Silent Love (Harry Potter Lov...

Av poohstar1343

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I don't own any of the character. Just write the fan fiction for the sake of amusement Mer

Silent Love (Harry Potter Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64

Chapter 6

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Av poohstar1343

It’s Christmas already. The roof appears as a snowy castle, Hagrid, who is bringing in a large tree. Inside the great hall, students are leaving and ghosts are singing. Hermione and I approache the empty tables, wheeling a cart. She goes to Ron and Harry, who are playing chess.
“ Knight to E-5.” Said Harry
A piece moves across the board.
Ron thinks for a moment.
“ Queen to E-5.” Said Ron.
A queen walks over to E-5 and clinks the knight away.
“ That's totally barbaric!” said Hermione.
“Wow, Ron, you’re actually amazing at something,” I sad.
“ Thank you. That's wizard's chess. I see you've packed.” Said Ron
“ See you haven't.” Said Hermione
“ Change of plans. My parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother, Charlie. He's studying dragons there!” said Ron.
“ Good. You can help Harry, then. He's going to go the library for information on Nicholas Flamel.” Said Hermione
“ We've looked a hundred times!” said Ron
“ Not in the restricted section...Happy Christmas.” Said Hermione
“Restricted section?” I asked confused. Never thought Hermione will say something like that. “ Merry christmas guys,” I said and leave with Hermione
“Merry christmas Fanny,” they said.
“ I think we've had a bad influence on her,” said Ron.
We’re in the train. Hermione and I find a compartment. We sit there.
“So, what’s going on between you and Harry?” she asked.
“Nothing,” I said
“Really? You always seems a little nervous around him,” she smirked.
“Maybe because his the first friend that I have. I never have a friend,” I said and hoping it is the right reason.
“Ok,” said Hermione.
“Harry, wake up! Come on Harry, wake up!” Ron said.
I get up and runs to a balcony overlooking the common room, where Ron is standing next to a tree. He is wearing a sweater with an R on it.
“ Happy Christmas, Harry.” He said.
“ Happy Christmas, Ron. What are you wearing?” I asked
“ Oh, Mum made it for me. Looks like you've got one too!” Ron said
“I've got presents?” I asked
“ Yeah!” said Ron
I get jumper from Mrs. Weasley, a book about Quidditch from Hermione, and a snow globe with Hogwarts inside of it from Fanny. I smile look at it. But one thing that make me curious a silver wrapped package. I take out the cards."Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well."
I  the present. It is a cloak.
“ What is it?” Ron asked
“ Some kind of...cloak,” I said.
“ Well, let's see then. Put it on.” Ron said.
I puts the cloak on, and all of my body disappears except for his head.
“ Whoa!” Ron said.
“My body's gone!” I said.
“I know what that is! That's an invisibility cloak!” said Ron.
“ I'm invisible??” I said.
“ They're really rare. I wonder who gave it to you.” Said Ron
“ There was no name. It just said, "Use it well." I said
The christmas holiday already finished.. I see Harry and Ron sit in the library
“Hi Fanny,” Harry said.
“Hi,” I smiled
Hermione comes up with a huge book. She thumps it onto the table. Make Harry and me jump.
“ I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid? I checked this out a few weeks ago for a bit of light reading.” Said Hermione
“ This is light?” said Ron. Hermione glares at him
“Of course! Here it is! "Nicholas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!" Hermione said.
“ The what?” Harry and Ron asked.
“ Honestly, don't you two read?” she said. "The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It will turn any metal into pure gold and produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal."
“ Immortal?” said Ron
“ It means you'll never die.” Hermione said
“ I know what it means!” said Ron
"The only stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicholas Flamel, the noted alchemist, who last year celebrated his 665thbirthday!" That's what Fluffy's guarding on the 3rd floor. That's what's under the trapdoor...the Philosopher's Stone!” said Hermione
