A Wild World(Completed)

By Call_Me_Cress

997 103 130

Dalila moves to Australia after her 18 birthday and moves in with her closest friends, Aly, and Terra. The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8

39 3 4
By Call_Me_Cress

I couldn't go to school today so I called in sick. I was laying on my bed in my room with the lights off and the blinds closed. I pulled to covers up to my chin and sighed.

I knew what was going to happen but I just couldn't imagine it actually happening. Ashton saved me by pulling me away but at the time my mind had just blanked and I couldn't think about anything.

I turned over and my phone kept buzzing. It was probably Aly or Terra asking where I was since I didn't tell them. I should probably tell them, I thought to myself. I sat up and pulled my phone over. Aly and Terra had texted but so had Ashton.

Aly: Dalilaaaaa!!! Where rrrr uuuuuuuu?!

Terra: Help Dalila.. Aly is getting really strange she sounds so depressed

Ashybear: hey what happened after u left? I didn't see u in class today

I sighed and texted Aly and Terra but I didn't feel like texting Ashton so I just hoped that one of them would say something.

My phone dinged again as soon as I put it down. Grumbling, I reached over again and saw a new message but it wasn't from Ashton, Aly, or Terra.

It was from Calum.

My heart raced as this morning's events played in my head. I could feel his breath on my lips as I stated into his gorgeous eyes. The butterflies started again as I read the message.

CalPal: hey I'm really sry for this morning I don't know what was wrong with me I hope I didn't scare you

So he didn't want to kiss me? Or did he and he's just trying to cover up and act normal?

Dalila: it's fine you didn't scare me

CalPal: how come u weren't at class today?

Oh crap. I can't say that I didn't want to see him or Ashton. I freaked out and started typing

Dalila: I wasn't feeling to well so I went back home to sleep and stuff but I'm fine now so you don't need to worry about me cause I'm fine

Great that didn't sound like I was covering up. Note my sarcasm.

CalPal: ok..ay... 😐


CalPal: well I'm going to let you rest some more then

Dalila: okay ttyl

I shut off my phone and sighed. I decided to get up and find something to eat. I yawned while walking to the kitchen and almost tripped on my bag.

"What the.." I say as I see a note in the front pocket. I pick it up and wonder where it came from. I left my bag in my car this morning and I didn't take it out. Then I realized that I didn't actually lock the car.

I opened it and read.

Dear Dalila:
Meet me at the lake after school I want to show you something

As soon as I saw Calum's name I dropped the note like it was on fire. Why didn't he just text me? Why did he leave a note? Oh wait. It probably because he thought I was going to be at school and he couldn't text me.

I picked it up again and glanced at the clock. Calum finishes school at 3 and it's 2:45 right now.


"I only have fifteen minutes to get ready!" I yelled and dashed to my room. I had changed out of my school clothes so I hurried to put them back on. I dashed to the bathroom and washed my face. I replied my makeup quickly but neatly and pulled on my shoes. I glanced at the clock on my way out.


I grabbed a granola bar and my camera and rushed out the door. I started my car and drove towards the park. Luckily it wasn't that far so I had like a minute to find him. I speed walked to the lake and I saw Calum near the huge rock by the lake.

I walked over but he kept looking at the lake and ignored me. I sat on the rock next to him and waited for him to say something.

He turned towards me and I looked up at him. He leaned closer and closer.

Our lips brushed and I closed my eyes. He placed a hand on my cheek and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He bit my lip and I sighed. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

We pulled away and he looked me straight in the eyes.

"What are you doing to me Dalila Aguilar?" He says and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. Then he presses his lips to mine again and I felt like I was in heaven.

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