Stitches of Life

LizEG96 द्वारा

1.2M 29.4K 4.5K

"I don't get it." He shook his head at me, his frustration clear in his eyes. "Why can't you just let yoursel... अधिक

The First Cut is the Deepest
Winning a Battle, Losing a War
No Man's Land
Shake Your Groove Thing
If Tomorrow Never Comes
The Self-Destruct Button
Save Me
Who's Zoomin' Who?
Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head
Enough Is Enough (No More Tears)
Make Me Lost Control
Deny, Deny, Deny
Into You Like a Train
Thanks for the Memories
Much Too Much
Owner of a Lonely Heart
Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer
Begin the Begin
Break on Through
It's the End of the World
What Have I Done to Deserve This?
Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole
Damage Case
Fight or Flight
Losing My Religion
I Am a Tree
Sometimes A Fantasy
Oh, the Guilt
Let the Angels Commit
Staring at the Sun
From a Whisper to a Scream
Six Days
Walk on Water
Time After Time
Testing 1-2-3
Didn't We Almost Have it All?
A Change is Gonna Come
Let the Truth Sting
The Heart of the Matter
Kung Fu Fighting
Forever Young
Lay Your Hands on Me
Piece of My Heart
Here Comes the Flood
Life During Wartime
In the Midnight Hour
Sympathy for the Devil
Before and After
Elevator Love Letter
No Good at Saying Sorry
What a Difference a Day Makes
Good Mourning
I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watchin' Me
Invest in Love
State of Love and Trust
Valentine's Day Massacre
Perfect Little Accident
Suicide is Painless
Hook, Line, and Sinner
Death and All His Friends
Author's Note

A Hard Day's Night

62K 887 540
LizEG96 द्वारा

Chapter One: A Hard Day's Night

"Shit, shit, shit." I swore under my breath repeatedly as I hurried up two flights of stairs, taking the steps two at a time to try and save time. I was already late, late for my first day of my new job. As I came out of the stairwell and onto my floor I spotted a dirty blonde haired woman stepping out of the elevator, looking just as stressed as I was.

"You late too?" She guessed as soon as she saw me.

"Yep." I nodded as we both headed down the hallway, spotting a large group of people walking into an operating room. Neither of us said another word as we hurried to catch up with them. We slipped through the doors behind them, going unnoticed. Walking into the clean and stocked operating room, there was a clear sense of awe between all of us, this being our first time standing in an operating room knowing that we would each be operating here at some point in the near future, having finally finished medical school, now being surgical interns.

"Each of you comes here hopeful. Wanting in on the game. A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors." An older man that I recognized to be Dr. Richard Webber, our new boss, stood off to the side, looking over all of us with watchful and careful eyes. As if he were just waiting for one of us to make a mistake. "The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point. Look around you. Say hello to your competition."

As he said that everyone began to look around at the unfamiliar faces surrounding us. I glanced around, not paying much attention to anyone in particular, though I did note how there were a great deal less women in the room than there were men.

"Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave." Dr. Webber talk all of us, drilling his words into all of our heads. "This is your starting line. This is your arena. How well you play? That's up to you."


"Okay. Martin, Robinson, Bond, Parkins." One of the residents called names from the doorway of the locker room as we all changed into our new scrubs, preparing to start our first shift as surgical interns.

"Only six women out of twenty." A woman next to me shook her head as she glanced around the locker room. I recognized her as the dirty blonde that had come in late with me. I vaguely recognized her from the mixer the hospital had thrown for the new interns, but I couldn't remember her name.

"Yeah. I hear one of them's a model." Another woman, this one with dark curly hair, commented. "Seriously, like that's going to help with the respect thing?"

"You're Cristina, right?" The blonde asked her.

"Which resident you assigned to?" The curly haired woman, Cristina, nodded. "I got Bailey."

"The Nazi?" The blonde raised a brow. "Yeah, me too."

