Hearts Of Glass #AdultFiction

By CathyAltier

290K 8.4K 641

WATTPAD FEATURED STORY It's the summer of 1976. Sarah has lived in the small lakeside town of Breezewood a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55

Chapter 22

3.3K 113 8
By CathyAltier

Sarah and Sam had just gotten to their room when Barry stopped them in the hall.

"Hey, Georgie noticed a bar down the street advertising live music tonight. We thought it might be fun to check it out. Are you two up for it?"

Both Sarah and Sam agreed to it and they made plans to meet in the lobby in half an hour.

Sarah closed the door behind her and turned to see Sam sink onto the bed, his guitar in his hands.

"I'm going to take a shower and get ready." She said.

Sam just nodded his head in agreement, not looking up from his guitar.

Sarah was brushing her hair, standing naked in front of the bathroom mirror. She looked closely at her body's reflection in the mirror.

Tex was right, her ribs were outlined against her skin. She ran her hands over them then down her waist, watching how they curved in, then caught on her hip bone.

Sarah knew she had always been just the right weight for her small frame, it wouldn't take too many lost pounds before she would look scrawny.

And looking at herself now, that was how she thought she looked. She thought it was no wonder Sam would be attracted to Gisette. She had the perfect body.

Sarah made the decision right then not to take so many pills.


The bar was just starting to fill up, but they managed to find a corner booth to squeeze into. The music was loud as they gave their drink orders to the waitress. They sat and enjoyed the band, all agreeing that it was good for a local group.

The music changed to a slower song and Sam took Sarah's hand and led her onto the dance floor. His arms circled around her waist, and she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning against him as he pulled her up close.

"This is the first time we've danced, sweetheart." Sam whispered as he stared into her eyes. "You look hot tonight."

Sarah had on the same denim skirt and wedge shoes she wore the first night she stayed with Sam, paired this time with a white embroidered gauze peasant top. She wore her hair down, blown dry to hang straight down her back.

She rubbed her hands over his shoulders, feeling the smoothness of his satiny shirt. The dark blue color highlighted his eyes. Sarah looked into those blue eyes and felt her insides melt.

"This is nice dancing with you. It feels like we are on a date." Sarah giggled. "We've never really been on a date!"

"My god, you're right!" Sam laughed. "Although, we still aren't out alone, are we?"

"No, but if we close our eyes, we can pretend it's just you and me." Sarah closed her eyes and laid her head against him, feeling Sam's cheek rest on the top of her head.

He closed his eyes as their bodies moved together to the slow music.

"I love you. You are the best thing to happen to me." Sam said, smiling tenderly.

Sarah reached up and put her fingertip in her favorite dimple, and Sam grinned, making it even deeper.

"Why do you always do that?" He chuckled.

"Because I love them! I love everything about you, but there is something so irresistible about those dimples."

"I like your dimple too. You know that one you have....?" Sam's fingers ran over Sarah's bottom and landed squarely on the dimple he knew so well.

Sarah laughed and wiggled against him, causing him to inhale and pull her closer.

"I am going to take you back to the room and kiss that dimple until you can't stand it!" He whispered fiercely in her ear.

"Promise?" Sarah teased him then squealed when he twirled her out to match the beat of the fast song that was beginning.

They returned to the table after dancing two fast dances, flushed and out of breath, but pumped up with excitement.

Gisette was coming off the dance floor with Georgie when she saw Sam by the table. She danced through the crowd and up to him, taking his hand and leading him, laughing and protesting, back out to dance with her.

Tex and Barry were at the table next to them, talking to some girls seated there. Sarah sat at the end of the curved booth, opposite of Georgie, watching Sam dancing with Gisette.

"Sarah, we have to talk." Georgie yelled to get her attention.

Sarah looked over at him, coolly. "I don't know what to say to you." She yelled back.

Georgie slid around to sit by her. "First of all, I don't want to have to shout." He tried to make a joke, but only earned a frosty smile from Sarah.

"Will you listen to me at least?" Georgie pleaded.

Sarah nodded but her eyes were searching the dance floor. Gisette and Sam were on the far side now, blocked by other dancers. Every once in a while the crowd would part and she'd catch a glimpse. She didn't like the way Sam's hands rested on Gisette's swiveling hips.

"Let me start by saying that I really love Trish." He saw her roll her eyes. "It's the truth, whether you believe it or not. Trish and I have been through a lot tougher things than this. She is a lot stronger than you think. One little screw up isn't going to break her."

