1 Girl, 5 Boys, and A Day Tha...

By imjustmexox

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Elizabeth~ A 15 yr old, sweet girl with a past, broken dreams, but the 5 best friends/ brothers a girl could... More

Chapter 1~ Mornings and swimming
Chapter 2~ It was only just a dream...
Chapter 3~ Tired of the nightmares...
Chapter 4~ Don't make me go back, please...
Chapter 5~ Paparazzi Sucks!
Ch. 7~ My tummy hurts
Ch.8~ I don't wanna catch the love bug...
Ch.9~ Austin Carter Mahone
Ch. 10~ Am I ready for that to happen...
Ch.11~ "Mood swings"
Ch. 12~ What are you doing?!
Ch. 13~ Marriage?
Ch. 14~ Believe it or not...
ch.15~ Eat A Lot. Sleep A Lot.
ch.16~ "One hint?"
ch.17~ Please, not tonight
ch.18~ Big crowds and clastrophobia
Ch.19~ Shadow
Ch. 20~ Round one of two
Ch. 21~ I can't do that
Ch. 22~ Meeting the mom
Ch. 23~ We do?
Ch. 24~ My fault
Ch.25~ He loves me
Ch.26~ Desperate Housewives
Epilogue- 3 years later

Ch. 6~ Fan problems...

564 10 6
By imjustmexox

Alright, so im kinda just writing this as it comes, so we'll see how it turns out, haha! I hope you like this! Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter of 1 Girl, 5 Boys, And A Day That Changed It All! Leggo!


Niall's P.O.V. 

 I was sitting around the island watching Harry cook, and laughing, because, well, Lou decided he was going to spray Zayn with water. Zayn wasn't too happy, so we're currently witnessing a two- person food fight. The girls had left a few minutes after the web chat, but said, they would be back for another movie night, later.

"Don't make a huge mess, please," Liam said, not really being able to hold back his laughter.

Suddenly the boys stopped when we heard something.

"NIALL!" Came a voice, from upstairs.

I looked around, wide- eyed.

"Come on," I said, grabbing Lou, for back-up purposes, and ran up the stairs, yelling, "BABYGIRL!"

We walked into Liz's room to see her sitting on her bed, an unreadable expression on her face, and  holding out her cell phone. Louis, teadiously, grabbed the phone, as if it were some precious jewel, and looked at it.

"W-who is that, Angel?" Lou asked, looking at our little sister.

"I-Its either him, or the chick who helps him," She said, bringing her knees to her chest.

I figured by "him" she meant Blake, but I didn't know who "the chick" was.


Louis' P.O.V.

I was about to answer, when it stopped ringing, and showed a miss call.

"Well, maybe its," Liz began, but we heard a buzz, before she could finish.

"Voicemail, babygirl," Niall said, looking at her.

She took a deep breath, before grabbing her phone, and playing the voicemail.

"Hey little whimp, just wanted to let you know, you dropped your crappy hat, or whatever you wanna call it, and your stupid book," The first voice, which I'm guessing was a girl, said, before she got interupted.

"Oh, and you forgot to give me a hug and kiss, I mean thats why you thought I was gonna talk to you, right? Because I was gonna ask you out? Well, I guess thats too bad," A second, deffinitly boys, voice said.

Then the message ended as Niall and I looked at Liz, who had her mouth open.

"Liz," We said, catiously, not sure how this was gonna go.


Liz's P.O.V.

 I was boiling mad! How could they!? They have no right! I suddenly had the urge to just end this all, without being scared, and took this chance.

"Give me the phone, Lou," I said, reaching my hand out.

"What are you gonna do, Angel?" Louis asked, questioning, wether or not to give me the phone.

"Please, Lou," I said, giving him my puppy dog look.

"Fine," He said, handing it over.

While I still had the courage, I grabbed the phone, and called the number back.

"Speaker phone," Niall said, giving me a  look.

I nodded, and turned on the speaker, and waited for whoever to answer.

"Hello," A dull voice rang through the phone, definitly Sarah.

"Listen up Sarah, I'm tired of the crap, you and Blake, put me through! Yea, thats right this is for him, too, get him on," I said, way more heated, than I realized.

"Hey, loser," Blake's voice rang through the phone.

"Listen up, Blake and Sarah, it's time you get a life, and stop hounding me! Got it? You have no life, and if you're looking for one from me, sorry to tell you, I don't have it, because I'm to busy living my own life," I said.

I waited for them to reply, and when they didn't, I figured I got my point across, I was about to hang up, when I remembered something.

"Oh, and that beanie, isn't crappy, infact, you'd love it if you knew who it was from, Sarah, and the book? That was the school's just leave that there, but I want my beanie back!" I said.

"Fine, whatever, I'll drop it off," Sarah said.

"Good, today," I said, not wanting it to be in their hands for too long.

