Learn Along The Way (A Louis...

By ErinBuckley15

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McKenna Pizano is just a regular 19 year old with a dark past that seems to haunt her everywhere she goes. So... More

Chapter One: The Pharmacy
Chapter Two: Hospital
Chapter Three: Memories and Hurt
Chapter Four: Get Me Out of This Hell Hole
Chapter Five: Adventure Time Footy Pajamas
Chapter Six: My Noble Steed
Chapter Seven: Stay With Me?
Chapter Eight: Kiss Me
Chapter Nine: Blown Away
Chapter Ten: Love?
Chapter Eleven: The Truth Comes Out
Chapter Twelve: Game Night
Chapter Thirteen: Love In The Airport
Chapter Fourteen: The Letter
Chapter Fifteen: Unexpected Visitor
Chapter Sixteen: Ginger Jesus and Laptops
Chapter Seventeen: Two More Days
Chapter Nineteen: Yes
Chapter Twenty: Poster
Chapter Twenty-One: Hate
Chapter Twenty-Two: Halloween
Chapter Twenty-Three: Switzerland
Chapter Twenty-Four: Epilogue
Epilogue #2

Chapter Eighteen: Surprise

360 4 2
By ErinBuckley15

*McKenna's POV*

9 hours and 45 minutes. I have to sit on a stupid plane for 9 hours and 45 minutes. Whatever, it'll all be worth it when I see Louis. I got discharged from the hospital yesterday morning and Ed drove me home. I immediately started packing all my stuff. I'm not sure how long I'll be staying with them so I just packed everything I have in a huge suitcase. I left an outfit out for tomorrow morning and put my suitcase by the door, along with my carry on. I made some tea and flicked through the channels.

Suddenly, the sound of my laptop beeping caught my attention. Absentmindedly, I opened it, still staring at the screen deciding what to watch. I squealed and jumped up, starting to dance when I noticed The Hunger Games was on in one minute, considering it was 7:59 and it was plaing at 8.

When I heard chuckling from the couch, I turned around so fast that I fell to the floor. That just caused more laughter to emit from the couch.

Cautiously, I peered over the coffee table, still unaware of who was in my apartment, how they got in, and why they were laughing. That's when I noticed there was nobody there, yet the laughter was still continuing. I was honestly really confused, considering the only thing on the couch was my laptop. My laptop!

I army crawled over to the couch. The laughter was definitely coming out of here, but all I saw was the picture of me and Louis that was my homescreen. I smiled at the picture. It was the day he and the boys took me to the go kart place. We had snapped the picture right outside the sign. I was smiling at the camera, my hair was blowing back off my face. I actually looked good for once.

Louis was supposed to be smiling at the camera too, but at the last second he turned his head and kissed my cheek. I loved that picture, so I made it my desktop background. So this picture stared back at me, yet the laughter kept getting louder.

To say I was confused and slightly terrified was an understatement. Whoever this was was watching me and laughing at my confusion.

Finally, I noticed at the bottom of my screen there was a window open. I slowly clicked on it and Louis' face appeared on the screen. He was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes. I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for him to calm down. when he finally did, he wiped the tears from his face.


"How did you start a video call with me without me accepting it?"

"I had Ed set it to autoaccept, duh."

"Okay sush. The Hunger Games is starting."

"OH LET ME WATCH IT WITH YOU!!!!!!!!" He screamed. I turned the computer towards the screen and we watched in peace. When it was over, we talked for an hour until I told him that I was tired and needed to sleep.

When I told him that he couldn't stay online and watch me fall asleep, a look of hurt crossed over his face. I felt bad, but I couldn't let him know that I was going to visit him tomorrow. He would get suspicious if I woke up at four in the morning and left. I quickly exited out of our video call before taking a quick shower and getting into bed.


My alarm went off at 3:30 that morning. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and my hair, got into my outfit for the plane ride, which consisted of patterned leggings, a black off the shoulder t-shirt with gold accents around the neck, a pair of black TOMS, and a black bracelet, and went through my mental checklist.

Clothes? Check. Shoes? Check. Toiletries? Check. Laptop? Check. Phone, headphones and charger? Check. Bras and underwears? Check. Passport and ticket? Double check. Okay. I was ready.

I went downstairs to the lobby and said goodbye to Adam, the front desk guy and got into my light blue minicooper before heading to the airport. By the time I arrived at the airport, it was 5 o'clock. My flight was at 5:45. Okay, so I was late. Sue me.

I parked in the longterm lot and went inside. After checking my suitcase, I handed the lady my ticket and she handed me my boarding pass and told me to go wait at gate 5A. I made a quick detour and and converted my money into US dollars, so I wouldn't make Louis pay for everything. I got to the gate just in time to have first class being called to board. After settling down in my seat in first class, I put in my headphones and started listening to my music. Immediately, one of my favorite songs came on.