“No wonder Snape wants it,” I said.
 “We have to go to Hagrid’s. Tonight,” Harry said.
At night,  Hermione, Ron, Harry and I are running across the wet ground to Hagrids hut. We knock on the door and it opens.
“ Hagrid!” said Harry.
Hagrid clad in oven mitts and an apron. “Oh, hello. Sorry, don't wish to be rude, but I'm in no fit state to entertain today,” Hagrid said and he closes the door.
“ We know about the Philosopher's Stone!” we said together
Hagrid open the door and we come into his hut
“ We think Snape's trying to steal it,” Harry said
“ Snape? Blimey, Harry, you're not still on about him, are you?” said Hagrid
“ Hagrid, we know he's after the Stone. We just don't know why,” Harry said
“ Snape is one of the teachers protecting the Stone! He's not about to steal it!” said Hagrid
“ What?” I asked suprise
“ You heard. Right. Come on, now, I'm a bit preoccupied today,” said Hagrid
“ Wait a minute. One of the teachers?” Harry asked.
“ Of course! There are other things defending the Stone, aren't there? Spells, enchantments.” Hermione said.
“ That's right. Waste of bloody time, if you ask me,”said Hagrid. “Ain't no one gonna get past Fluffy. Hehe, not a soul knows how. Except for me and Dumbledore. I shouldn't have told you that. I shouldn't have told you that.”
 A cauldron over a fire begins to rattle. Hagrid hurries over and grabs something, puts the thing, an egg, on the table.
“ Uh, Hagrid, what exactly is that?” I asked.
“ That? It's a ... its um...” Hagrid murmured
“ I know what that is! But Hagrid, how did you get one?” Ron asked
“ I won it. Off a stranger I met down at a pub. Seemed quite glad to be rid off it, as a matter of fact,” Hagrid said.
The egg rattles and cracks. Pieces fly off as a dragon emerges. It squeaks and slips on an egg piece.
“ Is that...a dragon?” Hermione said
“ That's not just a dragon. That's a Norwegian Ridgeback! My brother Charlie works with these in Romania,” said Ron
“ Isn't he beautiful? Oh. Bless him, look. He knows his mummy. Hehe. Hallo, Norbert.” Hagrid said. The dragon squakes at Hagrid.
“ Norbert?” Harry asked
“ Yeah, well, he's got to have a name, doesn't he?” Hagrid said.
“That’s an interesting name,” I said.
“Thank you Fanny,” Hagrid smiled at me. Ron laugh.
“Don't you, Norbert?” Hagrid says and raises fingers back and forth across Norberts chin.
Norbert backs away, hiccups and blows a fireball of fire into Hagrid's beard.
“ Ohh! Oooh, ooh, ooh, well...he'll have to be trained up a bit, of course,” Hagrid said. “Who's that?” Hagrid says when he looks someone at the window
“ Malfoy,” Harry said
“ Oh, dear,” Hagrid said.
 We’ walking back through a corridor. An owl screeches.
“ Hagrid always wanted a dragon. He told me so the first time I met him,” Harry said.
“It’s quite an unusual pet, isn’t it?” I said
“ It's crazy. And worse, Malfoy knows,” said Ron
“ I don't understand. Is that bad?” Harry said
“It’s bad,” Ron said.
We stop as McGonagall, in her nightgown, appears.
“ Good evening,” McGonagall said.
Malfoy appears smugly beside her.
We’re in McGonagall's classroom. We accused are standing in front of McGonagall's desk, while Malfoy is feet away, smirking.
“ Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night. Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken,” she said
“ 50?!” Harry shocked.
“ Each. And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention,” McGonagall said
Malfoy nods, then his smile vanishes.
“ Excuse me, Professor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said..."the five of us." He asked.
“ No, you heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will serve detention with your classmates,” McGonagall said
Harry, Ron and Hermione grin, and Draco sags. Then we walk up to our common room.
“Don’t believe that Malfoy will do something like that,” Ron said.
“Well, that’s Malfoy for you,” I said.
We arrive at the common room. And see Gryffindor point just ease 200 points.
“Everyone is not going to be happy about this,” I said.