"Sure, whatever, be over there soon," She said, and hung up.

I smiled, as I squeled, "I DID IT!" Then looked at Louis and giggled, "You were right, I do have sass, in me."

"You did it, Angel and yea you do," Lou cheered, along with me.

I smiled, and jumped into his arms, smiling.

"Congrats,babygirl," Niall congratulated me, laughing alittle.

I smiled, and hugged him tight.

"I am very proud of you," Ni said, before kissing my head.

I smiled, as I skipped into kitchen cheering, "I did it! I did it!"

The boys followed cloesly behind, laughing. I saw Liam was just standing around, so I ran and jumped into his arms.

"Whoah, there, cupcake, whats up? What did you do?" He asked, hugging me back.

"I stood up to them! I stood up to the people who were mean to me!" I exclaimed, laughing from excitement.

I suddenly felt five pairs of arms around me as all the boys hugged me.

"I'm proud of you, Princess," Harry said, as all the boys kissed my head.

When I got out of the hug, I looked at them, a little more seriously.

"Yes?" Zayn asked, looking at me.

"Well, theres a girl coming over her, and she's a big fan, not directioner, just fan, anways, she's coming by to drop off Harry's beanie, which I guess fell off, and you can't answer the door," I explained to them.

"Why not?" Harry asked, looking at me.

"Because, she's a fan, and will try to jump on you to hug you, and I am talking attack here, if she got the chance, or worse try to date you," I said, shuddering at the last part.

"Lovely,"Liam said, laughing.

"Just let me deal with it," I said, smiling.

"Fine, but we better not hear cops coming to the house afterwards," Lou said, chuckiling.

"You won't, promise," I said.

Suddenly, I heard the ding- dong of the doorbell, and groaned, stalking towards the door.

"Hey, Lizzy," Sarah exclaimed, when I open the door.

I inwardly groaned, and clenched my fists when I heard my least favorite nick name.

"Hey Sarah?" I said, though it came out more as a question, because of how excited she was.

"Here's your stupid hat," She said, handing it over, as if it was gonna give her a disease.

I smirked, subtly, suddenly getting an amazing idea, on how to mess with her, without getting into trouble.

"I'm sure, Harry, will thank you for returning his stupid hat," I said, knowing Harry was her favorite.

"That's Harry's?" She asked, her eyes growing, comically, wide.

"Yup, thanks for returning it," I said, beginning to close the door.

I realized I may not have done that right, or sugar coated it too much, when Sarah was jumping at the door.

"Let me in!" She yelled, flailing her arms.

I was about to say something when I suddenly felt nails go across my skin, and I let out a yelp, from the surprise.

"Princess, whats wrong?" Harry yelled, worry in his tone.

I could tell that he, and probably the other boys, were just about to run out there if I didn't reply. 

"Move!" Sarah said, before I could say anything, though, her fist came into contact with my nose.

"HELP!" I yelled, suddenly feeling defenseless.

I didn't know what to do, as this much bigger girl hovered over me.

"Hey! Get off of her!" I heard Niall yell, before her weight was being lifted off of me.

I couldn't do anything, but hold my nose and cry. I'm not weak, but that girl could throw a punch, and let me remind you, I am not that big. 

"Shhhh, Shortstack, its ok," Zayn said, scooping me up.

"Its her fault, for playing the games! She kept rubbing in my face that it was Harry's hat!" Sarah protested as Niall and Liam escorted her out.

"I just said, it was Harry's hat and that he would love that she returned, what she called, his stupid hat," I mumbled, defending myself.

Suddenly, I was placed on, what I thought, was the counter.

"Well, did you say it with attitude?" Harry asked, grabbing a paper towel.

"I don't think I did," I said, but continued, "but I did say it to, kinda, rub it in her face."

"Well, thats not really nice," Liam said, just walking back in.

"I know. Its just, I finally could say something like that, without too much fear, and I just kinda said it," I explained. 

I got a scolding look from Niall, who had walked in just in time to hear that.

"Babygirl, you know better," He said, walking over to me.

I felt tears swell up in my eyes, not for pity but because I let my brothers, the five most important boys in my life, down.

"I'm sorry, I just wasn't thinking," I said, once again, and letting a few tears fall.

"Its ok, babygirl, you just can't do that," Niall said, hugging me and kissing my head.

I pulled away, and noticed a red spot on Niall's shirt.

"Whoops I gotta a little," I tried figuring out what it was, and then I remembered my nose, "Is my nose bleeding?!"

"Yea, but its alright, Angel," Louis said, walking up to me with a wet paper towel in his hand.

I felt him dab softly at the blood, before stopping suddenly.

"What?" I asked him.

"Whats this on your arm?" He asked, raising the arm that got scratched.

"Oh, Sarah was trying to get in the door, to probably attack Harry, and I was trying to shut it, but her nails ended up meeting my skin," I explained.

