The Blind Girl's Guardian Ang...

By XxImmortalsKissxX

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*read anyway please. its kills me to say this, but its on hold. im just really behind on things and ill work... More

1: Ava The Blind
2: Out To The Wild Steel City
3: Ava Valentine Who?
4: The Man Who Ran Into Me (Literally)
5: The Knight In Shining Armor. Without The Armor
6: I Like Evanescence, What About You?
7: Romeo's a Joker and Juliet's Blind. . . This Is A Happy Love Story
8: Evacuate The Dance Floor If You Value Your Lives
9: Dark Matters. . . Not That Stuff From Space
9 1/2: Dark Matters. . . Not The Stuff From Sapce
10: Look What The Wind Brought Me? Damn Not A Pony
11: Her Name Is Ava
12: Peace at Mind. I Think. . .
13: Dancing With Angels
14: The Cat's Out of The Bag (Who Put The Cat In There In The First Place?)
Note To Awesome Readers and Unicorns With Braces
16: Lilith's Wrath
17: Angel of Darkness
18: The Light Within The Darkness

15: Rise of the Fallen Demon Queen

1K 9 4
By XxImmortalsKissxX

"Ava? Where were you? And where did you get those clothes?" Julia asked.

"Vegas," I said, shutting the door to my room in her face.

She knocked again. I just plopped down on my bed with a happy sigh. Last night was the night of the dance, Kassper telling me what he was, and the night I lost my virginity. At least I could die knowing what it was like. He had loaned me a shirt, sandals, and jeans and drove me home the next morning. We had fallen asleep in each others arms, not wanting to ruin the bliss. So here I was, happy and loving the smell of his shirt.

But Julia continued to knock, calling me name. “Ava, sweetie. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just tired.” Not true.

“Could I come in?”

I let out a fake yawn, “In a bit. I wanna take a nap.”

“Okay.” I listened to the sound of Julia’s fading footsteps.

 I kicked off Kassper’s over large sandals and rolled over on my comfy bed. My happy thoughts were soon taken over by dark ones. Worry overcame the bliss, and fear overcame the contentment.

I have a demon in me. Wanting to take over my body and become rule the worlds. I know I can’t just do nothing, but I really don’t want to die. I can’t let Lilith control my body and start her rein in power, but what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and wait for help? I know I’m blind, but I can’t always be helpless.

AVALONA CIARA VALENTINE!” my father’s rough voice broke through the door, followed by a round of pounding. “LET ME IN!”

“Sorry, Father! I don’t have that movie! Its downstairs!” I snarled. They were pissed. At what? Oh God. They found out that I’ve been sneaking out!


            “My life?” I snickered. How could I be joking at a time like this. I rolled out of my bed and backed up against the wall. My back hit the balcony door knob. I unlocked it and quietly open the door.


            “Are you threatening me?” I yelled. I’ve heard my dad angry at his employers. Its never pretty. And right now. He sounds angrier then ever before.

            “YOU BET I AM! NOW OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR!” he roared.


             I backed out of my balcony and jumped over the edge. A dark feeling twisted in my stomach as I fell. Instead of becoming a demon-hosting pancake on the grass below, I landed with an oaf  on the grass. A sharp pain went up my leg from my ankle. Sprained. I took off running towards the wall, down the path I so often traveled. The pain in my ankle slowed me down. Sharp and evil.

            Run, Ava. Humans could be cruel. I don’t want you damaged.

            “You only care because your inside me!” I snapped aloud. My bare feet pounded against the soft grass. Male voices started rising from behind me. Guards. Oh shit.

            Heavy sets of footsteps were coming closer. And Some in front of me. I swivered left, only to run into a hard chest.

            “Gotcha, madam. Terribly sorry.” The guard said. He didn’t sound sorry.

            “Let me go! I started thrashing around. He had an arm around my neck, and the other holding my waist. He chuckled.

            “Ooh! Valentine’s putting up a fight! I do like ‘em feisty.” He laughed. He started walking towards the mansion. The laughter around us confirmed the others here as well.

