The Devil's Daughter

Galing kay Werepanther

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Angelica Shanley is beautiful. She is so beautiful that she can't stare at her own reflection for too long be... Higit pa

Author's Note
It's a Blaz piece
Ask the Characters
BOOK 2: The Kingdom of Nightmares
Hi. 01/05/2019


747 52 10
Galing kay Werepanther

This music is beautiful please try and listen to it while you read it really warmed my heart :)


As I awakened curled on my side, feather like leaves dropped onto my eyes. It took a moment of adjusting to find they were delicate pink petals and while laying there I took in my surroundings. Long vast lands of cherry blossom trees walled me, at least I thought they were cherry blossoms until I breathed in their pollen and got an immediate high.

"Wow." The euphoria hit me like the titanic hitting that iceberg. I lifted my hand to pinch the bridge of my nose and shooed away falling petals incase of a drug overdose. "Right," I sighed. "Now to figure out where I am, how I got here," I stood up climbing out of the pile petals that I seemed to be buried beneath. "And why I am naked." I twirled around in a circle looking up at a clear blue sky, down at a green and pink paradise then through trees over at hills and mountains. The beauty made the awkwardness of my situation dissipate.

"Angelica." A male voice whispered in the wind.

"Huh?" I whipped around. Snowy hair flying around me and caught eyes with the mysterious Mr Cat.

He sat before me swishing his tale side to side smiling at me, not with a Cheshire grin but with one of those cat smiles where you have a feeling he's smiling but you can't quite tell. "Come along little kitten."

I pointed at him my eyes widening. "You just talked."

"Meow." He stood up and turned away from me walking and growing in size.

"Mr Cat..." He walked right into the sunlight for a moment revealing the silhuoette of a man and disappearing. "Mr Cat! Wait!" The light started expanding I felt myself evaporating into it.

A beautiful song played as I floated as particles through wind. An angelic voice lured me down back to the earth in the depths of green-blue trees. They shadoed over my naked frame and I desperately wondered around lost looking for the singing siren.

"Hello?" I hugged myself though I couldn't feel the cold. Is it cold? What is the temperature? I can't tell under this darkness. "Mr Cat?"

I twirled around once but the trees I had walked past suddenly looked a little different. Larger... I twirled again. They grew. I twirled once more and they were humungous! Like peaceful giants or perhaps the beanstalks to the giants.

The beautiful voice continued. I turned around once more.

She's magnificent!

Her hair falls in long white waves down her back. Beautiful silver eyes, rosy cheeks and lushes pink lips that pouted without her realising it.  She just sat on the giant lily pad in the middle of the lake singing her heart out to any creature that listened. Long white Grecian dress that displayed her flawless figure and is sort of sheer under the sun. I laughed. I might as well call it her spotlight. I bet the sun is even smiling down at her.


"My my my, what do we have here?" Someone sneered behind me and I whipped around to see two freakishly large men with giant black feathered wings that they folded behind them. I recognised one of them as William, young, around twenty one with dark chocolate brown hair that hid his black eyes making him look dangerous. Vicious in that godly handsome way. He wore a long black coat, no shirt just bare chested and tattooed in unrecognisable patterns. Then long black pants with a chain hang off it on the belt. He looks so amazingly hot... Incredibly sexy... And then there's Dara who's just stunningly beautiful.... My god why am I seeing this?! How am I here? His friend next to him looked sinister. Blond hair, mouldy green eyes and wearing nothing but black baggy pants and a sword strapped across his bare tattooed chest. Fearsome caveman... Especially with those really bushy brown eyebrows. They walked up to me and I flinched.

"Wait I..." William walked right through me and I gasped. Oh my god this is another dream. I've been dreaming all along. I'm making up everything. I turned around and saw both of the dark angels hide behind the giant rock looking at Dara. Thank god not me. I'm still bloody naked.

"A flick of light far from the sun." The blond dark angel smirked wickedly as he eyed her up.  She's still oblivious, just singing innocently to the birds while they are watching her like blood thirsty wolves. Well Blondie with a predator look in his eyes but then William simply admired her with curiosity. Then I remembered seeing them kissing. This must be before they met. If I'm not dreaming then I'm either inside a memory or just plain crazy.

Naked and insane.

"Her voice... She sounds as beautiful as she looks." William said and my mouth fell open in awe.

