"Just Friends" ||Jacob Sartor...

By psychosartorius

83K 2.2K 424

Abby, a girl with auburn hair and bright blue eyes, just moved to Virginia, not excited about leaving her boy... More

everytime my hotline blings
friends with no benefits
new heights
netflix and friend zoned
the new girl
fight me, bro
volleyball brats+dinner dates
turkey feelings
playing games
dancing with strangers
thin ice
hurtful mistakes
comfort and confrontations
something in the air
strings attached
conflict and chaos
christmas time sparks
party time
somethings and suprises
bent not broken
reunited and reengaged
whats next?
not an update
sleepy and stubborn
acting out

deep awkward silence

4K 103 18
By psychosartorius

(Abby's P.O.V.)
I woke up at 9:00 a.m.. It was Friday. After today there would just be a weekend before school. I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Jacob.

j- hey can you come over tonight? I want to introduce you to some of my friends.

a- sure. what time?



j- I think you'll like them they're really nice.

a- I'm sure!

j- see you then. unless I see you through your window. I can see you that way too.

a- creepy much?

j- absolutely.

I laughed at our texts. He always found a way to make me smile. I figured I should get dressed so i decided to wear a high waisted black and white floral skirt and a black tank crop top, under a crocheted sweater, with a long gold necklace, and my white sneakers. I put on some mascara and curled my hair into some crazy ringlets that I figured would calm down a bit before then. I was excited to get know some more people. It was 10:40 when i got done getting ready, and I decided to go eat some breakfast. My mom was unpacking stuff in the living room. I told her that the neighbor invited me over for dinner tonight to meet his friends. She said she was excited for me to meet some more people before school started, and I told her I was too. I ate some cereal and a banana. I then went back upstairs to pick out an outfit for the first day of school. I finally figured out what I was going to wear; a gray and white slim striped crop top with a high waisted plain black skater skirt.
(Jacobs P.O.V.)
I texted Abby and asked if she could come over tonight. I'm inviting Derek, Joseph, Marin and Amy over, and I figured she would enjoy meeting new people. I loved our conversations. My friends were pretty crazy so I was excited to see what would happen tonight. I slipped on a shirt that I grabbed off the floor. It smelled clean anyways.I couldn't wait for everyone to get here. It was 3:30. I decided I should clean my room.
                    (Abby's P.O.V.)
I checked my phone. It was already 3:30. I figured I would listen to some music for a while. I was surprised that I hadn't heard any from Jacob's room yet today. The music started playing.

I was the knight and shining
armor in your movie
would you put your lips on
mine and love the aftertaste?...

I looked over and saw Jacob. "Good song" he said "Thanks" I replied with a smile. "Do you wanna come over a little earlier? I'm bored." "Sure." I said "I'll be right there," and with that I reapplied mascara, grabbed my phone and headed for Jacobs house. Before I could knock, he opened the door. "You look nice" he said "Thanks" I said. We hung out and talked until 4:55. Then the doorbell rang. "It's probably Derek.
He always comes early." Jacob said, while walking to get the door. I decided to wait where I was.  Jacob and Derek came into the kitchen and from that moment on Derek never stopped flirting with me for the rest of the night. He had blonde hair, and wore khaki shorts, a blue shirt, and a caramel-colored beanie. The doorbell rang again, sending Jacob back out of the kitchen. "Hi" Derek said "Hey. I'm Abby." "I know, Jacob has told me a lot about you." He winked. what he said had seemed a little strange to me. Had Jacob told him everything? "I'm Derek by the way." he said  "Cool." I replied. Then Jacob brought in a girl- i knew it was either Marin or Amy, she said "You must be Abby!" Then she immediately came over and hugged me. Derek said "Sorry I didn't warn you, Amy's a hugger." This was Amy. She looked like an Amy. She was short and had dark, long, and straight hair. She was wearing a maroon shirt and cute black shorts. Next Marin came in. She was around my height (5"7), had long blonde hair, and was wearing a shirt that said "No Thanks" and light-wash skinny jeans. I said "Hey" and she said "hey, you're Abby right?" She said back. She seemed really cool. "Yeah" I replied smiling. Then Joseph came in. He had brown hair and was probably 6"0 tall. Jacob came back in and stood next to me. "What do you guys wanna do?" He asked excitedly. We ended up watching a movie called the A-list. It was hilarious, and honestly kind of strange. I looked over and noticed something creepy; Derek had been staring at me. I checked my phone, it was already 7:00. We started playing truth or dare afterwards. I hate this game because all the embarrassing and crazy stuff always happens to me. Amy started first and asked Joseph "truth or dare?" "Dare" he said. He ended up getting dared to kiss Jacob's cat, and he did it. Then it was Derek's turn. He asked me "truth or dare" and it was him so I picked truth, trying not to imagine he would've dared me to do. "If you had to date someone here, who would it be?" "Honestly, Amy, she's a great hugger." I said sarcastically, Everyone laughed. It was Marin's turn. She asked Jacob, "truth or dare" of course he said dare.  "Okay.... I dare you to kiss Abby." she said shockingly. He looked at me blushing. I moved over to where he was sitting. He leaned in and I let his tongue explore my mouth. This must've been going on for a while because Derek said "She said kiss her, not try to swallow her tongue, Sartorius. He pulled away and was 100x as red as it was when we started. I figured he was just nervous to kiss someone in front of all of his friends. I walked back to my seat. He made my knees weak. Everyone was looking at us. "Okay. My turn." I said to break the awkward silence. "Truth or dare Derek" "dare" "I dare you to kiss Marin." things were about to get real. Except things didn't. They kissed and everyone moved on. Jacob and i's kiss was way more intense then the friendly kiss that I had just witnessed. Everyone went home shortly after that. It was just Jacob and I now. I check my phones time. It read 9:24. "Hey I'm gonna get going." I said "Okay" he said looking at me, (no smile) "Is everything okay?" I asked "Can we just talk about it tomorrow?" he asked. "Sure." I replied, and with that I walked out the door.

More chapters tomorrow guys!xx spent all day working on this one.

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