Adopted by Stally

By Mercy-the-potato-god

26.2K 1K 482

when mercy gets kicked out and un accepted by blood, Stevie Boebi and Ally Hills come to the rescue. More

chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter Twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine (day one of ten)
Chapter thirty (day two of ten)
Chapter thirty one (day three of ten)
Chapter thirty two (day four of ten)
Chapter thirty three (day five of ten)
Chapter thirty four (day six of ten)
Chapter thirty five (day seven of ten)
Chapter thirty six (day eight of ten)
Chapter thirty seven (day nine of ten)
Thirty eight (day ten of ten)
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter fourty
Chapter fourty-one
Chapter fourty-two
Chapter fourty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter forty eight
Chapter forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
Chapter fifty eight
Chapter sixty
Chapter sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter sixty three
Chapter sixty four
Chapter Sixty-Five
chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty-seven

Chapter four

881 28 4
By Mercy-the-potato-god

||Mercy's POV||

I wake up in ally and Stevie's house. I also wake up with some dms?

Ellosteph- hai I'm sorry for bothering you but my mum just got mad at me and it sucks and I'm crying

Ellosteph- hello? Please

Mercy- hey hey I'm sorry I was sleeping are you okay need a hug need me to come get you?

Ellosteph- that would be nice :) but we barely know each other

Mercy- no worries okay? I'm coming give me the adress

And with that I get dressed and head downstairs

"Hey what's up?" Stevie asks
"Can we go get my friend steph I need to give her a hug and be there for her" I say quite quickly
"Just a friend?" Ally says whilst winking
"Yes just a friend i mean she is pretty but I don't even know if she's gay" I say sighing
"We will tell you if we notice things about her so let's go get steph" Stevie says

We are in the car we pull up to a sidewalk and see steph crying. I jump out of the car right away without and hesitations. And hug her she is tense at first but realized who it was

"Mercy?" She asks
"Yes I'm here for you come on let's go" I say
"But I don't want to leave your arms" she says

This Makes me smile So much oh my goodness.

"Come on steph" I say smiling like an idiot

We get in the car steph is wearing a low cut tank that shows her bra and red skinny jeans with some flats on.

Ally hills- she's gay kid I can tell make your move! ;)

Mercy- no way! I'll wait and get more close to her so stop texting me! <3

"So when we get to the house we can head to my room okay?" I say
"Yeah okay" she says quietly

Mercy-no need to be afraid of Stevie and ally they are the best mums I've only been with them two days and they had treated me better then anyone has and ever will :)

Ellosteph- are you sure about ever?

Mercy- I don't see anyone that will treat me better than them

Ellosteph- I will.

"Girls we are here you can talk in real life now" ally says while smiling.
"Ok" I say

I lead steph to my my room.

"Wow you have a big room" she says amazed
"Yeah I know" I say rubbing the back of my neck

I close the door so they don't hear our conversation.

"So tell me what happened" I say whilst patting a spot on my bed for her to sit down
"Well my mum knows I'm gay" she says
"You're gay?" I say
"Yes aren't you?" She asks
"Yes I mean how did you know that?" I say
"Your main channel video" she says blushing
"Oh yeah" I say
"Anyways she got really mad and said some things I don't ever want to hear again" steph says
"I know how you feel I've been bullied my whole life, it seems as though no one ever cares." I say sighing
"I will always care" steph says
"Oh about that text you sent me what do you mean you will?" I say
"Oh it uh doesn't matter" she says nervously
"Come on tell me" I say
"Fine okay I like you and it scares me because these feelings aren't like any others I've had, and it scares me" steph admits and she is, I can even see the truth in her eyes.

"I like you too, but we should stay friends until one of us ask the other I will though and it will be special and we will get be together but as of now we can cuddle and kiss just no labels" I say.
"I can work with that" steph says

I lay down and sigh, Steph comes up next to me and cuddles the side of me and holds onto me. I look at her and smile

"What?" She says
"You're pretty and I can't wait to call you mine" I say smiling
"I can't say same, because your beautiful and I want to call you mine" she says
"You're the punk to my rock" I say
"Really I can roll with that" steph says smiling

I hear a knock at the door.

"Come in if you dare!" I say jokingly
"Are you guys you know?" Ally yells back
"No!" I say laughing

So ally walks in

"Hi just cuddling good" ally says sounding relieved
"Yeah" I say
"Is steph gonna stay the night or?" Ally asks

I look at steph and she slowly nods

"Ok then dinner will be done soon" ally says while walking out
"Oh yeah use protection!" She says laughing knowing we are girls
"Oh my god she's so embarrassing but hey she's my idol and I love her."
"You love me!" I hear from ally all the way in the kitchen, I laugh
"Man I love this place" I say
"I'm glad your happy" steph says

I look her in the eyes. You can always tell if someone is hurt by the way there eyes are. I've learned that from past experience, There's too much hurt in her eyes. I go and grab ally's guitar. Well one of the ones she said I could touch luckily I know how to play. Steph just looks at me with pure confusion. I start playing the guitar and make up some lyrics in my head.

"I noticed you when no one did,
When you didn't realize I cared,
I hoped from the start this would be the best my dear,
I can see your hurt from a mile away,
I want you to know I'm here to stay,
So please don't build your walls higher just let me in,
I want you to be my girlfriend" I sing

Okay I lied I made that a long time ago to use one day when I needed it well now was the time. Her eyes filled with joy which made me happier by the second.

"Yes I would love to call you mine and Erm well how could you tell I was hurt?"
"By your beautiful one of a kind eyes" I say
"Oh" she says smiling like an idiot
"Yeah" I say smiling

We cuddle for the rest of te night just having small little chats about or life's and how we are happy that we are now together. I have a feeling steph will treat me right and good.

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