A Touch of Insanity(A Jeff Th...

By XxCheshire_MoonxX

324K 10.5K 7.7K

(_Name_) is a normal girl, well as normal as a 16 soon to be 17-year-old can be. Living with a family that is... More

A Touch of Insanity(A Jeff The Killer x Reader Love Story)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Author's Note
Author's Note Pt. 2
A/N Pt.2 ....Pt.2 XD

Chapter 5

19.7K 627 1.3K
By XxCheshire_MoonxX

It has been about two months to be exact since I got out of the hospital, a couple of detectives came over by my house asking about the accident, I didn't tell them much though. Because most of it was a blurr and I just didn't want to remember in the first place. And well now, I was finally back integrated into what we so call society and well everything was back to normal. The stupid bitch of Dakota was being a drama bitch about everything. Not that I even payed attention to her at all, but what really got me pissed was that she said that I tried to attack her that night when...when Jeff almost killed me. And she started to tell everyone that she did that to me in self defense. Even officers went to the school and asked me a couple of questions about it.

They asked me if I lied about what had happened that night and I actually told them the truth, that I was attacked by a random person in the street. That I didn't attack Dakota at all and that she was just making all of that up. Well they believed me, they left me alone.

And now well lets just say that life has gotten better at home, though I continue to see Jeff a couple of times a day now. The injury he caused me has helped me a bit, I no longer do physical education because I don't really like it and well I do have a limp, but I could care less about that. Mother has been keeping her attention on me more often as well as Jennifer.

I now am lying down on my bed as I waited for Nathaniel to get ready to go to his soccer practice not to mention that father was out getting who knows what. "Hey, Nathan! You ready yet?!" I yelled down the hall, I waited for a couple of seconds and there was no answer. "Yo!" I yelled once again and still, no answer. Alright so by now I was started to get a little worried so I got up and walked out of my room. I headed down the hall towards his room as I tried to hear if he was even there.

"Nathaniel." I called out as I neared his room. I was sure that if Jeff had done something to Nathaniel I was going to go insane.

Standing in front of his door I took a soft deep breath and extended my arm out as I was about to knock I felt something sticky under my foot. Scrunching up my nose I pulled my arm back and looked down at my feet. My eyes quickly widened as I saw a crimson red liquid oozing out of his room. I quickly panicked before knocking like a maniac on his door. "Nathaniel! Hey, are you in there?! Are you okay?!" I was panicking like a fucking maniac. I didn't hear anything or get a response I just decided to quickly open the door though it was locked. 'Fuck! Why? No I have to get inside somehow.' I thought as I looked around.

Quickly without thinking I got ready to kick with my good leg. Hitting the door with my foot I made the hinges creak. 'Yes.' It was working, I continued to kick the door with all of the strength I had. Always making the hinges creak and buckle. Finally I hit it one last time making the whole door creak and down it went. Falling into his room I quickly walked in, panting softly as I looked around.

I didn't see him anywhere...tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I looked over at the window, it was opened. "Nathan..." I was ready to just breakdown and cry until, "(_Name_)! What...? What did you do to my door?" I quickly turned around to see Nathaniel standing there with a towel in his hand. I swallowed the lump that had been stuck in my throat and I blinked the tears away.

A small smile grew on my lips as I quickly gave him a big hug. "Why do you have a towel?" I asked him as I looked down at his hand. "Oh, well you see I sort of spilled fruit punch on the floor so I didn't want you to get mad at me so I locked my room and quickly headed downstairs to get a towel to clean it up before you saw it, but I'm guessing that that wasn't a good idea." He explained, I let out a small laugh before letting him go. "Well next time tell me or this will happen again." I pointed down at his door. He laughed a little and nodded. "I'll remember that."

I nodded before ruffling his hair. "Alright, you read for soccer practice then?" Nathaniel nodded and we were soon off, me being able to drive already we got there pretty quick. "Have fun!" I yelled at him as I watched him run off to the soccer field. Me being me I stayed in the car, probably going to take a nap in a bit.

