Beneath and Beyond

By romanceloverleonie

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Kiedi had never fit in well with others and she thought she liked it that way. That was until she moved to a... More

Chapter 1- The closing of one door
Chapter 2- New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 28

105 11 0
By romanceloverleonie

"So are you ready?" Luke asked her when they finished having breakfast a later that morning.

"Ready for what?" Kie asked as she followed Luke out to his backyard that was pure trees.

Instead of answering her he started to strip off his clothes.

"Luke what kind of perverseness do you have going on in your mind?" Kiedi teased trying to ignore her blush at seeing him naked. He flashed her a wicked sharp toothed grin as he changed into his wolf in front of her.

It was the first she'd seen his wolf since she came back and she was surprised to find that she had missed this form of Luke as well as his human form. She reached forward and ran her hands through his soft fur and she saw a shiver of pleasure run up his wolf spine and she giggled softly.

"My wolf missed you too," Kie heard Luke's voice in her head. She jumped in surprise at the intrusion.

"What was that?" she asked, both frightened and curious.

"That was our mind link," Luke said in her head again as he rubbed his nuzzle against her face, "mates develop this link after the first time they mate and since we finally.... now we can communicate anytime I'm in my wolf form."

"That is so cool!" Kiedi said through her mind as she grinned up at his wolf form.

"Hop on," He bent the lower half oh his body so that she could climb up.

"Where are we going?" she ashed as she climbed on.

"To teach you to control those powers of yours," Luke took off running through the trees. She had to grab onto his fur to keep steady.

I wish he could slow down, Kie thought to herself yet she felt Luke slow down considerably. How did he know she wanted that?

"I can hear your thoughts remember,"

"All of them? I thought it was only what I wanted you to hear," with that realization Kie suddenly felt mischievous, "Then I guess I shouldn't think about how turned on I was when you started stripping in front of me."

"You were turned on huh?" Luke said and she started seeing sexual images of the two of them in her mind courtesy of Luke; she let out an unintentional moan and she could hear his wolf make a satisfied growl.

"Luke stop!" she blushed a deep crimson and hid her face in his fur.

"You know you love it," And Kie could hear the smile in his voice in her head.

"Here we are," Luke thought as they entered the clearing where he had invited her to his family's picnic. He stopped down so that she could climb off.

"This place has quite a few memories,"

"Do you want me to change here or hide?" Luke asked.

Here, she thought instantly, "Hide," she said out loud and blushed with embarrassment when Luke gave her a knowing wolf grin.

"Dang, I forgot my clothes at the house," Luke thought.


"So unless you want me to trod around naked I'd better stay in wolf form"

"Oh," Kiedi said out loud as she tried really hard to not think about a naked Luke walking around. "So what exactly am I suppose to do now?"

"Well actually... I don't know, I guess you just try to control your powers and move stuff with your mind and stuff. Anything you need to so you won't freeze us in the kitchen every morning,"

"Ha ha very funny," she smirked at him. She sat down yoga style on the floor.

"I thought it was," Luke laughed in her head as he laid down in his wolf form.

"Is that all you're going to be doing?" she stared at him as he rolled around in the sun.

"Yes and put out any fires you happen to start," Kiedi grabbed the first pebble she saw and threw it at him. "Ow!" he thought dramatically.

"Liar," she laughed. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the energy surrounding her body. She took a deep breathe and started to levitate in the air.

"Who taught you to do that?" she heard Luke's voice in her head; he was in awe of her.

"An angel," she answered out loud and thoughts of Daniel passed through her mind. The days he taught her to levitate as well as the night he kissed her replayed unintentionally. She heard Luke growling and apologized immediately and thought of other things.

"It's okay, especially now that I really know you didn't like it."

"You didn't believe me before?"

"Yeah but... a guy can never be too sure"

Well! Kiedi thought a bit offended that Luke hadn't believed her. She rotated midair and gave him her back.

She concentrated on the pebbles around her and lifted a few of them into the air.

"Awesome," Luke thought, "Now do something with them."

To amuse herself and him she let them form a line and go around in a circle and then up in a double spiral in a kind of dance.

"Can you do anything else?"

"You bet I can," Kie thought with a smirk as she dropped the stones and turned to look at Luke.

"Kie you better not! No, No! NO!" Luke kept shouting as Kiedi lifted him in the air and carried him over to the river and let him go.

"Your going to regret that!" Luke growled playfully when he rose up in his human form from the water and stalked towards her.

The wise thing would have been to levitate higher out of his reach but the sight of him naked and dripping water muddled her mind and made her mouth water. It was a good thing he couldn't hear her thoughts at that moment.