At the morning, everyone look at the point. How come it just ease so fast. And finally rumors going around that Harry Potter, they’re champion at Quidditch, and his 3 little friends ease the point. Suddenly now, people look angry at us. Everyone at Gryffindor isn’t very happy with us. I don’t really feel the difference because at the first time I still invisible. But for Harry, Ron, and Hermione, it quite difficult. Ron’s brother keep teasing him. Everyone turn away when they see Harry and me. Hermione is not really like to raise her hand in class, she just does her job quitely.
“It’s been an awful week every,” Ron said.
“Yeah, for the first time in my life, I’m glad that I’m invisible,” I said.
“Well, it will get better, we will receive detention tonight,” Harry said.
“When you think nothing can get worst, suddenly it did,” Hermione said.
Outside, at night, all of us are being led to Hagrid's hut by Mr. Filch.
“ A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming,” Filch said. “You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest. A sorry lot this, Hagrid. Oh, good God, man, you're not still on about that bloody dragon, are you?”
“Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony,” Hagrid snifes.
“ Well, that's good, isn't it? He'll be with his own kind,” Hermione said
“ Yeah, but what if he don't like Romania? What if the other dragons are mean to him? He's only a baby, after all,” Hagrid.
“I’m sure he’ll be fine Hagrid,” I said, try to cheer him up.
“ Oh, for Gods sake, pull yourself together, man. You're going into the forest, after all. Got to have your wits about you,” Filch said.
“The forest? I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there. Students aren't allowed. And there are ...werewolves!” Draco said. He’s kinda scared
“ There's more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that.” Said Filch. Draco looks frightened.
“ Right. Let's go,” said Hagrid
We walk along a path to a tree. Hagrid stops, bends down and dips his fingers in a silver puddle. He pulls out his fingers and rubs them together. A silver trail smears with his fingers.
“Hagrid, what's that?” Harry asked
“ What we're here for. See that? That's unicorn's blood, that is. I found one dead a few weeks ago. Now, this one's been injured bad by something. So, it's our job to find the poor beast.Ron, Hermione, you'll come with me.” Hargrid said
“Who would do something like that? Killed a unicorn?” I asked.
“ Okay.” Said Ron weakly.
“ And Harry, Fanny, you botg will go with Malfoy. Draco grimaces, and Harry nods.
“ Okay. Then I get Fang!” said Draco
“ Fine. Just so you know, he's a bloody coward,” said Hagrid.
Harry, Draco and I are walking through the forest, Fang leading. Draco has the lamp.
“ You wait till my father hears about this. This is servant's stuff,” Draco said.
“You think Hagrid is a servant? He’s an animal watcher,” I defended Hagrid
“ If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared,” said Harry.
“ Scared, Potter?!!” he schoffs. “Did you hear that? Come on, Fang. Scared.”
We approach a flat ground with gnarled roots all over. Fang stops, then growls.
“ What is it, Fang?” I asked.
Up ahead, a cloaked figure is crouched over a dead unicorn, drinking its blood. The figure raises its head, silver blood dripping from its mouth.
Harry gasps and grabs his scar, which is hurting.
“Are you okay Harry?” I asked panickly.
“ AHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHH!” Draco screams and runs away, with Fang. “ HELP!!!!!”
Draco left by himself. The figure slides over the unicorn and rises erect. It advances towards Harry, who backs up, but trips. And the figure see me. He crawls backwards. Suddenly, there is the sound of hoofbeats. A figure leaps over Harry and lands near the cloaked figure. It is a silver centaur. It rears, and the cloaked figure retreats, flying away.
“What is that?” I asked curiously.
“ Harry Potter, you and your friend must leave. You are known to many creatures here. The forest is not safe at this time. Especially for you,” said that centaur.
“ But what was that thing you saved me from?” said Harry.
“ A monstrous creature. It is a terrible crime to slay a unicorn. Drinking the blood of a unicorn will keep you alive even if you are an inch from death. But at a terrible price. You have slain something so pure that the moment the blood touches your lips, you will have a half-life. A cursed life,” said that centaur