            “Shut the fuck up, you pervert! I can have you fired and sued!” I snarled.

            “Ha! You’re in no possession with your parents to make requests! You’ve been sneaking out, huh? Tsk, tsk. That’s not very good.” He jeered.

            I bit his arm. He yelped like a puppy and dropped me in alarm. I scrambled up and took off, away from the mansion. Strong arms grabbed me and pinned me down, 3 pairs at most. I bit one arms, and punched the guy in the face. The secondI kicked in the groin and the third went down when I kicked him in the head. There were 6 guards in all, 3 were down, the other 3 came at me. I kicked one in the gut, and other in the chin, and the last I punched him in the nose. One was left, so I clawed at his face making him yell in pain. A sharp pain filled my head, then I slipped into unconsciousness.  


            I found myself being dragged across marble floors between two guards. I felt dizzy and disoriented.

            “There you are, darling,” my mother’s voice rang out in front of me. “Oh dear, you’re bleeding! Tsk. That’s not good.” Then she yelled, “Julia! Get the First-Aid kit!”

            “Mother! Father! What’s the meaning of this!” Hanna said from behind me. Her 5 inch heels and Nico’s sneakers warned me of their approach. I hate people behind me.

            “We needed to chat and she didn’t co-operate.” Mother said smoothly.

            “Doesn’t mean you had to send half the guard to beat her! Look! She’s bleeding!” Hanna’s soft fingers wiped some of the blood from my head. It stung.

            “Release her.” She snapped at the two guards holding her. They did.

            I wobbled a bit, my head thrumming. Nico wrapped his arms around my waist to support me, while Hanna continued to wipe off the blood. “What happened?”

            “She ran off. She put up a struggle, causing more trouble than we thought. Four guards are being treated right now.” Said that perverted guard.

            “Hanna, Nico, step away from Avalona.” My father growled. I felt fear, hatred, and confusion. Fear for what he might do, hatred for why he was doing it. Confusion for what was going on. But hatred overcame them all. It grew as a dark churning mass spreading throughout my body.  I hated him. My mother. The guards. Even my own sister. I was angry, for being kept in the shadows for so long, and for never being able to enjoy life, even blind. It was because of my stupid eyes, that I lived alone for the past 16 years. With no one to really talk to. No one to hug me. My parents never id that, and I didn’t want Julia’s hugs. I wanted to be loved, for who I am, and not because I’m their master, or that we were related, but for me.

            But that never happened. Until last night.

            And now, I doubt it’ll ever happen again.

            “I am very disappointed in you, Avalona.” My father said, his deep voice low and threatening. “We specifically told you, for the past 16 years, never set foot outside this mansion. We worry for you, and I don’t want you to ever get hurt.”

            The dark feelings inside me were rearing like the ugly head of a dragon, raising to the sound of Father’s voice. It grew stronger and more dangerous, threatening to overcome me. Unnatural, even.

            “Why?” I yelled. “Why? I’ve asked you that same question all my6 life, and you responded the same stupid answer! ‘For your safety!’ No! It’s for your damn reputation!”

            Silence followed that explanation.

            “You love Hanna! You’re proud of her! You want the world to believe that Hanna is your only perfect daughter! That they shouldn’t know about the failure of a daughter you two made! Blind! You believe that the world is a cold, cruel, place. But I admit it, it’s not! I went out there and had fun! More than I had all my life! I went to a Lady Gaga concert! I snuck into a party! I sang at a karaoke bar! I even went to a school dance! And you weren’t there for any of it! I had fun, and- don’t you dare interrupt me!” I yelled as I hear my mother breathe in, about to speak.

            The sharp pain of a slap snapped across my cheek.

            “You will never speak to us like that! You are our daughter and you will follow my rules!” he snarled, really close to my face.

            “No. I. Am. NOT!” The dark feelings in me wrapped around me and I suddenly wasn’t there. I was next to me. I could see, like an out of body experience. I saw me next to, well, me. A black shadow surrounded me with a red rim. No one noticed it, but I certainly did. They didn’t seem to see me. Not evil me, they saw that, but you know- ah never mind.