Luke pulled her down into his arms and ran with her to the river where he dunked her.

"You are so evil!" Kie laughed as she came up.

"I am a demon," Luke grinned down at her.

"Well since I'm already in..." Kie started and stripped down to her underwear, "lets swim."

Luke and Kie swam in the river for a long while pausing at moments when Luke would purposely swim close to her and trail his hands over her bare skin which led to them making out in the water and a little more...

"My clothes are still wet," Kie complained when she and Luke came out of the water to dry off. She pushed at his shoulder as she pulled on her wet pants.

"You started it," Luke grinned, "I'm hungry," he added randomly.

"Then go fishing," she replied distractedly as she thought of the possibility of her catching pneumonia.

"That's a good idea. Get a fire going" Luke said before he waded back into the water. Kie put on her shirt and shoes then started looking for broken branches that she could use for firewood. In her attempt to collect the thickest branches she could find she found that she'd wondered deeper into the forest than she'd expected.

She was in the area where she had first seen Luke change into his wolf. She looked around and saw the fallen trees and claw marks in the tree trunks that were the only battle scars of that dreadful day. She touched one in particular when she felt the hairs on the back of neck stand on edge.

She heard a shuffle and turned, dropping the sticks she'd gathered so far in the process, to see a man standing in a huge cowboy hat that hid most of his face. Maybe it was the Angel half to her but she could feel a strange yet familiar power in him even though he was about ten feet away from her.

"Howdy," cowboy said, his voice sounded low and grainy. It caused goosebumps to rise on her arms.

"Hello," Kie replied and took a few steps back from him.

"Aren't you a bit far from home?" Cowboy asked. Two more men stepped out from behind the trees. One of them walked a limp, or should she say he walked and practically dragged the other half of his body; the other one was pale and had sores covering his flesh like he was suffering from a disease.

Along with holding back her fear so they wouldn't see, Kie had to hold back the bile that rose in her throat from the combined smell of the three... no five men, two more just strolled in.

"I was just about to head back. Nice meeting you," she faked a smile and slowly backed away. There was no way she was going to turn her back to these guys.

"What's the rush? We'll follow you," one of the five said stepping towards her. Cowboy put a hand on his shoulder to hold him back.

"no I wouldn't want to put you guys out of your way," Kiedi waved them off and started taking faster steps away.

"No trouble at all," cowboy said. He lifted his head for the first and Kie finally saw his face. He wasn't as disgusting as the others but the right side of his face was drooping as if the skin was melting away slowly and his eyes were full black; he was a demon there was no questioning it.

 Fear sparked anew in her and she tried not to react but now knew he was a demon yet she could still sense a familiar power in him that was much more than him just being a demon. He was different different from the rest of them and it was freaking her out.

He smirked knowingly at her and with the lift of his finger one of the rotting guys snarled and charged at her.

Kie panicked at first but then she raised a tree root in his path that made him fall then mind twisted it around his ankle so he couldn't get back up. She looked back and forth between the thing on the floor and Cowboy as her heart started racing. Cowboy didn't seem surprised he was actually grinning but he somehow made it very predatory.

"I knew I was right about your smell," He said smugly, "You will be my replacement vessel."

Kiedi took off when she saw him raising his hands to send the rest of them after her. Maybe she could have taken them on, she was stronger than she was before but she couldn't get over the crippling fear that shook her when Cowboy just spoke. His phrase would have just spoken to the fact that he was a parasite demon if Kiedi hadn't sensed the power in him, that vessel had been one of her kind and if they could have captured him then they could probably capture her too.

She could hear them snarling as they chased after her and she would hear a hiss now and again as she threw random stones and twigs behind her. No matter what she threw though because they kept coming no matter what she did and more of them just kept popping up. 

She had thought she was heading back to the clearing when she started running and realized that her direction was off and she had no idea where she was going. She started calling out to Luke in her mind, sincerely hoping that he had noticed her missing and changed into his wolf to communicate with her.

"Kiedi where are you?!"  She could wept when she finally heard him.

"I'm being chased by parasites demons"

"Shit! I'm coming to get you baby just hold on."


Her foot caught on a tree root and Kiedi heard a snap from her ankle and she yelled out in pain but she had to keep going. She tried to levitate herself  but her fear was throwing her powers off so she half levitated half ran so it was like she was taking big jumps from point to point. It didn't help the pain but it had put a considerable distance between her and her chasers so she  looked at it as the cup half full. 

