Mi Reino

By xox_aaliyahh

328K 17.6K 2.9K

"We been through a lot within the last 24 hours and it opened my eyes to things." I started looking him in th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58

Chapter 5

8.6K 461 27
By xox_aaliyahh

August intertwined our fingers together as he escorted me into a building. The sound of soft music played, footsteps against the floor, and small banters. I heard the cooks cooking away and at the grill bar I heard the steam. August placed me in my seat, and took a seat in front of me.

"So what made ya' want to get to know me?" August questioned.

I shrugged, "Considering we are going to be working together for a while, I feel like we should get to know each other a little bit."

He chuckled, "Well ask me anything, I'm an open book."

"What's your favorite color?" I smiled.

I heard the steps of our waitress come towards us, and we stop our small conversation to order our drinks and meals.

"Hello, welcome to Ophelia, my name is Kirsten. What would y'all like to drink?" She introduced.

"I would like a tea." August answered.

"I would like a glass of water with lemon." I smiled.

"Alrighty. Now what kind of meals are y'all having?" Kirsten asked.

"The 12 piece buffalo wings meal with a side of fries." August replied.

"I would like the same, but a 6 piece please." I nodded my head.

"Okay. Your drinks will he here shortly, and soon after your meal will be too." She walked off.

I hummed along to the music as o rocked back and forth in my seat.

"I know it might be early to ask you this.. But what is the story behind your blindness?" August answered.

My breathing stopped, my humming stopped, my body stopped. My hands began to shake and sweat, while my breath came out staggered. Beats of sweat glistened my forehead as I thought back to the old memories. I shook my head, washing away the images of all the pain I endured.

"Well.. I have this poem I want you to read. Okay?" I let out a shaky breath, "It will answer all your questions you ask or want to ask about my past. However, you can't open it till I say you can."

"Ight. Preciate' it ma'."

Looking in my purse, I took out an envelop that held a poem that described and told my story. Slid it over to him and slid my hand back to my side. I was hoping, praying, pleading to the Heavens that he wait on my terms to open the envelop.

"How come ya' can't tell me?" August questioned.

I look down as a tear slip down my cheek. Monica was expecting me to open up to August and I have. Its just, 5 minutes into this lunch and he already trying to dig up my past. Like he is peeling away my coats of protection one by one.

"Uhm. Some things are just left not to be said, but to be read." I wiped away a tear.

"Ya' good baybeh?" He came from his chair and sat beside me.

I nodded my head, I couldn't tell him the reason why I'm having an emotional break down. My mouth won't let me utter a word a out my past without the bloody images coming into view. I felt impotent, powerless; like I could of did something to keep my daughter and I safe. Something that wouldn't have cost me my eye sight.

"Here are your drinks, your food will be ready in few minutes." Kirsten served us our drinks.

"Thank you." August and I said in unison.

Kirsten left both August and I in silence. I was thinking about how Monica actually persuaded me I to asking August out for lunch so we can get to know each other. She knows I'm not a people person, when I'm not at work I am at him with my nanny taking care of my daughter Victoria. I don't go out for lunch or dinner, or do anything fun of that sort that doesn't include my daughter.

A sigh escaped my lips as I took a sip of my water with lemon and I heard the slurping of August drinking down his ice tea. Giggling quietly to myself, I took notes on how he had no manners when outside in the public. Maybe I should help August out with that.

"How come all the girls swoon over you? Your just a normal guy in my mind." I questioned.

"I don't know. I don't care either. If I ever need a quickie, one of those ladies would never mind dropping their panties for Aug." August boasted.

I kissed my teeth in disgust, "Why are you so boastful?"

"What ya' talkin' bout ma'? I ain't boastful." He defended.

I shook my head, "I asked you why girls swoon over you and you said you didn't care cause their a quick lay. That's being boastful and very disrespectful towards a women. Even if she doesn't respect herself, you should always respect her."

"Why ya' so lady like and elegant?" August chuckled, "Ya' ever just relax and go with the flow without thinking?"

"Nope, I'm a logical person. I have to think things out because bad things happen when you don't think things through and just go with the flow." I smiled.

"What kind of bad things baybeh?" He questioned.

"You can forget that you are your own person and you can make your own choices. You don't have to go with the flow, you don't have to follow the crowd. Because when you go with the flow of the crowd, you lose yourself in the crowd." I spoke.

"Ya' so smart." August laughed.

"Here is the food y'all order. When you all are finish eating, a bill will be sent to your table." Kirsten stated before putting our good down and leaving.

August and I said a silent prayer to one another before digging into our food. Taking a bite out of my buffalo wing I moaned out at how delicious this was. August swore under his breathe about how good and hot his fries were.

"So it actually went well?" Monica asked as I walked with her and Victoria in the mall.

I nodded my head grabbing Victoria's hand, "We didn't argue at all. We had a small disagreement buy that was it"

She kissed her teeth, "A disagreement on what?"

"Him using his looks to get girls in his bed." I shrugged.

"Shit! He can use me anytime he wants." Monica squealed.

"Oh my lord. Just guide me to Justice, Victoria wants a little book bag for head start." I smiled lightly.

Monica guided me into Justice where she picked out different bags that she described to me to see if I think Victoria would like it, or Victoria would pick one up and give it to me. After leaving the mall, Monica dropped us home where our nanny had just finished making dinner. She propped my baby in a chair and they ate together as I went to my office to handle some fundings.

After the nanny made sure Victoria washed, brushed her teeth, and ate dinner I got out my office to tuck her in. I sung her a lullaby, told her I loved her, kissed her forehead and left her in the bed sleeping. Walking down the stairs, I sat on the couch and listened to what the news had to say.

"Hello Elise, how was your day?" Lauren, my nanny asked.

"My day was great, how was yours?" I smiled.

She sighed, "My day could have gone better, Victoria's teacher called me into her classroom when I went to pick her up after school."

"Why?" I gasped, "Is she misbehaving?"

"Well the teacher asked all them what they wanted most and she yelled out that she wanted a father and started crying in front of the whole class." Lauren sucked in a breath.

I shook my head, "My baby wants her father? But she knows he is dead, she know he past away."

She let out a breath, "I know, but I spoke to Victoria about it and she said she wanted a daddy again."

"I will speak to her about it tomorrow when I take her school, other then that, its getting late and I think I'm going to bed."

"Good night Elise." Lauren spoke.

Getting up from the couch, I walked upstairs into my room and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the warm water and let it get to the temperature that I desired. Hoping into the shower, I washed away all of today and got prepared for tomorrow. After shampooing and conditioning my hair, and washing my body, I got out the shower and draped a towel around me.

I grabbed me a pair of red cotton panties with a matching sports bra. Putting on my clothes, I braided my hair into four sections. After motioning my body and shaving, I brushed my teeth and turned off my lights. Jumping on my bed, I got under the covers and closed my eyes letting sleep consume me.

Author's Note: Excuse all mistakes and errors! This chapter is shorter then the last one cause the next part is going to be August's P.O.V. so be prepared. ;) Enjoy!

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