Chapter 38

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*This takes place before Kiedi gets knocked out

Song: Timeflies- Stiches

That's Kiedi's mom everybody!! Total babe huh! and I love how she and Vanessa Hudgens actually look alike.

Luke and the others walked into the bar with Cooger in the lead. Jazz was his mate so he took point on this. It was obvious when they stepped in though that something was wrong and when Leo tensed it was confirmed.

They went to the bar and ordered a round of bees but no one drank it, it was just for pretenses. Soon Luke smelt Crannor behind them and a chill ran up his spine when they turned and saw that he wasn't alone. It seemed like time slowed down for in those two seconds it took for all the guys to turn the bar filled up with parasite demons.

"There's been a change of plans," Crannor said rubbing his greedy little fingers together. Oh how Luke would like to break his fat neck.

"How so?"his father asked.

"You never told me that your little mate was a Dangel," Crannor chastised Luke.

"It wasn't relevent," Luke gritted out through clenched teeth.

"To you maybe..." Crannor was pacing now, " But I think so because now I'm going to keep my money and.. take your mate."

"Over my dead body," Luke growled as he grabbed for the short stump of a man. He jumped out of the way however and one of the parasites beside him lunged forward and bit into Luke's shoulder. 

Luke grabbed it by its neck and squeezed until it let go then as he started changing into his wolf he threw him across the room knocking out a few others. The others wasted no time in changing as well and they each fought for their lives.

They were greatly outnumbered and if they didn't heal so fast they would probably be loosing. They did heal fast though and they breathed combat so they didn't let the odds phase them and they fought with intent to kill because it was kill or be killed.

Their numbers started dwindling and Luke thought it was because they were tearing through them but then he heard Len Leo through the mind link.

"They're running into the alley!"

Luke bit the head off the demon in front of him and tore into the alley just in time to see them disappear into the dark streets of the town. He sniffed and started to go into a panic, he couldn't smell Kiedi. He did however spot his sister slumped in a corner.

He called Cooger through the link as he shifted to human form and ran over to her and wrapped her up in his arms.

"It's okay baby sis, I got you," He soothed her as she started crying when she saw him.

Cooger ran out and took her from him. He lifted her up bridal style and she buried her face in his neck as he buried his nose in her hair, luxuriating in the smell of her.

"Where's Kiedi, Jazz?" Luke asked 

"She tried to save me," Jazz started crying fresh tears, " and she did, but they took her instead! I'm so sorry Luke!" She shook with her sobs of regret and Luke wanted to tell her that it wasn't her fault but he was already shifting and taking off out the alley following what little of Kie's scent he could detect. 

The trail went dead at the treeline though where the scent of the parasites covered hers and they were all running in different directions so there was no way to track her. Luke howled in frustration then the best yet worst possible solution came to mind. He didn't even hesitate as he ran in the direction of the palace.

Beneath and Beyondजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें