Chapter 16

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Day two of the camping trip started out with eggs and bacon and after the guys cleaned up they set up blankets on the ground so that they had a comfortable seat to watch the show. Apparently they were going to have Demon games and the girls had front row seats.

First they had the races: Kyle- the cheetah- against Leo since he was the fastest wolf that would even out the competition between a wolf and a cheetah; Cooger and Luke were against each other.

Lennard was the referee for the races and he placed himself in front of a red ribbon. Supposedly the guys were going to run for a mile and then back and the first one to rip through the ribbon was the winner.

Leo and Kyle were first; they stripped down behind the trees and came out in their animal forms. They were larger than the normal animal's size and they were a bit intimidating. They both crouched down in front of the ribbon and snarled at each other, both looked ready to pounce as their heads swung from side to side in anticipation then Len shouted Go!" and they were off. Kiedi could hear their pounding on the ground as, they disappeared. Not five minutes after Kiedi saw them tear through the trees, Leo in the lead by a nose but just before Leo could grab the ribbon Kyle lunged forward and grabbed it out of his mouth.

Kiedi and the others cheered, even though they were mad at Kyle they had to admit that that was a great race. Luke sauntered over to her his shirt already gone and looked so sexy Kiedi had to hide her blush with a sip of her soda. He bent down in front of her and had a knowing smile on his face.

"Wish me good luck baby," he whispered before he gave her one long drawn out lip biting kiss. Then he jumped up and jogged off to the others.

"Good luck!" Kiedi shouted to his back. He glanced over his shoulder and grinned at her before ducking behind the bushes to strip down.

When the two of them came back out they were huge wolves. Jasmine pointed the Blonde one as Cooger, and Kiedi Knew Luke's wolf was the Jet black one- it also happened to be the bigger of the three- Kiedi noted that Leo's wolf was also black but had a silver underbelly.

They walked out already playfully nipping on each other's ears. Len called out to them for them to line up. They both got really serious and lined up; they went down in a pounce position and stared straight ahead.

Kiedi leaned forward; this looked like it was going to be intense. Lennard took several steps back before he shouted for them to go. Kiedi realized why when she saw a cloud of dust rise up as they tore off; Leo joining in at the last minute, their huge bodies surprisingly flexible as they shifted through the trees.

Kiedi took a sip of her soda to clear her itchy throat that the cloud of smoke had caused. She put the can on the ground and watched as it shook, and then she felt the vibrations run up her arm. The three of them burst through the trees at the same time; this race was going to be closer than the first. Kiedi held her breathe as all three pushed forward, closer, closer...

It was a three way tie; they all had a piece of the ribbon in their mouth. Kiedi breathed for the first time since they came back in the clearing. Wolf Luke padded over to her and dropped the ribbon in her lap, it was dripping with slobber. Kiedi picked it up and pushed him away playfully when he tried to lick her face.

He finally gave up and went back to the guys. Apparently Demon games weren't over so they were staying in their animal forms. Lennard and Carl didn't race because bears weren't as fast as the other four legged creatures; but they sure as hell were bigger.

Kiedi had to crane her neck to see their faces; they were as tall as a small tree. Even though the bears weren't fast they were strong, their competition would be who would be the first to hit down a huge tree.

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