Leo Valdez x Reader

By fictionalboyz

229K 6.2K 3.4K

30,142 words-COMPLETE After being at camp for three weeks, you notice one boy talks to everyone but you. You... More

It's a Date
I'm Sorry
(Un)officially Dating
Pain Demands to be Felt
Jealous Much?
Camp Half-Blood Winter Ball
Baby its Cold Outside
The Tear in His Heart
Leo's Big Secret Revealed!
Alone Together?
Northern Downpour Sends its Love
Sugar, We're Goin' Down
Anger in His Voice; Pain in His Eyes
Iris Messaging the Master
A Kingdom of Idiots
Fluff & a Breakup
The Necklace
The Stars Below You
The Ballad of Calypso
Sunshine and a Ferari
The God of Good Looks
All Time Low
The Fall
Wisdom's Daughter Gives Wise Words
The Girl in the Room
Is This Really Happening?
Loose Bolt of a Complete Machine
The Start of the End

The End

4.3K 170 243
By fictionalboyz

**Dear Reader,

as this story finally draws to a close after a year of writing, I thank you for enduring this journey with me and making me a better author. This is the first book I've ever completed, and I'm so glad you could share this adventure with me. I hope you'll continue to read my new works as I branch off of fan fiction and try something new-sharing my own ideas with you all.

Whether you came in at the beginning, middle, or end, your support is greatly appreciated.

Sincerely and with love,

Lee (lolzor that was so businessy)**

"Hey, there's something I need to tell you before you go in there..." Annabeth said. Leo grabbed you hand, and your heart started to pound. You were standing outside the entrance of the Empire State Building-also known as Mount Olympus to the many demigods around the world. You suddenly had the feeling that they both knew what Annabeth was going to say, and that you were the last to know.

"Annabeth and I talked, and, well..." Leo's voice faded off and her ran his fingers through his hair. You had stopped at Percy's mom's house and freshened up (she wasn't there , but Annabeth knew where the spare key was hidden and insisted Sally wouldn't mind) and his hair was still damp. You had forgotten how alive his hair looked when it was freshly washed, considering the team hadn't bathed since you left camp. It seemed like years ago...

"Look, we don't know how well the gods will accept you because you're...you know...not a demigod," Annabeth said, giving you a sympathetic look.

"At this point, I really don't give a crap about who accepts what. I'm doing what I want and they're going to like it," you threatened through gritted teeth.

"No, you don't understand, these are gods, babe-"

"Yeah, and I've been on a wild goose chase for the past month across two different countries. There's no one on this planet that shouldn't fear me right now, and that includes them." You stomped through the doors before they could stop you, and asked for the six hundredth floor. Well, you demanded more than asked. Leo and Annabeth followed you through the doors and into the elevator, slightly surprised at your newfound aggression.

"I'm glad you're on our side," Leo stated.

"You better be," you said. You refused to be the damsel in distress any longer. This was a woman against woman war, and Leo was not equipped in the ways of feminism.

You reached the top and found a breathtakingly beautiful Mount Olympus, with a plaque on a marble column that said, 'designer: Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena 21st Century'. You had no time to congratulate her, though, as the person you were looking for had been waiting for you.

Cinnamon toast hair, sun kissed skin, coffee brown eyes, tall, thin, curvy, flawless-this was the goddess you were searching for. She stood, frozen in her tracks, tears forming in her eyes. It almost looked as if she were a statue.

"Hey!" you called out to her, but she just stayed frozen. That's when you noticed she wasn't looking at you, she was looking at him.

And he was looking back, tears in his eyes, as well.

With perfect timing, they ran at each other, embraced, and fell gracefully to the floor, tears dropping, without a word said. There were muffled sobs from both of them for a long enough time for it to be super awkward for you, and you began to feel your heart break. He still cared for her. She obviously still cared for him. That's it-you were done for. They were going to be together forever and he didn't want to see you anymore. You turned to leave when you heard a soft voice speak wonderful words.

"Calypso, you need to let go."

You stopped dead in your tracks and slowly turned, seeing Leo wipe the remaining tears from Calypso's face and smile sadly, a little sniffle from him, too.

"I know it's hard, but we just weren't meant for each other. You'll find the guy one day that will make you feel like I feel about her-" he nodded to you "-and you'll be glad we didn't have a life together. Calypso, since you were stuck on that island for so many years, you never had the chance to grow up and let go of the past. You can't be nostalgic forever.

"You taught me how to love again, and I taught you that the right one is worth fighting for, even if you have to do the impossible like find your island twice and rescue you from it, or even face a goddess so I can be with the one I love. There are things in this life worth fighting for, and love's one of them. You'll get your one day, alright?" Calypso was crying still, but she was smiling a warm smile. Leo got up, offered her a hand up, and she took it gladly. Then he walked over to you, took your hand in his, and formally introduced you two. She promised she would stop interfering, and apologized for doing so, and you apologized for not being more understanding. You were just about ready to leave when she said one last thing.

"Leo?" she called after him as he got onto the elevator (with a bawling Annabeth who stated she needed a life). "There's one more thing I forgot to mention..."

"Yeah?" he asked, a warm smile placed on his lips.

"You...You're not really immortal... I tricked you and everyone else into thinking you were so you'd stay with me...I'm sorry."

"Wait, so what you're saying is, I'm going to get old and die one day?" There was a spark in his eyes that you hadn't seen in so very long-excitement.


Leo turned to you, picked you up, spun you around and then embraced you, your foreheads touching. You were ecstatic.

"Looks like we're going to grow old together after all," he said, smiling hugely.

"Yeah, I guess we are," you blushed.

"So can we go home, then, princess?"

"Yeah, I guess we can."

He kissed you, and nothing could be heard over the sounds of Annabeth's fangirling.


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