He paused to take a drink. "If you think you have to tell her, go ahead. But I don't think that will be necessary. She will know as soon as she sees me. It's like a sixth sense she has."

"No, it's because you've done this to her before." Sarah said caustically.

"I don't fuck around on her every time she leaves me." Georgie stated. "But she can tell when it does happen."

"Then why the hell do you do it?"

"I don't know." Georgie gave her an embarrassed shrug. "It's just happens."

"That is the fucking lamest excuse I have ever heard!" Sarah couldn't help but let out a giggle when she saw Georgie's face grow red.

"Maybe it is, but it's up to Trish to decide if she wants to put up with it. Don't you think?" Georgie set down his empty glass and waved the waitress over.

Sarah nodded then drained her glass, also handing it to the waitress, and ordering another whiskey. "Ok. I won't say anything." Sarah looked at Georgie's relieved face. "But if she asks me, I won't deny it. Understand?"

Georgie grinned at her. "Sam is lucky to have you, you know that?"

"Yep!" Sarah laughed.

The air was cleared between them; they sat and talked easily after that, but Sarah's eyes kept wandering to the dance floor. She sipped from her glass, not noticing when a new drink was set down and the empty one, taken away.

It had been a few songs and Sam still hadn't come off the dance floor with Gisette. Sarah drank her whiskey and ordered another.

She narrowed her eyes as she spotted them again. She watched Sam dance close to Gisette and run his hands down her sides, grinning as he did. She felt the pin prick again in her heart, and tried to ignore it.

Tex appeared in front of her, handing her a drink and effectively blocking her view. "Down that one, honey. Then come dance with me."

She followed him as they threaded their way through the crowd and stepped on the dance floor. Tex took her hand and pulled her towards him. He danced her smoothly across the floor to a spot where she had a better view of Sam and Gisette.

"I should go over there and hit the bitch." She said bitterly to Tex.

He laughed and twirled her around, then pulled her holding her hand tight against his chest. "No, I think we will just let Sam see that two can play the game, right?"

Sarah leaned back and looked up at Tex. He was just about the same height as Pete, and as she ran her hands over Tex's shoulders, she could feel his muscles were tight.

She used to love when Pete held her and she felt his muscular arms wrap around her. Being in Tex's arms was so much like being in Pete's. She realized, with a pang in her chest, that she missed Pete.

"Sarah, why are you giving me that luscious, dreamy look?" Tex whispered laughingly in her.

Sarah blinked her eyes in confusion, then glanced over at Sam and Gisette. The band was playing a slow song and the pair were passionately entwined. Sam was leaned into Gisette as they were having a serious talk. Sarah felt her mouth go dry and her blood rushing. Gisette had taken Sam's hand from her back and was holding it by their side.

Dancers floated in front of her and she lost sight of them for a second. When she saw them again they had moved back to blend into the shadows by the dance floor. Sam's hand was all over Gisette's ass while she kissed his neck, whispering in his ear.

Sarah silently begged him to just raise his eyes. Just raise them enough to see her, not 10 ft. away from him. But his eyes were focused on Gisette, his thoughts were only on what she was doing to him.

Then Sam just seemed to melt, Sarah saw his surrender in his face. She recognized the half closed look of his eyes and the way his hips curved towards hers. Sarah watched in horror as they kissed, a long passionate kiss. Sam kissed her neck, while his hand massaged her hips into him.

Sarah felt the pin prick in her heart coming apart, heard the loud snap inside as it turned into a crack, and widened with each kiss Sam gave Gisette.

Sarah lowered her head, she felt her face getting flushed and her stomach was churning, she could feel the saliva pouring thick into her mouth.

"Oh shit!" She grabbed her mouth and ran against the dancers and through the crowd, desperately looking for the bathroom.

When she saw the exit sign, she pushed against the door and ran outside. She made it three feet out the door, when she leaned into the wall and heaved up the whiskey that burned inside her.

Tex came up behind her and held her hair, wrapping an arm around her back, for support. Sarah finally raised up, and leaned her back against him, his arm around her waist.

"Sorry about that." She said, weakly.

"Can't handle your whiskey, huh?" Tex stood her up and watched her weave to the side and flatten her hand on the wall to steady herself. He squatted down in front of her and turned his face up, grinning at her. "Climb on my back, and hang on, I'll carry you back to the hotel."

