The Beta's Mate

By sandstorm2453

737K 18.8K 1.5K

I found my mate at school. He was eighteen, I was seventeen. He was one of the school's populars; I was one o... More

The Beta's Mate
The Beta's Mate Ch.2
The Beta's Mate Ch.3
The Beta's Mate Ch.4
The Beta's Mate Ch.5
The Beta's Mate Ch.6
The Beta's Mate Ch.7
The Beta's Mate Ch.8
The Beta's Mate Ch.9
The Beta's Mate Ch.10
The Beta's Mate Ch.12
The Beta's Mate Ch.13
The Beta's Mate Ch.14
The Beta's Mate Ch.15
The Beta's Mate Ch.16
The Beta's Mate Ch.17
The Beta's Mate Ch.18
The Beta's Mate Ch.19
The Beta's Mate Ch.20
The Beta's Mate Ch.21
The Beta's Mate Ch.22
The Beta's Mate Ch.23
The Beta's Mate Ch.24
The Beta's Mate Ch.25
The Beta's Mate Ch.26
The Beta's Mate Ch.27
The Beta's Mate Ch.28
The Beta's Mate Ch.29
The Beta's Mate Ch.30
The Beta's Mate Ch.31
The Beta's Mate Ch.32
The Beta's Mate Ch.33
The Beta's Mate Ch.34
The Beta's Mate Ch.35

The Beta's Mate Ch.11

23.8K 602 61
By sandstorm2453

Once we were all out of the room and out of ear shot of the alphas Mark started talking again. “You guys should come back to gym with us. You have all your stuff anyways.”

                “Yeah!” Caleb said the same time I objected.

                “No way, we need to go back to class. If we get caught we’ll get into trouble for sure.”

                “Come on Lana, I don’t want to go back. And if you show up without me I’m going to be the one in trouble. You wouldn’t want that would you?” Caleb pleaded.

                “Yeah Lana. Live on the edge.” Kyle encourage.

                “You scared of a little trouble Lane.” The small jab in the arm came from Jon.

                I clenched my jaw unwilling to give in, but the face they were giving me and their challenges upset me. I glanced at my feet and they were already giving each other high fives in victory. This friendliness was a one eighty degree turn from their threatening encounter five minutes ago. “Fine. But I want him to buy me a bacon cheeseburger with extra fries from ‘The Restaurant’, this Friday.” I said motioning to Caleb.

                “That’s fine Lana. I’ll buy you a cheeseburger.” Mark agreed setting his arm around my shoulders but I shook my head.

                “No, I want a bacon cheeseburger, with extra fries. From Caleb.” I ordered stomping my foot.

                “Whatever.” Caleb said like it was nothing.

                So we went on our towards the soccer fields only stopping to get some gym appropriate clothing for Caleb and I. I borrowed a pair of shoes and joined the boys on the field with the rest of the gym class. The gym class was co-ed so the teacher had split the class up girls versus boys. The girls gladly welcomed me; we outnumbered the boys but we all knew they’d probably be better than us.

                I had to give it to the girls we were ahead of the boys by a goal and there were only a feet minutes left of the class. The boys where all complaining that it was unfair since we had more people but Mr. Tyson thought it was funny the boys were losing. A girl names Sasha got the ball midfield and I pedalled backwards towards the opposing team’s goal keeping an eye on the ball and my defender, who was none other than Caleb. “You won’t get it Lana. You’re not fast enough or big enough.” He taunts in good humour, and I’ll do just that...I’ll humour him. We shove each other competitively but playfully at the same time, fighting for position to get the ball as it comes towards us. I am able to roll around Caleb at the ball soars over our heads and I am in position between my defender and his goal. I have the ball at my feet and in one swift striking movement from me it’s in the opposing team’s net again!

                There’s cheering from the girl’s team, hugs and high fives all around as the boys huddle up for their last minutes attempt to catch up to us. I catch Caleb’s gaze and I smile smugly at him with shrug that said ‘I told you so’.

                Once the boys were ready again the girls kick off and the game continued. Caleb found me again to defend me. We made small talk while the ball was kicked around on the other side of the field. “So where’d you learn to play soccer? You’re not too bad.” He remarked.

                “I play with my brother Gavin quite a bit but that’s about it. I played for a year when I was younger but I found other stuff I was interested in.” I replied, it was weird talking to him so casually it didn’t happen between us very often.

                “Yeah and what ‘other stuff’ might that be?” He inquired.

                I opened my mouth to answer but suddenly the ball was heading quickly back to the girls net and somebody shouted, “Now!” I was going to run towards the net but Caleb’s arms snaked around my waist and we ended up falling onto the soft grass.

                “Hey,” I cry out, “Let me go, this isn’t fair.” I shouted noticing I wasn’t the only one being tackled to the ground. Many of the other girls where either on the ground with a guy or being seriously distracted by the guys’ flirtation. All the boys cheered as they score another goal and once again we were only up by one, but only because they fought dirty.

                 “That’s fighting dirty.” I laugh pushing Caleb away from me and getting to my feet.

                “All is fair in love and a gym class soccer game.” He said giving me a charming smile from his spot on the ground. I couldn’t help but smile back and shake my head. Guys where unbelievable. The bell rang moments later as we filled towards the school to get to change and get our next class, I took my time knowing I had a free period.  

                “Lana!” Mark said excitedly from the wall outside the girls change room, it was so unexpected I jumped back enough that the door swung close again. A moment later I opened the door and walked out like Mark hadn’t just scared me. He had a smug smirk on his face.

                “Shut up!” I grumbled as he laughed putting his arm around my shoulders.

                “I didn’t say anything.” He defends, I roll my eyes.

                “Liar!” I accuse, “You were going to come up with something like: I am so good looking you needed a second first looked at my amazing body?” I said attempting to mock his voice.

                “You know me too well.” He concedes.

                “No your just predictable. Not a good quality for a future alpha.” I smile smugly, he pinches my waist playfully and I jump out of his reach with a squeal.

                “You think you could do better Havard?” He challenged I shrug with a teasing smile.


                He face suddenly goes serious and I glance at him uncertainly. “Go out with me?” He suddenly asks and I’m taken aback. I was definitely not expecting that!

                “Mark are you crazy!? You heard what the alpha said, the consequences of breaking the truce! If I go out with you Caleb would be furious. It would destroy the truce between the packs for sure.” I explain still in shock about his question.

                “ We wouldn’t have to make it official right away. Jon’s having his eighteeth birthday party this Friday come with me and we can see how things go.” Mark suggests this whole conversation was spiralling downhill quickly.

                “I can’t do that Mark, not to the packs and not to Caleb. I’m sorry I won’t.” I say shaking my head, I frown at Mark first disappointed expression.

                He shook his head clearing it, “You know what? You right I was stupid, I shouldn’t have asked. But please still come to the party. Jon asked me to invite you.”

                I gave him a worried and unsure face, “I’ll think about it.”

                He nodded and gave me a weak smile, “Okay, see you around.” It was as I watch Mark’s receding figure that I knew I had to go to that party. I felt bad for rejecting Mark but I knew it was the right thing to do.

                Keri pretty much assaulted me when I arrived in math class. I gave her the abbreviation of the events of the first hours of school and she seemed content with them...for now.

A/N: This is the update that would have been on monday! I am away for a couple days so I got it out early for you all. It is kinda short but it is out! I told you last monday that comments make me happy, well vote do too so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO HAVE VOTED AND COMMENTED it means the world to me. SOOOOO there you go I hope you all have a scrumptious week!

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