"You got the Nazi? So did I. At least we'll be tortured together, right?" An awkward looking young man joined their conversation. I just sat back and listened as I finished tying my tennis shoes. "I'm George O'Malley, uh, we met at the mixer, you had a black dress with a slit up the side, strappy sandals...Now you think I'm gay."

"Uh-huh." Cristina nodded before walking away.

"No, I'm not gay, it's, ah, it's just that, you know, you were, I mean, you were very, unforgettable." George insisted, smiling at the blonde woman.

"O'Malley, Yang, Grey, Stevens, Watley." The resident called my name off and I got up to my feet. I headed towards the door and glanced around at the others that were doing the same. There was Cristina, George, the dirty blonde, and a tall light blonde haired woman that I hadn't noticed before.

"Bailey?" Cristina asked the resident, having reached him first.

"End of the hall." He pointed before turning back to the locker room. I glanced in the direction that he pointed and I could feel my eyebrows raise in surprise at what I saw. Standing at the end of the hall was a short African American woman, she couldn't have been more than five feet tall.

"That's the Nazi?" Cristina muttered, seeming to be just as surprised as I was.

"I thought the Nazi would be a guy." George said as we all headed down the hall, towards Bailey.

"I thought the Nazi would be...the Nazi." The dirty blonde shook her head.

"Maybe it's professional jealousy. Maybe she's brilliant, and they call her Nazi because they're jealous." The tall blonde suggested, smiling. "Maybe she's nice."

"Let me guess. You're the model." Cristina guessed. The tall blonde just shot her a look as we stopped in front of Bailey. She then held her hand out to Bailey, smiling brightly.

"Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens, but everyone calls me Izzie." The blonde introduced herself. Bailey just looked her up and down for a moment, not making any move to shake her hand.

"I have five rules. Memorize them. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up, I already hate you, that's not gonna change. Trauma protocol, phone lists, pagers. Nurses will page you, you answer every page at a run. A run, that's rule number two." We all grabbed our pagers and other things off of the bench before hurrying to follow after her down the hall. "Your first shift starts now and lasts forty-eight hours. You're interns, grunts, nobodies, bottom of the surgical food chain, you run labs, write orders, work every second night till you drop and don't complain! On call rooms. Attendings hog them, sleep when you can, where you can, which brings me to rule number three, if I'm sleeping, don't wake me, unless your patient is actually dying. Rule number four, the dying patient better not be dead when I get there, not only would you have killed someone, you would have also woke me for no good reason, we clear?"

The dirty blonde raised her hand.

"Yes." Bailey looked at her, already seeming to be annoyed.

"You said five rules. That was only four." She pointed out as Bailey's pager began to beep.

"Rule number five. When I move, you move." She looked over her pager before she began to run down the hallway as though there was fire licking at her heels. "Get out of my way!"

We all ran after her and piled into an elevator, taking it up to the top floor. When we stepped outside we found ourselves on the roof, a helicopter already there and unloading a young girl on a stretcher.

"What've we got?" Bailey asked the paramedics.

"Katie Bryce, fifteen-year-old female, new onset seizures, intermittent for the past week, ID lost en route, started grand mal seizing as we descended." The paramedic briefed us as we rolled the girl inside, though she was already seizing up again.

"All right, get her on her side," Bailey instructed once we had gotten her into a trauma room. "Izzie, ten milligrams Diazepam. No, no, the white lead is on the right, righty whitey, smoke over fire, a large bore I.V. don't let the blood haemolyse, let's go!"

Izzie just stood there for a moment, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Shaking my head I pushed her out of the way and injected Katie with the medicine myself and watched as she finally stopped seizing. Just as she did another doctor made his way into the room, this one a tall man wearing dark blue scrubs, showing that he was an attending.

"So I heard we got a wet fish on dry land?" The doctor commented as he began to look over the report the paramedics had supplied for Katie.