            I could see. That’s what really mattered. The smooth floor, my families shocked expressions, the guards pale features. I saw even in the brightest detail, from them to the little diamonds on Hanna’s beautiful engagement ring.

            “Ava! Please! Calm down!” Hanna pleaded.

            I couldn’t control myself. I was just a witness of what my body was doing. Out of control.

            Then a dark presence from within the very depths of me stirred. Lilith.

            A sudden pain, so sharp and painful, it was as if my very soul was being consumed. Like flames licked my insides.

            I screamed, in pain and terror, in horror and loss. Then the image of my families faces followed me to the sweet darkness.




            That girl was stronger than I thought. The anger she had towards her family was my chance to gain full possession of her, but she fought. I amplified that anger, making her heart blacken. That opened the doorway to my possession, but her soul wasn’t too easy to consume. She’s still here, just not conscious.

            “Ava!” her pathetic sister screamed.

            The heart, mind, and body was in my full control. The sudden gain of control made me lose balance, unfamiliar with the sudden control. I’ve been sleeping in human hearts for centuries. So this  was going to take some getting used to. I lowered my head, then blinked a few times, making the world stop spinning and regaining my eyesight.

            “I am not Avalona Valentine,” I said. I had my own bell voice, instead of that teenager’s low, alto voice.

            “A-A-Ava?” she scampered, “Don’t do that. It isn’t funny.” She backed away.

            I stood up, a bit shaky, trying to get used to all the muscles I had to use to move.

            “My name is not Avalona Valentine, I had said.” I said again. “I, I am Lilith. The Mother of all Demons.” I looked up. The gasped. My mark was branded on my cheeks, the dark and twisted lines running from my eyes to chin. My eyes, were no longer blind, but dark, darker than the deepest abyss.

            They were scared. I loved it. I Stood straighter, my demonic aura swirling around me. Even as humans, they could sense the evil around me.

            “Calx,” I hissed. Every human in the house turned to stone.

            “Mucro of obscurum ,” I held out my hand, palm down, “Adeo mihi ex vestri profundus sepulchrum , quod servo meus sulum ritus quod sulum mare.” (translation: Sword of darkness, come to me out of your deep grave, and serve my every rite and every mare) A dark shadow, so cold and sharp it cracked a few of the statues, pooled under where my hand was. A dark silhouette of a double edge sword slid out of that shadow, hilt first. When my hand wrapped around the hilt, red cracks appeared, spreading down the sword from my hand. The image shattered, and my sword, Atrum lux Lucis (Dark Light), appeared. The onyx hilt and leather grip fit finely in my palm, even in the human girl’s. The double edge blade extended, its evil aura emanating like poisonous gas. The silver hue to it gave it the deathly sharpness of the sword I’ve always had.

            I pointed Antrum towards the ground and stabbed through the bright marble.

            “Caput quod leutanets , imperator quod miles militis , orior oriri ortus meus exercitus of abyssus. servo vestry,” I chanted (Captains and leutanets, generals and soldiers, rise my army of hell. serve your queen).

            The ground shook, cracks appeared along the floor from Dark Light and out came my army of Hell. Demons of all sorts, hellhounds, evil spirits, and undead soldiers poured out they soon inhabited the entire house, roaring and jeering at the sight of their queen.

            “Soldiers of Hell! I, Lilith, the Queen of the Demons, with call war to Heaven and win against the Great Lord Himself! We will rule over Hell, Earth, And heaven, raining down terror upon its inhabitants!”

            They roared in delight. I laughed, low at first the loud and manically. I’m back, and more powerful than ever!

please vote, comment, fan, and keep reading! ily all!

btw, the book i mentioned? for 4 times the fun (that doesnt sound right) and more of my works, check out "The Mirror of Truth" by The_GaggleXXD

please read! ill post soon and ill definitly post if i get votes and comments! i loove ur feedback! it makes my day!


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