Forever Unfinished // Carl Gr...

By anonfaerie

76.9K 2.8K 1.7K

|Book Two of the 'Forever' trilogy| Sequel to 'Forever Alone // Carl Grimes.' "Your journey will be hard. It... More

~Forever Unfinished~
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Part 2: The Survivors
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Christmas Special: Have A Merry Bloody Christmas
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part 3: Forever Unfinished
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
~ Book 3 ~

Chapter 24

2K 54 42
By anonfaerie

"My name is Ethan and we are The Survivors."

Lauren resisted the urge to roll her eyes  at his amateur dramatics as she looked around the crowd of people that were not-so-subtly studying them both.

"I figured," Lauren retorted sarcastically, causing a few snickers to erupt from within the group of black-cladded Survivors.

"Follow me," Ethan mumbelled, walking towards the doors of Greenview. The crowd parted for him and both Lauren and Carl reluctantly fell into step behind him, the gazes of each person burning into the back of their heads.

Ethan walked them through the doors of the hotel, where he then turned left and stopped next to the reception desk where an armed man stood sorting through medicine and cans of food. Ethan pressed down on the silver bell to get his attention.

"Where are the commanders?" Ethan asked the bald-headed man, who was staring at Carl and Lauren through narrowed eyes.

"The armory sir," He replied, taking his eyes off the newcomers to answer Ethan, "All except Sam, she's out."

"Damn woman never stays in the one place," Ethan murmured, continuing to his left down a short corridor. He went straight for the nearest double door, which was along yet another wide corridor, but this hallway only had three doors, two along the left wall and one large double door at the very end of the hall.

An empty vase sat atop a small red table on either side of the table. Lauren found herself wondering what this place was like in its day.

Ethan pushed open one of the doors and held it so Lauren and Carl could pass in. Lauren's eyes widened at the size of the room and the amount of weapons and various other armours it contained. Guns lined the walls, bulletproof vests hung the opposite side. Tables containing things like grenades and ammunition sat below the weapons on the walls. Along the back wall of the room, targets were hung up.

Directly infront of them there were two men, Ethan's commanders.

"Diggy, Trevor," Ethan greeted and both men looked up. One offering a smile while the other grunted.

"Who 'er the kids," One of the men said, the less friendly one. Lauren studied him. He was strong, from his forties to fifties. He had greying brown hair and short grey stubble, holding himself with the authority. A deep scar ran from his right cheek down to his jaw.

"Trevor," He gestured towards the man that just spoke, "Picked them up in the forest. They show promise so I brought them back."

"What did I say about picking up strays, Ethan." He coughed, stepping forward to have a better look. Lauren noticed the limp he had as he walked.

"These are different, Trev," Ethan said, shoving Lauren a step forward towards Trevor, she glared at him and curled up her lip in distaste.

"This one nearly killed me," Ethan said, pointing to Lauren. "She would have too if she wasn't injured."

"How did you know I was injured?" Lauren asked, not recalling telling Ethan anything about her recent injuries.

"You hold your shoulder without thinking," Ethan said, "That and your top is stained with blood."

Lauren shivered at the thought of Ethan studying her to figure that out. She looked over to the other man that had stayed silent so far, he smiled at her and she felt slightly more at ease.

"This one is quiet," Trevor pointed to Carl who shifted uncomfotably from foot to foot. "Have you got a tongue, son?"

"Just tell us what you want," Carl said through gritted teeth, "And we'll be on our way."

"No," Ethan shook his head, "I brought you here to show you what we have, so now, will you join us?"

"You want us to join your group?" Lauren exclaimed, "That was what the kidnapping was all for? To show us your hotel?"

"No," Ethan chuckled, watching as Lauren narrowed her eyes. "We would have killed you. But you're strong, more valuable alive than dead."

"Well thanks," Lauren quipped sarcastically. Ethan smirked at her annoyance while Carl tried to figure out what options they had.

"You're making it out like we have a choice," Carl spoke up, "But it's pretty clear that if we don't join; you will kill us."

