Unbearable Decisions (boyxboy)

By NickJoyce

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What happens when you find out that you have powers in a world that hates and despises super-humans? Do you l... More

Unbearable Decisions (boyxboy)
Chapter 1 (An Unchosen Meeting)
Chapter 2 (Brands and Beatings)
Chapter 3 (Separations and Reunions)
Chapter 4 (My Loved Ones)
Chapter 5 (Awkwardness)
Chapter 6 (Beginnings and Endings)
Chapter 7 (Natural Disasters?)
Chapter 8 (Eye of the Hurricane)
Chapter 9 (Missing Sensations)
Chapter 10 (End of this Life)
Chapter 11 (Acrophobia)
Chapter 12 (The City of New Age)
Chapter 14 (Arrangements)
Chapter 15 (Getting Comfy)
Chapter 16 (Around Town)
Chapter 17 (Admittance)
Chapter 18 (Oath of a New Best Friend)
Chapter 19 (Breaking Walls)
Chapter 20 (Broken Promises)
Chapter 21 (Bedtime Stories)
Chapter 22 (Remember Me)
Chapter 23 (Hidden Pain)
Chapter 24 (Showing Love Through Music)
Chapter 25 (A Very Unhappy Birthday)
Chapter 26 (Repeating the Past)
Chapter 27 (Sins of the Father)
Chapter 28 (What are the Stakes?)
Chapter 29 (Confessions)
Chapter 30 (New Decisions)

Chapter 13 (Homecoming)

77 0 0
By NickJoyce

Luca's Point of View

Behind me was a glimpse of the city where I have lived for years. To me it was nothing more than a glorified prison meant to keep us contained and controlled. I saw Jacob's excitement just from being able to see just the top of the skyscrapers. When he looked at me I just turned away so that I wouldn't destroy his hopes. We continued on for a little while and Jacob caught up to me and asked a question whose answer was pretty obvious "are we going to be staying there?" I didn't even try and share his excitement when I told him yes.

We eventually reached the shore and I made the ice reach the sand so that no one will get wet. I turned around to make sure everyone got off safely and out of the corner of my eye I saw Jacob do the same. They got off slowly until there were only three left. The kid that I saved from the crash passed me and gave me a nasty glare before moving on.

Mary then came up to the edge and slipped getting off. I reached out and caught her just in time so that she didn't hit her head. "Thanks" she said and gave me a flirty smile, yeah I knew it was to flirt but I don't want to get close to anyone. I simply nodded and turned my sight on Jacob to give him a smile. I was met by him already smiling like an idiot at me, weird why is he smiling at me? Why did I smile at him?

I turned away from him before I made a fool of myself and touched my earpiece. "Call Councilman Mathew" I said to the device. In less than a minute a small projection of the Senator popped up in my face and a hollow-projected headset appeared on my head. "Mr. Luca it's a surprise to hear from you again so soon. Why are you back on the island?" asked the Councilman. "I was caught and had to escort the new group of kids to the island because the storm crashed the plane on our way here" I said. "Hmm, that is disturbing but I am glad you all are alright. Please escort them to the city and we will meet you on the edge." he said looking upset. "Yes sir, as you wish" I replied and turned off the communicator.

When I turned around I looked for Jacob among the group but what I saw made my stomach churn and my heart hurt. There was Jacob with a girl and they were holding hands. Jacob saw me looking and when I met his eyes I couldn't hold my anger in and I'm sure he saw it in my eyes. I raised my voice so that everyone could hear when a said "Alright I just called my superiors and they said to go ahead and proceed to the city so follow me" but I couldn't remove the anger from my words as I said them.

Why was I so mad that Jacob was holding that girls hand? I mean I thought we were friends but here he is holding some girl's, a girl he just met, hand! I guess that's how easily I can be replaced! I thought that I had finally found a friend but I guess that's never going to happen. I don't need him, I've survived for years without anybody! With this thought I decided to try and avoid him from now on.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when Mary came up beside me. "You like him don't you?" she asked and it took me a minute to register that she was talking to me. "What are you talking about?" I really didn't know what she was talking about. "Don't play dumb with me I saw how you were looking at that Jacob guy even though I was flirting with you" she said with a sly smile on her face. "I do not like him or anyone for that matter" I said trying to hold back my anger. "Besides he doesn't want to be friends with me, just like everyone else" I added to myself.

