The 100-Lydia Kane

By vizenya

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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or touched - they must be felt with the hear... More



857 20 9
By vizenya


**Clarke p.o.v.**

I sat on my bed staring at my feet as I listened to the soft breathing of Lydia sleeping in the other bed. She had her back towards me and was covered in the blanket.

I heard the sound of the tent flap opening and the streaming light from the camp fire streamed in. Bellamy's face peeked in first looking at Lydia then at me.

"Have you seen Octavia?" His face full of worry

"No why?" I said shaking my head.

"She's missing." He said

"I'll wake Lydia up then so she can help." I said as I got up to shake her awake.

"No." Bellamy said grabbing my arm before I could touch her.

"Let her rest." Bellamy said as he looked at her sleeping form. I nodded as we left the tent quietly careful not to wake Lydia up.

"I'll check the tents again you go check the drop ship." I told him

"Thank you." He told me

"I'm not doing it for you I'm doing it for Octavia." I responded as I turned around and left to go check all of the tents again.

As I opened the flaps I saw sleeping teenagers and not so sleeping teenagers. But Octavia was in none.

"Everyone grab a weapon. We aren't coming back without my sister." Bellamy told everyone as they dug through the pile of make shift weapons on the floor.

"Guys, guys. Come here! Did you see that? Look up there. It's so beautiful." One of the guys said pointing to the sky. I looked up and saw

"They didn't work. They didn't see the flares." Raven said beside me as Bellamy looked down to look at her

"A meteor shower tells you that?" He questioned

" It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to the Earth from The Ark. This is what it looks like from the other side. They didn't get our message" I said still staring at the bodies that were being thrown out of the ark.

"This is all because of you!" Raven said

" I helped you find the radio." Bellamy defended

" Yeah, after you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" Raven argued

" Yeah, he knows. Now he has to live with it." I told them

"All I know is that my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her. You coming or what?" Bellamy as he turned to the others

" What are we waiting for? Move out!" He said as he started walking out camp

"We have to talk to them. The oxygen level will just keep dropping. And if we don't tell them that they can survive down here, they'll kill more people. They have to." I told Jasper, Raven and Finn.

" Guys They're leaving. We gotta go." Jasper said turning towards the group

" I gotta do this. And you should stay and fix the radio, ok?" Finn told Raven

" Fix it? The transmitter's smashed. Unless there's a parts depot down here, we're not talking to The Ark." Raven said crossing her arms as I thought

" Art supply store. I know a place you might be able to get a transmitter." I said as Raven looked at me

" Great. It looks like you're coming with me instead." She said as she dragged me away

**Lydia's dream**

"So then here comes this guy and his leg is dangling off and I almost passed out because there's blood everywhere and you can see the bone." I was telling Leonora about what I had done that day at the medical bay she looked at me with a face of disgust as I told her my story

"And so I was going to let mom handle it but she said "Lydia you're a doctor now. Deal with it." I mean ugh yes mom I know I'm a doctor now but can you cut me some slack? I mean I had to cut his leg off but whatever anyways it was gross." I said speaking into the phone.

Leonora looked at me from behind the glass that separated us. She gave me a small smile as I heard her breath through the phone.

"Lydia I'm dying in three days can we maybe talk about something else other than death and gory emergency room stories?" She asked as I nodded

"So Clarke and I went out on a date last week to celebrate our three year anniversary and too say the least it ended pretty well." I said to her giving her a wink as she laughed

"Three years huh?" She asked as I nodded

"When you went to jail Clarke and I were taking a break after being together for a year. And now two years later we made three years." I said kind of not believing it.

"Shouldn't it be two years?" She asked


"Because you guys dated for a year broke up for a month then got back together." She explained as I shrugged

"Whatever. I still say its three years." I said as she nodded. We stayed quiet as I looked at my nails. After a couple of minutes of silence I smacked the table

"Damm it Leonora why the hell are we avoiding the elephant in the room?" I questioned as she looked at me

"What elephant?" She asked innocently as I shot her a glare

"Ugh because! Damn Lydia I don't want to talk about my death." She said

"Well I need too. Okay? I need to talk about how I'm not going be seeing you on Friday anymore. I need to talk about how I'm not going to be giving you a birthday present this year.

