Chapter 21

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The light cleared away and colour seeped back into her vision; as colour came back Kiedi realized they were no longer in her driveway and it wasn't night anymore. They stood in a field of bright and colourful flowers. There were grass hedges and statues of winged angels strategically placed to show off the garden's beauty. There were ornately decorated gold benches surrounding the place and the entire garden just gave off a calming feel.

Kiedi turned back to the others and saw that they all had changed from plain clothes to white togas with a gold rope around the waist; something like what a monk would wear.

Also they had all sprouted wings, her father included. It was absolutely beautiful to look at. The wings looked like feathered satin and Kiedi itched to touch it.

"Wow," Kiedi breathed and reached out to stroke her father's wing. It was cotton soft and as smooth as silk just as she'd thought.

"Come we must hurry," Zena said impatiently and before she knew what was happening Kiedi was scooped up and they were airborne.

Kiedi looked with an aerial view at Alchima. It was one huge village as far as she could see. There were little white buildings- like something you would find in ancient Rome- that were people's homes; there were fruits and pies on almost every window sill. Angels walked around just as normal as a human would except they were all in light coloured outfits.

As Kiedi watched a puzzling thought came to her, why was it that only some of the angels had wings but the others didn't?

"How come only some of you have wings and the others don't?" Kiedi asked out loud.

"Only guardian angels have wings; and the royal family of course but their wings have gold tipped feathers," Rachel answered her.

Kiedi went silent for the rest of the flight. Her father wasn't going to get away from this one; he had a lot of explaining to do.

They landed on the steps of what must have been the Royal Palace. It was completely different from what the other houses Kiedi had seen looked like. This was a large building with elegantly carved banisters and balconies at every door on the entire second floor.

They walked up the steps to a large golden door which was guarded by two bulky angels with wings and swords hanging from their belts.

More guards, Kiedi thought as they came to a stop.

The guards looked at them briefly then with a warm smile they both took turns embracing her father like they were long last family; which in some way they were.

When they were done they stepped back and looked at Kiedi and even though they tried to hide it, Kiedi saw the brief grimace that passed over their faces. Kiedi stared them down until they stepped aside and opened the doors.

They entered what looked like a grand ballroom and at the far end of the room there were two large gold chairs with white satin cushions. At the far walls there was a pair of winding staircases leading to the second floor.

One of the guards led them up those stairs and threw a hidden door down a long passageway. They went through another door and came into another hallway which her father told her was one of the living quarters. Zena knocked on of the doors twice; a young girl around fifteen opened it and peeked out. Then after seeing Kiedi's dad opened it and let them in.

There were about 5 people in the room but Kiedi didn't even notice them. The only thing she saw was the pale, blonde bandaged profile that was her sister on the bed.

Castes covered her entire body up to her neck; her head was wrapped in bandages; she looked so frail that Kiedi fell to her knees and cried at the sight of her.

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