"Smart boy," Ethan chuckled, belitteling Carl. "So what'll it be? Yes, or no?"

Lauren looked back to Carl and he did the same, she nodded ever so slightly and he let out a soundless sigh. How would this turn out? People only seemed to bring them both trouble, especially big groups.

"Yes," Lauren mumbelled half-heartedly and Ethan clapped his hands together.

"Well that's that then," He grinned. "I have some stuff to take care of so Diggy will give you guys a room on floor A and show you around. I'll see you at tonights bonfire."

With that he left, followed by Trevor. Once they were gone, both Carl and Lauren turned to Diggy, who looked to be in his early thirties, and a true country man. He had short brown hair and stubble. His eyes were kind, unlike most people's. A large hunting rifle was strapped on his back.

"It's not that bad," Diggy finally spoke. "You'll be safe here."

"If I had a dollar for every time I've heard the word 'safe' and then it all crumbled down," Lauren sighed and Diggy chuckled.

"You'd have nothing because money is useless," Diggy said, causing Carl and Lauren to crack a smile. She liked this guy, he didn't give her the I'm-going-to-kill-you-later vibe like Trevor did.

"I suppose so," Lauren nodded.

"Come on," Diggy gestured for them to follow him out of the armory. He stepped into the hallway and pointed down the long corridor. "The medic is beside the armory and that door down at the end leads to the canteen. Y'all can get something to eat at the bonfire."

Diggy led them out through the lobby and down another red-velvet carpet hall. He pushed open a door and began to climb the stairs to the first floor.

"We like to keep people on the lower floors for safety," Diggy explained, "These are the better rooms, floor A, Ethan asked you to be put here. There are only five rooms on this floor. Mine, Trevor's, Sam's, Ethan's and now yours."

"Why are we here and not with some other newbies or something?" Lauren asked and Diggy shrugged.

"The other rooms are higher up," Diggy said, "Maybe Ethan wanted you low down incase something happens, you guys are probably more capable than most here."

Lauren nodded, not quite satisfied with Diggy's answer. Ethan wanted something from them both and Lauren wanted to know what.

"Anyway," Diggy sighed. "You guys have room four, across from Ethan's and beside Sam. Lucky you."

Lucky, I think not.

"What do you guys do during the day?" Lauren asked as they walked towards room four. Carl followed, not liking the prospects of staying on the same floor as Ethan.

"We have a group that go out, we have building, gardeners, guards. The usual," Diggy shrugged,"If the raiding group aren't going out they usually train in the training area. Ethan usually watches over that."

"How long has this place been here?" Carl asked, as Diggy pushed open the door.

"Ever since it started," Diggy replied, scratching his chin. "Trevor, Ethan and Sam have been here the longest. I came after a few months, it was just us for awhile until we fixed the place up. We've seen a lot, I'm sure you have too."

Lauren nodded sadly and Diggy bidded them farewell before jogging down the stairs. Carl and Lauren stepped into their new room, to their left there was a small bathroom, to their right, a kitchen area, complete with a table and four chairs. Two identical sofas and a coffee table sat behind the kitchen, a sofa on either side of the blue wall.

Lauren moved to the unopened door directly opposite the entrance to the room and pushed it open. Behind it lay a bedroom, clean and untouched. The purple walls surrounded them like a cloak of colour. A dark-brown wooden bed sat in the centre of the room, the white sheets contrasting the dark colours. A wardrobe, dresser, dressing table and two bedside lockers filled up the spaces in each corner and wall.

Lauren spotted her and Carl's backpacks and weapons placed on the bed, along with some more ammunition. She stepped forward and picked up the small white square of card that sat with their belongings. Written across the paper in black ink was:

Welcome to The Survivors

"Well," Lauren sighed, tossing the piece of paper back onto the bed, "That happened."

"I think we should stay," Carl said and Lauren looked up at him questioningly. "It's safe, it's a new start for us. The only part I don't like is that Ethan guy, but why throw away an opportunity like this because he gives me the creeps?"

