The 100-Lydia Kane

By vizenya

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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot been seen or touched - they must be felt with the hear... More



872 18 2
By vizenya


I had been awake for about an hour now. I couldn't go to sleep. I was fully dressed and on patrol when there was a loud sound. It sounded like something entering the atmosphere. I looked up and saw a pod with flames trailing behind.

I saw everyone get out their tents and look up at the sky. They all stared up at the sky.

"Sew this for me will ya?" A girl asked with just a blanket around her body told me throwing me her shirt. I grabbed the shirt and looked at her as if she had just lost her mind.

"Now why would I do that?" I asked as I threw back the shirt

"Because I'm basically Bellamy's girlfriend." She said snooty

"Well I basically don't care whose girlfriend you are. You can be King Henry the eighth's wife and I wouldn't care." I said with a raised eyebrow

"Just sew it will you?" She said throwing the shirt back at me. I looked at her for a cool minute before I bursted out laughing. I bent over from the lack of air from all the laughing

"Good one" I said as I threw the shirt over my shoulder as it fell on the ground. Octavia shook her head at me with a large smile on her face as I walked over to her.

"You were nice." She said with no humor

"Yeah well its too early in the morning." I said

"Bellamy said we can't leave till sunrise." She said

"Of course he did." I said as I looked around

"Have you seen Clarke anywhere?" I asked her as she shook her head

"No, why?" She asked

"Because she wasn't in the tent." I said

"She's fine. Look go have a couple of more hours of rest before sunrise. I know Bellamy will want you to come with him to inspect the pod since you know all about that stuff." She said as she pushed me towards my tent.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I said as I went back in my tent.

"Wake up!" Clarke yelled at me she threw me my jacket. I was fully dressed but just had the blanket thrown over me.

"What?!" I asked irritated

"Bellamy's gone. So is his gear." She said to me

"So? Let Blake be gone." I said turning over to the other side of the bed.

"Wait! He's gone?" I asked after the sudden realization

"Yes he's gone now get your ass up." She said as I rolled my eyes at her as I retied my boots and put my jacket.

"Get your ass up." I mocked as I put my gun in my waistband. I picked up the Axe and put it in the back of my waistband and walked out the tent.

I found Clarke and Finn at the entrance of the camp

"Miller you're in charge." I said as I passed him. He nodded to me and gave me a thumbs up unable to speak due to having food in his mouth.

"You and Bellamy are always putting Miller in charge." Finn said as I reached them.

"Yeah well we trust him." I said as we started walking towards the direction of the fallen pod.

"You know you and Bellamy are the oldest in camp." Clarke said looking up at me. I nodded

"And?" I asked for her to continue

"I don't know about Clarke but sometimes I feel like you two are our parents." Finn answered as he walked beside me on my left as Clarke was on my right.

"What?" I asked

"Yeah I mean you're the one that stops the fights and knocks sense into everyone. Plus I love the fact that you don't give speeches." He said as Clarke gave him a look.

"You understand us and don't push us to fight. Bellamy on the other hand teaches us to fight and hunt and ya know?" He asked trailing off

"I feel..protected with you two around. Which is weird cause I don't like Bellamy." Finn said as I chuckled.

"Hey we should split up. Cover more ground." Finn said after a couple of moments of silence

"Yeah sure I'll go with Clarke." I said as we started walking away

"Shout if you need me." He said as we nodded

"I just noticed that you don't work." Clarke said as she looked at me

"What do you mean?" I asked once again.

"Yeah I mean there isn't that many injured but if there is you let me handle them to get me in the hang of things. The engineering you left to Monty because he asked. Other than the occasional patrol..that's it." She said as I looked at her from the side

"You must of forgotten that I was the one that hunted and was able to feed a camp of 100 hungry horny teenagers for two weeks." I said

"Other than that which only took you one afternoon." She said

"Its because Bellamy doesn't want her too." Finn yelled overhearing our conversation  as I scoffed

"That is so not true." I said

"That is so true." Clarke said

"Yeah okay I mean Blake doesn't like it when I try to do hard workimg things like building the wall." I said

"That's another thing, you do know his name is Bellamy right?" She asked I nodded

"Does he know that your name isnt kitten?" She asked with a wide grin

"Have you and Octavia been talking behind my back? Because this sounds just like the conversation I had with her like last week." I said as she smiled as she grabbed onto my arm

"I know you better than anyone." She said as I rolled my eyes shaking my head with a smile on my face.