"Absolutely Dr. Burke." Bailey nodded.

"Dr. Bailey, I'm gonna shotgun her." The attending, Burke, told us.

"That means every test in the book, CT, CBC, chem. seven, a tox screen." Bailey informed all of us. "Cristina, you're on labs. George, patient workups. Bethany, Meredith, get Katie for a CT, she's your responsibility now."

"Wait, what about me?" Izzie asked, not having been assigned anything.

"You - honey, you get to do rectal exams." Bailey gave me a smirk before heading out of the room, leaving all of us to do as she'd said.


"You're lost." Katie commented as she laid in her hospital bed while Meredith and I stood at either end of it in the elevator.

"We're not lost." Meredith assured her, though we certainly were.

"How are you feeling?" I tried to change the subject.

"How do you think I'm feeling?" Katie rolled her eyes as the elevator doors opened and we rolled her out into the hallway. "I'm missing my pageant."

"You're missing your pageant." Meredith repeated, eyebrows raised.

"The Spokane Teen Miss? I was in the top ten after the first two rounds. This is my year. I could've won." Katie sat up as we turned to go the way we had just came, glancing around. "Hello? You're so lost. What are you, like, new? I twisted my ankle. I do rhythmic gymnastics, which is like, really cool. Nobody else does it. And I tripped over my ribbon, and I didn't get stuck with someone this clueless. And that was like, a nurse."


Six hours later Meredith and I had been able to get Katie's tests done and returned her to her room, now I was sitting in the cafeteria with the others, trying to get some lunch before something could end up going wrong with Katie.

"This shift is a marathon, not a sprint, eat." George encouraged Izzie as he sat down in the seat between her and I. All she was doing was staring at the food on her tray, she had yet to even touch it.

"I can't." She shook her head.

"You should eat something." George insisted.

"You try eating after performing seventeen rectal exams." Izzie groaned. "The Nazi hates me."

"The Nazi's a resident. I have attendings hating me." George muttered.

"You know Meredith is inbred?" Cristina spoke up, setting down her magazine.

"Like it's uncommon around here to be a doctor's kid." George shook his head.

"No, I mean royally inbred." Cristina told us. "Her mother is Ellis Grey."

"Shut up, the Ellis Grey?" Izzie's eyes widened. I just shook my head, keeping my eyes on my salad as I ate.

"Who's Ellis Grey?" George asked, earning laughs from Izzie and Cristina.

"The Grey method?" Cristina threw out. "Where'd you go to medical school, Mexico?"

"She was one of the first big chick surgeons, she practically invented the abdominal-" Izzie began.

"She's a living legend, she won the Harper Avery." Cristina cut her off. "Twice."

"So I didn't know one thing." George muttered.

"Talk about parental pressure." Izzie let out a low breath.

"I would kill to have Ellis Grey as a mother." Cristina leaned back in her chair next to me. "I would kill to be Ellis Grey. All I need is one good case."

"Katie Bryce is a pain in the ass. If I hadn't taken the Hippocratic oath, I'd Kevorkian her with my bare hands." Meredith sat down at the other end of the table, practically slamming her tray on the table before crossing her arms over her chest. "What?"

"Good afternoon interns. It's posted, but I thought I'd share the good news personally." Burke smiled as he came over to our table, stopping behind George and I. "As you know, the honor of performing the first surgery is reserved for the intern that shows the most promise. As I'm running the OR today, I get to make that choice. George O'Malley. You'll scrub in for an appendectomy this afternoon. Congratulations."

"Me?" George looked up wide eyed with his mouth full of food.

"Enjoy." Burke patted him on the back before walking away, leaving all of us sitting there in silence.

"Did he say me?" George looked around at the rest of us, for confirmation.

"Yeah, congrats." I nodded to him before taking the last bite of my salad and got up to my feet. Without saying another word I took care of my trash and headed back up towards Katie's room. When I reached her room I found her laying in bed, looking frustrated. "How are you doing in here?"

