LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016

By Roman_renegade

528K 27.6K 4.4K

Legit "For Chase, somewhere between fighting back and giving up, along came Levi." WARNING: Loads of swearin... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Author's Note.
Happy New Year !

Chapter 30

12.5K 713 39
By Roman_renegade


It was 2.36 am when Levi came knocking at my door.

And she was drunk.

Imagine my face when I opened the door and see her dancing like a maniac to the 'Why the fuck you lyin' ' beat? Yeah totally not a great sight when the bottle of alcohol was in her hand.

I was glad that she ended up here, instead of in some stranger's bed.

Somehow, I couldn't bare the thought of Levi with some stranger. It made me mad to even think about it.

I invite her in and she hops inside. I was used to Levi's way of hopping till now, it didn't surprise me anymore.

"Chase, why are you so hot?"

I assume it was her drunken self speaking but it was amusing nevertheless.

"I don't know Levi."

I walk to her and grab her wrist. Every time when I touch her I get this feeling to not lose the contact. You get what I mean? I don't know, I just wanted to hold her.

I take her to the bedroom and she immediately hops onto the bed, taking me with her in the process.

I get up and shake my head disapprovingly at her but she just grins and that's when I realise how much I missed her grin.

How much I missed her.

The thought of Levi doing the drugs was something hard to believe. Hell, it was impossible to believe.

I didn't even know if Lee was telling the truth or no.


Levi got up from the bed and started walking towards me. She wasn't just walking, she was walking while swaying her hips from side to side which was so damn seducing I couldn't even think.

I starred at her in awe.

She stops when she's inches away from me but her expression goes from confidential to tired real quick.

I watched her eyes getting dull in a moment.

"Chase." She whispers looking in my eyes.

"What's wrong Levi?"

"I-I-" she sobs and suddenly she bursts into tears.

My eyes widen and I immediately catch her when she was about to fall.

Levi covers her face with her hands and my heart breaks a little more to watch her suffering like this.

This wasn't my Levi, but then again it was the drugs who kept her happy that it made me think who was the real Levi.

Levi was the girl sobbing in front of me.

Levi was the girl who wasn't so strong.

Levi was the girl who was more complicated than any Mona Lisa's puzzle.

Levi was the girl who was everything but happy.

And it hurt. It hurt to know that I wasn't doing anything about it. It hurt a lot more to know that Levi was going through it all alone.

I wanted to know what exactly was keeping her aloof.

"Levi." I run my hand softly through her hair while she sobbed on my shoulder.

"I m-miss my mom, Chase." Her voice cracks and she breaks down once again, sobbing loudly while hiccupping in the process.

"What happened to her?"

Somehow, I got the feeling that drunken Levi will provide me all the answers to my question. Call me whatever you want but it was the only way I could help her cuz the sobber one wouldn't tell me a thing.

"I-I- Chase my mom-"

"What do you mean?" I stare at Levi's face trying to figure out wherever she is going with that.

She once again sobs loud than ever and I hug her immediately, whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"Sh-she- M-my mom and dad used to fight every n-night....my dad c-cheated on my mom and I- my mom committed su-suicide."

Levi grips the fist onto my shirt tightly and her eyes was shut close while the tears fell frantically and went on one after the other.

I couldn't believe whatever I was hearing.

Levi's dad didn't seem like the person to do something like that but then again Levi also didn't seem like the person to do drugs and Peter turned out to be a savior.

Isn't it funny though? Isn't it funny how one person turns out to be? Isn't it funny how life surprises us with the most unexpected things? Isn't it funny how quickly we judge the person without knowing them? Isn't it funny how we play the dangerous game called 'Life.'?

Sure, I didn't know what Levi felt when her mom committed suicide and maybe she went along with wrong because she had no hand to help.

People commit suicide, what's new you ask? What's new is that we don't know anything. We're all oblivious to our surroundings that we forget to watch people as they hide in their fake selves.

Levi was young when she made the mistake, maybe because we all regret the mistakes when we were young.

Mistakes turns out either to be the best or it can be the worse of all.

"M-my dad is a c-cruel man Chase. He might have helped y-your father but tr-trust me he might have t-taken something in r-return." She mumbles between her sobs.

I didn't know what to think. I didn't even know how to react or how to even consume the information.

"Chase." She looks up at me with her teary eyes and expectantly.

"Yes Levi?"

She stares at me like I was the most beautiful person in the world.

And even in her worse state, Levi made me feel special.

"I love you and I hope you understand that I won't be around every time but I want you to not give up on anyone Chase. You're the best thing that ever happened to me and you don't know how happy I was to wake each day and see your face, to talk to you, to just glance at your face, to annoy you.

To be honest I liked you the way you were before. All grumpy and cold self but I love you for what you've become now and I couldn't be any more happier.

Chase, you have to know how I tried to get rid of these things, these pills but I couldn't. It was the only thing that kept me happy and relieved. But I tried, I tried to stop it once I got to know that you made me happy than those pills but I was addicted to them than you and once I stopped, I realised that I couldn't smile without tears, that I couldn't walk without shaking. The side effects was killing me Chase and now I'm long gone to be fixed. And I-"

She was in a rush. It was like she wanted to catch something and I was confused. It was like she was begging for something, time I assume.

I wasn't surprise at her confession to her love towards me because I knew that Levi loved me. The happiness was already gone of that feeling but what stayed was the ache in my heart.

The way Levi spoke made me realise something and I know that this was in fact her last confession, her last words.

I hold her tight, I take her to bed and lay beside her while not letting her go. I hold her like my life depended on her.

And from this day I knew I wasn't going to be same anymore and just as Levi drifts off to sleep in a peaceful night,

"I love you too Levi." I mumble.

A sob escapes my throat as the ache in my heart worsens.

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