"Lovely," I heard Zayn mumble.

"Its not a big deal, guys, just a scratch," I said, hopping down from the counter.

"The blood isn't completely gone yet," Louis said, before getting the rest of the blood off.

"Thanks, guys," I said, hugging all five.

"You're welcome," They said, kissing my head.

Suddenly my phone began to ring, so I pulled away to answer it, "Hello?"

"Umm, Liz," Dani's voice rang through the phone.

"Yea?" I asked, confused.

"A little help," Dani asked, and kinda stated, before the line getting ended.

I looked at the boys who were giving me strange looks, and shrugged, before heading to the front door, only to stop short.

"Whoa," Was all we could say looking out the front window.

Outside, was, atleast, forty fans, screaming, and then Dani and El, trying to get to the front door.

"I'll be right back," I said, before going to get Dani and El.

I ignored all the screaming fans and walked, with my head down, over to the girls, and managed to make a path back to the door.

"Phew, why are all these fans here?" El asked, once we were safely back in the house.

"I don't-" Harry began, but thats when I saw the face, and interupted him.

"Um, guys, looks like you guys have a special girl named Sarah, wanting to meet with you again," I said, pointing her out.

"Wait, who's..." Dani began, but noticed Niall, "Niall, why is there blood on your shirt?"

"Thats from, Liz's nose, see this girl punched her, and.." Niall tried frinishing his explenation, but was interupted.

"What?! A girl punched you?" The girls asked, looking at me, dumbfounded.

"Yea, remember Blake? Well, his little friend, came to drop off Harry's hat, that I accidently left at school, and well the visit, ended in a punch," I explained, and continued on with the whole 'stupid hat' story.

"Well, though, we don't complete agree with how you handled it, the girl had no right to do that," El said, before her and Dani hugged me.

"Yea, I know, I already got that from the boys too," I told them, looking down.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind, and I looked up to see Louis, confused, "Umm, Boo Bear any particular reason for this hug?"

"Yes, my angel needs to be cheered up, so with that being said," He began, but trailed off for dramatic affect, before continuing, "Get her boys, and girls."

Before I could process what was going on, I was being tickled, like no other, and couldn't control my laughter.

"O-ok you guys win!" I exclaimed, inbetween sharp breaths.

I guess they figured that was good enough, because they stopped, and smiled in victory. When I could finally breath, normal, again, I looked out the window, to see most of the fans had dispearsed. A few mingled, but that wasn't out of the ordinary.


Zayn's P.O.V.

"Hey does Liz suddenly look really happy to you?" I asked, looking at Liam.

He nodded in response, before replying, "Yea, she really does."

"I can hear you boys, and I am happy, because I have the best family in the world! Nothing, can change that," Liz answered, the unspoken question, before turning around and looking at us.

The next thing I knew, her arms were around my waist, and she was hugging me really tight. Wow, this girl has been giving a lot of hugs lately.

"Thank you for sticking with me, even when I'm not always the best sister," She said, but this time her voice cracked, indicating she was about to cry.

I immediatly picked her up and held her.

"You have been one of the greatest sisters, don't ever feel like you haven't been," I told her, kissing her cheek.

She seemed to accept the answer, because she kissed my cheek and layed her head on my shoulder.

"Still tired, Princess?" Harry asked, aproaching us and rubbing her back.

She didn't say anything, but simply nodded.

"You wanna go to bed?" I asked her, softly.

Once again she only nodded, but I walked to the kitchen to let her say goodnight.

"Time for someone to go to bed?" Niall asked, walking up to us, laughing slightly.

This time, Liz, slowly rose her head, and stuck her tounge out at him.

"Haha, goodnight," She said, laying her head back down, on my shoulder.

After all the goodnight's had been said, and everyone gave her a kiss, I took her to her room, and gently layed her down.

"Goodnight, Zayn," She, faintly, said, before looking like she was completely out of it.

I bent over and gave her kiss, and returned the good night, before turning off her light and leaving the room.


Liz's P.O.V. (next morning)

The next morning I rolled out of the bed, not quite awake, and smiled from yesterday's events, even laughing a bit. Ok, maybe it wasn't all funny, but you gotta admit, seeing two grown, yes believe it or not, Zayn and Louis are considered grown, men covered in food, from a food fight is pretty entertaining. My mind fluttered back to Sarah, and that whole thing, but that all got quckly pushed to the side, fast, when there was a pain in my stomach, causing me to bend over in pain. 'Lovely start to the day,' I thought to myself.


Alright, hope you enjoyed this episode! I have mixed feelings about it, on one had I liked it, but then at some parts, I hated it >.<! What do you think is wrong with Liz? How will that day go? How do you think the tour go? Do you have a favorite part? Or least favorite part? Comment below!!! Thank you, loves! 


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