When The Wicked Witch Meets t...

By FindMeIfYouDare

215K 8.1K 441

What happens when the Big Bad Wolf meets his mate? He kidnaps her of course! He's in for a nasty surprise tho... More

When The Wicked Witch Meets the Big Bad Wolf
The Wicked Witch of the West Wing
Connect and Reconnect
A Tragic Tale and A Flaming One
The Big Mad Wolf
What Rhymes With Witch
Magical Matters
I'll Show You Mine
If You Show Me Yours
The Truth
Before She Became The Wicked Witch
Her Sign is a Sign
How a Witch Plans a Party
Royalty Arrives
Pain In the A** Parents
The Nightmare Begins
Why I Want You
Darkness Becomes Her
Escaping Her Cage
A Deal with the Devil
The Beginning of the End
Finally Forgiven
More to Come

Secrets Revealed

6.2K 258 8
By FindMeIfYouDare


Okay so for everyone who's been waiting for an update since forever I love you and here it is! The reason it took me so long to write this chapter is because a) I'm lazy b) I wasn't entirely sure where this chapter was going to go and c) the lovely new character you're going to meet in this chapter was being a smarmy jerk. Hahaha read the chapter and enjoy Mr. Smarmy and of course the reveal of more of Violet's secrets! That girl just keeps piling them on!

The Big Bad Wolf

I stare in shock as the werewolf emerges from the crowd yelling at my mate. My wolf rises and in seconds I have Violet behind me and the wolf on his knees with me about to rip his head off. The only thing that stops me is the fact that I don't want to scare my mate away. The poor thing is still antsy around werewolves and all I need to do is kill someone in front of her, that'd really help. Growling I tighten my hold on his neck and tilt his head back so that I can see his eyes.

"What did you just say to my mate?" I snarl at him barely controlling my anger.

"You heard me alpha," gasps the wolf. "That bitch you call a mate killed my pack."

"DON'T YOU DARE DISRESPECT HER!" I yell as I hear gasps from the pack as I slam him onto the ground.

"She- she killed them a- all." Whispers the wolf as he coughs up blood. "I - I never thought - never thought I'd actually get a cha- chance to get my revenge." I'm about to say something when I hear laughter behind me and turn to see a paler than normal Violet standing there. Her bitter laughter fills the silence as she cross her arms and stares down at the wolf I have by the throat.

"I'm surprised you aren't dead," she says coldly. "I suppose you're the one that was told to escape as I slaughtered them. I'm surprised that he tried to save you. You can't get revenge on me because their death was my revenge. Plus you can't even harm me without killing yourself and I'm much stronger than you." I stare almost in shock. It looks like my mate but the posture and voice are hard and cold not at all like my sweet little Violet.

"You bitch!" spits the wolf I am about to rip to pieces. "What gives you the right to rip apart my family and not go unpunished?"

"I was punished for it!" hisses Violet her eyes shooting sparks. "I watched that monster you called a father 'rip apart my family' and then leave them for dead! What gave him the right to prey on innocent people? Innocent children? My younger brother and sister? What gave him the right to kill them - to kill me?"

"He didn't do it!" growls the wolf. "You're lying!"

"I'm not!" Violet says stepping forward menacingly. "In fact I can show you exactly what happened! I can show everyone here exactly what your father did to my family!" My mind is whirling and my instincts are still telling me to kill this wolf but the look on Violet's face stops me. She looks beyond angry almost beyond any emotion at all. My wolf knows that our mate needs us at this moment more than this wolf poses a threat to her.

"Violet," I start to say stepping forward only to be swept up in her magic as she takes the entire pack back to that fateful day. . . The day is replayed for us as if seeing it through Violet's eyes as we watch the events unfold. She told me the story but seeing it, experiencing it, for one's self is entirely different. After the death of her family she takes us to another memory, one I haven't seen before, to the day she killed the wolf's pack.


Violet sits on the edge of building looking over the edge and peering at the people walking along the sidewalk beneath her. It's been years since her family's death and the time has finally come for her to take her revenge. Of course neither Aunt Marye, Monique, or even Delilah know that and they never will. When Aunt Marye and Monique came to take Violet away they promised to let her get her revenge but it's easy to make promises until the ugly truth of them stares you in the face. Violet is going to kill the wolf that killed her family. She is going to murder him and his entire family, his entire pack if she has to. Either way people are going to die today and that is a fact that most people have a problem swallowing even if they knew it was bound to happen.

Standing Violet spreads her arms wide before letting gravity carry her over the edge of the building. The fall is fast and takes Violets breath away but when she lands its feet first on the earthy ground of a field. Looking around Violet notices that she's in a field and people are standing at the other side facing away from her having some sort of meeting. Cocking her head to one side Violet listens as the man talking speaks about the upcoming full moon and the harvest festival. All the people in the crowd are werewolves and the man up front is their alpha. The man, their alpha, he's the one who killed her family.

Violet walks forward letting her magic stretch out before her and wrap around the wolves. As she moves Violet watches them. They don't even notice her presence which is good since they aren't supposed to. Not yet. Not until Violet is ready. Moving to the very front Violet watches the man talk to his pack. He seems like a good man and a good alpha but that doesn't matter. He did something to horrible for Violet to ever forgive and now he will pay the price.

Snapping her fingers Violet watches as the people around her suddenly notice her. She simply ignores them since her magic is holding them where they are anyway. Her eyes are trained on the man before her the man who's eyes are finally fixed on her.

"Hello," Violet says her voice soft and hinting at nothing but politeness.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing here?" demands the man stepping forward.

"You don't remember me?" asks Violet her eyes flashing.

"Have we met?" asks the man as he moves forward again until he is less than three feet from Violet.

