Hey Angel Book #4 Of JALBOYH

By bitchdoe

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"I Come Alive When I Hear Your Voice. It's a beautiful Sound, It's a beautiful Noise" © 2014 All Right Reser... More

Just A Little Bit Of Your Heart Book Four: Hey Angel


393 12 2
By bitchdoe



"I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride" Niall grabbed Octavia and pressed his lips to hers. The audience was in awe, as they stared at them. Selena and Harry exchanged looks as they know this well be them. They all clapped and Niall picked up octavia, walking her outside as they know this is there destination; there venue.

The venue was beautiful decorated, white roses on the bushes, white tables with small ordiment and small music playing in the background. Beautiful colors surrounding them, it was quite and there turned out to be a house behind them as you can play golf.

Bellamy was with his wife Clarke who was having a ball, eating steak. Selena was actually having a conversation with her

"So that's your baby girl? She's so beautiful!" Clarke said. She looked up at harry who was holding her, she loved the way harry was always caring and no matter what, always loved being there for her.

"Thank you." Selena smiled, turning her affection back to Clarke.

"How you and Bellamy meet? I haven't quite heard the story" Selena said changing the subject from her to them. Clarke smiled leaning into bellamy

"Well, I was the leader of this camp group, I'm actually rich and Bellamy was in my group, he ended up being such a pain in the arse with the whole 'Whatever the hell we want' that, people actually listened to him so, we both became leaders and we both stood by each other, helped each other that...we ended up falling for each other...pretty hard" Selena gushed, a huge awe look on her face.

"That's quite a story. I met my everything in Starbucks. That's the cutest story I ever met. You guys are so cute together" Bellamy laughed as he kissed Clarke cheeks(A/N: my Bellarke feels! Too much to handle! Omg, go watch The 100 and you'll see why I absolutely adore Octavia, Bellamy and Clarke.)

Harry came to selena side, and took a seat as harry gave a nod to bellamy. Clarke smiled as she kept her eye on Cristena

"Babe, we need to have a child" Bellamy eyes widen as Selena chuckled out a laugh.

"Calm down, princess" Clarke groan, rolling her eyes.

"You don't like being called princess?" Harry asked making Bellamy laugh and Clarke nod.

"Yeah, it's not the cute princess it's more the rich princess. He does it to annoy me" Clarke told them, Selena laughed and leaned into harry.

"It's not funny" Clarke laughed.

"It's okay princess" Bellamy said kissing her cheek.


"Congratulations babe! You look amazing in that nice blue wedding dress" Selena complimented Octavia. She smiled,

"Thanks! Have you seen Bell? I haven't see him" Octavia said, worried. Selena smile turned into a frown.

"Yeah, he was with Clarke... lovely girl!" Selena stick her thumb out making octavia laugh

"Just wait till he calls her princess" Octavia winked as she wandered off to find Bellamy.

Selena followed with Harry and Niall, once octavia finds them, her smile turned into a frown and ran towards them.

"Y-Your leaving?" Octavia voice turned soft,watching them. Bellamy turned around

"Yeah...It's your big day, your friends! You don't need your brother around" Bellamy said. Octavia eyes became watery shaking her head.

"I will always need my big brother" Octavia softly said.

Bellamy sight, he cupped her face softly, staring into her green ones "Yeah you don't need me O. Your a big girl! Your tough! Your strong and you can make your own decisions. It's time to let you go" Octavia started crying

"I-I don't want you to go" Octavia cried

"O, it's okay. I'm always going to be your big brother! It's time for you to independent yourself. It's time for your wings to...fly away and experience life since, I didn't let you before" Octavia smiled, remembering how protective Bellamy was.

"I love you?" Octavia said as she collided into his body, holding him into a tight embrace.

"I love you, O" Bellamy said, letting go. Selena hugged Bellamy and Clarke and they promised to come to the wedding.

Octavia went to Niall arms, Bellamy looked at him, a smile turned on his face.

"Treat her good. My sister is amazing" Bellamy said giving Niall a nod. Niall nodded, saying thank you as they watched Bellamy leave.


"This is for the bride and groom, this is When I look at you." Miley plays the piano to the familiar tune, a smile on her face. Niall grabs octavia as he rest his arms on her waist, and her arm on his shoulder, as they started to slow dance.

"Everybody needs inspiration Everybody needs a song A beautiful melody When the nights are long 'cause there is no guarantee That this life is easy" Harry gets up as he takes his hand out for Selena to take, she smiles and places her hands ontop of his " Yeah when my world is falling apart When there's no light To break up the dark That's when I, I
I look at you" Selena smiles as they start to move around the dance floor making selena chuckle. " When the waves are flooding the shore And I can't find my way home any more That's when I, I I look at you" They all continued to dance, around, having fun. At the end of the day, they all went home and Niall and Octavia is going on there honeymoon with there son Evan.


"That was so cute" Selena gushed as she went home. Harry smiled as they reached upstairs to there bedroom. They put Cristena to bed, and smiled down at her as harry started to sing 'Isn't she lovely' Cristena held onto her sloth, she silently mumbled something that caused Selena heart to flutter in joy.


Selena looked at her daughter...a smile on her face as she couldn't believe it. Since that day on, Selena and Cristena have been getting closer and the loving family of the styles, we're always together. There family was there everything and they were happy. Harry and Selena were happy that they found each other and forgave each other. They did love each other and they always will.

The End!

Omg, what a ending! I'm kinda happy on how I ended it here.
I'm glad you liked this book, I had fun writing it.

Thanks for the comments and reads.

Love you all


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