Sisters after Misters

By certifiedcliche

324K 15.8K 1.7K

Aurelia Ellingson and Willow Ellingson are more than sisters. They're each other's best friends, cheerleaders... More

The new guy
The popular life
First meetings
Library coversations
Birthday invitation
The birthday party
Secrets of the past
Crushes and liking
The graffiti prank
The drive home
Midnight phonecalls
Museum visit
The book exhibition
The beach
High school insults
Night of the party
Knight in armour
Home visits
Post effects
Matters of the heart
Coming over
The game
Paper plane
The ex boyfriend
Heated conversations
The kiss
A new relationship
Sisters before misters
Late night texts
The party
Tryst with the past
Burger with a surprise
Dancing away
Lunch with his father
Bad news
The aftermath
Peace and blessings
A love like that
Cheated upon
Old love is back
One step ahead
Forgotten girl codes
Jealousy and insanity
The story of us
The end
The middle
The beginning
Author's note

Realization dawns

4.2K 219 15
By certifiedcliche

"Can you please check my homework and tell me if all of it is right?" Willow asks me and I put on my glasses to read her flowery handwriting.
"Yep. All of this is correct." I say and hand the book back to her. It's been a week since the day she went to the church and turned on a new leaf.

"I heard you are going to Blake's house to hang out. Can I come too?"
I hesitate as I take off my specs and think of a reason to give her. Blake was keen on being with me alone since whenever he comes over, Willow is there too.

"Oh it's okay. You can go over to his house Lia. I have no friends but that doesn't mean I should come in between you two." She breathes and moves away. I pull my hair in frustration. When will I learn to say the right thing?

"Do one thing, get dressed. I'm sure Blake won't mind." I say and her eyes light up.
"Yes, now come on fast." I say and move down.

I'm here. -B

I wear my slippers and head out.
"So are we good to go?" He asks and I bite my lip on guilt.
"Umm Blake, Willow is coming too."
"I know I sound harsh, but you know I wanted to spend some quality time with you, not your family." He says softly, but I still wince.
"I'm sorry okay? She needs support, don't be mean!" I blurt out.

"I'm being mean? Listen to me now. Your sister is playing with us. This fight we're happening, who is the cause for this? I understand she needs friends, but isn't this too much? She is fucking popular, every other day someone comes to meet her but why does she choose to hang out with you? She was never fond of us earlier. For someone as smart as you, you're being stupid." He says loudly and I shut my eyes. As much as I want to deny this, it is true.

"At the end of the day, she is my sister and she's been through a tragedy. Please co-operate Blake." I pinch my nose and try to keep calm.

"Yeah right. Here she is. I don't like fighting with you, please get inside." As Willow approaches us, he presses a kiss onto my lips. When we part, Willow is still looking at us, emotions unreadable swirling in her eyes. Then giving me a sad smile, she entered the car. I take deep breathes to calm my frustation. I know exactly why he did that. He acts like such a jealous girl at times. And that too, with all the wrong people.

I get again in the car. That's what we've been doing since the past month. Getting, dropping, picking, eating in cars. Even sleeping. I guess our relationship revolves around cars a lot.

"Blake I really hope I'm not being trouble. It's just that, you know, I m-" Willow starts and Blake puts up a hand.
"It's okay. You're like my younger sister too." He says and I place my hand on my mouth. Ever heard of sis-zoned?
"Hey don't call me your sister. I'm only Auri's sister. For you, I'm a friend." She says as she smacks his arm.

I turn behind slightly to have a look at her. Maybe Blake is right. She does have feelings for him. She's actually looking at him with hearts in her eyes, endearingly and like he's everything she's ever wanted. I shift slightly in my seat and instead try to focus on the music. I take out a CD from the dashboard and put it in.

"God, no Aurelia, I can't listen to that anymore!" Blake says as he sneaks a look at the CD I just put in.
"Come on baby, it's Taylor. She's hot. How can you not like her?" I ruffle his hair.

"What does the fact that she's hot have to do with her music?" He whines. Literally.
"Come on it's better than the heavy metal raps you listen to." I say.

"Oh Blake, you like metallica? Me too! I love it and Taylor Swift songs just don't make sense to me." Willow rants from behind and I want to push her out of the car, leaving all the sister shit aside.

"Oh, but didn't you buy the latest Taylor songs when we went shopping the other day?" Blake asks so casually, it almost seems like he's not taunting her.
"Yeah, she's good. But metallica is bae, I have to admit, don't you think so?" She coos and I look over at Blake who's gripping the steering wheel so tightly, his knuckles are turning white.

"Maybe. But the real bae- even though 'bae' is not even a word- is sitting right here and she's a Swiftie. So her wish is my command, don't you think so?" He asks, imitating her and I place my hand on my mouth to hold in my giggles.

"Aww so cute." Willow says, even though I'm sure that's not what she actually believes.

When we get down in front of his house, Willow suddenly trips and her ankle twists. She lets out a cry of pain and leans onto Blake.
"Fuck, are you okay?" Blake asks looking down at her ankle as he holds her.

Willow looks up at him like he's her saviour. She keeps staring at him as he adjusts her leg, not even looking into her eyes once. I feel something gnawing within me. No, it's not jealousy or insecurity. It's a feeling which says that something is wrong. Willow's obsession with Blake is growing. And she thinks it's love. More importantly, she is starting to believe that he loves her back. That all this care he's been showering upon her, it's more than that. She is forgetting that I'm his girlfriend. I'm afraid but it's true, she wants him more badly than ever. A thought has settled in her mind that he likes her and with a little more sympathy or playing around, he'll get her.

This is an absurd theory and I hope to God that I'm wrong.

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