Bits and Pieces

By Strangerlight

639K 11.5K 2.5K

"New girl talks" Harry said, smirking at me. "If you wanna see me naked, all you have to do is just ask." "I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chaper 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 32
chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 (Mature)
Chapter 63
Chapter 64 (Mature)
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 (Mature)
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 (Teaser)
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 (The End)

Chapter 41

7K 121 54
By Strangerlight

~Harry's P.O.V~


I was doing some push-ups when Blair called me.

"Hi Blair"

"Hey Harold"

"Stop calling me Harold"

"Anyways... we're going picnic since its summer and I want to get a little tan, you know for my wedding I wanna look tanned and al-"

"Blair your point is?"

"Oh and if you want to come, come!"

"I don't want to"

"I was asking to be polite but you have to come we're all going"

"Blair I hate you"

"I hate you too"

"Okay fine"

"Great pick us up" I rolled my eyes


"Me, Liam and Niall"

"What about Amara"

"Oh yeah and them too, go pick them up now and then pick us up. Okay now hurry up"

I hanged up the phone and I changed my clothes to something more comfortable.

I've been waking up to, only half a blue sky, kind there but not quite, Amara is massing with my head When ever I close my eyes I picture Her there, I'm looking at the crowd she's everywhere.

I took my phone wanting to text Niall but I see a message sent to Amara at 4AM WHAT THE FUCK I opened it. She didn't answer so I think she didn't see it.

Okay I need to be normal around her and act like I did nothing. I did nothing, I was drunk but I have to pick them up. Uggg fine I'm gonna call Logan. You may ask from where did I get his number, well lets just say I stalked the guy. I dialled his number and it went straight to voice mail. Plan B. I took my car keys and headed out.

~Amara's P.O.V~

I was preparing some food to take with us, when suddenly I bumped into someone. I screamed and looked at the person, its Harry, go figure!

"Excuse me what are you doing here?" I said

"Where is Logan?"

"Out, good morning to you too"

"He's not answering his phone, he's not here, which is you know big deal."

"I haven't talked to him yet today"

"Hmmm" he reached his hands out "give me your phone, maybe he's dodging me"

"Why would he be dodging you?"

"Oh I don't know maybe the fact that we crazy made out yesterday. I figured you spilled your little dirty guilt when you left" I just looked at him without saying anything he frowned, then he had the biggest smirk ever "Oh you didn't tell him, did you?"

"No Harry. I did not tell him that we 'dirty made out' with you. It was a mistake, okay. I wasn't myself"

"No, I see just classic shame spiral"

"I'm not in a shame spiral"

"Oh you so are"

"I am not in a shame spiral Harry" I'm guessing he searching Logan's number on my phone, called it and put it on speaker.

"Hey Babe" Logan said

"Ops sorry the wrong babe" Harry laughed at him. I rolled my eyes

"Harry?" Logan said confused

"Babe where are you we need to go" Harry said to Logan

"I'm just picking up some food for us and I'm coming, you go ahead me and Amara will follow you"

"Or she can come with me now" Harry smirked at me

"No I need to talk to Logan about something so you go" I said

"Oh okay" Harry said and hanged up

"So Harry about last night"

"What?" he looked at me like he did nothing

"Harry yesterday you texted me saying" I took my phone from his hands searching for the message but couldn't find it "weird its not here"

"Amara I did not text you!"

"Yeah you did give me your phone" I reached for his pocket

"No" he took his phone out and put it in the air "come and get it" I jumped few times trying to get it but I couldn't.

"You know what fine forget it. Don't tell me, you can go now" I took out some bottles and put it in the plastic bag.

"It's 4 am and I know that you're with him" Suddenly I feel a hand on my arms "I wonder if he ever knew that I touched your skin" he took a string of hair out of my face "and if he feels my traces in your hair" he came closer to me "but sorry love but I don't really care" he kissed my cheeks "you should really start locking your door" with that he just went.

I was standing there shocked as usual. He can't keep on saying these kind of stuff and just leave.

Why you want him to stay?

No I don't but-

But what Amara, you have feelings for him

~Blair's P.O.V~

We arrived at the lake and started taking out the stuff from the car.

