Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hu...

By fanforfanfic

33.8K 1.8K 1.7K

What happens when a 27 year old Country music sensation is forced to "Start Over" as a single dad? Will he be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109

Chapter 103

254 18 14
By fanforfanfic

Hunter's POV

As I pull into my drive my heart starts to race. I leave my car parked outside and grab my bag from the back seat. I close the door carefully, trying not to make a sound. When I reach the back door, I silently slip my key into the lock. My hand shakes as I turn the knob. I can't wait to see Liddy and Harper's surprised faces when I walk inside.

They have no idea that I took an earlier flight, just so I could spend a few hours with them before going to the Ryman Center to rehearse for the CMA Awards tomorrow night.

It's only been 5 days since I saw them last, but it feels more like weeks. Because of the wedding preparations and all the infertility testing, Liddy has had to do she and Harps have been staying in Nashville more than they have been on the tour bus with me. God, I miss them so much when they aren't around.

When I step through the door I'm greeted by silence. No "Daddy I missed you." No "Babe, what are you doing here so early?" Not even the din from the television to welcome me. My heart sinks.

They're suppose to be here. Liddy told me this morning on the phone that she and my baby girl had no plans. They were going to just hang out together and wait for me and enjoy the fact that they didn't need to run off to some appointment.

I wonder if maybe they're upstairs, moving things from Liddy's apartment into the main house or in Harper's room having a tea party or playing with her dollhouse. I sigh then grab the strap of my travel bag and throw it over my shoulder. This surprise isn't going quite as I had planned.

At the top of the staircase, I turn left and head towards Harper's bedroom, hoping to hear Liddy's animated voice reading Harps her favorite story while she giggles. When there isn't a sound, my heart falls. I walk straight towards the apartment and throw open the door. Again, there's no sign of them. I'm starting to worry.

I abandon the idea of surprising them and just start calling their names and searching every room on the first and second level of the house. They are nowhere to be found. I even look in the garage hoping to find Liddy's white Range Rover missing, but it's not. It's still seating there. The realization that she hasn't driven them somewhere is enough to finally make me panic.

Frantically, I pull my phone out of my back jean pocket and call her. It rings and rings and eventually goes to her voice mail. I leave her a message to call me back ASAP then I hang up. 'Where could they be?' I ask myself repeatedly.

I check the back yard to see if they may be playing on Harper's swing set or swimming in the pool. I'm disappointed I didn't find them, but not surprised since it's mid November and the outside temperature is seasonably cool.

When I realize that there's no sign of a struggle I try to take comfort in that. But I can't help but remember what I was told when I first moved to Nashville to become a musician. 'Always be careful and leery of everyone. Because obsessed and angry fans can and will find you if they want to bad enough.'

Someone could have come to the door and pushed their way inside, possibly an upset fan that doesn't want Liddy and I to get married. If they had threatened Harper at all I know Lid would not have put up a fight. She would do exactly what they said, just to keep my daughter safe.

Just thinking that something like that could have happened makes me ill. My hearts races and I can feel sweat running down my face and back. I try calling her phone again and it goes straight to voicemail. 'Lord, please have them be okay.'

When I realize, I haven't checked the indoor pool, my hope is somewhat renewed. Harper is a little fish. Of course they could be down there. I run straight for the stairs and take them two at a time, anticipating finding them laughing and playing around in the water. My heart again sinks when I discover the pool is empty.

Once again the sense of panic overtakes me. The bagel I ate for breakfast earlier feels like it is sitting in the back of my throat. My hands are shaking and I can barely catch my breath. I rub the back of my neck and try to slow my breathing, but it's useless. Until I find them, I'm not going to be able to calm myself down.

The only rooms I haven't searched are my home studio and the gym, neither of which, I see the two of them hanging out in. But on the off chance, I go to look. My studio is empty exactly the way I left it the last time I was home. All I have left is the gym. If neither of them are there, then I need to start calling family and friends. 'Maybe Liz dropped by and took them to lunch?'