"Another evil temptress." His friend spat. Huh we have another Maulfoy on our hands ladies and gentlemen however I don't think this one is as wimpy.

Will looked at him. He's stronger, he radiates power and fearlessness. It's breathtaking. "I thought we were the evil ones."

"Mm yeah.... But..."

She sang loudly and a giant swan, bigger than a horse swam beside her and knocked her beak against her head. So she laughed and patted the white swan's long neck.

She stopped singing and huffed sitting there in silence for a few moments.

"Attack her now?" Blondie jumped like an excited five year old.

"No." Will dismissed. From the sinking smirk Blondie didn't like the authoratitive tone.

"This dull life I live in." She finally said resting her head in her hand frowning. I leaned on the rock next to William and saw how vulnerable she is at this very moment.


"What do you want to attack her for?!" I snapped at the blonde even though no one can see me or hear me.

"No, Atticus go find the others, say you have a surprise for them."

"Atticus? Ha! You're name is lame!" I yelled out at Atticus as he looked at William confused. But William is taking no notice of him, I can tell he's just fallen for her. NAW!

"But... But Captain."

"Are you questioning me?" William snapped ferociously his teeth suddenly turning into shark teeth. I stepped away from them both then looked over to see Dara who just started singing random notes of a random tune. Birds flew around her and other little creatures decided to pay her a visit.

"No! Of course not. But..." William glared down at Atticus so blondie shrank away then ran off before flying off up into the sky. This side of William is kind of scary but somehow he still manages to look handsome as ever. His face morphed back to normal when he stared back at her. She stood up on the lily pad then turned her head slightly as if she can sense an unwanted presence. Being a light angel, maybe she can. Then she started humming and other lily pads floated her way so she could start walking back to the shore.

"If you're going to go after her you might as well..." I searched for William who just disappeared. Where did he go? I climbed up on top of the rock and saw him leaning against a tree still admiring her behind. She still hasn't noticed him! Every step she took he himself took another step closer to the lake. Animals started scurrying away at the sight of him and the giant swan reacted suddenly flapping its wings up in distress. Dara turned around worried and William hid behind the tree then snuck up behind another one much closer to her.

"Hey what's the matter?" Dara asked the bird and it flew up and away. "What was that?" She asked herself then William flew up right behind her on the lily pad. Keeping his distance but clearly forcing himself to keep his hands at his sides. Dara looked down at her feet then I saw a little glint sparkle in her eyes. She took a deep breath then smiled at herself. And that's when I realised she knows he's there. But she's doing nothing of it... Yet. Ooh this is going to be good. Can you feel excited in a dream? She turned around surprising Will and stood right up to him, her perfect face right at his.

"Boo." She mouthed from what I can tell then the next thing I knew he was pushed back into the water.

I burst into wild laughter as the scene changed. I'm still in the forest however a different part. And I saw Dara stroll past smiling sinisterly then Will came after her all soaking wet and face full of rage. He better not reveal his fangs to her. I'll smack him.

"Nice swim?" She mocked. I giggled as I watched the show. You never have popcorn when you need it most.

"Don't mock me. You don't realise who you're messing with." He stated shaking off the excess water. Oh God don't say that! That's not a way to woo a girl! Ugh men are hopeless!

"I don't?" She said playing dumb and smiling at him over her shoulder. Her beautiful white wings flexing a little bit. He stared at her, face stern and jaw locked.

"Are you not afraid? I'm the enemy."

"I barely know you to already pinpoint you as my enemy William."

"I'm a Dark... Wait you have heard of me." He smirked shaking his wings out and her smile disappeared.

"I've seen you in combat."

"That's funny I wouldn't expect a pretty flower like you to be in the war. Don't your kind have rule against females fighting?" She huffed at his response in what seems like disappointment.

"Who said I was fighting? I was observing the chaos and destruction you were making every step you took." She said and he stepped right up to her staring her down but she simply crossed her arms under her breasts and perked her brow.

"You know what I can do. But why don't you scurry off afraid?" He questioned and I noticed him staring at her lips. I jumped all excited. "I can kill you without as much as a blink of an eye."

"You could but you don't want to."

"What makes you think I don't?"

"Because I would be dead by now just like my poor friends you murdered." She said in a cold tone but then pulled a smile up on her angelic face again.