Sleeping hasn't been nice to me because I always went back to the night when I almost died. I really hated that and I was now scared of being out in a snowstorm for any reason at all. Jennifer had said that she would always be there to keep me company and not let anything happen to me. Sighing softly I leaned the seat back so I could at least be more comfortable. As I stared p at the roof of the car my eyelids started to feel heavy.

Everything was black, quickly I opened my eyes. Trying to keep them open and not fall asleep but I failed as I was overcome by darkness. The next thing I knew I was standing in the middle of a pitch black room. The only thing I could see was myself. I took a few steps forward not seeing myself going anywhere, looking around I saw nothing but darkness. I was starting to become paranoid. Sighing softly I called out, "Hello?!" I waited a couple seconds but there was no response. I gulped loudly, "Uh...H-Hello! Can anyone hear me?!" Still no answer. I was now slightly shaking in fear.

Quickly something covered my mouth and pulled me into the darkness more. I thrashed around in it's grip, trying to get it to let go. Finally when it let go I was tried to a table and I now saw what was around me. I saw all kind of knives and other things that were covered in blood. I tarted panicking and started to look around frantically. Just where the heck was I? I didn't seem to notice the two eyes that were staring deep into my soul and the huge wide smile that just sent a shiver down my spine.

It started to get closer until I saw it, or more like him. Jeff. He laughed this laugh that just made me want to yell out in pain. He slowly made his way over to the wall where he grabbed a hammer or something sort of like that. He then grabbed this needle. My breathed hitched and my heart started to race. 'Please...no. Tell me he's not going to do that...please..' I thought to myself as I tried to move but something just held me back. I looked over at my arms frantically trying to see just what the hell was holding me up.

I was apparently tied to the table, I looked back at Jeff seeing that he was now closer and his smile had grown even more. I bit my lip a little a start tear falling from my eye. I stared up as he now stood tall over me, he placed the needle right above my eye, he let out a low and dark chuckle. Another tear slid down the side of my face, the next thing I knew was that I couldn't see through one of my eyes and that there was this stinging pain coming from it. I yelled out in pain, I felt a liquid slide down the side of my face, I knew it was tears because I still hadn't broke out into cries.

Jeff hit the top of the needle making it go deeper into my eye, tears escaped my one good eye left, more blood coming out of my right eye. The pain was unbearable. I felt like I was going to pass out from it. Letting another cry of pain escape my lips as I shut my left eye tightly. He hit the needle once again, then again, and again. Not stopping at all, I continued to yell out.

The taps sounded so loud in my ears before I quickly opened my eyes. Sweat all over my face and my breathing was rapid and hard. I felt all over my face, sighing out in relief as I saw that my eyesight was still good and nothing had happened to me. I heard the same sound once again and I quickly jumped in alarm. Looking over at my left and out the window I saw Nathaniel knocking on the door of the car. "(_Name_)!" He said, though it was muffled. I quickly unlocked the car seeing that the sun was already setting and he must have probably been there for an hour or so.

Nathaniel quickly ran over to the passenger's seat and opened the door. He placed his equipment at the bottom of the seat and climbed in, putting on his seatbelt at once. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked me while I fixed my seat. Putting the keys into the ignition and starting the car, I nodded. "Yeah. Why do you asked?" I questioned him, looking over at him he gave me this weird look. "Because you're wearing your shoes on your hands." Quickly I turned my head over and saw that he was correct, laughing nervously I took off my shoe from my left hand and placed it back on the bottom of the seat. I was glad that I was wearing flats. Putting back on the shoe I moved the shift gear and reversed from the parking space, seeing that we were pretty much the last car parked there and I drove home. I couldn't help but glance over at Nathaniel, he had this smile on his face.

Even after everything that has happened he always had a smile on his face but now, it was a different kind of smile. "Hey, whatcha smiling about?" I saw that he hesitated and thought about the answer, "Oh..it's nothing. Don't worry about it." He replied, shrugging I nodded. "Alright...oh and tell me, how long were you out there for?" I was kinda worried that he had been there knocking on the door since the game ended. "Oh, about 2 hours, but don't worry a friend kept me company so I wasn't alone until I started to knock on the window." He explained, nodding I raised an eyebrow. "Hm, and who is this friend of yours?" Once again I noticed that he hesitated. There was definitely something going on with him.

