Neighbors [boyxboy] [ON HOLD...

By spectrix

75.6K 4.1K 2.5K

Zak Stanley is a somewhat timid and introverted secretary who has never been in a real relationship before bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 5

3.2K 173 138
By spectrix

A/N: God knows I almost gave up on this chapter. Whoever says writing is easy should be punched in the face and be made to drink dirty toilet water.
I hope you enjoy this chapter. It's the longest so far.
Pic on the side is Freddie Stroma who plays Ryan, the ex. I'm sure you guys can see why it's soo hard for Olly to get over him.
Also I attached a video. I will tell you when to play it. I feel it's right for the moment that's about to come. I hope you guys feel it too.

*Edited by dacasabella*


Oliver's P.O.V.

I sat here in the basketball stadium, watching the match between our very own New Orleans Pelicans and Miami Heat, with my friends, Evan, Pete and Jackson. They went to the same college as me and have been my best buddies since freshman year. They were all cheering loudly with the rest of the crowd as the game went on. So far, we were leading in the game.

Normally I would have been cheering along with my friends but my mind was definitely not here. Not one bit.

It was on a certain someone and this time it wasn't Ryan.

It was Zak.

He was beginning to mess with my mind. Anytime I closed my eyes, all I could see was that beautiful face of his. His beautiful smile and the  light stubble that spread from under his nose and across his sculpted jaw. He had such beautiful dark brown eyes. He was truly mesmerizing.

I shook my head to get rid of those thoughts of him. I shouldn't be thinking about him that way. I didn't need any other person messing up my life like Ryan did. Yes, Ryan did mess me up; he came into my life, made me fall in love with him and then left, leaving me heartbroken. I was getting over him bit by bit and that's why I was even here with my friends. I was finally coming to terms that it was over between us and I was trying to move on from it. That's why I was here, to try to unwind with my buddies and take my mind off of him and from life and maybe just try to be happy again, only this time, without him in the picture.

But Zak was making it hard for me. He just had to come over and welcome us. Why couldn't he have just ignored us like the other neighbors? Things would have been so much better. Now he was beginning to seep into my mind and had started to take over it slowly.

Before I left the house, I overheard him and the girls. He actually liked me and the girls were going to try to set us up tomorrow, during the back to school barbecue party we were throwing.

I couldn't let that happen. I was going to warn the girls to stop whatever it is they were planning. Me and him were never going to happen. I have made up my mind. I wasn't going to fall for him. I would make sure of that.

“Yo Oliver.”, Evan my dark skinned friend tapped me repeatedly. “The game’s over.”

I didn't realize that that I had zoned out until I looked around and saw that people had started to leave. I must have spaced out for a long time because I remember we were in the first quarter of the game moments ago. “Oh sorry man, I must have zoned out for a while. We won right?”

“Yeah baby, 93-89.”, Pete, the blondie proclaimed as he high-fived Evan and Jackson. I smiled and got up and followed them as we exited the arena.

It was about 9:30pm when we came out. I was really hungry and I wanted to head back home to eat.

“Now it's time to hit the club!”, Jackson our overly muscular friend hollered. Evan and Pete joined in.

“Sorry guys, I have to head back home. I'm really tired and hungry.”, I told them.

“Really man?”, Evan complained. “This is like the first time you’ve hung out with us since the beginning summer and you wanna go back already? Not cool man.”

“I'm sorry guys. Maybe another time. We can still hang out tomorrow at the barbecue party.”, I assured them.

“It won't be the same man. This is our special bro time.” Jackson added. “We haven't had that know, your breakup.”

Yeah it was true. Since my breakup with Ryan, I stopped hanging out with them. I stopped doing anything related to fun, really. I was usually holed up in my room. I hardly did anything or went anywhere. I was even surprised that they weren't angry with me or something when I called and told them I wanted to hang out. I actually missed hanging out with them but I was actually really tired and just wanted to get some sleep.