"Blair you can come and help" Niall said carrying the plastic bag

"No I'm good just sitting here"

"Liam tell her to help"

"Nope, we're the guys we help they relax"

"Dude you're so whipped" Harry said joining their little conversation

"Harry!" I said

"Yes your majesty"

"Remember when we came here last time"


"You and Amara didn't talk"


"I don't want that to happen again, I want you to be extra nice"

He smirk and looked at me "my pleasure" and left to carry the things

"Harry! She's WITH LOGAN"

"Someone screamed my name?" I hear Logan's voice

"Oh hi, no I wanted harry to call and see where you are"

"Oh okay, where is Amara?"

He looked behind him and I looked at her "hugging the lads"

~Amara's P.O.V~

____(One hour later)____

The boys were playing soccer.

"You know Amara this is a great opportunity to observe boys in their natural habitat"

We kept staring at them, trying to study them.

"You can learn so much observing their ways"

"Why cant boys ever just relax"

"Well they cant express their feelings so they do this."

"How do you know so much?"

"I lived with Liam's family and their all boys"

I looked back at them "huh, that's fascinating"

Harry came to me and took my hat

"Heeeyyyy, that's mine"

"Now its mine" he winked at me and went back to playing

I swear to god that he can totally rock anything I mean this hat, my hat looks really good on him with his unbuttoned shirt I can see his tattoos.

"Stop drooling over him"

"What I wasn't drooling"

"Amara I'm your best friend, I know you"

I looked at the food and said, "Anyone wants food?"

All the boys came

"I know you have feelings for him," she whispered so only I can hear

They started eating, I looked at Harry he wasn't.

"Harry why aren't you eating"

"My hands a bit dirty and I don't want to eat dirt with my hands"

"Here" I gave him a bite from my food. I knew Logan is looking at us and he's mad but I acted like its nothing.

They went back to playing but this time they were wrestling.

"I need food" Niall came to us, and Harry following him

I handed Niall a sandwich.

Harry took another sandwich and started eating. I frowned "you said you can't eat when your hands are dirty!"

"I didn't say I cant I said I don't" he winked at me

"Ass hole" I stood up and hit him

"You better run" he smirked at me showing his dimples

Wait I better start running and I did, he started chasing me. We all know how it went, he's fast so he tackled me so he was on top of me and started tickling me.

"Now say I'm the best"

"No" he started ticking me again

"Okay, okay I surrender"

"Say it"

"You're the best" I whispered it



"Louder or I'll go back to tickling you"

"Fine you're the best"

He smirked and we kept on looking at each others eyes. You can get lost in his eyes.

"He looks at you the way that I would Does all the things,

I know, that I could If only time could just turn back"

"What do you mean?"

"Up in my head I'm your boyfriend but that's one thing you've already got, He'd kill me without any warning, if he took a look in my brain"

"Harry I'm with Logan" I tried getting up

"I know and it feels like I'm constantly playing a game that I'm destined to lose cause I can't compete with your boyfriend"

He got off of me, and I stood up instantly and started going back.

"Wait don't go"

"Harry I'll see you tomorrow. I just need time to think"

He nodded and let me go back to where Blair was sitting

____(At the car)____

Logan was driving and I was sitting at the passengers seat.

"So did you have fun?" Logan said

"Yeah whatever"

"What's wrong Amara"

"Nothing I'm tired"

"You wanna know what's wrong Amara"

I looked at him

"You and Harry, that's what's wrong"

"Not this again, there is noth-"

"It was a light-bub, the second I saw you mooning at him over polenta, of course you're upset. You were upset that I was there, you're stuck in this creepy little love triangle and all the while, and you're about one monogrammed favour away from blowing your brains out. Look, I get it. You're mad, I just ruined the whole afternoon of you pining over somebody that you're in love with but can't admit it."

"Drop me back home"

"Gladly" he said then continued "and you know what while you're there in New York figure out what do you want, me or him"

"You know I love you Logan"

"Yeah whatever"

"Whatever? Whatever ha! Okay fine drop me at Harry's"

"Tell me I'm a screwed up mess That I never listen, tell me you don't want my kiss That you need your distance, tell me anything but don't you say he's what you're missing, baby If he's the reason that you're leaving me tonight Spare me what you thinking and tell me a lie"

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