"May I remind you we dated for four years." She reminded me

"I'm reminded." I said

"So do you like Bellamy?" She asked with a sly grin

"Oh shut it." I said slapping her arm away as the color rose in my cheeks.
"You like him." She said blissful

"No I don't. He's a good leader. Needs some directing but he's good." I said shrugging looking at the ground

"So where were you last night?" I asked as she blushed a deep red

"I had sex last night." She said giddy as my mouth hanged open

"With who?" I smiled

"With Finn." She said smiling as my smile faded and I stopped in my tracks.

"Honey." I said as she looked at me

"What's wrong?" She questioned still on cloud 9.

"You had sex with Finn?" I asked as she nodded


"Finn..Finn has a...Finn has a girlfriend." I told her as I grabbed her by the shoulders. Her smile faded as her eyes were immediately rimmed with tears still unshed.

"What?" She asked looking up at me.

"A girlfriend." I said as I pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me as I rested my chin on top of her head.

"Why didn't I ask?" She cried as I rubbed circles in her back

"It'll be alright." I soothed as she sniffled

"Wipe those tears. We need to find that pod." I told her as she pulled away. She wipes the tears away and calmed herself down.

"There's time for crying later right?" She asked as I nodded.

"Right." I confirmed as we started walking once again. We didn't talk instead we left each other alone with our thoughts.

"Over here." I told her as I saw a burned white pod. We jogged over to it and opened the door.

"Step back." I told Clarke as I went ahead first. I opened the door and opened it. I saw someone in a suit passed out. I nudged the body slightly

"Hey!' I said pointing the gun at them as the person stirred.

"Lydia?" A disoriented voice came from within the suit.

"Raven?" I asked as I immediately helped her out of the suit.

"Stop!" She yelled when I took off the helmet. She froze when she realized she wasn't burning to death.

She looked at me in wonder as I backed up. She got off the pod gently as she inhaled the air and spun around in a circle slowly.

"It smells just like how I dreamed." She said smiling. As a passing cloud dropped a couple of droplets of rain. Raven looked up at the sky in amazement

"Rain. Actual rain." She said

"Welcome to earth" Clarke said

"Raven?" Finn said as he bounded into view. Raven ran to him as they made out. The anger raised in me as Clarke looked upon the scene with sadness. Raven got woozy because of the cut she had.

And instead of Finn asking me for help he asked Clarke. As Clarke walked over we found out that the ark was going to kill 300 people to give them more time.

Bellamy had already been there because of the missing radio. So as we all split up I tried to tell Clarke to come with me but Raven convinced her to come along with her and Finn. Since Raven wanted to know more about the famous Clarke, Clarke had no other option but to agree.

So I went on my own in the forest looking for Bellamy. So as I walked through the forest towards the direction of the camp I just about gave up.

"Who are you looking for Kitten?" He asked from behind me. I jumped from the sudden noise as I clutched my chest.

"Christ Blake." I said as he froze. He looked at me in wonder but then his face broke out in a huge smile.

"Its not safe to be out here Kitten. There's grounders out here. Let's get you back to camp." He said as he put his arm around my shoulder and started leading me back to camp.

"Where's the radio?" I asked as I looked up at him from the side

"Now kitten-'" he was saying but I cut in front of him and crossed my arms.

"Don't you kitten me. I need that radio. Where is it?" I asked as he too crossed his arms

"Where is it? " Clarke yelled as she came up to us. I looked up to Bellamy as I gave him a huge smile. He looked down at me and fought back a smile

"Hey, princess. You taking a walk in the woods?" Bellamy said as he put his arm around my shoulders and dragged me along

"They're getting ready to kill, to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won't be council members. It'll be working people. Your people. Bellamy. Where's the radio?"Clarke said as she walked in front of us

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Bellamy said as if he didn't have a clue what the hell a radio was.

"Bellamy Blake? They're looking everywhere for you." Raven said as she crossed her arms. Bellamy took his arm off from my shoulders as he stepped forward

"Shut up."he told her as Clarke stepped forward

"Looking for him why?" Clarke questioned looking at Bellamy and Raven

"He shot Chancellor Jaha." Raven said with a smirk

"That's why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think we're dead. And all that "whatever the hell we want"? You just care about saving your own skin." Clarke said in disgust as Bellamy started walking away grabbing the top of my arm taking me with him

"Hey! Shooter! Where's my radio? -" Raven was saying

"Get out of my way. I should've killed you when I had the chance."Bellamy spat at her as Raven stood taller taking out a knife. Bellamy let go of my arm to stand in front of me

"Really? Well, I'm right here. Where's my radio?" She asked raising the knife higher as I stepped in between them

"Ok, stop it. That's enough. Both of you." I said placing my hands on both of their chests as I looked between the both of them

"Jaha deserved to die." Bellamy said looking at me as if he was trying to defend himself so I wouldn't try to kill him too.