I need to talk about how these are the last hours I have with you. I need to-" I said as my voice cracked. My head fell to my hands as my eyes welled up with tears.

"Well you get to live. And I die. So deal with it." She said as I held back a sob and wiped a tear away.

"Stop crying your nose is going to get the same shade of red as your hair." She said more softly.

And as I lifted my head to look at her one last time the dream started to shift. I got to see her smile one last time before the scene changed and I was sitting down in a different room.

It was where I worked at as an engineer. I looked around the room as the door opened.

"You have the results that I asked for Lydia?" Asked Clarke's dad. I looked back at the desk and gave them to him.

"Are you sure these are correct?" He asked as I nodded. We stayed there for hours looking at every possibility of saving the ark but there was no answer. The ark was dying.

The dream shifted again as I sat back in my room as my dad walked in.

"Lydia.." He said as he stood by the open door.

"You know I have to arrest Clarke as well." He said to me with his hands behind his back.

"I know." I said a bit dead.

"We can't have panic and mayhem on the ark." He told me

"I understand." I said a bit louder As he nodded.

"Its just better for everyone if it happens this way." He said as he closed the door. I heard his retreating footsteps on his way to arrest Clarke for treason. As I sat there staring at the empty bed across from me.

I started to faintly hear birds chirping. They sounded far away. But they started getting louder and closer. Soon I began to stir as I opened my eyes. I stared up at the ceiling of the tent.

I could hear the birds chirping outside and the bustle of the campers moving outside. There was a slight breeze that moved the tent slightly. I stayed there like that for a couple of minutes before I sat up.

I grabbed my shirt and pulled it over my head. I reached further to get my jeans as I didn't want to stand up. I put my jeans still laying down. I finally had to get up to my shoes on. I laced them up and fixed the bed. I hooked the gun on my waistband and grabbed my two jackets.

As I stood at the entrance of the tent I was still putting on my leather jacket. I looked around the camp and noticed that it looked just a tad bit empty. As I walked away from the tent and started walking towards the direction of the drop ship I looked around and saw some people missing.

"Where's the Blake siblings? Where are the rest?" I asked Clarke as she came out of the drop ship.

"Octavia's missing." She told me as she reached me

"Missing? How come no one told me?" I questioned

"I was going to wake you but Bellamy didn't let me." She said as I looked around and sighed

"Well is everything under control?" I asked as she nodded

"No fights? We have enough water? Enough food? Anyone injured? " I asked as she rolled her eyes

"Everything's fine." She said as I nodded

"Okay well shout if you need me." I said as I walked away and walked towards the tent where I usually worked in.

"What the- get the hell out of here." I said a bit mockingly as Raven shook her head

"How do you walk with that big head of yours?" She asked

"With two legs." I responded as I sat next to her. She snorted shaking her head.

"Nice to see you up and walking sleeping beauty." She said as I started fixing wires.

"Why didn't anyone wake me to help look for Octavia?" I asked

"And what? Face Bellamy's wrath? I don't think so." She sang the last sentence

"What wrath?" I asked as I shocked myself from the wire as Raven rolled her eyes.

"You aren't even supposed to be here." She said as I sucked on my finger

"If Bellamy comes and sees you in here working and hurt he's gonna kick all of our asses." She said as I rolled my eyes.

"First of all Blake can't tell me what to do. And second of all I won't allow him to kick your asses." I said just as I shocked myself again.

"I know he wouldn't. He does everything you tell him to do." She grumbled as I smacked her arm

"He does not." I told her as I fixed the wire I was working on.

"Hey so why didn't anyone wake me?" I asked again.

"Because Bellamy gave clear orders to leave you alone. To let you rest. His exact words were " And no one wakes up Kane. Let her sleep and let her rest. Everyone is to leave her alone." " she finished as I stood there next to her

"He also said you can't leave camp without guards." She added as I rolled my eyes and continued working.