“I'm really sorry guys. Trust me I will make it up to you, okay?” I guaranteed them.

“Alright.”, Evan said. “Just take care of yourself man and stop moping over Ryan. He's gone and you gotta move on.” He put his hand on my shoulder and gave me a smile. I returned it. “It was really good to see you again.”

“Yeah. I've missed you guys,” I gave them all man-hugs. “And trust me, I'm over Ryan.” I said this, actually feeling confident about that statement for the first time. It was time to turn over a new leaf. Ryan was in the past and I was going to leave it there. No more moping and sulking over him.

“Ok then, see you tomorrow.”, Evan patted my back and they all waved goodbye to me and entered Pete’s Jeep and drove off.

I smiled as they left. It was a nice feeling to finally be over Ryan and I definitely missed my boys. We had a lot of catching up to do. But, there was also the Zak problem. I had to look for a way to take care of it. I seriously don't need him in my life right now especially as I was trying to put it back together and I definitely didn't need my sister meddling in it either with her and the girl’s stupid plan. School was starting on Monday and I needed full concentration especially as it was my senior year.

I called for a taxi and headed home. I needed to talk my sister out of the stupid plan she, Isabel and Skye were coming up with to try to bring me and Zak together.

I reached home in about 30 minutes. When I entered, I headed for the kitchen immediately. I was starving. The girls where in the living room watching tv. They were so immersed in their show that they didn't even notice me coming in. I opened the fridge and it was just filled with cupcakes and cookies. I growled with anger as I shut it. I was so not eating anything made by him.

“Where the fuck can I find real food to eat?!”,I yelled in annoyance.

Brenda scurried to the kitchen. “Hey I didn't notice you came back and so early, wow.”, She said in amazement.

“I'm hungry and I need to eat.”, I stressed out, ignoring what she said.

“There are cupcakes in the fridge. You can have some of them. We didn’t get to the grocery store yet and the pizza we ordered is finished.”, she explained.

“I am not eating those things.”, I hissed with anger.

“She frowned immediately and then turned angry. “Seriously Olly, What the fuck is your problem with him? He has been nothing but nice and polite and all you have done so far is treat him with hate and disdain. I seriously don't know what to do with you anymore. He hasn't wronged you in anyway so I don't just get why you act that way towards him. I hope this isn't about Ryan because I’m gonna--”.

“It's not about Ryan.”, I cut her off, squeezing my fists.

“Then what is it about? I don't get why you seem to hate him so much.”, she raised her hands up in annoyance.

“It's none of your business and I want you to stop whatever plan you, Isabel and Skye are coming up with to bring us together. It won't work!” I started heading for the stairs to go up to my room. I had lost my appetite. “And do me a favor and stay out of my love life!”, I spat the last part as I was halfway upstairs.

I opened my bedroom door and slammed it shut and i flopped on my bed. Maybe I was a bit harsh on her. I would apologize to her later. She was just trying to help me and make me feel better. But not this way. Bringing Zak into my life wouldn't make me feel better; she had to understand that. I didn't need a new boyfriend. I was going to be okay on my own, I hoped.


Zak’s P.O.V.

It was finally Sunday Evening and here I was, behind my bedroom window watching the loads of people packed outside Brenda and Oliver’s house, intently.

It was just 6pm and they place was almost filled up. They were all college students. There were some conversing on the lawn and some on the porch. There were 2 barbecue grills on the go with Skye and Isabel standing behind each of them. There was a faint sound of soft music coming from inside the house. I guess they didn't wanna disturb the other neighbors which was good.

I was extremely nervous.

‘What if the plan doesn't work out? What if I forget how to speak again? What if I throw up or burp in front of Oliver? What if he rejected me...again?’

There were so many  “What if” questions swirling around in my head and I was beginning to get the feeling that something was going to go wrong. But Brenda assured me that whatever her plan was, it was going to work. So i tried to push all my  doubts to the back of my mind and not think about them.