"I'm tired." She complained as I began to look at her vitals, looking for any changes since I had last checked up on her thirty minutes ago.

"That's because of the sedative we gave you for CT, it'll wear off soon enough." I assured her. "You're not feeling any pain or some sort of pressure?"

"Does being annoyed count?" She muttered.

"No it doesn't, sorry." A new voice spoke up and I glanced back at the doorway to see a dark haired man in navy blue scrubs walking into the room, a smile on his face. "Hey Katie, my name is Dr. Shepherd, I'm going to be your doctor from this point on."

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. As she closed her eyes, seemingly deciding to give into the sedative and take a nap, I followed Dr. Shepherd out into the hallway.

"I take it that you're one of my interns on this case." He guessed. "Are you Grey or Watley?"

"Watley." I told him.

"Right." He nodded. "Well Dr. Watley, what do you think we have here?"

"All of her scans have come back clean, as well as all blood work, meaning there's no sign as to what is making her seize." I ran down everything quickly. "For the time being the best we can do is keep her under observation, redo blood work and scans every few hours in hope that something will change on them."

"Good, do that." He nodded. "Page me if there are any changes in her tests or vitals, even the slightest."

"Yes Dr. Shepherd." I nodded as he turned and headed down the hall, leaving me outside of Katie's room. Just as he turned down the corner I saw Meredith walking past me and into Katie's room, just as two people came hurrying around the corner, looking panicked.

"Katie Bryce, three-six-zero-four?" The woman asked a nurse.

"It's right here." I answered before the nurse could, causing both of them to look at me. The man and woman hurried past me and into Katie's room, hurrying over to her bedside.

"Katie, honey, mom and dad are here." The woman smiled at Katie's sleeping figure, brushing her long blonde hair out of her face.

"They gave her a sedative for the CT scan, so she's a little groggy." Meredith informed them, causing them to look up and over at us.

"Will she be all right?" The woman, Katie's mother, asked.

"Our doctor at home said she might need an operation, is that true?" Katie's father asked.

"What kind of operation?" Her mother's eyes widened, clearly fearful of the possibility.

"She's, um, well, you know what, I'm not, we're not the doctor, uh, we're doctors, but-" Meredith seemed to be stumbling over her own words, unable to get anything out.

"We're not Katie's doctors, so I'll go get him for you." I excused us and grabbed Meredith's arm, pulling her out of the room. I was about to head in the direction that Dr. Shepherd had gone, but stopped when I saw Meredith heading towards Bailey.

"What?" Bailey asked her.

"Katie's parents have questions." Meredith informed her. "Do you talk to them, or do I ask Burke?"

"No, Burke's off the case, Katie belongs to the new attending now, Dr. Shepherd, he's over there." She pointed out a group of attendings and I looked over, spotting Dr. Shepherd easily in the group.

"Do you want to get him?" I asked Meredith after Bailey had left us. I glanced at her to see her staring at Dr. Shepherd, she looked as though she had seen a ghost before she quickly turned on her heel and speed walked towards the stairwell. I glanced back at Dr. Shepherd to see him staring at where Meredith had just been standing, the same look on his face.

What the hell was going on?


"I'm surprised you're not in the gallery with everyone else, watching O'Malley operate." I recognized Bailey's voice behind me as I sat at a computer, looking over Katie's scans for what seemed to be the hundredth time today.

"I have a patient who needs my full attention." I shook my head, silently willing for something to show up on the CT scans, something that would tell me what the cause for Katie's seizing was. "That is at the top of my priority list, not observing another intern performing surgery."

"What do you see?" She looked over my shoulder at the scans.

"Nothing out of the normal, that's what's problematic." I leaned back in my seat, frustrated. "There is no sign as to what is causing Katie Bryce's seizures and the longer it goes undiagnosed the more dangerous it will be for her overall health."

