Situations (A Dahvie Vanity...

By Asht0nNotirwin

15.7K 258 36

Aj is the daughter of Nikki Sixx and loves it. But when she moves to Orlando to start her music career and fi... More

Situations (A Dahvie Vanity FanFiction)
How do you know her?
Oh to the Em to the Em to the G
Warped tour...
First Show
And Then There Were Four.... And Bryan Stars
Date........... WITH ANDY?!
Date with Niall :3
Nom Noms on Botdf's bus
Dying All of the hairs!
Batman? Fuck Batman.
Finding Out
Four More Months...
Two More Weeks
Blade Biersack
What are ya doin here Mr. Stars?
Fronzie Baby!!!
C.J. Frixx?
You're Giving Me A Heart Attack
Chicken? CHICKEN?!
Jayy Rain Vanity
Years And Years
Happy [Not] End
Not Good Enough For The Truth In Cliché

Your Forever is All That I Need

297 6 0
By Asht0nNotirwin

Well Space Tacos, we still have a long ways to go before this story is finished xD Looks like you'll have to deal with me for a while. c:


Once Dahvie was done with my make up, I grabbed his hand and we ran to the stage. When we were there, Kerry saw us and grabbed my hand.

"Why did you need to fix your make up? It looked perfect when you left. And why were you holding hands with Dahvie?" She rushed out looking at me. I sighed and l looked at her.

"Andy cheated on me, and I was crying, and Dahvie was arguing with and Andy was gonna punch Dahvie, so I stopped him, and told Dahvie how much I love him and we kissed and he redid my make up and now we're here." I rushed out and her eyes got wide.

"Whenever I see that little fuck again, I'm going to beat his ass. No one cheats on MY A.J. and gets away with it." She said hugging me.

"Then why did Brandon get away with it?" I asked laughing hugging her back.

"Who said I didn't beat his ass?" She said pulling away from the hug, and pointing at a limping Brandon. I laughed and hugged her again.

"What did you do to him?" I asked holding in another laugh.

"Well, I literally beat his ass, and I may have crushed his legs a tad bit." She said giggling. I smiled and pulled away from the hug when Kale ran over to us telling us we were on in 5 minutes. I ran over and grabbed my bass and tuned it before we went on. I plugged in my bass and we ran on stage.

"WHAT'S UP MOTHER FUCKERS!!!" Jason yelled into the mic. The crowd screamed back in response. 

"WHO WANTS SOME BRING ME THE HORIZON?!!" I screamed while smiling. The fans screamed various 'Yeahs'. Then we started playing Anti-Vist.

"Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

I'm sick to death of swallowing, every single thing I'm fed.

Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

You think you're changing anything?

Question everything!

The world is a shit tip, your children are fucked

The ones you think guard you are out for your blood

When minds are battered and washed out with static

But what exactly do you think you're gonna do?

United, we'll fail.

Divided, we'll fall.

We're fucked, but you're makin' it worse.

United, we'll fail.

Divided, we'll fall.

Give up, 'cause you're makin' it so much worse.

Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

I'm sick to death of swallowing every single thing I'm fed.

Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

You think you're changing anything?

Question everything!

Oh, give me a break you deluded, ill-informed, self-serving prick.

If you really believe in the words that you preach,

Get off your screens, and onto the streets.

There will be no peaceful revolution!

No war without blood!

You can say I'm just a fool, that stands for nothing.

Well, to that,

I say you're a cunt!

(Kick it!)

United, we'll fail.

Divided, we'll fall.

United, we'll fail.

We're fucked, but you're makin' it worse!

Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

I'm sick to death of swallowing every single thing I'm fed.

Middle fingers up, if you don't give a fuck!

You think you're changing anything?

Question everything!" Jason screamed. Whenever he screamed, Middle Fingers Up, If you Don't Give a Fuck, people would gladly put them up. It made me happy.

"Sorry to get you guys all hyped up, but, we're gonna slow it down." Jason said looking at us.

"Stay for tonight, If you want to

I can show you, What my dreams are made of,

As I'm dreaming of your face

I've been away for a long time, Such a long time

And I miss you there

I can't imagine being anywhere else , I can't imagine being anywhere else but here

How the hell did you ever pick me?

Honestly, 'cause I could sing you a song

But I don't think words can express your beauty."

-------------- 1 hour later---------------

Once we were done with the show, I saw Dahvie backstage talking with some girl. I shook my head, and walked to my bus. Once I got there, I collapsed on my bed. I sighed and rolled over to see Brandon standing at my door. I stood up and hugged him. He seemed surprised at first, but he hugged back almost immediately. I looked up at him and kissed him. Again, he seemed surprised, but he kissed back. I pulled him into the room, and we fell on my bed. And, well some inappropriate things happened after that. 


hope you guys enjoyed!!! I'm gonna make an Austin Carlile Fan fic instead of an Oli Sykes one c: byeeeeeeee now!!!

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