying to myself if I didn't."


"I'm sorry."

"You didn't have to say it twice."


"You're a bloody idiot, you know that?"

"Yeah. I guess I am."

" didn't have to be so considerate."

"Uh. Sorry."

"Just shut up, Tommy."


"You know what? Forget it. Buggin' stupid of me to think that we'd have a nice long heart-to-heart chat."

"Uh, isn't that what we're doing right now?"

"...I'm hanging up."

"No, wait!"


"*laughs* I forgot how beautiful your accent was."

"...flattery won't get you anywhere, shuck-face."




"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"That you asked your teacher for a new project?"


"You know, if you were going to leave me hanging dry, then you should've at least told me before doing so."


"Now I'm going to be left project-less."

"Is that bad?"

"Shuck yeah it is! Now I'll have to attend the extra credit classes. Ugh. I bloody hate the smart snobs there."

"You do know that you've been talking to a smart snob all this time."

"Ahhh. Point taken."

"*laughs* Well, let me tell you the truth then, Newt. My teacher didn't really, uh, allow me to drop this project. He said whatever happened between the two of us shouldn't severe our bond, but should bring us closer."

"What the shuck."

"Corny, I know."

"No, I meant what the shuck, we're still bloody penpals."

"Is...Is that a good thing?"


"D-Did you just squeal? Newt?"

"It's ten pm and I'm in a phone booth far from the house but I'm so happy so bugging happy. I'm actually doing my Snoopy happy dance right now, see? Taptaptaptap."


"... What's wrong, Tommy?"

"Why are you so happy?"


"Shouldn't you be mad at me? Shouldn't you just forget about me? Shouldn't you...shouldn't you want to push my face in the mud and leave me there? Why are you even talking to me? God, after all the horrible things I said..."

"Oh, god, please stop crying, Tommy."

"It just doesn't feel right, you know? I feel like I don't deserve this. The fogriveness, the happiness. I don'f deserve this. I don't deserve you."

"We've already talked about this, didn't we?"

"I know, I know we've talked about this but--shit--it's just so hard..."

"What's so hard about it?"


"What's so hard about being happy? Being forgiven? Tommy, those are the best bloody feelings you could even possibly feel. You shouldn't deny them. You shouldn't think that you don't deserve then. Everybody deserves to be happy, to be forgiven. God wants that for all of us."

"*laughs* I didn't know that you were religious."

"Well, I didn't know that you were such a crybaby."

"Fuck you."

"*whispers* Please do."

"What? You were saying something?"

"Nothing. You know what? We should probably be more honest yo each other. All this klunk has stemmed out from the lies we've been feeding each other."

"Technically, you were the only lying party."

"Oh, but you've lying to yourself all this time."


"First of all, lemme get this straight--wait, that didn't sound right, I should probably say--well, shuck, this is harder than I thought."


"Okay, let's just skip that part. First of all, I don't have a phone."


"That phone I used to text you and call you? That was Minho's."

" that's why I recieved a text coming from you saying, "EAT KLUNK AND DIE, PRIVATE-SCHOOL PROTOZOAN'."

"Yeah we had two periods of biology today. Um. We also had a fight I think."

"You think?"

"Minho and I always fight, but I'm not sure if this one's the one to leave a buggin dent on our friendship."

"Sounds like an awfully strong bond you've got there."

"Well, I grew up with him. The school may think that he's a terrible person, but I understand him more than anyone does."

"Wait, who's phone are you using right now?"

"Weren't you even listening? I'm in a photobooth. Dowtown."

"At eleven in the evening?"

"Well I don't have much of a choice did I?"

"House phone?"

"My parents would shucking kill me if they knew I was bloody talking to a boy for this long."

"Huh? Why?"

"Story for another time."





"Dowtown, right?"

"Huh? Yeah."

"I should go out and meet you."


"I should go out and meet you. Fuck. I wanna see you in person. Again. I want to see that smile of yours."


"Hold on. I'm heading out now. I'm getting out of bed. I'm putting on my jacket. I'm going out of the--ow! Stupid door!"

"Stop joking around, Tommy! It's bloody eleven in the evening!"

"I know. And I know it's really stupid for me to be doing this, but...but..."


"I meet the person...the first actual person...who changed my life."


"I suck at words. Feelings."

"I suck at words and feelings too."

"Which is exactly why we need to meet in person."


"What is it now?"

"What if I'm not who you think I am?"

"...what do you mean? What, are you like, some psychotic cannibal killer?"

"No, stupid. I meant...what if...I'm not as interesting as you thought I was? What if I'm not as cool and swaggy as you imagined me to be?"


"Why are you laughing?!"

"You make it look like I don't pay any attention, but to be honest, Newt, you're the one who isn't."



"Stop laughing!"

"See you in ten minutes."

"What--Tommy? TOMMY!"

End Call

11:03 pm

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