Together forever (Best friend...

By PetwaSan0000

19.7K 832 1.6K

So...I finally get a chance to make this amazing sequel to the book! As I promised for all of you guys! Also... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Authors note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
New trilogy voting (pls read)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Suggestions for Next chapter?
Chapter 41
So what happened to de others? (part 1)
EreMika finale
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
☆〜Chapter 44☆〜
☆JeanMarco finale☆
♪Chapter 45♪
So what happened to the others? (part 2)
About the crossover characters
About the kids

Chapter 36

208 11 4
By PetwaSan0000

*Jean's POV*

"Jean? Oh my gosh are you jealous of that Tori girl?" Connie asks with his eyes widened.

"J-Jealous? Why would I ever be jealous? Think real, Connie." I stuttered without blurting anything else out.

I walked away from the two gossips and went back to Marco. I glared at the Tori girl who for some reason was always close to him.

After a moment or so, all of us sat in the living room and began to talk about things.

"So how long have you guys been working?" I was the first to ask.

"As soon as we left, of course. On our way to America, we met Tori. She got into our team when we found her fighting a few Titans with nothing but a sword. She has a really great sword talent." Marco complemented.

"Ah Marco, he just can't stop talking about that, can he? Well thanks for the complement, Bott." Tori laughed and tugged Marco

I couldn't help but cringe at that moment. I felt like I didn't own Marco anymore, and not being with him for five years or so made Tori closer to him. I really hated where this was going.

"Hah..." I laughed, I really didn't want Marco to realize I didn't like this situation at all.

"She's lucky not to be tomboy and still have lady friends." Mina giggled. "Too bad Florentyna wasn't able to go. Even if she doesn't really fight, she's still feisty."

"Florentyna? The polish girl? Is she blonde and does she wear a flower crown?" Connie suddenly asks out of nowhere.

Tori nodded, "Um yes. Why? Do you know her?"

Connie nodded too, "Yeah, she's one of my close social media friends."

"Ah so you're Connie Springer? It's nice to meet you, she tells me a lot about you and your stupidity."

"She called me stupid, eh? Well, I shall take that as a complement. Anyways it's coming out of Poland so might as well do so." Connie laughed.

I looked at Sasha, and she didn't seem like she was having a comfortable time either. Well this was a worse situation for her since she's been jealous of three girls so far.

"Well I hope she's having a good time wherever she is." Connie smiled.

"I'll tell her you were here, therefore she'd want to come on our next visit." Tori replied.

I heard Sasha muttering something that sounded like, 'Oh so I'm gonna spark my jealousy again, huh?'

All of a sudden I heard footsteps running downstairs, I tuned around and saw Eren, hey at least he didn't look so aggressive anymore.

"Hey guys..." He sighed.

He uttered curse words repeatedly on his until he was all the way downstairs. Isabel teased, "Aww...what's wrong, Yeager?"

She went to him and began pinching both his cheeks. Eren replied, ignoring Isabel's insults, "I'm still so pissed about that Mikasa thing. It's always inside my head, I can never get it out."

"Oh you'll get it out. And I know how. If it ain't gonna work and you're still depressed about it, I'll beat you up." Isabel said, holding her hips and showing some sort of mighty pose.

"What're you gonna do? Get me to drink tequila?" Eren scoffed.

"I was going to force you to go skinny dipping while drinking whiskey but I guess that's less risky so let us go to the kitchen. Cmon, Farlan." Isabel replied and walked with Eren to the kitchen.

Farlan chuckled and followed Isabel, and they left the room. Marco continued the conversation, "So, Jean. What did you do while I was gone?"

"Well we locked ourselves inside Connie's house for five years, fought the Titans, kidnapped Ymir and Krista, and got the Titans of Shiganshina arrested." I replied.

"Woah you defeated Reiner?! That's amazing! How'd you do it? And what happened next?" Marco asked under fascination.

"Ah well Sasha and Connie set up a prank that got them arrested, and we lived our lives in peace for a long time. And then Connie got us tickets in first class to move to America, then we got this huge house that Connie's parents set up before they died and lived more peace then we ever have." I felt like a storyteller as I said those words.

"Woah Connie you're such an RK." Marco chuckled, "This house is really big, your parents actually afforded it. Lucky of you."

Connie smiled, "Hah, thanks."

Sasha squeezed Connie like some yandere, saying, "Well he's MY RK!!"

"Um Sasha have you been watching too much Future Diary? 'Cause you sound like Yuno right now and it's not pleasant to hear." Petra laughed when she and Levi exited the kitchen with some mugs of hot chocolate.

"First of all, give me some hot coco. Second, have a small dagger for anyone who tries to hurt him, does Yuno have that?" Sasha hissed.

"Braus, that's exactly who Yuno is..." Levi sighed.

Petra giggled and gave each of us cute mugs of hot chocolate with whipped cream and chocolate syrup. She stuffed her hands on her pockets and pulled out several candy canes.

"Anyways, I got candy canes for everyone! Here's two for you, Marco. Two for the new girl, two for Thomas, two for Mina, four for you, Glenn Coco. You go Glenn Coco!" Petra exclaimed as she handed four candy canes to Sasha, who gave some to Connie.

Petra continued to give away small candy canes when Armin, Annie, Mikasa, Krista and Ymir arrived, "Two for you, and two for you, and two for you, too..." She faced and empty space and said, "None for Gretchen Wieners, GOODBYE!!" Petra sped to the kitchen again, along with Levi, Ymir, and Krista.

Armin, Mikasa and Annie, on the other hand, walked upstairs without a word flying out of their mouths.