"So think, is there anything that could be going on that wouldn't show up on the CT or in her blood work?" She questioned me.

"There are some conditions that could be missed in the blood work, but they would have shown up in one of the other tests or in her urine. Nothing showed up, all of her labs were clean." I shook my head.

"Then all you can do is take a step back and come back to it later." She told me, turning off the computer monitor. "Go get something to eat before you drop."

"I just ate a little bit ago." I lied, not having eaten since lunch.

"Sitting here and staring at the scans aren't going to do you any good. Go. Eat." She shooed me away. I just rolled my eyes and did as she said, heading down the hall.


"Double o seven." George muttered as he sat in a wheelchair in an empty corridor while the rest of us sat on the spare beds that lined the hall. "They're calling me double o seven, aren't they?"

"No one's calling you double o seven." Izzie and Meredith both assured him, lying through their teeth. After George's surgery everyone else had been calling him by that, seeing as how he had choked during his surgery.

"I was on the elevator and Murphy whispered double o seven." George pointed out.

"Oh, how many times do we have go through this, George, five, ten?" Cristina groaned. "Give me a number or else I'm going to hit you."

"Murphy whispered double o seven and everyone laughed." George insisted, not letting the subject drop.

"He wasn't talking about you." Izzie lied again.

"You sure?" George asked, not seeming to believe her.

"Would we lie to you?" Meredith questioned him right back.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Double o seven is a state of mind." Cristina said.

"So says the girl who finished top of her class at Stanford." George shot back at her.

"George, don't worry about it." I spoke up for the first time, causing them all to look over at me. "There's a reason they choose the appendectomy as the first surgery for interns, it's just a trap. They know we don't have the experience to be gentle enough with the strings while closing, they count on us tearing the cecum and freezing. They use whoever they pick as an example to scare everyone else."

"Why me though?!" George pressed as Meredith and I's pagers went off. I looked down at it to see that it was a nine-one-one for Katie.

"Shit," I swore under my breath as I jumped off of the bed and went running down the hall, Meredith right on my heels. Neither of us slowed our paces until we were standing in the doorway of Katie's room, finding her flipping through a magazine, seeming to be perfectly fine.

"Took you two long enough." She groaned, tossing her magazine to the side.

"You're okay?" Meredith caught her breath as I walked over to Katie's bedside and began to look at her vitals. "The nurse paged us nine-one-one."

"I had to go all Exorcist to get her to even pick up the phone." Katie rolled her eyes.

"Wait." Meredith finally seemed to get it. "There's nothing wrong with you?"

"I'm bored." Katie groaned.

"You little...we're not cruise directors." Meredith snapped at her.

"Dr. Grey." I glanced over at her, trying to give her a warning, a reminder that she was talking to our patient.

"You don't have to wig out. The pageant's supposed to be on cable, but this crappy hospital doesn't get the channel." Katie informed us. "If that cow Kylie Wood is gonna walk off with my crown, I have to see it. Can you call someone?"

"Okay. This is an actual hospital. There are sick people here." Meredith told her. "Go to sleep, and stop wasting our time."

"But I can't sleep." Katie glared at Meredith's back as she headed out of the room. "My head's all full."

"That's called thinking." Meredith threw over her shoulder. "Go with it."

"Katie, Dr. Grey is right. You can't just play these tricks and games to have a nurse page nine-one-one if you're not hurt." I told her, trying to take a calmer and more appropriate approach than Meredith had. "This is a hospital, we all have jobs and other patients that need our attention. Don't do that again, got it?"

"I just want to watch my pageant!" She groaned.

"Well it looks like you'll just have to wait to hear what happened. Get some rest." I shrugged before heading out of her room too, shutting the door behind me.


"What happened?" I asked the nurses as I ran into Katie's room later that night after receiving another nine-one-one page. Upon entering the room I could see that it was chaos, Katie was seizing in her bed while nurses tried to figure out what to do.