As I approach the door to the gym, I notice a light shining out from under the door. My heart starts to pound. I push it open and see the most amazing sight. Liddy running on the treadmill with wireless headphones on and sweat cascading down her body. I pause for a second to catch my breath while relishing in the fact that she's here safe, sound and still as sexy as hell..

My heart rate starts to increase again. This time caused by pure excitement. All my fear that something bad had happened to her has been replaced by my desire to show her how much I love and need her. Not thinking, I reach out and place my hand on her back.

"AHHHHHH" She screams.

"Shhhhh Babe, it's okay. It's only me."

When she realizes who it is. She pulls off her headphones. "Oh My God, Hunter!!!!! You just scared me half to death."

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to."

"What are you doing here?" She gasps, trying to catch her breath.

"I flew home early to surprise you and Harper."

"Awe, that's so sweet." She smiles then reaches for a towel, on the chair behind me, using it to wipe the perspiration from her brow and neck. "I wish I had known you were coming, so I could have tried to look at least half way decent. Instead I look and smell like a wet fish."

I chuckle." Trust me. You look nothing like a wet fish. You look gorgeous."

She rolls her eyes. "Ah yay, sure I do."

"Honestly, you do." I smile then pull her into my arms and begin to kiss her passionately. "I've missed you so much."

She moans and leans forward almost allowing our bodies to touch, but then she changes her mind and pushes me away. "We need to stop."

"Why? Is Harper watching?" I look around to see if I missed her sleeping on a mat somewhere.

"No, she's with your parents. They called this morning and asked if they could take her to a puppet show at the library and then out to lunch."

"Oh okay." I grin then return to kissing the side of her neck. "So we're alone then?"

"Yyyyes." She throws her head back giving me better access to the sweet spot behind her ear. "Hhhhunt" She groans. "You really should ssstop. I have to ttttake a shower."

"Right now?" I question as I nip at her lower lip. "Are you sure it can't wait?"

"Ah... uh.... Um.... Yay, I'm pretty sure."

"Really? Wouldn't you rather do this?" I ask playfully before claiming her mouth.

 She moans again and immediately returns my fervent kisses. When we are both breathless we pull apart. "You not playing fair." She pouts. 

"I'm not?" I pretend to act shocked.

"You know you aren't." She giggles."Please, just give me five minutes to rinse off, so I'm not so sweaty and we can resume EXACTLY were we left off. I promise." 

I take a moment to consider her request. "Oh okay, if you must. But you're not doing it alone. I'm helping." We both laugh as I scoop her into my arms and carry her to the shower room.


Liddy's POV

As I look at myself in the full- length mirror, in my room, I carefully inspect to make sure all the 'love bites" Hunter left on my neck yesterday are covered by my hair and the black high necked halter dress that I'm wearing to the CMA Awards. I certainly don't need any of those showing up in some red carpet photos.

I blush thinking about how wild and crazy we were. I hope it always stays like this, even after we're married. I know it will be harder to find alone time once we have a child, God willing, but I know I'm willing to work at finding the free time and I'm pretty sure Hunter is too.

"Hey there beautiful. Can I come in?"

"One second." I say before spritzing on some of his favorite perfume and double checking to be sure that my dress is hanging correctly. "Come in."

His mouth drops open. Exactly the reaction I was hoping for. "Wow."

"Do you like?" I ask as I twirl around to show him all sides of my gown.

"What's not to like? You're stunning. No one's going to be looking at me when we walk the red carpet, that's for sure. All cameras and eyes will be on you, my gorgeous fiancé."

I blush. "So does my hair look okay?"

He grabs a hold of my hand. "It's perfect, just like you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, why do you keep asking?"

"Because originally, I planned to wear it up in a low bun with a few wisps around my face but then I realized I HAD to do something different with it. So I opted to leave it long, curl it into loose ringlets and pull it to the left side."

"Well, it looks beautiful this way." He says before kissing the tip of my nose. "But why did you feel you couldn't wear it up?"

I smirk. "Cause someone was a little over zealous yesterday in the shower."

He looks confused for a moment until he finally figures out what I'm politely trying to say. "Oh Lid, I'm sorry. I wasn't even thinking."