Tori opened her candy cane and had a small taste. She smiled, "Ah, she gave me blueberry mint flavor. These are really good."

Marco giggled and opened his. He also took a small taste of his candy cane. "I got green peppermint. You wanna try some?" He looked like he was about to feed Tori with the candy cane.

That caught all the necessary attention. I jumped and bit a piece of his candy cane before she was able to even bend close to it.

Marco's eyes widened, "Jean! What the hell was that for?"

"You don't have the right to feed other people but me, learn and accept that." I answered.

Tori laughed, "you're just as humorous as Marco says, huh? I gotta admit, you two are adorable. You aren't like many couples I've encountered. You guys are unique, I'll give you that."

We both blushed pink. And then all of a sudden the second kitchen door burst open, coming out of the door was drunk Eren, and behind him was Isabel and Farlan trying to calm him down.

"SO SHES MAKING ME JEALOUS, HUH!? IS THAT WHAT THIS WHOLE SOUSUKE **** IS FOR!?" Eren yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Eren calm the **** down! You're drunk, you have no idea what you're saying!" Farlan told him off.


"Eren, no!" Isabel shouted. Eren ran as fast as he could outside. Isabel and Farlan began to chase him.

"What's wrong with that young man?" Tori worriedly asked.

"It's a long story, we better go after them." I said in an even more worried tone.

"Agreed." Was all she said before speeding to the door Isabel again left open. Marco and I looked at each other before running after them as well. We don't really know what the others inside were doing, all we were paying attention to was to catch Eren.

*the last AruAni bonus piece*
*Annie's POV*

After that weird Mean Girls reference thing Petra had downstairs. I slowly walked upstairs and stood by the balcony. I gazed at the twinkling stars which made my eyes sparkle almost as much.

I liked staring at the night, whether it was or wasn't dark. Or at least I used to, when I wasn't being payed attention to much even when they knew I wasn't a bad guy.

I stopped thinking so dark when Armin came into my life. He seems to make things easier for me. He gave kindness which needed nothing in return. He made me realize the beauty of daylight.

And yes, I think I am in love with him. But...I don't think he would like me back. I mean, unlike me, he has many friends. He was the guys, and Mikasa and Jean.

He has much more in his life than I ever will. And it would be pretty stupid if he really did accept someone like me into his love life.

I laughed at myself when I think of this as a possibility, knowing it will never be that way. My wave of thoughts was soon interrupted by a voice beckoning behind me,

"Annie, what're you doing by the balcony at night?"

I turned around and smiled, it was Armin. Of course, I couldn't just smile at him without a reply, "Oh, just star gazing..."

"Star gazing, eh? Well the stars look pretty normal to me tonight. In fact, they seemed to have lessened a bit. And you don't really go here when the stars increase." I couldn't help but listen to his cute logic.

"Ah, well...I like it better when it's dark. Reminds me of myself, sometimes..." I mutter under my cold breath.

"Huh? Since when were you dark? Is it because you think you're mysterious?" He asked wondrously.

"I feel dark all the time, Armin. And yes, I don't think I'm mysterious, I am. And it seems really obvious." I chuckled.

"You're not mysterious to me. I know a lot about you. Your taste in books, the animes you watch on loud volume every Friday night, and the fact that you have a very beautiful smile..."

I began to turn pink to his words, "Wh-what!? What made you say I h-have a beautiful smile?"

"You're such a Tsundere, Annie. You know you're beautiful, you just won't admit it." Armin bent closer, making my pink cheeks turn red.

"That's not true. Tsunderes are not like that about themselves, they're like that to the people they love or have a crush on." I corrected.

"So that're my Tsundere?" He bends a bit closer, the red marks on my cheeks shaded deeper.

"WHAT!?" I finally bury my face in embarrassment.

"I'm just kidding! Don't be so shocked about that." Armin laughed. I chuckled as well before I once again fell silent.

"Hey what's wrong? Everything was going so well with us, why did you suddenly fall quiet again?" He asked in some sort of worried tone.

"It's would probably laugh if I told you..." I sighed deeply.

"I wouldn't laugh for anything you'd tell me unless it's a reasonable joke. I'll understand, I promise." He patted his chest with his right hand.

Before saying anything, I let out a sigh, and a quiet hiss after, " you. I mean, not only as a friend, like...I like like you. You just...never seemed to be cruel to me even if I was accused of killing your family and friends. You learned to help me and befriend me. You were always there for me, even if you knew I had a dark mysterious aura. And...apparently that made me fall for you. Pretty lame, huh?"

His eyes widened and he fell hesitant for a moment or so. Not long did he respond, "I...I like you too. I was just too much of a coward to say anything're really tough. A strong, independent woman who can still live life on her own. I needed other help me and protect me. I admired your independence and...your beauty...again, I was too timid to say anything, so I thought...maybe I should be closer with you..."

" we both weren't man enough to confess, huh?" I chuckled.

He bent closer to me and kissed my forehead. I giggled and bent him to a kiss. It was a quiet moment, peaceful. Just the way I liked it.

Well, the peaceful aura was interrupted by the sound of Sasha and Connie screaming at the glass door. Sasha was banging her fist on the glass while Connie idiotically slid his cheek on it.


They ignored me and kept screaming, but more of whisper-screaming, on my opinion. I looked at Armin, who laughed and removed the bangs covering my left eye and held my cheek. All I could do was smile and place my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie jacket.

A/N: And there goes the last part of the AruAni trilogy! I'm so sorry if it was short, I couldn't wait for this part and stuff xD. So the next trilogies will be according to what you guys want first! So here are the votes:


Thanks guys! Petwa out!

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