"What about your family?" Lauren asked, her forehead creased in any emotion besides happiness. "Are you sure you want to stop looking?"

"I don't know," Carl sighed, running a hand through his hair, "What choice do we have anyway? We could have a life here. From what I see, they aren't psychopathic cannibals. This could be good for us."

"It could," Lauren agreed, "Or it could end badly like everything else."

Carl chuckled and grabbed both of Lauren's hands in his. He looked up at her and smiled.

"For once," He laughed, "Lets be optimistic."

Lauren smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I don't think optimism is in my vocabulary."

Carl rolled his eyes and laughed. They had been given another chance, but nothing is ever that simple for either of them. He looked around their new room, he felt like they could exist there. That there could be hope for both of them here.

"We should go to that bonfire," Lauren said, stepping out of the bedroom and into the kitchen area. "We could get a better opinion on this place."

Carl nodded in agreement and Lauren stepped into the bathroom. She looked around, her eyes finally landing on her reflection in the mirror. Her pale face was coated in a layer of grime and some blood. Her once innocent appearence, now tainted by what she had done and what she had seen. She looked down at her clothes, which were torn and bloodied, she could only imagine how she might have smelled.

"First," Lauren called out from the bathroom. "I think we need to make ourselves human again."

Lauren pulled out relatively clean clothes from her backpack and set them out on the bed. She sighed and grabbed a second pair of torn black jeans she used since the Blades, the ones she had on her were in much worse condition. Her crop leather jacket had been cut by the glass and her  blood was still dried into the fabric.

"Do you have any clothes I could borrow?" Lauren asked Carl who had finished looking around their apartment. He nodded before pulling out his old blue flannel and a random black tee.

"Thanks," Lauren said, taking the clean clothes. She opened up the black t-shirt and laughed, her eyes crinkling at the sides. She turned the shirt to him and read the writing that was printed on it. "'Good morning, I see the assassins have failed'. How fitting."

Carl smiled at how something so mundane could make her smile. He just hoped that it could stay that way.


Lauren was surprised that the hotel had running water that wasn't contaminated in some way. She had scrubbed her body raw, until every mark of the past while was gone. She also found cuts and bruises that she had never seen before. Her shoulder was healing, but each movement caused an ache of pain. While Carl was in the shower, Lauren cleaned her shoulder and covered it with some bandages that Valorie had included in their supplies.

She changed into her clean clothes, using the towels she found in the bathroom to dry her hair. She found a few bobbins and pins on the dressing table so she pulled it up into a messy bun on the top of her head. She slipped the flannel onto her arms, smiling at the feeling of comfort that washed over her. The shirt itself was tattered and torn, but she still loved it.

Carl emerged from the shower, a towel in hand while he dried his newly-shortened hair. Lauren noticed how different he looked since before she left. In the two months they were apart he had grown up a lot, he was less skinny and more muscular, Lauren knew that was probably due to the conditions he was forced to endure. She forced herself to peel her eyes off his naked torso before she said something stupid.

"You look beautiful," Carl said once he finished drying his hair. Lauren grinned back at him. "Not that you don't normally look beautiful?"

"You don't scrub up too bad either," Lauren laughed as she pulled on her boots.

"Are you ready to go and make a grand entrance?" Carl asked and Lauren smiled.

"You know me too well."


The inside of Greenview was almost empty apart from the few guards and other people that lingered around inside of the lobby. Each new person they passed sized up the newcomers, hopeful that Ethan haden't wasted his time on a couple of kids that would only eat their food.

Carl held out his hand and Lauren took it, squeezing it reassuringly. The ghost of a smile crossed her face as she gazed down at their intertwined fingers.

They stepped out into the crisp night air and their eyes landed on the bright orange flames that lit up part of the old golf course. They walked towards the light, which was only about a hundred or so meters from the entrance to the hotel. As they approached they could hear laughing and singing, the smell of freshly cooked meat wafted through the air and Lauren felt her stomach grumble at the thought of food.

