spilled milk ° lee seokmin

By _seulhee

53.5K 1.8K 243

❝We're dating, she just doesn't know it yet.❞ about a boy who held onto things that couldn't be changed, her... More



9.5K 210 31
By _seulhee

Seokmin stared in awe at her smile, the exact smile that was voted 'best smile' by his fellow peers. She was seen as someone who was easy-going yet shy, her cheeks flushed with color the minute she was called pretty by fellow classmates.
Seokmin admired her from afar, his perspective only focused on her. To her, Seokmin was just another classmate. Seokmin on the other hand, was smitten by her.

"Inhyung, come look at this." Seokmin felt his cheeks begin to heat up as Inhyung walked towards him, her attention not on Seokmin but his fellow desk mate, Lee Chan. "You're in the lead for the school's poll on 'prettiest smile'."

"I never knew I was on the placed on the list to begin with," She sheepishly admitted.

"I'm sure you'll win." Seungcheol, the class leader added. He sent her a cheeky wink, Seokmin cringing at how cheesy he was being. Inhyung quickly thanking Seungcheol before walking back to her seat at the front of the class, a smirk plastered across Seungcheol's face. Seokmin was about to say something to in regards to Inhyung but was cut off as soon as the teacher walked into the classroom and began her lesson.

Small conversations filled the air around as lunch progressed, Seokmin heading to his usual table. He began to pick at the crust of his sandwich as he waited for Soonyoung, the blonde boy quickly arriving moments after only to set down his lunch tray. Seokmin sat in awe at the boy next to Soonyoung, the various colors in the boy's hair immediately catching his eye. Judging by Seokmin's diverted attention, Soonyoung paused his conversation and introduced his friend.

"Seokmin, this is Minghao. He's a new transfer student from China." Soonyoung gestured to Minghao, the boy politely bowing.

"I like your hair, how were you able to get it passed administration?"

"The same way they allowed Soonyoung to have his hair dyed blonde." Seokmin was impressed by Minghao's Korean, if Soonyoung hadn't mentioned he was from China Seokmin would've assumed he was just another transfer student from a neighboring school.

"Where are the others?" Seokmin then asked as he took a bite of his sandwich, Soonyoung to invested in his food to catch what he said the first time. Soonyoung stopped mid-chew to only look up at Seokmin, Soonyoung's expression drawing a blank. He waited for his friend to repeat the question again prior to responding.

"They should be here soon, last I saw them they were in the classroom throwing crumpled up paper balls at each other." Soonyoung quickly explained how they were expecting more people to Minghao, in which he nodded in response. Shortly, two boys of almost the same height approach the table; the shorter of the two grabbing the taller boy by his ear. Their expressions immediately changed the minute they catch sight of Minghao, Minghao looking lost and confused. "Minghao, this is Wonwoo." He gestures towards the shorter boy. "The boy who is wincing in pain at the moment is Mingyu." The three of them exchange greetings before continuing with lunch, Mingyu stealing a fish skewer from Soonyoung; earning him a flick to the head. "What took you guys so long?"

"Genius over here threw a paper ball at me and I got caught trying to throw it back," Wonwoo grumbled, taking the skewer from Mingyu and eating it for himself. "I had to clap the chalk powder out the chalkboard erasers."

"It was worth it," Mingyu smirked, retrieving his fish skewer. Mingyu hits Wonwoo when realizing the was nothing left on the skewer, Wonwoo scrunching up his face in response. The two boys continue to bicker, leaving Soonyoung and Minghao to stop them. Seokmin was more focused on Inhyung who sat a few tables away, Inhyung's hand covering her mouth as she continued to laugh. His thoughts were torn away at the sound of Minghao's abrupt question.

"What's Seokmin staring at?" Seokmin turns to look at Minghao only to find him asking Soonyoung. "I swear he's been staring in that direction for at least five minutes." Seokmin looked completely lost as he stared at his friends, Mingyu and Wonwoo exchanging similar glances.

"He's staring at Inhyung." Mingyu told him while pointing towards her, Minghao glancing to catch a glimpse of her.

"Seokmin's a fool for her," Wonwoo added, Seokmin sending him glares. "What did he always say when we would ask about her?"

"We're dating, she just doesn't know it yet." Mingyu mimicked, Seokmin throwing a crumpled napkin at him. Wonwoo joins in, Minghao and Soonyoung to caught up in their own conversation to care. "Not again." Mingyu raises his arms in attempt to shield himself, crumpled napkins thrown left and right. Seokmin could've sworn through the corner of his eye he saw Inhyung smile at him, even if she didn't he'll still pretend she did.


A/N: i've had this story saved for a while, so that's why the start date doesn't match up with the actual date

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