"Little fucker is going to pay for not waking me up." I said as I wrote something down concerning the radio.

"This didn't come with antenna's did it?" I asked as Raven shook her head in no.

"Well we're going to need some." I said

"They should be here by now." I said to Clarke who sat on a chair as I paced by the entrance.

"Please sit down you're creating a draft." She said as I looked up at the sky

"There's going to be a storm." I said as the dark clouds rolled out. There was a slight breeze picking up from deep within the forest.

"Everyone start tying down the tents! If it gets worse we're sleeping in the dropship!" I yelled over my shoulder as people bustled as they followed the new directions.

"Who's out there?" I asked Monty who had decided to accompany us.

"Derek and Isaac aren't back yet." He answered as I paced.

"Hey did you get shorter?" Clarke questioned as I shot her a look

"Nows not the time for jokes Griffin." I told her as she raised her hands in surrender. I looked out the gates and was going to keep pacing but something caught my eye. I stayed in placed as my eyes focused on the moving figures.

"They're back." I said as I walked out to meet them

"What the hell are you doing outside of camp?" Bellamy questioned as the wind flipped my hair around

"No you don't get to ask the question's I do. Why the hell didn't you tell me Octavia was missing?" I asked as she walked up to me

"I'm here." She said with a slight smile.

"Go inside and get warm. I'll have someone bring you food. " I told her as she nodded.

"Coming through." I heard as I saw Jasper and another holding up an injured Finn.

"Bring him in the drop ship now!" I said

"Have everyone inside the camp there's a storm coming." I told Bellamy as he nodded

"Derek, Isaac get your asses in camp now!" I yelled as them as I saw them jogging towards the camp. I jogged to the drop ship as drops of rain started falling. The raindrops were huge and freezing. One went down my shirt and went down my back. I shivered as I went inside the drop ship.

"Lydia you have to help him." Raven begged me as I nodded.

"We need to sterilize the wound." I said

"Bellamy didn't let us take out the knife." Jasper told me as I saw a bloodied knife stick out of the side.

"He made a good call. Now I need a suture needle and wire." I said since that was the best we were going to get. Raven disappeared along with Octavia. I started taking off my leather jacket as I hanged it along with my sweater.

I pulled up my pants and pulled my blonde hair into a fishtail braid to get the hair out of my face.

"One suture needle." Raven said holding it up as I still hadn't finished the braid.

"Here's some of Monty's moonshine." Octavia said as she entered the drop ship dripping wet.

"And here's that wire you wanted." She said

"Thank you." I told them

"Can you save him?" Raven asked and just as I was about to reply Clarke cut me off

"No, I need my mother." She said looking down at Finn as I snorted

"Did you forget that I'm a doctor?" I questioned as she shook her head.

"Raven I need to talk to my mother it's the only way I'll be able to save him." Clarke continued Raven nodded as she got to work.

"Hello?" I asked waving my arm

"This is a simple stab wound." I said as if it was no big deal.

"I'm Dr.Kane." I said as Clarke crossed her arms

"No I don't want you getting near him" she told me as I raised my eyebrows in shook as I laughed

"This is a joke right?" I asked not really understanding why she acting this way

"No I don't want you touching him I don't trust you."she said her voice cracking a bit

"Fine." I said backing off as my anger rose. Everyone was crowded in the drop ship. The air was getting warm as people talked loudly. I was getting annoyed by the stuffy air, the loud noise and Clarke.

"What the hell." I said as Bellamy walked in with two people dragging a body

"What did you do?" I asked him quietly. I almost thought he didn't hear me when he saw me his eyes widened.

"Kitten why aren't you helping Clarke?" He asked as he made the motion for the guys behind him to drag the body upstairs.

"Ugh don't even get me started on her." I told him as he cracked a smile.

"Your hair looks nice." He said

"Thank you." I said with a small smile as he climbed up. Raven fiddled with the radio trying to contact them we had the radio frequency but no one was responding.