I was going to wait until at least it was 7pm before I went over. I was too nervous to leave the house just yet even though I was already dressed. I wanted to look attractive so I put on  black button-up shirt that hugged my frame very well and a white and black checkered three-quarter pants that tried to show off my almost non-existent ass and a pair of black vans. I styled my hair and put on a bit too much cologne.

I looked in the mirror over a thousand times to make sure there was nothing off about what I was wearing. I looked good. I knew that. I have never had issues when it came to my appearance. I knew I was good looking, I just didn't like to show off too much or draw attention to myself. But today, I was pretty sure I was gonna draw in a lot of eyes.

I cringed at that. I really hated being the centre of attention but this was all for a good cause, for Oliver.

“Zak!”, I heard my name being called from my front door. I rushed downstairs and opened the door to see Skye and Isabel. They both wore a t-shirt and bum shorts. They looked really cute.

“Hey.”, I greeted them.

They greeted back. “Why are you still over here?”, Skye asked. “The party started like an hour ago and we thought you would be one of the first people to come?”

“Uhm, sorry. I...I--”, I tried to come up with an excuse but failed.

“Just come.”, Isabel dragged my hand as I closed my door and we marched over to their house.

As we approached their lawn, I started to feel really nervous. Skye was greeting some people as we passed and as they greeted her back their eyes all landed on me. I started to feel queasy. I don't know why but being around this many college students made me feel uneasy. Maybe it was because I hadn't been around this many in two years. Even back then, I felt this way when I was around too many of them. Perhaps. I had social anxiety?? 

We entered the house and there were more people, flooding the living room and they were all chatting. The music I heard before from my house was a little louder now as it came from the mini loudspeakers in their living room.

We entered the Kitchen where Brenda was chatting with some girls and beside her was a tall guy pressed to her back. I guessed that was her boyfriend, Randy, who she told me about yesterday when we were baking.

Her eyes immediately landed on me, she smiled and ran over to hug me. “Hey you. I thought you'd be here earlier.” Isabel and Skye gave us a quick wave and went back to the group outside.

“Sorry, I was kind of nervous you know, about…”, I apologized, dragging the last part to hint at her why I was nervous to come.

“Ohhh, yeah I gotta talk to you about that. You see--”, she started to say before her boyfriend came over and cut in.

“Hey babe, I’m sorry but I have to go now.”, Randy said as he put an arm around her and bent slightly to give her a kiss on her cheek.

“Aww, why? You just arrived like 30 minutes ago.”, Brenda whined.

“Sorry babe, something urgent came up. I promise I will make it up to you.”, he turned her around and assaulted her lips.

I just stood there awkwardly, scratching my head and looking down as they kissed for almost a minute.

As they broke the kiss, Brenda seemed to remember I was beside her and gasped “Oh Randy, this is my neighbor Zak. He is the one that taught us how to bake the cupcakes and cookies.”, she gestured to me.

“Hey man,” Randy smiled and shook my hand. I smiled back. “Those things were rad dude.”

“Thanks.”, I nodded my head in appreciation.

“Ok Zak, let me see Randy off. You can grab a drink from the fridge. I will be right back.”, she said as she walked with Randy out the door.

I just looked around and went to lean on the kitchen counter to wait for Brenda to come back.

I started to look around for Oliver. I hadn't seen him since I arrived. I was starting to feel the nerves again. What if this was a mistake? Me coming here. I pushed the doubts to the back of mind and tried to think positively. What was this plan of Brenda’s? She hadn't even told me yet.

As I waited for Brenda, I heard laughter coming from the stairs and I tilted my head and saw that it was Oliver and a group of guys. I was guessing they were his friends since he looked so comfortable with them. My heart picked up a beat. Where was Brenda?