"You all know that. He is isn't my favorite person, either. But he isn't dead." Raven said putting her knife away and looking at us

"What?" Bellamy asked as he took a couple of steps back. My arms were at my side again

" You're a lousy shot." Raven said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Bellamy, don't you see what this means? You're not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister. That's who you are. And you can do it again, by protecting 300 of your people." Clarke told Bellamy with a smile as he leaned against the tree

"Where's the radio?" I asked him as he looked at me with sad eyes

"Where?" I asked again as he sighed

" It's too late." He said

"Tell us where." I told him as I stepped in front of him as he put his hands on his hips

"I threw it in the river." He told us as Raven screamed in anger.

"What kind of idiot.." Raven ranted on as I continued talking to Bellamy

"We'll take people from camp to help us look." I told him as he nodded.

"Get your asses to camp." I told the other three as we walked quickly to camp.

As we got to camp we gathered people to help us look for the radio. Bellamy took us to where he threw the radio at and they started looking. Bellamy and I stood at the edge of the river as I looked at the water.

"Where exactly did you throw it?" I asked him as he was crouched down breaking sticks.

"I threw it. Around there." He pointed the stick. I looked at the current of the water as I started walking down the river. I reached Clarke who was up to her thighs in water.

"How colds the water?" I asked her as she looked up at me and gave me the finger.

"That cold huh?" I laughed as she shook her head. I walked a bit more down the river still keeping away from getting wet. I could tell the water was deeper because it got a bit darker. There was a big rock about three feet from where I stood so I got on top of it.

I climbed it cautiously and stood on top. As my eyes raked the bottom of the river I smiled.

"Found it!" I yelled over my shoulder to Clarke as she looked at me.

"Get out of the water, go through land." I told her just loud enough for her to hear. She nodded as she got out of the water and jogged over to me.

I helped her climb onto the rock as well and I pointed the radio out to her.

"Who's going to get it?" She asked still looking at it. I smirked at her as I started taking off my jacket.

"No." She said with a huge smile and a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yes." I said as I threw my jacket and sweater on the floor.

"Here." I told her shoving the gun unto her hands. She held it awkwardly almost afraid she was going to shoot herself. I shook my head with a smile as I took off my shoes and put my socks in them.

"Can you even swim?" She asked raising an eyebrow

"No I just like jumping into deep water and seeing if I can somehow survive." I said sarcastically as I took off my shirt. I threw the shirt on top of my jacket as I felt someone staring

"Like what you see?" I asked Clarke as she blushed. I took off my pants and threw them on the ground as well along with my other discarded clothes.

I stood there in the rock half naked with goosebumps rising along my skin.

"I should just jump right in." I said

"Hey! Kitten what the hell are you doing?!" I heard Bellamy yell as I turned to Clarke.

"See ya." I said hurriedly to her as I took a deep breath and jumped into the water. The water was, to say the least, cold enough to make your nipples fall off.

I wasn't the best swimmer since I had just started practicing. But I sure as hell was the best the camp had. So as I swam closer to the radio it felt like my lungs were going to burst because of the lack of oxygen.

My fingers were numb because of the temperature of the water. My legs were getting heavy as I struggled to see in the water. I reached out as I got to the radio and tried pulling it out. I pulled and pulled but it was stuck in some vines and branches.

I kicked up and decided to head back to the surface because I was running out of oxygen. As I broke surface I gasped for air.

"Kane get your ass here now!" Bellamy yelled to me.

"Give me a knife!" I yelled back as I saw people reach into their pockets.
"Here." Raven said first as I swam to her she leaned over the water careful not to fall in.

"Thanks." I said as I took the knife from her hands. I swam back to where I resurfaced but swam on top of the water. As I reached the place where I came up I once again took a deep breath and swam under.

I quickly swam to the bottom and tried to moved the branches. They were way heavier than what they seemed. I only managed enough space to cut away the vines.

I hurried as I tried to unstick the radio. As I pushed away with my legs I managed unstuck the radio. But in that event it seemed that the big heavy branches started rolling. And before I could do anything one fell on me as it pinned me to the ground as it knocked some of the air out.