You were just a small bump unborn, in four months you're brought to life,

You might be left with my hair, but you'll have your mother's eyes,

I'll hold your body in my hands be as gentle as I can,

But for now you're scan of my unmade plans,

Small bump four months you are brought to life

And I'll whisper quietly,

I'll give you nothing but truth,

If you're not inside me,

I'll put my future in you

You are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

You are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

And you'll be alright.

Suddenly my vision blurred.


"Anika. I haven't gotten my period in a while now."


"I've been throwing up a lot lately, I've been craving weird things, my stomach is getting bigger."

"And your point is..."

"How are you not getting this? Anika I think I'm pregnant."

"WHAT?! Okay let me go get you a pregnancy test."

I watched as my best friend raced out of her house. Her mum came into the room.

"Do you know who the father is?"

"Yeah. It's my dad."

*Present Time*

You're just a small bump unknown, you'll grow into your skin.

With a smile like hers and a dimple beneath your chin.

Finger nails the size of a half grain of rice.

And eyelids closed to be soon opened wide

A small bump

In four months you'll open your eyes.

And I'll hold you tightly,

and tell you nothing but truth,

If you're not inside me,

I'll put my future in you

You are my one, and only.

And you can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

You are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

And you'll be alright.


As much as I hated the fact that my father did this to me, I still found myself loving this baby.

Everytime it kicked, I got excited. Everytime I sang to it, I could feel it listening. I had this mother-child bond that you don't get anywhere else.

I wish it didn't happen when I was sixteen, but I would never get an abortion. Not that I'm anti abortion. Trust me, I considered it heavily. I just loved this baby too much. Anika and I were going to the clinic today to see the sex of my baby.

After the doctor performed the test, she came back with a smile on her face.

"Well McKenna. Looks like you're going to have a little baby boy!" Anika squealed and hugged me while I sat there, tears brimming my eyes. A baby boy. I had a feeling I was going to have a son. He would be perfect. Everything would be great.

*Present Time*

And you can lie with me,

with your tiny feet when your half asleep,

I'll leave you be.

Right in front of me for a couple weeks.

So I can keep you safe.

'Cause you are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

You are my one, and only.

You can wrap your fingers round my thumb and hold me tight.

And you'll be alright.


"Jensen. His name is going to be Jensen."

"Mac I'm so happy for you!" Anika jumped up and down when I told her the news. I couldn't say I was less excited than her, I just couldn't jump around with Jensen in my stomach.

"I can't believe how much I love this baby and I don't even know him yet. What do you think he'll be like?" I asked Anika. She had been through this entire journey with me since I lived with her family after my father murdered my mum and killed himself.

"I don't know. I think he'll have brown hair, like yours used to be, and green eyes, just like yours. I have a strong feeling he won't resemble your dad at all." I breathed a sigh of relief on that one. I really hope he's nothing like my father.

*Present Time*

'Cause you were just a small bump unborn

for four months then torn from life.

Maybe you were needed up there

but we're still unaware as why.


"I'm terribly sorry McKenna. But there's no heartbeat."

*Present Time*

I slowly got my vision back, but it was soon replaced by blurriness again. But I wasn't getting another memory. This time it was tears.

So I had a baby. A baby boy. Named Jensen. I loved him. He was my father's child? My father impregnated me? What is wrong with my life? Why am I so fucked up? Thoughts raced through my head as I flew through the air. I didn't even realize the plane had taken off.

Anika knows. Did she tell Louis? Does he know? No, if he knew he would have said something. Lou isn't one to keep his mouth shut. I can't believe this. I lost a baby. Why didn't Anika tell me? I was ripped out of my mind by the voice next to me.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" I wiped the tears from my eyes and turned to face a man about my age clad in a military uniform.

"What? Oh yeah. I'm okay."

"With all due respect, Miss, that was a rhetorical question. It's quite obvious something's wrong. Care to talk to me about it?" I eyed him warily. He seemed trustworthy. He is a marine afterall. So I told him. Everything. Starting from losing my memory and ending with remembering Jensen. He didn't say a word the entire time. Just nodded when appropriate. When I finished, he wiped the tears off my cheeks that I didn't realise I was shedding.

"So your father was the father of your son?" I shrugged. "Yeah.""I'm so sorry he did that to you."

"It's fine. It's not like it's your fault he did it."

"If it makes you feel any better, I lost a son. His name was Alex. My girlfriend was six months pregnant with him when we lost him. Just try to think of it this way. Little Jensen will always have a spot in your heart. Don't forget about him, but don't let this loss keep you from more children. That's why my girlfriend and I split up. She didn't want anymore children; she didn't want to go through that again. I did though, so we called it off." I don't know why, but for some reason, I felt the need to hug him. So I did.

After we hugged for a while, we broke apart. We both had tears in our eyes. It was quite obvious the breakup was new. He kept referring to her as his girlfriend, not ex girlfriend, and he was crying over it. Or maybe he was crying over Alex. I don't know, and it wasn't important at that moment.

"I'm Charlie, by the way."

"McKenna." After that we fell into easy conversation until he fell asleep, his head resting on my shoulder as mine rested against his head.