I decided not to say anything and waited for his answer, "I think he's the brother of one of my teammates. He decided to keep me company, nothing more." I smiled, "And how old is he?" I always had this habit of asking for way too many questions even though it wasn't any of my business. "He's around your age, maybe a year or two older." When he said that he smiled widely. I just shook my head. He was having one of his weird child moment that sometimes just scared me.

We didn't say much for the rest of the ride till we made it home. Nathaniel quickly grabbed his equipment and ran out of there like someone on a sugar high. I just stared at him before getting out of the car, locking it before following after Nathaniel. Once I was inside, everything was dark not only because it was dark out which made it worst but it just gave me this weird feeling that something would just pop out at me. Slowly I closed the door, turning on the lights as well. A couple of seconds later I jumped startled by a, "SURPRISE!" It made me hit the back of my head against the door. I looked around seeing mother, father, a few of my friends, Nathaniel, two or three cousins, and their kids. I was very confused at the moment.

"Happy birthday honey." Mother said, 'Uh...Birthday?' I thought to myself as I saw a cake over on the table and two candles on top of it, "Happy 17th birthday." My oldest cousin told me. "Haha, thanks..." I gave a small smile, I apparently had forgotten that today was my birthday, due to all of my paranoia. She gave me a wrapped present. "Open it." She encouraged me to do so as she nudge me with her elbow. "Alright." I slowly unwrapped it, unlike most people I didn't go crazy and wrapped the wrapping to shreds I actually too my time so I wouldn't have to clean it all up later on, which was what my parents would make me do. It took me a while to open the above average sized package. Once I opened it I opened the cardboard box to see that it was a stuffed panda bear. "I know how much you love pandas and so I got you one, but well it's just stuffed."

I hugged it tightly before giving her a closed eyed smile. "Thanks, I really like it." I said, she just ruffled my hair which made me grimaced a little. She then left off to mingle with my other cousins.

The party or should I even call it that? Went on, I opened a couple of other presents, one had a jacket the other had a really nice sketch book, and the last one was from my parents and it was a traveling suitcase. I gave them a questioning look. "Well you're almost 18 and we just want you to be ready in case you feel like traveling." They explained, 'Yeah, right. Or in case you guys throw me out.' I smiled, the most sincere smile I could give them. "Well thanks for all these presents but, I'm beat and I think going to go to bed." I said before walking up the stairs. Most of the other family members were already leaving either way.

As I started walking up the stairs I noticed that Nathaniel just had this huge grin plastered on his face, like he knew that something was going to happen. It sent a small shiver down my spine. Shaking off the thought I climbed up the stairs and went straight to the attic or well my room.

Walking into my room, I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, except...except for this little note that was on my window pane. I slowly walked over to it and took it. Reading what it said, 'Check under your bed.' In the most illegible handwriting just like the one on my list that one time...I gulped before stuffing the note into my pocket. I slowly made my way over to my bed.

Kneeling down next to it I quickly lifted up the bed sheets, seeing a small cardboard box I reached for it and took it out, sitting crossed legged I placed it on my lap. I slowly opened it, my eyes widening as I saw what was in the box. I swore that I was going to throw up whatever I had just eaten at the sight of it. I saw another note on the top, 'I told you I was going to make your life miserable. I hope you like this present...because this is just the beginning.' My whole face went pale and I couldn't hold it anymore.

Quickly I stood up and ran out of the room but not before throwing the box with its containment across my room. I headed to the nearest bathroom and just threw up everything that I had just a few minutes ago. I turned on the faucet letting the water run, washing away all of the bile. I didn't know what I was going to do. What the box contained...was just disgusting. It was...it was Dakota's eyeless head...

(5th chapter, what did you guys think about it? Comment, heart, follow, and tell your favorite grandma to read this story and to not be scared because all of this is perfectly fine.)

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