As I was once again running out of air I had a radio in one hand and a knife in the other. I let both of them go as I pushed away at the branch until I was able to sit up. I kicked out until I was free. I was starting to see stars as my lungs burned and felt like they were going to collapse.

I grabbed the radio and knife as I kicked up. As I broke the surface I gasped choking a bit on the water. As I swam slowly towards the shore.

As I reached the shore hands yanked my out the water. The knife and radio was taken from my hands and handed to Raven as a jacket was wrapped around my body.

"Jesus Christ whose bright idea was it for you to jump in huh?" Bellamy told me as he tried to warm me up as I shivered.

"It wasn't that bad." I said as my teeth chattered. As Raven inspected the radio Bellamy pulled me away and handed me my clothes.

"Hurry up and change. You're turning blue." He told me as I nodded. I struggled putting on my jeans but managed. I quickly put on my socks and tied up my boots. I pulled my shirt over my head. I put my sweater on and zipped it up.

I put my jacket on and closed it also. I picked up Bellamy's jacket and walked over to them.

"How's the radio?" I asked trying to give Bellamy back the jacket but he just took it from my hands and made me wear it.

"I know how to zipp it up." I told him as he zipped it up.

"Its going to take a day to dry everything out. I don't have a damn day!" She yelled at me as Bellamy stepped away from me. As I was now wearing two jackets so I felt extra fluffy and warm.

"Don't yell at me!" I yelled back.

"Like I said, it's too late." Bellamy said

"Do you have any idea what you did? Do you even care?" Raven asled him

"You asked me to help. I helped." He said to her

"Cool it, the both of you." I said looking at them both

"Hold up." Raven spoke after a couple of moments of silence

" We don't have to talk to The Ark. We just have to let them know we're down here, right?" Raven asked

" Yeah, but how do we do that with no radio"Finn asked. I almost forgot he was here. I almost forgot about what he did. Almost.

Raven just smirked at us as she finally looked at me.

"Get your engineer ass over here." She said I rolled my eyes mockingly

"Fuck." I said as I walked towards her.

"How do you feel about flares. " she asked me as we walked a bit away.

"Flares? Well depends on where they land. I don't want a wildfire starting because of us." I told her.

"Okay well can I build the flares or no?" She asked me

"Are you asking for my permission?" I questioned raising an eyebrow

"Yeah aren't you the leader or..?" She asked looking confused

"Because Bellamy told me nothing happens until you give the go ahead." She said as I smiled

"He said that?" I asked smiling before I shook my head a bit

"Um yeah..Blake, flares or no flares?" I asked him as he turned to me. He gave me a face as Clarke answered

"Flares." As I nodded

"Flares it is then." I told Raven

"So does this mean I can boss people around?" She asked with a huge smile

"Don't go crazy." I told her as she turned around and grabbed Finn as they headed back to camp.

As we all headed back to camp I wringed out my hair as I shivered some more. As we reached camp I saw as a couple of people cameup to me.

"Hey there's this chick saying we have to help her do something." He asked me as a couple of other kid's nodded.

"Her names Raven. Yes go help her please." I answered as they nodded but followed Raven.

"We need to talk." Bellamy said to me as he grabbed my arm and dragged me over to his tent. The flaps were open so I could see outside. I took off his jacket and put it on the bed.

"Do you know how irresponsible that was? You could of died. And I saw you stuck under a branch you are lucky that they held me back." Bellamy rambled as I sat on his bed as he stood talking down to me.

For a moment it felt like I was back on the ark and I had just gotten caught doing something I shouldn't have and now was being lectured on it.

"I mean how the hell do you even know how to swim? Is that like a course they teach in medicine?" Bellamy rambled on as I looked outside.

"Hold that thought." I told him as I left the tent.

"Hey Collins!" I yelled out to get his attention. He raised his hand to wave at me

"Kitten I was talking to you." Bellamy said behind me as I reached Finn. I pulled my left fist back and brought it to Finn's face. He staggered back as he tripped over a log and fell back. I reached over and pulled him up by his collar.

"You two timing piece of shit. How could you put me in a position like that huh?" I was saying to him as Bellamy immediately reached over and pulled me back from him. Finn rubbed the right side of his face as he looked up at me.

He didn't have anger in his eyes but he almost looked sorry.

"Alright let's go." Bellamy said as he dragged me away from the scene.

"Should I even ask?" Bellamy said as he dragged me back to his tent.
As I calmed myself down.

