Chapter 40

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Happy holidays everyone!! I trust you all had a very Merry Christmas. Mine was okay, I spent it with my family as usual and it started off a little disappointing but it picked up as it went on. 

Well as my Christmas present to you I present you with the final chapter of Beneath and Beyond. It has been amazing writing this book over the last few months and I'm honoured by each and everyone of you who have stuck it out to the ending and I hope I haven't disappointed any of you.

Goo Goo Dolls-Iris

Kiedi trudged up the palace stairs from the backgrounds. She was beyond exhausted, it hadn't even been a week before the king had her training several hours a day. He said he was trying to help her by building her mental and physical strength.

What her mother said was that he was testing her limits and making her stringer so that he could use her as a weapon to gain more power.

Kiedi didn't care which it was, she had asked for training and now she was getting it; be careful what you ask for they always say. Right now she just wanted to go take a shower and then curl up and cry about the fact that she hasn't spoken to Luke in a three weeks. 

She could barely feel him but when she did she felt pain similar to hers. It confused her so much she could yell; If he felt just as much pain as she did, then why go through with it? Why make them both suffer? Every night these questions and more controlled her thoughts until she tired of mental exhaustion and had sleepless dreams only to be woken the next morning by her mother with a 'request' from the king.

"How was training young one?" Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Tedious as always," Kiedi wanted to keep walking past him as if he wasn't there but she'd witnessed first hand the kings powers of persuasion. He wasn't one to be denied.

"It will get easier," He said and offered her a seat at the patio table with him.

"I am tired grandfather -" he had insisted that she call him that, "-I wish to go wash up and go to bed."

"Nonsense! Come play a game with me, no one seems to be up to the mental challenge." He pulled out a game of chess from across the table and the pieces were already in place.

With a sigh Kiedi made her way to the table and took a seat; there was no point in even saying no to the king. He smiled at her and Kiedi was astounded at how it was possible for such a handsome man with such wonderful dimples could be so evil.

He made the first move as always with his mind and Kiedi was expected to do the same but she was too tired so she attempted to move her pawn with her hand... he slapped her.

Full physical contact, slapped her hand.

"You know my rules. Telekinesis only."

Oh how she wanted to go home to Luke, her dad and Kelly. When did things all change so drastically?

When Kiedi finally made it to her room she was this close to passing out. Not only had the king made her play several rounds of Telekinesis chess but then made her have dinner with him and then they spent another hour just talking. He was such a confusing man!

This minute he was evil and killing maids with a flick of the wrist because they dropped his special silverware and the next he seemed like any other annoying grandfather who wants to get to know his grandchild.

As she climbed out of the shower she wondered why Luke would choose to leave her here of all places. If he thought he needed to leave her so badly why not let her go to heaven with her dad and Kelly?

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