The shock on his face makes me giggle. "It's okay. Thankfully my hair is long enough to cover it. Just promise me that no matter what, you will NOT suddenly decide to reach around and sweep my hair to the right side of my neck."

"I won't. I pinky promise."


Hunter's POV

As we ride in the limo to the Ryman Auditorium. I hold Liddy's hand tightly and try my best to reassure her that everything will be fine when we walk the Red Carpet together.

"Babe.....just breath. There's nothing to worry about...... I promise."

"Easy for you to say. You've done this a million times before. I haven't."

I gently rub her back hoping it will help her relax. "Trust me. Everything is going to be okay. All you need to do is hold on to me and smile for the cameras. That's it. I'll position us in front of them and talk to all reporters. It's that simple."

She sighs. "I just pray I don't do something stupid like trip or fall and embarrass you."

I kiss the tip of her nose having been warned that the color of her maroon tinted lipstick will not go well with my tuxedo. "Please don't worry. You're not going to embarrass me."

"I hope you're right."

"Hey, look at me, please." I ask as I gently lift her face so I can gaze into her incredibly gorgeous eyes. " I love you with every fiber of my being. There's nothing you can do to embarrass me."

She smiles. "I love you, too. I just want to make you proud."

"Well, you do that every single day."

Before I can say anything else. I feel the limo come to a stop.

"Mr. Hayes. We're here." 

I  squeeze her hand. You ready?"

She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "As ready as I can be, I guess."

I open the door but before stepping out I lean over and speak softly in her ear. "I love you. Trust that I'll take care of you."


Liddy did fantastic on the Red Carpet, just Like I knew she would. It's a shame she's so petite, because she easily could have been a model. She knew exactly how to pose and where to look, without me having to telling her.

"I'm so proud of you." I whisper. "You did amazing!"

She blushes. "Thanks. I had a good teacher."

"I think this is a case where the student far surpassed her t...."

I'm interrupted before I can complete my sentence, by Katie Cook.

"Hunter Hayes. How have you been?"

"I've been great, Katie. What about you?"

"Busy, but not as busy as you. I'm hear." She smiles. "So how are things going with the new album? It's called FOREVER, if I remember correctly?"

"Yes, it is and things are going great! We released it a few months ago and are now on tour promoting it."

"That's awesome. I hope you have a few stops planned near Nashville. Cause I'd love to see you in concert again. It's been awhile."

"I believe we do. I couldn't tell you the exact dates but I'm pretty sure we have one or two night here at the Ryman."

"I'll be looking forward to it. So I've heard you'll be performing tonight. Can you tell us the name of the song you'll be singing or is a secret?"

"No, no it's not a secret. It's called BROWN EYES and it's the first single from the new album."

"I hear it playing on the radio all the time. I just love it. I predict it's going number one."

"Wow!" I say as I nervously play with my cuff links. "I'm so glad you like it."

"It's obviously a love song. Written about anyone special?"

I look over at Liddy as she blushes. "Yes, I wrote it about my fiancé."

"Is that her behind you?"

"Yes, it is."

"She's absolutely gorgeous."

"I think so."

"Well, I know you need to get ready for your performance later, but I have one more question. I'm asking everyone. What are your plans for Thanksgiving this year? Will you do it up big with lots of friends and family or will you keep it simple?"

"Actually, I usually spend it with my parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, the whole gang. But this year we decided to try something different.  Liddy and I are taking my parents and my daughter to New York City to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade."

"That sounds like a blast!"

"We think it'll be lots of fun."

"Well, Hunter is was great talking to you again. Good Luck tonight and have fun in New York!"

"Thanks Katie, it was great talking to you, as well. You have a wonderful Thanksgiving, too."

I turn and join Liddy who's been standing behind me, waiting patiently this whole time. "So how did I do?"

She grabs my hand and squeezes it then kiss my cheek. "You did amazing. Just like you always do."


Wow, this was a long chapter!!!

I hope you enjoyed it.

Hint: The next chapter is the start of the wedding!!!

"Please vote and COMMENT!!! I LOVE hearing from you.

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