"I only kill when I feel threatened." He said.

"I know, I saw." She said staring at him right in the eye. "You act terrifying. But..." She stopped. She laughed to herself shaking her head. Then turned away and started walking off. He grabbed her arm forcefully and she gawked up at him, lips slightly parted and her eyes looking at every aspect of his face.

"But?" He pressed incredibly inquisitive. Oh and staring at her mouth again.

"Nothing. I shouldn't even be talking to you." She tried to pull her arm free but he wouldn't have it. "Let me go." She demanded and he smiled sinisterly. What does this remind me of...?

"Stupid Hell Hound." I muttered.

"Why should I? What are you going to do about it?" He challenged and she licked her bottom lip then curled them in.

"Male light angels, and now a male dark demon underestimating me. When will the male sex stop making that same mistake?" She asked the world then smirked at him.

"Speaking of sex..." He whispered on her mouth and I blushed. Oh my god he's so much like... Blaz.

"Really that's your move? Pathetic." She snapped then sang a random high note causing birds to fly down and peck at William's head. She snuck out of his grasp as he tried to shoo away the birds and I burst out laughing. I wonder if I can do that? "Thank you darlings but I can take it from here." The doves flew off and he stared her shocked and angry.

"Distract me for what? Instead of escaping you're laughing at me."

"Where's the fun in running if there's no real chase?" She winked at him then flew up high in the air.

He extended out his wings then flew up after. "Forget it! I'm faster!" He yelled out.

So this is how they met... I want to see more of it but I can't fly. So I started running beneath them. All I can see is two black and white dots with wings. Black chasing after the white while the white is practically flying circles around him. A scene change would be nice now!

I tripped over my head hitting into a rock and wiping me out cold.


The darkness became a really blurry world where figures stood facing each other. I didn't focus, my eyes embraced more darkness and closed. My body wasn't ready to awaken. "What does this mean?" A male voice hissed.

"We always knew she was half of us..." A female voice responded.

"There's barely of any of us in her! Look white wings and a few baby black feathers scattered awkwardly. I honestly thought that she'd..."

"Calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!" Someone is furious... The male sighed. "I just hoped she'd be one of us."

"She is Blaz." My Hell hound. "Look I have to go before her mother gets suspicious." I heard a click of a lock. The bed tipped and I felt the covers get pulled down slightly. I shivered in the cold but relaxed when I felt a warm hand rub my lower back. The body lay back next to me on some animal instinct I snuggled closer until my head and torso were lying on someone. Fingers ran through my hair and another hand ran down my back to fit snuggly under my underwear.

"What?" I tried to open my eyes but they were heavy so it took a lot of strength. "Where am I?" I don't know why I asked. I know exactly where I am.

"My bed." I could feel the grin. I could also feel a new appendage, two. "How are you feeling princess?"

"A little hurt..." I sat up on my and gazed down at his naked upper body. Each carved muscle. "A little sexually frustrated and a little confused. Why am I here?"

"How much do you remember?" Said the Hell Hound. I see too much Will in his dark eyes. I had to look away.

"I don't." I replied quickly. "Wait. My party. My birthday party and then dancing with Ranger... Upstairs, hell hound, more dancing." I felt my neck for the black winged necklace. "I feel so heavy." I clasped my head in my hands. Blaz sat up and removed them setting our hands in my lap intwined. I grew annoyed at his silence. Not to mention angry at his stare at my chest. That's why he bought the necklace to have an excuse to look at what does not exist. "Blaz can you please say something helpful? Besides there's nothing here to stare at."

He smirked cockily at me perking one of his brows. He dipped his head forward and pulled at a black lace bra with his teeth. I gasped. He smiled at me with his eyes and let go of the bra keeping me in place by holding my hips. I removed them crawling off the bed searching for a mirror. There was one on his door and when I looked at myself I screamed. "I have boobs! Blaz! Blaz!  What the hell?" He came up behind me in the mirror with a lopsided smile. "Look! Wait no stop looking!" I hugged my new found plushy chest and turned to him. "Back away from me!" He bit his lip and pressed me up against the mirror with his pelvis pushing right into mine. Too many emotions hit me at once that my brain got confused, different parts of my body sent bad signals.

He breathed right on my lips. "I love the fact that you notice your breasts before your wings.


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