"She's having multiple grand mal seizures, now how do you want to proceed?" One of the nurses looked over at me expectantly.

"Give her two milligrams of Diazepam." I instructed, trying to run over what I was supposed to do in my head. "Someone page Dr. Bailey and Dr. Shepherd. Now! Give her four milligrams of Prazepam."

"The Prazepam's not working." Another nurse shook her head as Meredith came walking in, her eyes wide at what she saw.

"Phenobarbital, load her with Phenobarbital." I just shook my head at Meredith, keeping my focus on Katie.

"Pheno's in." Another nurse said.

"No change." A third nurse shook her head.

"You paged Dr. Shepherd?" Meredith asked, looking panicked and out of her comfort zone.

"Yeah," I nodded, so did a nurse.

"Well page him again!" Meredith demanded, her panic showing. "Stat."

"What do you want to do?" The nurses looked to Meredith and I as Katie began to flatline.

"Charge to a pulse of two hundred!" I took the defibrillators from one of the nurses and took them over to Katie.

"Charged. Clear." A nurse said and I used them, keeping my eyes on the heart monitor, looking for any sign of her heart restarting. There was nothing.

"Still defib. Nothing." Another nurse said. "Charging. Nineteen seconds."

"Charge to three hundred." I told them.

"Three hundred." I used it on Katie, there still wasn't anything. "Anything? Twenty-seven seconds."

"Charge to three-sixty." I ordered and used them on Katie again, there was nothing. "Come on, Katie."

"Forty-nine seconds." A nurse said.

"At sixty seconds you're supposed to admit her-" a nurse began to say.

"Charge again!" Meredith and I both said at the same time.

"Charge again!" I snapped when the nurse didn't say anything. She did as I said and I shocked Katie again, this time though something did happen.

"I see a sinus rhythm." The nurse confirmed what I had seen on the monitor. "Blood pressure's coming up."

"What the hell happened?" Dr. Shepherd asked as he came running into the room, out of breath.

"She had a seizure, and-" Meredith began to explain to him.

"A seizure?" His eyes widened.

"Her heart stopped." Meredith finished.

"You two were supposed to be monitoring her." Dr. Shepherd's eyes darted between the both of us.

"I've been monitoring her all day." I assured him.

"I checked on her and she-" Meredith tried to defend herself.

"I got it. Just go." He shook his head. "Someone give me her chart, please?"

"Here." I put the defibrillators back and handed him Katie's chart. "Just to let you know, we got here as soon as possible and were able to get her heart restarted and ordered the correct medication while also making sure that you and Dr. Bailey were both paged right away. We did everything by the book. There was no way of telling that she was going to have this seizure or that it would be this bad."

"Go." He narrowed his eyes at me. I just shook my head and did as he said and made my way out of the room.


"Why is she suturing a banana?" I asked as I walked into the conference room the next morning after Dr. Shepherd had called all of the interns into a meeting. I sat down in the back next to Meredith, watching as Cristina sat a few feet away, busy suturing a banana.

"I'm suturing a banana in the vain hope that it wakes up my brain." Cristina answered my question for me, causing George to laugh. "What're you smiling at, double o seven?" Cristina's comment silenced George instantly. "I'm sorry, I get mean when I'm tired."

"You know what? I don't care." George shrugged it off. "I comforted a family, and I get to hang out in the OR today. All is well."

"Does anybody know why we're here?" Cristina asked as Dr. Shepherd made his way into the room.