"I'm fine." I said relaxed

"Really? Because a minute ago I saw Finn's right side of the face cave in." He told me a bit concerned

"Yeah I'm fine. Um now that I have new materials to work with I'll see what I can fix in the drop ship now." I said wiping my hands on my jeans as I passed Bellamy and looked at the new materials being brought in.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Raven asked as she ran up to me as she saw that I was taken apart some wires.

"Fixing." I answered simply as the wires were snatched from my hands.

"You're an engineer , you create shitty things that I have to build and fix. So just leave all the fixing to me." Raven said to me as my jaw dropped but a smile started creeping on my face.

"You wrench monkey!" I said in mock shock as she smiled up at me.

"Well then since you fix, go try and fix the wires in the drop ship." I told her as I leaned against the table.

"Fine but in the meantime you try to put together this control panel." She told me as I gasped in mock shock

"Me? Oh but simple ol' me is just an engineer." I told her as she left. I looked at the control panel and rolled my eyes. I quickly fixed it to near mint condition and left Monty to fiddle with it.

"Everyone stay back of the flares!!" Raven yelled as everyone took a couple of steps back of the flares so they won't catch on fire.

"I'm sorry." Finn said as he came up to me. I leaned against a tree as I lazily rolled my head towards him

"I shouldn't be the one you should be apologizing too." I told him

"No I should be apologizing to you. I knew you'd be hurt if you found out what happened between Clarke and I." He said as his head hung with his hands behind his back. I looked at him from the corner of my eye at the last flare was set in place.

The sun had went down already but the last rays of the sun still showed.

"I should of known you still had feelings for Clarke." He continued

"Clarke and I dated for four years Finn. Clarke will always have a special spot in my heart." I snapped a bit at him as he nodded.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm sorry because Clarke is your ex girlfriend and Raven is your friend." He said

"I'm not telling Raven." I told him as the sky's darkened. I had my hands in my jacket pockets as I pulled the jacket closer to me

"I'll tell her. But as a peace offering I bring you this." He said as he showed me what was behind his back. It was an old Polaroid camera from before the war. I perked up as I took the camera from his outstretched hands.

"I used to have one back on the ark." I told him as I inspected it

"Of course my dad always locked up the photos." I said with a faint smile

"Thank you." I told him

"Anything else?" He asked implying that I should apologize for punching him in the face.

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry I didn't hit you hard enough. I'll do better next time." I said with a half smile as I walked away. As I raised the camera to my eyes I snapped a picture of Raven preparing the last details for the launch.

As the picture printed I put it in my jacket pocket. As I went around camp I took a picture of the tents, of the drop ship, of the 100 that still stood and were gathered around waiting for the flares.

I stood a bit afar from the group as the first flares launched. The sky's turned red from the color of the flares. I stared up at the light that streamed across the sky praying that the ark would see our flares.

I walked a bit closer to the group until I was in the middle. The flares streamed across the sky slowly taking their time as they climbed in altitude.

"Do you think they can see it from up there?" Clarke asked quietly as she stood by my side. Bellamy walked up to my other side as well.

"I hope so." I answered

"Do you think you can wish on that kind of shooting star?" She asked as she ripped her eyes away from the flares and looked at us both

"What would you wish for?" She asked us both. She rolled her eyes as us as we took some time thinking of an answer.

"Forget it." She said as she took a step to leave

"I wouldn't know what to wish for." Bellamy said loud enough for her to hear. She turned and nodded before she left.

I looked back up at the sky as I felt the light on my face.

"What would you wish for?" Bellamy asked from beside me. For a moment I thought he too had left.

"To be with my family." I said with a small smile as I continued looking at the flares.

"You'll see them soon." He told me as he looked up.

"I hope so."

"I know so." He said confidently

"Get some rest kitten." He said to me I nodded as I turned around to leave.

"You should rest too. Goodnight." I told him as he had a small wonder smile.

"Goodnight." I heard him say after me as I walked to my tent. I saw Clarke smirking outside as I rolled my eyes

"What now?" I asked as she made a 'oh nothing' face/smile. I walked inside the tent and looked over to my bed.

"Did you do this?" I asked with a smile as I found a a bouquet of roses. Fourteen in all. They were all blushed colored and lavender. One was as dark as a blue berry. One was a dust blushed lavender.

I picked them up and smelled them.

"I wonder who it could of been?" Clarke asked as she layed down on her bed as I stood standing holding the roses admiring the beauty.

"Whoever it was.." I said as I smelled a rose.

"They're beautiful." I said with a huge smile on my face as I felt a light blush rush up to my cheeks.

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