Super Duper Short, Short Stor...

By FailureToFollow

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Here's a little something I did during exams. If you guys comment and vote to show that you like my stories I... More

Love at First Sight..
The Pizza Boy
I saw a rainbow. And it changed my life.
Through the eyes of a madman.
Mime Squared
My Desire
The Pain.
The Chicken Egg
Having Cereal Under a Chandelier.
The Spot.
The Sadist
The Land Above the Rainbow
Rainbow High Jumper
Trapped in the School.
Adventures of a Ninja Wannabe
A Lucky Day
Ignorance is Bliss..
Totally Random
Cookies, cream and milk
Two parts hydrogen, one part oxygen life form.
The blank screen
The Red Mug
A Day of Delirious
A Parallel Universe
At Night
Her Very Own Fairytale
Once Upon a Posse
Save All The Dragon Eggs!
E's Ingenious Theory of Love
A Mother's Day Poem

Jack without the magic jelly bean

939 6 9
By FailureToFollow

Thank you drem2007 for being such an awesome fran :)


Jack loved all kinds of toys. He loved collecting them too. However, he did have a favorite toy among them all, which was, a little toe. It was made of rubber and looked quite real.

Peculiar you call it? Well, Jack was a very peculiar boy to start with- his mother had not really given birth to him, not quite.. You see, she had actually given birth to a box, with the umbilical cord still attached to it. The sight was abnormal, for in the place of the baby, a box was ever so present.

Everyone in the labour room was shocked beyond imaginable. The reaction was, well, befitting to the beyond imaginable event.

A box, a very blue box, attached to an umbilical cord was sitting in the guynae's hands. Everyone stopped what the were doing at that moment and looked at the very blue box. Sound ceased to exist at that moment, because it was just so very silent.

The new mother broke the silence with a scream, shriek and cry, somewhere in between it was a mixture of all three. She was distraught!! Can you imagine what she must have felt like? That she'd been carrying a baby for nine months only for the bun to come out from the oven as a box! Heck! It wasn't even something edible!! (unlike a bun)

Amidst her tantrum and hyperventilating, the blue box, which was not being paid attention to at that time started to play a tune.

Once again, everyone stopped what they were doing and placed their attention back to the box (talk about attention seekers!!). It even drew the attention of Mike, the microorganism!

The tune played on and you wouldn't believe what happened next.... A baby pooped out of the box! (whoops! I meant to say popped) In other words, Jack, popped out of the dark blue box!

'unbelievable!' one nurse said. 'remarkable!' another remarked. 'fantastic!' exclaimed the doctor. 'Smells funny!' said random stranger.

'I want that toy mummy!!' a boy pestered his mum in a faraway place in a toy shop. Jack's mother had something to say too, 'Yay me!' she bounced happily on the bed an clapped her hands.

After cleaning and dressing Jack, Jack's mummy took him home. And that incident was what people looked to as a reason for Jack's extraordinary peculiarness.

Back to the real story, so Jack loved his favorite toy- a little rubber toe. His fondness for it could be compared to a normal kid's fondness of their Teddy bear whose name was sometimes Mr. HugAlot.

So little Jack, with his little rubber toe was seen around town. Anyone who didn't know him would've thought that the toe his was holding on so tight to was from a real person and it scared them to think of the ways he came to acquire the toe.

Every so often, Jack-from-the-box would get weird glances from strangers and we know why, because he was a weird kid.

He was walking along the street when he heard someone shout 'fire! Fire!' he ignored the voice and kept on walking. Absentmindedly, he walked into the burning building without realizing it. Only when he felt faint did he realize he was in trouble. He panicked and looked around and found no exit. How he got in the building in the first place baffles me.. But he was, where he was.

Jack was drifting into unconsciousness due to the gases and heat around him. He was sweating and he started to cry, thinking back to the time when he lost him mother, Pandora, to the very same dark blue box which he came out from.

It seems that she had taken home with her the blue box and just recently decided to open it. She had a shock of her life when a cow flew out of the box, followed by a tie, a trishaw, a hammer, a rainbow and some random thingamabobs before a bowl of deliciously smelling caramel popcorn popped out. By that time, the things that came out of the box had shocked Pandora so much so that her very life was shocked away. She had died very tragically, being shocked to death. Lucky for mankind, hope still remained in the box; Pandora's box.

Jack felt the urge to save his little rubber toe and threw it to a random spot. Fortunately for him, the toe had acted as a door stopper and managed to hold open an exit door which was near closing. Who opened it in the first place remained a mystery but what was there, was there.

Jack crawled through the debris and smog to reach the exit. He had something to live for, which was none other than apple pie. So survive did he the fire. Poor rubber toe of his hough, it had melted from the intense heat and was now a blob. A very uninteresting blob that is.


Captain America is AWESOME! :) well, I loved it anyways.. Haha.

Thanks for reading my story! :) and for commenting, voting and fanning too! :)

You guys are awesome :D

Ninja out! :) have a fantastic day!!


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