"Uh huh....friends....sure, that's all you want" she said rolling her eyes. "That's all I've ever wanted from anyone!" I yelled at her. She put her hands up in surrender and said "ok ok just making an observation! Why do you think he doesn't want to be friends, he looks at you the same way you look at him?" she said raising an eyebrow. "Because I can be easily replaced by anyone, especially a beautiful girl" I sighed out in a defeated voice.

Mary turned to look at the two and returned to me saying "it looks like she likes him more than he likes her" she said trying to give me hope. "Whatever" I said and increased my pace to get away from her. I knew better than to get my hopes up when it comes to people, I've been hurt too much for me to make a new bond.

We emerged out of the forest only to come upon the force field, or as I like to call it the cage. Surrounding the outside of the field was dozens of soldier-looking men and women, they were in fact the grunts of the Keeper branch of the Brotherhood. I knew these guys would shoot on sight if this many super-humans showed up at once so I said "everyone stay here while I go talk to them" and I started walking to the Keepers.

As expected, the Keepers aimed their guns at the me and started yelling for me to put my hands up. I did as they wished and stopped just a couple feet away while lifting my hands up. They did a quick pat down and when they deemed me unarmed they asked me who I was. "I will only talk with your commanding officer" I said because I had some semblance of a reputation in this city. "Not until you tell us who you are" continued to yell one of them. I remained silent and they were about to beat me until the man I wanted showed up. "Lower your weapons, I will talk to this boy" commanded the captain.

"I am the captain of this platoon, who are you?" he asked eyeing me over. I held out my arm and my bracelet powered up showing my information on a projection. "I am Luca and I have permission from Councilman Mathew to escort a group of new super-humans inside the city" I said as he looked over my information. "Very well but we will still perform a pat down as well as confiscate their mobile devices and other electronics" he said which I readily agreed to. The rule was that no devices from the outside world were allowed in here.

They opened an area in the field and I gestured for everyone to come over. They got into lines as the Keepers did pat downs on them before going in. I waited for everyone to come through that is until it was Jacob's turn, when he came up I remembered everything that happened that got me to where I am now. I could feel his stare and I knew he was trying to make eye contact but I didn't let him, I got to close to him and now I was hurting inside. I went inside the field before him so that I could continue to avoid him.

I told everyone to gather in a group and wait for a little bit. I saw a bench nearby and went to sit on it so that I could relax, little did I know that I had started crying on my way over. I heard foot steps shortly after but I didn't lift my head to see because I knew who it was, it was Jacob, it was almost like I could feel his presence. He sat pretty close and I moved because it hurt to be close to him knowing that he doesn't want to be friends.

"Luca why are you mad? Did I do something?" asked Jacob sounding genuinely concerned. "N-no I just....I'm just..." but I couldn't finish because I didn't know what to say. Jacob noticed I was crying because he said "Luca why are you crying? Please tell me I want to help" while still trying to make eye contact. After a small internal struggle of whether or not I should talk to him, I faced him and asked the question that was replaying through my mind "a-are we friends?"

Jacob looked surprised by my question but to me it was justified. "Of course we're friends!" he said almost yelling. I still didn't believe him cause out of the corner of my eye I saw that girl he was with watching us. His next question was one that I didn't want to answer, "Why would you think we're not friends?", but I knew that I had to answer him truthfully if I wanted to become friends with him. "Well...I-I haven't had a friend since I was seven and I've forgotten what it feels like so when I saw you with that girl I thought that I was being replaced" I said as tears threatened to fall.

I then heard Jacob start mumbling to himself but I was close enough to make it out, "OH MY GOD!!! He hasn't had a friend since he was seven! Why on earth not?" I don't think he meant to say it on purpose  but I responded anyway saying "Well after I found out I had powers my life went really down hill." He looked surprised that I answered him and asked "did I say what I thought out loud?" I nodded yes and chuckled lightly. He then mumbled again, "Wow I really have to stop doing that." I didn't want him to stop because I thought it made him look cute and before I could stop myself I said "Why? I like it."