"This is a restricted channel declare yourself." A voice suddenly announced from the radio

"This is Raven Reyes I'm with the 100 on the group. I repeat the 100 are alive." Raven said as they worked taking Raven off the ark wide radio.

Soon Clarke's mom was on.

"Is Lydia there?" She asked

"Someone get Marcus!" I heard her yell

"I'm here." I said as Raven cleared the room.

"Your parents are worried sick over you." She said

"Well tell them I'm perfectly fine." I told her

"Why aren't you dealing with the injured?" She asked

"Because Clarke doesn't want me to." I said as I heard footsteps over the radio.

"Lydia? Lydia sweetie please are you there?" A voice pleaded

"Dad? I'm here." I said as I sat down in the chair

"Lydia! Now is not the time" Clarke said

"We'll talk soon okay? I love you. Tell mom I love her too okay?" I said getting up from the chair

"I will. Take care." He said as I started climbing the ladder.

I opened the hatch on the third floor and got out

"Miller out of the way." I told him not really feeling like arguing.

"You shouldn't be up here kitten." Bellamy said as he walked towards us. He nodded towards Miller as Bellamy led me a bit away.

"What's up?" He asked

"I talked to my dad." I told him still not believing it. I had a huge smile on my face as my anger faded from earlier.

"I talked to my dad." I said happy as he smiled at me but I saw a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"I'm glad." He said as I sighed.

"I'll help." I told him as we looked at each other. I looked behind him and looked at the tied up man.

"What if someone saw you?" I asked softly as he sighed

"No one saw us." He reassured me as I whined

"Now they really hate us." I whined as he chuckled

"Relax I'll take care of it." He told me.

"So why aren't you helping Clarke?" He asked

"Because she didn't want me. She didn't want my help she didn't want me touching him. To tell you the truth it kinda hurt my feelings." I told him as I still looked at the unconscious body.

"Her loss." He told me as he still faced me

"What are you going to do?" I asked about the grounder

"We're going to get some answers." He said as I rolled my head

"I'm not fond of torture." I told him

"Well then don't be up here kitten." He told me as the grounder started to move around a bit with his head still hung. The rattle of the chains made Bellamy turn around.

"Go downstairs." Bellamy told me as he put his hand on my shoulder pushing me a bit towards the hatch.
I walked reluctantly as I looked at the grounder as he started to regain consciousness.

"Don't hurt him too much." I said looking up at him as I started to descend the ladder.

"Keep the peace down there kitten." Was all he said before he closed the hatch door. As I reached the main floor I found Finn convulsing and Clarke looking scared and panicked not knowing what to do.

"On his side now! Turn him on his side!" I yelled as I ran over to them and helped them turn Finn on his side as white foam poured out of his mouth. Clarke's hand was shaking as she held him on his side.

"Give me that." I said harshly to her as I got the needle and wire from her hand. I started working on closing the wound on Finn. As the open wound closed into nice neat stitches I tied it up and wrapped the wound up.

"I..I...I freaked out...I didn't.." Clarke couldn't get the words out of her out as I fixed the wrappings neatly and layed back on his back. I ignored her as she climbed up the ladder.

"The storm knocked out the radio didn't it?" I asked Raven as she nodded. She looked down at Finn as the drop ship shook. The force of it knocked me down.

"Jesus H.Christ." I muttered as I rubbed my ass since I fell pretty hard on it.

"Is he supposed to be this warm?" Raven asked

"Fever sometimes accompanies trauma." I told her as I walked over and put the back of my hand on his forehead.

"Wow he's really warm." I said as I moved the back of my hand to both of his cheeks and neck. As everything started to click together. I grabbed the knife that had fallen and went up the ladder.

"Open up!" I pounded on the hatch door.

"Yes?" Miller asked as he peered down at me

"Let me in will you?" I told him as he helped me up.

"What now kitten?" Bellamy asked as I looked over to the grounder who was now bloody filled with cuts and bruises.

"I'm going to have to fix him up later." I said curtly to Bellamy

"Anything else?" He asked as Clarke walked up to us.