About an hour before the plane landed, I got up and grabbed my purse. I was going to look pretty for Louis if it was the last thing I do.

I made my way to the bathroom and fixed myself. I took my long red hair out of its messy bun and put it into a pretty waterfall braid Harry taught me how to do. Then I put a metallic eye shaddow on my eyes that made my green eyes pop.

After I finished, I exited the bathroom and walked back to my seat in first class. Charlie and I talked the rest of the way, mostly about how excited we were to be in the states. He told me the US is really cool, so I couldn't wait to be there.

We exchanged numbers and promised to keep in touch as the plane touched down on American soil. We walked together to the baggage claim.

Once we spotted our suitcases, we hugged and bid farewell to each other. I flagged down a cab and told the driver to go to Waters Edge in Westbrook, Connecticut, which is where the boys were staying. Since I landed in Hartford, it would take about an hour to get there, but it will be worth it when I surprise Lou.


The taxi pulled up to a huge resort an hour later. I smiled as he opened the trunk and got my suitcase out for me. I gave him his money that I owed him and he smiled and drove away. I walked into the lobby and walked up to the front desk. The girl looked about my age, and when she looked up, it was quite obvious she recognized me.

"Oh my goodness you're McKenna Pizano! You and Louis are so freaking cute together!" She squealed. I was so happy she knew who I was so that I wouldn't have to come up with an elaborate lie to get a key to Louis' room. I leaned over the desk and whispered to her.

"I'm surprising Louis here. He doesn't know I'm in America, let alone in the same hotel as him. So can I have two favors? One: a room for myself. And two: a key to his?" She giggled and nodded handing me two keys, one for my room and one for Louis'.

"You're in room 314. He's in room 432."


"So how are you gonna surprise him?"

"I'm gonna scare the shit out of him." We laughed and I thanked her before heading to the elevator. This is gonna be fun.

The elevator dinged and I climbed out onto the third floor. 310, 311, 312, 313, ah here it is! I thought to myself. I inserted the key and dropped my suitcase.

Pocketing both keys in different pockets so I wouldn't get confused, I went up to the next floor.

When I came across room 432, my breath caught in my throat. I was going to see Louis. This is really happening. Since it was coming up to one o'clock in the morning here, damn time differences, and considering the boys had a concert tomorrow, it was assumed they would be sleeping. Perfect. Ed told me that Harry and Louis were sharing a room, so I just had to figure out who was who.

I opened the door quietly and gently shut it behind me. It was dark, but I could hear the TV blaring. I rounded the corner to see Harry sleeping on the couch, a remote in one hand and a half eaten sandwich in the other. Awesome, now I just have to find Louis. I came across a bedroom door, but when I opened it, nobody was in there. It must be Harry's.

The next door was a bathroom. The last door had to be Louis'. I slipped into the room silently and closed the door behind me. I crawled into bed next to him and sat Indian-style facing him. He was snoring softly. I didn't want to wake him, but I didn't want this trip to be for nothing.

"Lou." I whispered. He stirred, but then continued snoring. I poked his cheek. He smiled, but still continued snoring. How does he smile in his sleep? That's freakin adorable.

I kissed his lips softly and pulled back. He slowly opened his eyes before sitting up so fast I'm surprised he didn't faint.

"Wha-? Who's in here? I can't see!" He said frantically. He probably thought I was a fan. Mission complete. He's scared shitless right now that a fan snuck into his room. He turned on the light and whipped his head around to see who got into his room. The scared expression on his face immediately turned to surprised, then ecstatic.

"MCKENNA!" He flung his arms around my waist as I did around his neck. He buried his face into my neck mumbling something incoherent.


"I said I missed you!" I giggled as we continued to hug. I loved this feeling, being in his arms. I felt like I belonged there. He pulled away and studied me.


"I'm just making sure I'm not dreaming."I kissed him slowly, but before he could kiss back, I pulled away. He pouted and crossed his arms over his, incredibly toned, chest childishly.

"If this was a dream, you would have had time to kiss me back." I smirked.

"How did you get here?"

"Via plane."

"Aw shut up you know what I mean."

"I wanted to surprise you!"

"Best surprise ever." He mumbled into my shoulder, after pulling me in for another hug. This time, instead of breaking our hug, he leaned back, taking me with him. I fell asleep like that, wrapped in his arms. It was the first night in weeks I didn't have any nightmares.



I cried writing this. Poor McKenna. I wrote the part about Jensen because my mom told me yesterday that between my sister and myself, she had a miscarriage. She took me to the memorial site for it. I'm terribly upset that my mom had to go through that but she told me that she is grateful.

She would have loved that baby, but if it was a boy, my dad and her would have stopped having kids, so me and my brother would have never been born. She still loves that baby as if it were alive, but she thanks him/her for giving her the oppertunity to have me and my younger brother.

Charlie on the side >>

Peace loyal potatoes xx

~Your Supreme Potato (Erin)

McKenna's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/mckennas_outfit/set?id=85925386

McKenna's Hair and Eye Makeup: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=85925431

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