The laughing and talking then dimmed to murmers and silence as the pair of newcomers came into view. Lauren felt everyones gaze on them both, judging them. She could see Ethan and Trevor sitting on the grass the other side of the fire, his gaze lifted to greet them.

"I'm glad you could make it," Ethan stood up, his voice booming through the now silent group of people. "Come sit."

Carl still held Lauren's hand as they walked around the bonfire. They could both here whisperings between the Survivors as they passed

"They don't look like much."
"He's cute."
"I heard she nearly beat Ethan."
"She's the one that cut Ethan's arm."
"She's hot."
"How did a couple of kids survive alone?"

Lauren shook her head and ignored the doubt that they had about them both and sat down beside Ethan and Trevor. Carl spotted Diggy sitting beside a young woman a little bit away from where they were. Once they both sat down the silence was no more and everyone went back to whatever convirsations they were previously having. All apart from the woman who sat beside Diggy, she watched Lauren, not hiding the fact that she was.

"Is your room okay?" Ethan asked Lauren who was seated beside him.

"Yeah it's great actually," Lauren nodded her head and Ethan smiled, "Is there a reason we aren't on the same floor as any of the other newbies?"

"You're different," Ethan replied, while Trevor narrowed his eyes at him.

"How so?" Carl asked and Ethan looked at him strangely before answering.

"You can actually take care of yourselves," Ethan stated, "You would be more of an asset closer to the ground floor. That's all."

Lauren nodded and shared a look with Carl as if to say 'I don't know about this guy.'

Ethan was the kind of person you could never truely understand. You would never know his motives or what he reallt wanted with anyone. If there was an alterior motive to everything he did or not. His black hair and brown eyes added to the mysterious aura he carried around him. He had admirers, plenty of them, and that only added to the size of his ego. Lauren found it strange how he resembled Bennett in mind and body, but she knew they weren't likely to be relatives.

"What were you guys doing out in that forest alone?" Ethan asked, "Don't you have a family?"

"I do," Carl piped up. "That's where we were going. To find them again."

"How did you lose them in the first place?" Ethan raised an eyebrow and took a swig of the bubbling liquid he held in his hand.

"I didn't lose them," Carl shook his head. "I left them."

"Is that when you two met?" Ethan asked and Lauren shook her head.

"We met long before any of this," Lauren said. "You wouldn't imagine what we've seen. We never really stopped moving."

"Try me," Ethan said and Lauren let out a short laugh.

"We met over a year ago, set up in a prison, that ended at the hand of someone I severly pissed off. A guy who called himself the governor, when he attacked, we lost a lot of people. We escaped with his baby sister and lived out in the woods," Lauren started,

"We then had to leave for a place called Terminus to save our group from heading into a place full of cannibals. We got split after we saved them. Lost my best friend for the second time. Six months later, found eachother in a place called Mortis, which ended in an almost group killing and a load of Walkers. Since then there has been a lot. I've got shot, became the leader of a group of killer teenagers called Blades who ended up trying to kill us, lost another best friend, got in a car crash, cut my shoulder up, got blood poisioning and kidnapped by a load of crazies in black cloaks. I forgot to mention I've been bound to a chair and tortured twice, so yeah, how's that for a story?"

"And you're still alive?" Ethan laughed, "Now that's an achievement."

"I suppose it is," Lauren said and Carl squeezed her hand in reassurance.

The real reason she survived was because she had him the whole way through it.

Lauren relaxed, letting herself feel trustful of this group of people. Food was passed around and neither of them held back in digging in. Ethan cracked open a couple bottles of wine and Lauren took a cup. Carl did too, but he decided that he would only have one incase things went south.

Through the night, they laughed, they joked and hope for the future didn't seem so far away. There was just one question that stayed at the forefront of their minds.

This time, would it stay safe?


That was long!
Sorry for not updating in awhile! I've just been sick all week and not up to writing but I made this one long!


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