"Well good morning. I'm going to do something pretty rare for a surgeon, I'm going to ask interns for help." Dr. Shepherd got to it right away. "I've got this kid, Katie Bryce. Right now, she's a mystery. She doesn't respond to her meds. Labs are clean, scans are pure, but she's having seizures. Grand mal seizures with no visible cause. She's a ticking clock. She's going to die, if I don't make a diagnosis. Which is where you come in. I can't do it alone. I need your extra minds, extra eyes, I need you to play detective, I need you to find out why Katie is having seizures. I know you're tired, you're busy, you've got more work than you could possibly handle. I understand. So, I'm going to give you an incentive. Whoever finds the answer rides with me. Katie needs surgery. You get to do what no interns get to do. Scrub in to assist on an advanced procedure. Dr Bailey's going to hand you Katie's chart. The clock is ticking fast, people. If we're going to save Katie's life, we have to do it soon."

"This is so mine." Cristina jumped up and grabbed one of the charts, as did all of the other interns. I just shook my head and got to my feet, heading for the door.

"Dr. Watley, can I speak with you?" Dr. Shepherd stopped me. I just nodded and turned to face him as the others continued to make their ways out of the room with copies of Katie's charts in their hands.

"You wanted to speak with me?" I asked, trying to be polite as possible.

"Yes, good job with Katie last night, handling everything as calmly as you did." He complimented me. "I spoke with the nurses, they told me how quickly you responded and how you jumped right in, knowing what to do every step of the way. It's thanks to you that she's still alive."

"No offense Dr. Shepherd, but I don't want your praise. Just figure out what's wrong with Katie Bryce and make sure that my 'good work' doesn't go to waste." I told him before heading out of the room.


"I wish I wanted to be a chef." Meredith said randomly as she, George, and I all sat outside the hospital. She and Cristina had discovered a small ruptured aneurism in Katie's brain and now the surgery was scheduled with Meredith standing in on it. "Or a ski instructor. Or a kindergarten teacher."

"You know, I would've been a really good postal worker. I'm dependable." George spoke up. "You know, my parents tell everyone they meet that their son's a surgeon. As if it's a big accomplishment. A superhero or something. If they could see me now..."

"When I told my mother I wanted to go to medical school, she tried to talk me out of it. Said I didn't have what it takes to be a surgeon." Meredith informed us. "That I'd never make it. So, the way I see it, superhero sounds pretty damn good."

"We're going to survive this, right?" George asked us just as Meredith's pager went off and she headed inside. With her gone he looked over at me. "Right?"

"Yeah, we are." I assured him, looking up at the sky.

"So, what are your parents like?" He asked me, breaking the silence that had fallen between us.

"Why does that matter?" I frowned.

"It's called bonding." He sighed. "People share information about themselves with others and then they become friends."

"Right, uh, my mom died when I was a teenager and my dad skipped out on us when I was seven." I shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He apologized, though he had no play in how my life had gone.

"Not your fault." I pointed out.

"So, if she were alive, what do you think your mom would think of you?" He tried again.

"She'd encourage me to do whatever makes me happy, to not worry about her opinion so much." I could almost imagine my mom standing in front of me saying that. "She'd tell me that we only get to live once so don't waste it trying to be the person that everyone else wants you to be. Just be who you want to be."


"Where've you been?" Cristina asked as she sat down next to me in the surgical gallery as we waited for Katie Bryce's surgery to start.

"Working." I told her simply as I watched Meredith and Dr. Shepherd both walk into the operating room below, ready to get to work.

"All right everybody, it's a beautiful night to save lives, let's have some fun." Dr. Shepherd said as he began the surgery.

"I should be down there." Cristina muttered beside me as we watched him start to operate.

"Why does it matter?" I glanced over at her before returning my attention to the operating room. "We're supposed to be surgeons, doctors. Our job is to help our patients and provide them with the best care possible, not fight over surgeries like adolescents. Katie Bryce was having seizures and you helped figure out what was causing them, you should be proud of that rather than just pissed off that you didn't get to join Dr. Shepherd in the surgery. Be proud that you helped save a girl's life instead of being disappointed that you didn't get to scrub in."

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IN WHICH Courtney Grey starts her residency and has to be a mentor to four unknowing interns, while figuring out that a certain someone means more to...
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" According to Greek Mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus separa...