“ But who would choose such a life? It’s terrible life,” I said.
“ Can you think of no one?” said that centaur
“ Do you mean to say...that that thing that killed the unicorn...that was drinking its blood...that was Voldemort?” Harry asked.
“ Do you know what is hidden in the school at this very moment?” said that Centaur
“ The Philosopher's Stone,” said Harry and me.
Suddenly, a dog barks. We looks up and sees Hagrid, Hermione, Ron and Draco appear.
“ Harry! Fanny!” said Hermione
“ Hello there, Firenze. I see you've met our young Mr. Potter. And this is Ms. Peter,” Hagrid said.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Firenze,” I said.
Firenze looks shocked. “It’s the first time someone call me mister. Nice to meet you too little girl,” Firenze smiles at me
“You all right there, Harry, Fanny?” asked Hagrid. Harry and I nod.
“ Harry Potter, this is where I leave you. You're safe now. Good luck.” Firenze said. “Bye Ms. Peter,” he smiles and leave.
“I think it’s the first I see he smiles,” Hagrid said. “You have a magic in you Fanny,” Hagrid said.
I smiles at Hagrid
Now, we at Gryffindor common room. Right after 'attack.' We sit around the fire. Hermione, Ron and me are seated, but Harry stands.
“ You mean, You-Know-Who's out there, right now, in the forest?” asked Hermione
“ But he's weak. He's living off the unicorns. Don't you see? We had it wrong. Snape doesn't want the stone for himself, he wants the stone for Voldemort. With the Elixir of Life, Voldemort will be strong again. He'll He'll come back,” Harry said and he sits down.
“ But if he comes back, you don't think he'll try to kill you, do you?” asked Ron
“ I think if he'd had the chance, he might have tried to kill me tonight,” Harry said.
“ And to think, I've been worrying about my Potions final!” said Ron.
“ Hang on a minute. We're forgetting one thing. Who's the one wizard Voldemort always feared?” I said. The boys shrug
“ Dumbledore! As long as Dumbledore's around, you're safe. As long as Dumbledore's around, you can't be touched,” said Hermione. Harrysmiles slightly.
“Don’t worry Harry, I’m sure Dumbledore will do anything to protect you,” I stroke his back.
Some time later after the test, we’re in the outdoor courtyard. We are walking.
“ I've always heard Hogwarts' end of the year exams were frightful, but I found that rather enjoyable.” Said Hermione.
“Yeah, it’s not that bad,” I said.
“ Speak for yourself,” said Ron.
“It’s your fault, when I asked you to study 2 months before the test, you don’t  want to,” said Hermione. Ron just frown.
“All right there, Harry?” I asked
“ My scar. It keeps burning,” said Harry
“ It's happened before,” said Hermione
“ Not like this,” said Harry
“ Perhaps you should see the nurse,” said Ron. I raise my eyebrow at Ron.
“ I think it's a warning. It means dangers coming. Uhh!” Harry said and rubs scar and then sees Hagrid across the field, at his hut}.”Oh. Of course!” And runs for hut.
“ What is it?” Hermione said
“ Don't you think it's a bit odd that what Hagrid wants more than anything is a dragon, and a stranger shows up and just happens to have one?” Harry said and approach Hagrid, who is playing his flute.
“ I mean, how many people wander around with dragon eggs in their pockets?” I said.
“ Why didn't I see it before” said Harry.
“Hagrid, who gave you the dragon egg?” Harry asked. Hagrid stops playing.” What did he look like?”
“I don't know. I never saw his face. He kept his hood up,” Hagrid said.
“ The stranger, though, you and he must have talked,” said Harry
“ Well, he wanted to know what sort of creatures I looked after. I told him. I said, "After Fluffy, a dragon's gonna be no problem." Said Hagrid.
“ And did he seem interested in Fluffy?” I asked.
“ Well, of course he was interested in Fluffy! How often do you come across a three headed dog, even if you're in the trade? But I told him. I said, "The trick with any beast is to know how to calm him. Take Fluffy, for example, just play him a bit of music and he falls straight to sleep." Said Hagrid.
“Hagrid, you shouldn’t say that,” I said. We gapes and run as quick as we can.

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