His face then started turning pink, but I couldn't figure out what he should be shy about? I know it was wrong to think of Jacob in this way but what he said next made my heart flutter with more happiness than it has felt in years, "Luca I just want you to know that you are the best friend I have ever had and that no one, especially some girl, will ever change that." I started crying again because of that, but I didn't care at that point because I was so happy. He then pulled me into a hug and I returned it immediately unlike our first one, my walls were starting to crumble.

I pulled out of the hug I looked up at the sky wanting to look at the clouds but was met by the Councilman and his assistant heading towards us on a floating platform. Jacob just stared at the contraption like it was made of gold. The Councilman then spoke to the group saying "Welcome children to our wondrous city of Novum Saeculum, your new home!" in a cheery mood, but I knew that was going to change the second he gets me alone.

He continued with "I am Councilmen Mathew and this is my assistant. She will be giving you the grand tour after you visit the hospital." Afterwards, everyone got on and he got off. Jacob turned around to help me up but I shook my head which caused him to give me a confused look. Before I could explain the Councilman beat me to it saying "Mr. Luca and I have some things to discuss so you all can catch up with him later." With that the street disappeared before my eyes and a large desk in a white room replaced it.

"Now Luca can I get you anything to drink, some tea perhaps?" asked the Councilman. "No sir. If I may sir I would like to get right to the point" I said not taking my eyes off of the very light blond haired Councilman. As he sat down he gestured for me to take the seat across from him. "Very well, tell me what happened" he said as he leaned back into his chair. I told him the story from the very beginning up to my capture. "So you were unable to find what you were looking for" he said as he stood up and moved to look out the wall made of glass behind him. "Yes sir, I am sorry" I said as I let my head fall. "No, it's not your fault I'm sure we'll find it in time. For now I have something else I would like you to do" he said as he reached on to his desk to hand me a folder. I was surprised he didn't get mad about me not completing my job! 

I looked at it then back at him trying to gather up my courage to ask him for what I want. "Um...sir may I make request?" "Of course what is it?" he said putting down the file. "I-I would like to have the week off sir for rest and recuperation if I may?" using my words very carefully. His eyes shot open in surprise and said "well Luca this is a first. You've never asked for a day off, let alone a week. What happened while you were out there?" I started blushing when I thought of why I asked for this in the first place, I wanted time to get to know Jacob. "Does it have something to do with one of the new kids?" he asked giving me a questioning look. "Um...yes sir, I think I've finally made a friend" looking up at him with a slight smile on my face.

"That is wonderful news Luca, let me guess it's that boy who offered to help you up?" He said with a smirk on his own face. He put a hand on my shoulder in a congratulatory way because he knew I don't like to touch people. "Of course I will grant your request, but if I may ask why a week?" I looked down at the floor feeling ashamed of why I chose to spend this entire week with Jacob, "I kind of made him a promise and I need the week to make our friendship strong because at the end of the week I will have to break it" I said as tears started falling down my face.

The Senator lifted my head to make me look directly into his eyes, "I understand, I remember what happens at the end of the first week of every new arrival. I will pull a few strings so that you can spend as much time as possible with him before then" he said with sympathy in his eyes. "Thank you sir" I said as I started heading out. "Goodbye Luca I will see you around. Oh and welcome home!"

I literally ran out of the building to the top and signaled for a cab. I couldn't stop smiling the entire way to my home. When we arrived at the hotel I hopped out and thanked the driver, which was a robot so I didn't have to pay. I walked down to my room and pushed the button for the hand scanner. After it took my print I opened the door and heard rustling in one of the rooms. I thought it may have been the maid and went about my business. When the person came out I was greeted by......

Hey guys that was chapter 13. I know I kind of stole Luxord from Kingdom Hearts and stole the Organizations clothes but both were too awesome to not put in my story (I do not own them). Luxord is the Councilman for those who couldn't figure that out. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Please vote and comment!  

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