Sarah hung on to Tex's neck and he wrapped her long legs around his middle, then pushed up from his knees to stand. She laid her head on his shoulder, feeling his strong footsteps, as he walked her along the sidewalk to the hotel.

She giggled and said, "My hero!" when Tex stood her in front of her room. Sarah drunkenly felt around  for her purse and started laughing. "I don't have my room key!"

Tex looked at her in disbelief. "You mean you just remembered that?" He laughed. "After walking four blocks? No wait, I walked, you rode on my back!"

He watched her slide to the floor then sat down beside her, picking up her hand, rubbing slow circles in her palm. He said, quietly. "Sarah, honey, you look so sexy tonight."

Sarah laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes to stop the hall from spinning. She felt Tex's arm around her shoulder and she laid her head back to look up at him. Her hand strayed up the hem of his shirt tail, her fingers stoking his smooth flat stomach.

"Do you really think I'm sexy?" She ran her fingers around his waistband, sliding one down to caress the soft hair that was just below. She saw his stomach muscles tightening and heard his quick gasp.

He leaned down to kiss her, and she turned her head, murmuring. "No, I still have the taste of puke in my mouth." She offered her neck up to him and he buried his face, inhaling her soft scent and getting lost in the silkiness of her hair.

Sarah slid onto his lap, her legs straddled him and her skirt was hiked up, giving him a view of the soft brown hair through her white lace panties.

She knew what she was doing was wrong, but right now she didn't care. Her hands rested on his shoulders as she moved back and forth, and she threw her head back as she felt the friction heating her up.

Tex's fingers were under her blouse, pinching and rolling her nipples. He growled and raised her shirt, locking his lips on one and sucking hard. He held on to her hips as she ground down on him. His hands roamed over her ass, slipping under to clutch the cheeks as he thrust up against the grinding, his excitement building with hers when his fingertips butterflied over her sensitive spot. Tex felt Sarah's release, and he pulled her down, holding her tight and feeling shock waves through his body as his own overtook him.

Sarah leaned her forehead to his shoulder and he felt her shoulders shake as she cried. He heard her softly say Sam's name.

Tex leaned his head back and groaned. "Fuck, Sarah!  We shouldn't have done that!"

"I'm sorry, Tex, I am so sorry." Sarah wiped her eyes and laid her head on his chest.

He rubbed her back, comforting her with softly spoken words. "It's okay, honey. It will be alright."

Tex closed his eyes and tried to think of what to do. He knew he had no choice. He sighed and stood up, holding a wobbly Sarah in his arms as he pulled his shirttail down to cover the front of jeans.

"I'm going to have to take you back to my room. And I'm going to leave you there while I go get Sam. Ok?"

Sarah looked up and said venomously.  "Yes,  I'm going to cut off his fucking dick!"

He was trying to unlock his door, with Sarah still in his arms, when he heard Sam yell his name from the end of the hall.

Tex set Sarah down by his door and walked towards Sam, holding out his hand when he saw the angry look on Sam's face. "Don't start, Sam."

Sam stopped a few feet away from Tex's hand. His eyes were sparking with fury and his hands were clenched into fists.

"What the fuck are you doing with Sarah?" Sam demanded.

"She's drunk. Sick drunk. I brought her back to her room, but she forgot her key." Tex spoke patiently, as if explaining to a child. He didn't want to fight Sam. "Do you have your key? If you open the door, I'll bring her in to your room."

Sam threw his keys at Tex, "You open my fucking door and I'll carry Sarah in."

Tex caught the keys neatly in one hand. He narrowed his eyes at Sam. "You know, man, maybe if you had spent more time with her and paid her just a little more attention, she wouldn't have gotten so drunk."

"Fuck you, Tex. Get your own chick to worry about, I can take care of mine." Sam was getting belligerent.

"Then get your ass over here and carry me to my room!" Sarah yelled. She was leaning against the wall, with her arms crossed, glaring at Sam.

Sam stalked over to her and looked in her bleary eyes. Sarah narrowed hers and glared at him. Her lips were drawn thin in a tight line. Shaking his head, he bent to put his arm under her knees.

Sarah wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. He gave a gasp of surprise and stumbled, then managed to gain his footing and keep his grip on Sarah.

Sarah grinned at Tex and blew him a kiss as she was carried past him. "Good night and thank you for being my hero tonight!"

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