"The blade. Its poisoned." I told them as Clarke gasped

"What?" Octavia asked

"Get the antidote from him, I'm sure he has it. It'll be idiotic if he doesn't carry the antidote around." I told them

"Lydia!" I heard Raven yell I gave the blade to Bellamy as I quickly went down the ladder

"Lydia!" Raven said with despair as I reached her

"What?!" I asked

"He's not breathing." She said as I rushed over and put my head to his heart.

"No heartbeat." I said as I checked his pulse and breathing very quickly.

"Starting CPR." I said as I pushed down in the middle of his chest.

"One..two..three..four.." I counted to thirty before I tilted his head and pinched his nose and breathed into his mouth twice.

"One..two..three.." I continued again and he soon began breathing again. By the time he began breathing again my arms were sore and I had beads of sweat lining my forehead.

I turned around and went back up to the third floor. I threw open the hatch as I found Bellamy wiping the grounder with a seatbelt from the drop ship.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked horrified as I rushed over and grabbed his hand before he could hit him again.

"Kitten out of the way." Bellamy said

"What was wrong with Finn?" Clarke asked

"He had stopped breathing. I had to give him CPR." I said

"Do you think one of these are it?" Octavia rushed over to me with a look of fear in her eyes as she looked between Bellamy, the grounder and me. I looked at the vials in her hand and nodded.

"One of these." I said looking at them I took them from her and went over to the grounder.

"Which one?" I asked pointing to them

"He doesn't speak English." Bellamy said as I heard Raven hurrying me up from the first floor.

"Which one is it? Is it this one?" I asked holding them up

"Hurry up!" Raven yelled as my hands started to shake knowing that Finn didn't have much time left.

"Please. Is it this one? Huh? How about this one?" I asked as tears started to fill my eyes. The grounder just looked at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder as my head dropped.

"I'll make him talk." Bellamy said as I saw him drive a huge thick sharp nail into the grounders hand. I gasped in horror as I backed away.

"What the hell is taking so long?" Raven asked as she finally came up.

"He won't talk." Clarke told her as she looked around and looked at the open panel with exposed wires.

"Yeah well I'll show him something he hasn't seen before." She said as she ripped the wires from the panel. She rubbed them together as the sparks flew. I stepped back as the grounder looked on in fear as he pulled against the chains in fear.

"Tell us!" Raven yelled as she pressed the hot wires against his chest as sparks flew.

"Tell us!" Raven yelled once more before she dropped the cable wires.

"That's enough!" Octavia yelled as she grabbed the knife and drove it down her forearm before I could stop her.

"No!" Bellamy yelled as the blood ran down her forearm

"He won't let me die." She said as she took the vials from my hands. She fell to the floor and poured the vials out.

"This one?" She asked pointing with the knife

"No? That one?" She asked

"No good? This one?"she asked holding one up

"Good? Yes?" She asked as she got up

"Here." She said giving the vial to Clarke.

"Don't." She said to Bellamy as she moved away from him as the three girls left downstairs.

"Lydia.." Bellamy said as I raised a hand to stop him

"We'll talk in the morning." I told him as he nodded. I left downstairs. Finn and Octavia had already been administered the antidote.

I grabbed Octavia and bandaged her up. It wasn't a huge cut but it was better if it was covered to prevent infections. I had already poured Monty's moonshine over the wound to disinfect it.

"I can't believe what happened." She told me as I tied up the bandage

"Me either." I told her truthfully as you could hear the heavy raindrops pound against the drop ship.

"Get some rest." I told her as she nodded looking for a spot to sleep. I grabbed my jacket and sweater. I put them on as I went to go sit down towards the back of the drop ship where it was lonely and dark. I brought a small light with me.

I put it on the floor as it gave a small glow making the area a bit less dark. I slid down and rested my head against the cool metal of the drop ship. I slid the rest of the way down until I was laying down. I put my arms under my head as sort of like a pillow. My eyes started to droop as I felt something warm cover me.

But sleep overcame me.

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