She saw a tall enough tree that didn't look like it would be easy to climb and gripped onto it. She half levitated- half monkey climbed up to a high branch. She thought she was safe when a few of the parasites ran right past the tree but her calm didn't last because they must have caught on to her scent and doubled back because now they were surrounding the tree and what had been five men had turned into fifteen.

They all tried to climb the tree but it wasn't easy because there were no low lying branches for support, it was why she chose it. She groaned when they sprouted claws and started sinking them into the trunk for support to climb. Cow bow was the first to start climbing and the others started following.

She tried to hold them off by setting their clothes on fire and throwing rocks at them; she went as far as to try and freeze them but that power decided in didn't want to work today. Nothing she did worked however, or it didn't work for long, they just kept climbing. Even those she mind shoved off would just get up and start climbing again.

She was about to start hyperventilating in fear when she saw Luke tear through the trees and pounced on two of the guys who were on the tree. The first one Luke ripped in half immediately while he sunk his paws on the head of the other guy.

Seeing the fight below some of the others jumped down to get a piece of Luke too but Luke was tearing threw them. She could see that he was extremely angry by the way he didn't mess around, as soon as he gripped any piece of them with his teeth he would just start ripping. A few were still trying to climb up to Kie and as she mind shoved them off the tree Luke would take them on down below.

Kie nearly fell out of the tree when she smelt then heard someone behind her. She gripped onto a nearby branch and swung/levitated above whoever it was. As she landed she turned to see Cowboy staring at her in amazement. 

"Almost a century since I've seen another Sianglia," he sneered at her, "i won't let you get away from me so easily little one."

"Leave me alone and you won't get hurt," Kiedi said with as much bravado as she could muster.

"Speak for yourself cause I'm gonna rip him apart just like the rest of them who dared to make an attempt on your life,"  she heard Luke growl in her head.

"I've caught your kind before," cowboy said looking down at himself, "I know how to get around your powers and shields."

As soon as he said shields Kiedi started putting up hers. Cowboy chose that moment to come closer to her and he slammed into it. 

The growls and hisses were dying out below and both Kiedi and Cowboy noticed. He made a guttural noise in his chest as he looked below. "I will have you!" He snarled as he quickly climbed then jumped from the tree and ran off.

Kie floated down to the ground to Luke who was snarling over the body of the last man/demon.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah but one of them got away," Kiedi said as she shivered as she remembered Cowboy's threats. Luke nuzzled his snout against her neck before he lowered his back so she could climb on.

"As long as your safe"

When they reached back at the house the first thing Kiedi wanted to do was take a shower but as soon as she stepped into Luke's room he wrapped her in his arms and kissed her desperately.

When he let her go he started to inspect her. Kiedi had to laugh as Luke started taking off her clothes and shoes piece by piece in search for any scars and cuts. Kiedi was surprised that his face had remained serious through his search when having his hands on her had made her realize how much she needed him in that moment.

"I'm fine Luke," Kiedi said a bit breathlessly, "I wish I could say the same for you," Kiedi  traced a bit mark on his shoulder as he kneeled in front of her

"That will heal in no time. I'm just worried about you," He looked down at her with eyes that had gone black; maybe that strip search had affected him.

"And I repeat I'm fine. Thanks for coming to my rescue," she whispered.

Luke kissed her stomach before he responded with, "That's what I'm here for."

Kiedi moaned softly as he kissed her from her navel up to her neck then the spot behind her ear. She tugged on the waistband of the shorts he'd thrown on when they got back as she tugged him into the bathroom with her.

"Everything cool?" Cooger asked Luke a hour later when he came down to the kitchen after Kie fell asleep.

"Yeah she's okay. She's asleep now," Luke poured a glass of orange juice and sat at the table with his best friend.

"So I bet Kiedi kicked some ass today," Kyle commented as he strolled into the room.

"She handled herself pretty well," Luke mumbled; he was too focused on Cooger who was in the midst of a vision.

"What did you see?" Luke asked as soon as his eyes cleared up from their glazed state.

"I don't think Kiedi should do anymore practices," Cooger replied.

"I wasn't planning to but why?" 

"I just had a vision.. of a ransom on her life."

Luke trudged up the stairs to his room half an hour later. Once he closed his door he leaned against it and just listened to her deep breaths as she slept. She was laying down in one of his big t-shirts and her hair was covering her face.

He sat next to her and gently pulled her hair away without waking her up. Then, he just sat and stared at the perfection that was his mate. He had come close to losing her today and with Cooger's vision as guidance he wasn't going to let that happen again.

*Sianglia is the demon name for Dangel

Hey guys!! Thanks for waiting for me to update and Im sorry I took so long school has been hectic but I made this chapter long for you guys. I hope you enjoy it.

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