"I'm surprised you don't remember me," Violet hisses her composure slowly falling apart as the pack grows restless around her. "You killed me. You murdered me after you massacred my family!"

"No," breathes the man as he steps closer and stares at Violet in disbelief. "It can't be- You- you were dead! All of you were dead! It was a mistake! A careless night in the woods when my wolf was too restless to be let out! It wasn't my fault!"

"Tell that to my family," spits Violet. "You killed them and now I'm going to show you exactly what that feels like! The pain of losing the people you love most and knowing you can't save them!" With those words Violet flicks her wrist and the lady standing nearest to her cries out in pain as her heart is ripped out and dropped beside her now lifeless body.

"NO!" roars the man as all hell breaks loose. People run, scream, some shift, while some try to attack Violet other are trying to get away. Nobody does though not to Violet's knowledge until the only one left alive in the field are the man who murdered her family and herself. Standing amongst the dead of his pack she watches him hang his head in shame and defeat. Only then does Violet realize the presence of someone fleeing through the woods.

"You made sure to your son got away," she says coldly as she stares down at the man before her. "You made sure that he got away and survived though you used the lives of other to procure it." The man looks up his eyes filled with a silent plea to let his son live. "Oh don't worry I'm not going to kill him," says Violet her tone icy. "But he will never kill again. Never hurt another living being again. No more hunting. If he kills an animal he will suffer the pain and if he kills a human. . . he dies."

Shaking her head Violet kneels down amongst the dead so that she is eye to eye with the man. "You will die now. I'm going to burn this forest down starting with the field you and your family lived in. There will be no bones. No survivors. Even your son may not make it out alive. This is my revenge though I doubt I'll sleep better even when it is done." She stands ready to be done with the whole business but he speaks.

"So this is your revenge?" whispers the man. Violet looks down at him and sees something almost akin to pity in his eyes. She nods. "Then I am sorry for you. My family may be dead but we will be come back and run through the trees as spirits until my son joins us to go to serve the Moon Goddess. It is you who will suffer. The hatred in your heart is a cold and ugly thing and one day it will consume you unless you can find a way to let it go. You have my deepest remorse for what I did to your family. I know I deserve to die for it and I understand that. One day I hope you can find happiness again. I forgive you and hope one day you will forgive me. Now do it, end my life."

Violet's eyes are cold and empty as she raises her hand and sinks it into his chest. Slowly she pulls out his heart holding it in her hand as she watches the man's body drop lifelessly to the ground surrounded by his pack, his family. All of them dead. Dropping the heart Violet looks around at the destruction she's caused. As she looks on spirits rises from the bodies of the dead and soon she is surrounded by spectral wolves. The alpha sits before her in wolf from staring at her with ghostly eyes before raising his head and howling at the moon. His pack joins him in his song as they stand around Violet singing out their forgiveness to her in the only way they can.

"I don't need your forgiveness," hisses Violet as tears gather in her eyes. Snapping her fingers she holds a ball of fire in her hand, blowing on it she watches as the flames swirl around and land on ground setting everything aflame. Violet watches the fire burn as wolves continue to howl. The fire can't harm them now. Sighing heavily Violet walks away from the field and out of the forest. She stands and watches from a hill nearby as the flames consume the trees. Watching her from the trees is the wolves. They know she will return someday. . .


I gasp as Violet's magic releases us and I find myself back in my backyard with the pack staring silently at Violet and the wolf whose family she killed. This side of Violet I've just seen is something I've never seen before. All the anger and pain she had back then was much stronger compared to when we first met. Looking up I see Violet standing before me looking lost and broken I want to reach out to her but I'm not sure I know this Violet. No one moves and no one says anything. I can see the stares people are giving her are making Violet nervous but how can we not stare?

When Violet's eyes meet mine I don't know what to do, what to say. When I make no move toward her I see something flash in her eyes and it breaks my heart. Just as I'm about to rush forward and tell her this changes nothing I hear the slow deliberate clapping of someone behind her. Violet whirls around and I look over her shoulder to see a guy about our age emerging from the woods. He's dressed in an expensive looking suit in his gloved hand he carries what looks like a can with some kind of jewel on top. Black hair is slicked back and his eyes have a dark glint in them. The guy screams trouble. Clapping he stands before Violet and smirks at her.

"What can I say Princess this is the last place I expected to find you," his tone is soft and deadly. The smell of magic radiates off of him and I can feel power humming in his bones.

"Seb- Sebastian?" asks Violet her voice trembling and her hands shaking. She looks like she's about to pass out.

"Who else would I be Princess?" asks the guy, Sebastian. "Don't worry it's really me." He spreads his arms wide in a dramatic fashion.

"But - but you're dead!" Violet wails as she seems to crumble as her shoulders slump.

"No Princess," Sebastian says quietly. "You may have tried to kill me but I promised I'd never leave you." At those words my blood runs cold. I don't know who he is but he needs to stay away from Violet.

"Violet," I growl as I stalk toward her. "Stay away from him."

"Come here Princess," murmurs Sebastian holding out his arms still. Violet doesn't even turn to me as she walks forward as if in a trance. I try to reach out to grab her but she reaches Sebastian first and he wraps his arms around my mate holding her close.

"VIOLET!" I roar as they vanish before my eyes.


Can I just say that Sebastian (aka Mr. Smarmy) might be my favorite character! *sigh* he is just so evil I adore it! Anyway more of him in the next chapter and the rest of the story! I know this chapter was all from Lucas's POV (even if some of it did feature Violet) but I thought that we needed his thoughts for this part. After this he and Violet aren't near each other so their parts will focus on separate things which should prove interesting... Any thoughts on Violet and her violent past? Was it to much or just enough? I'll try to be quicker with the next chapter but I make no promises!

Love you guys!



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