They went over to the living room and were talking there. He looked so handsome. He wore a tight blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans. He was smiling as he conversed with his friends and at that moment I don't think I had ever seen someone look so beautiful before. I couldn't help but blush and appreciate his beauty.

I stared at him for a quite a while with a smile plastered on my face. He hadn't noticed me yet.
He was still smiling as he brought his hands up to run it through his hair and in that moment his eyes finally came my way and almost suddenly, the smile on his face dropped and turned to a scowl.

The smile on my face faltered and I immediately looked away. My heart tightened in my chest. Maybe this plan wasn't going to work out after all. If he doesn't like me the way I like him then nothing can be done about it. I would just have to move on with my life. I wanted to leave now and tell Brenda to pull the plug on this plan but she still hadn't come back yet and I was too afraid to wander around on my own.

So I decided to wait for her to come back before telling her my decision. It had been over ten minutes and she was nowhere in sight. During the wait, I sneaked glances at Oliver and he caught me every time with a hard glare on his face and I had to look away quickly.

Why did he hate me so much? It was getting too much to handle. At least he should tell me why.

I was still waiting for Brenda and it had reached 20 minutes. I couldn't help myself but I decided to take one more glance at Oliver and this time when he looked back with more than just a clare glare, I didn't look away. Instead I put on a small smile and managed a tiny wave. I sincerely didn't know why I did that because in the blink of an eye, Oliver growled and started walking over to me in angry strides.

My heart stopped. I didn't know what he was going to do. I was actually really scared.

He stopped in front of me, his tall figure glaring daggers down at me. I pressed my back against the counter. My heart was banging furiously against my chest.

“What the fuck is your problem?! Why do you keep looking at me?! Did Brenda tell you to do that?!” He yelled at me. “Oh, so is this the plan to get me to like you? For you to stare at me like a fucking owl until I approach you? Well it worked and I don't know why you can get this into your thick, fucking skull?! I. DON’T. LIKE. YOU. Is that too hard for you to comprehend? Haven't the glares and silence spoken enough?! Well, I guess they didn't so I'm going to make this clear. Listen to me, I am not interested in you and I will never be! If I were you I would get over this stupid crush you have on me and move on because it is never going to happen!”

As he ended his rant, I realized he had caused a huge scene. The whole house's attention was on us. Even a few people from outside came inside to see what was going on and it included Isabel, Skye and Brenda who stood at the door watching us with shock on their faces.

Brenda’s face suddenly contorted into one of anger. “What the fuck Olly?! What is your fucking problem? There was no plan whatsoever. Infact, you told me to stay away from your love life and I did. He was just here to enjoy the party. Why do you have to act like such a dick? Sometimes, I swear I don't even know you. You have let this Ryan issue cloud your head and your judgement. You are seriously fucked up and I hope you know that. I would get help if I was you!” She spat at Oliver as she approached me.


I didn't even realize that tears were flowing down freely from my eyes. I had a feeling something like this would happen and it did and it hurt more than I thought it would. That feeling of rejection became ever so fresh in my heart. I had experienced it before but never like this. His words tore through my heart like a knife, ripping me to shreds in the process.

I felt numb and dizzy and would have fallen down if Brenda didn't hold me steady. Isabel and Skye were beside me patting me and trying to sooth me. Brenda was trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear a word she said. I had zoned out from the world around me. I couldn't hear anything but the music that was playing in the background as his words echoed over and over in my head.

I gently shrugged them off. The tears were beginning to cloud my vision. So, I quickly walked towards the door and back to my house. I could feel all the eyes on me but I was truly numb to it. I was numb to the world. I approached my door, entered inside the house and locked it. Minaj came towards me and jumped in my arms. I carried her upstairs to my room, still in tears, and climbed into bed.  And for the second night in a row, I fell asleep, crying over Oliver.  What worried me the most was that I didn’t think it would be the last.


So that's its. Please vote and comment. Pleeeeassssse.
Or else I will haunt your dreams!
Thank you. :)
Love, Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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