Chapter 2- New Orleans

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hey guys!

thanks again for reading. this chapter is rather short I just want you guys to get a feel for my major Character and see what she's like before we delve into the story. just bare with me; we're getting there.


"Welcome to New Orleans girls" their dad said as they drove past the sign that indicated that they entered New Orleans.

"It's beautiful," Kelly said from the backseat of the black SUV. Kelly wasn't lying this place was beautiful. It was so much brighter than New York, there were fewer skyscrapers blocking the sun and there were more trees and flowers seemed to bloom everywhere.

"Look at all the clothing stores!" Kelly pressed her face to the glass like when she was younger, "we can get you a new wardrobe to replace the others"

"There's nothing wrong with my wardrobe Kelly," Kiedi muttered. She was tired of having the same argument with Kelly.

"Yeah nothing except that most of it is probably at a homeless shelter by now," Kelly said softly. Kiedi twisted in her seat to look at her.

"You gave away my clothes!?"

"Just the most depressing ones," Kelly said impishly giving Kiedi the puppy dog eyes.

Kiedi looked at her with an exasperated expression on her face, "You're lucky I love you" she muttered and glanced at her father who was wearing a badly concealed grin. Kiedi shook her head and stared out the glass.

"It's coming out of your pocket so smile if you want," Kiedi grumbled at him.

After a while of silent driving Mr. Russell Spoke, "I have a surprise for you girls,"

"What is it?" they asked. "You know I don't like surprises," Kiedi added.

"You'll see," was his cryptic response. They drove for about 2 more miles then their dad turned onto a path that led away from the main road. This road was lined by trees and a lot of growth. They turned onto a paved driveway that led up to a peach two storey house. It had a second storey balcony in the centre, glass windows at each turn; it was beautiful; it looked homey and free and Kiedi loved it instantly.

"Welcome to our new home girls."

"Seriously," Kiedi asked as she started to open the door.


"Sweet!" Kelly dashed out of the car and up to the front door.

"Front Keys," Kiedi said then walked out to open the doors before Kelly broke into a fit.

"Wow" they both said as the door opened to a foyer with a grand staircase leading upstairs. There were doorways leading off the foyer in opposite directions: one led into a dining area that led off to the kitchen. The opposite side led to a cosy living area with a pale green couch set with 2 single chairs, a centre table with long withered flowers and a floor to ceiling bookcase lining the far wall. The room was painted in cream, similar to the rest of the open rooms, which made the room ooze comfort.

Kiedi went back to the foyer and saw that beyond was a glass door leading to a back porch. She stepped out and saw sunlight stream across the tree tops. "I'm going to love it here," she mumbled to herself.

"Kiedi, Quick come look!" Kelly screamed from upstairs.

"What? What is it?" Kiedi asked when she met Kelly at the top of the stairs.

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