Chapter 14

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Twenty minutes after her father left the next evening Luke came by with pizza; he used the door this time opposed to climbing up to her window at night.

"Hey beautiful," Kiedi invited him inside; he brushed his lips against her cheek.

She led him into the living room where she had already picked out a movie for them to watch. He placed the pizza on the table and opened it up.

"Mhm, meat lovers," Kiedi breathed, her eyes closed as the scent of her favourite pizza hit her. When she opened them she saw Luke staring at her his head tilted and his eyes had gone that dark shade of blue and the intensity of his stare made Kiedi blushed crimson.

She stepped back and smiled apologetically, "I'm going to ask Kelly if she wants a slice," Kiedi said and ran out of the room. Her heart was beating frantically, any time Luke looked at her like that all she wanted to do was jump his bones and she knew he would stop for what reason she didn't know.

She knocked on Kelly's door and entered. Kelly was on her bed on her laptop.

"Luke brought pizza, do you want any?"

"What kind of pizza?"


Kelly jumped up off the bed and passed Kiedi at the door, "I knew I liked that boy," she muttered as she went down the stairs. Kiedi chuckled as she followed.

"Hey Lukas," Kelly said plopping down in the chair opposite him. Kiedi left them in there and went to get glasses for the drinks.

When she came back Kelly had a slice of Pizza in her mouth and she and Luke were laughing.

"What's the joke?" Kiedi poured out the drinks.

"Oh, I was just telling Luke how Meatlovers pizza broke your vegetarian faze." Kiedi scowled at her before passing her the drink.

"How about we change the subject and watch the movie," Kiedi suggested and curled up to Luke's side. He'd already had his arms open for her.

"Oh I'm not staying," Kelly said grabbing another slice and standing.

"What? Why not?" Kiedi asked.

"Like I'm really going to stay in a dark room with the two of you," Kelly scoffed at the suggestion and marched out of the room. Kiedi looked from her retreating back to Luke's face, he was grinning.

Kiedi pressed play and grabbed a slice of pizza before settling back against Luke's side. They were watching zombie apocalypse 4; it was suppose to be really scary but after what Kiedi had experienced she doubted it would scare her. Before the end of the movie Luke had lifted her unto his lap and they were tucked under a blanket.

Kiedi stood corrected when a scene came when one of the main characters, a brunette, was walking down a lonely street armed with a baseball bat as her protection. The girl was all jittery and constantly looking around her like she could sense that she was being followed.

Kiedi felt the fear that she'd felt on Luke's birthday come creeping up from where she'd buried it. She felt the anxiety that the character must be facing as they hurried down the dark street. She jumped when the character jumped at a sound because she could hear it all too clearly.

The brunette went down a side road because it was a shortcut to the safe house but the lamp on the street was broken. The girl brought her metallic bat up to her chest ready to use at a moment's notice. Kiedi knew what was going happen; she could always predict a movie, but when the zombie jumped out of nowhere with his mouth open and his face stained in blood a vision of the men in the forest jumped to Kiedi's mind and she screamed and buried her face in Luke's neck.

In a flash Luke had turned off the TV and held her close against his chest muttering calming words to her.

"It's okay Kie it's just a movie," He said as he kissed her forehead. When he heard her breathing calm down he gently tugged her away from him and framed her face. When he saw the fear in her eyes he immediately knew what the problem was.

"Hey, look at me," he ordered gently when she struggled to go back to his neck. "As long as I'm here nothing or anyone will ever hurt you. Do you understand me?"

He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ears then looked deeply into her eyes as he tugged her forward and kissed her. It was supposed to be a compassionate kiss that would reassure her and help her calm down. At least that's what it started out as, until his inner beast clawed its way forward with the need to claim her.

The kiss deepened until her fingers twisted into his hair and his hands were everywhere on her. They left her face and wrapped in her hair; then ran down her spine to cup her behind and set her to straddle him before moving back up. His hands slid under her t-shirt to cup her breasts in his palm. The shirt was getting in his way so he growled and tugged it off completely.

They were apart long enough for Luke to take a minute to try and calm himself but when he looked up and saw the want in her eyes and smelt her arousal the beast completely took over. He growled again as he ripped off her bra and buried his face in her breasts. She gripped his head closer to her chest when he took one already taught nipple into his mouth and sucked hard.

She moaned softly and it sent him into a frenzy, the scent and sound of her had his inner beast going crazy with its need to mark her as its own. He buried his face in her neck and nipped and suckled at the base of her throat fighting the urge to bite down hard and make her his.

Kiedi couldn't think straight, she felt too hot, everywhere he touched burnt and she couldn't get enough of him. She loved the feel of his mouth on hers and her body; the way the smell of him was all she could smell. She loved the silky smoothness of his hair and the muscular planes of his back beneath her fingers.

Kiedi could have cried when he suddenly pulled away and quickly covered her with the blanket they were covered with earlier. She wondered why he would pull away if they both wanted it. He was growling ferociously as he stared at her with his dark blue eyes that she loved so much. Her answer came when she saw Kate come around the corner.

Kate clocked the way they were set on the couch and the disposed bra and T-shirt on the floor and summed up the situation.

"See this is why I didn't wanna watch a movie with you," Kate commented snidely.

Kiedi blushed crimson and buried her face into Luke's neck to hide from her sister's knowing gaze. "Go away Kelly!" she yelled from her safe haven of Luke.

"Fine," Kelly shrugged and sauntered out of the room.

Kiedi looked up at Luke in apology but had to bite her lip when she saw the battle he was enduring in his mind. She could see his struggle to calm down and his hands were shaking and a cold sweat had broken out on his forehead. Kiedi tried to look into his eyes but he averted his gaze and buried his face in her neck until he stopped shaking.

He reached for her T-shirt then gently helped her to put it back on. Then he cradled her in his arms and gently placed a kiss on her forehead. Kiedi linked her fingers through his and gently squeezed as she looked up at his face. His eyes were closed and he was looking straight ahead but he did squeeze back and Kie saw a hint of a smile.

okay... so not the best intimate scene but i gotta build up to it lol so just hold on...  so while we're here y not click the vote button ;) and just leave a comment for me if you like cause I would.

Beneath and Beyondحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن