Chapter 35

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This continues from when Luke walks away to talk to Kyle.

Song: Blackmill- Evil Beauty

Kiedi watched as Luke talked to Kyle then they turned to look at her at different intervals then Kyle says something snide which causes Luke to grimace at him. Kyle laughs and touches his shoulder and says something which makes Luke nod then look at her one last time before he walks in the direction of the chief's house.

Kiedi stood listening to the sound of the drums in the background and watched as Kyle flirted with a group of girls. One of the girls in a deep cleavage  crop top leaned forward and whispered something in his ear which made Kyle's jaw go slack as he looked at her with desire.

Kiedi watched as the girl, ignoring all the others around them, took Kyle's hand and led him away from the crowd and into tree casted shadows.

She shook her head and laughed at the two of them as she was left with nothing to do and no one else to watch for amusement. She found herself swaying slightly to the music and started to hum along with the tune.

"What a beautiful voice," Kie jumped  when she heard a deep throated voice behind her. She qiuckly turned around and saw a young man around the same age as Luke and the others. He had shaggy blond hair and a dimpled chin which was made more evident by the smile on his lips.

"You frightened me," Kie said trying to keep her frantic heartbeat under control. 

What was this guy doing in the shadows watching her? How long had he been there anyways?

"I'm sorry," he said stepping out of the shadows. "So with such a beautiful voice would you mind singing a little song for me?" As he came into the light Kie saw that he was only shirtless and in ripped jeans.

"I'm not exactly a good singer and even if I was I don't make a habit of singing for strangers," Kie said taking a step back as he came closer to her.

"Oh where are my manners? My name is Shane Morgan," he said with a mock bow, "What's yours sweetness?"

Kiedi was shocked to realize that this guy was really flirting with her! It must be the blonde hair she thought as she answered him, "I'm Kiedi."

"Okay so now we're not strangers," Shane said with a smirk or a smile that wasn't unattractive.

"Maybe, but I still can't sing," Kie said. She kept stepping back because he was drifting dangerously closer to her. She unfortunately had to stop when the back of her thigh hit the log she had bee seated on earlier.

"Okay, since you found every excuse to not sing, how about dancing with me?" he reached for her hand but she put it behind her back.

"I can't dance," Kie said with a nervous chuckle.

"Nonsense!" the guy refused to take a hint and grabbing her by her elbow he pulled her against his chest  and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Let go of me!" Kiedi shouted at him but he only gripped her tighter against him. She was fast losing her temper with this dude, "I said I don't want to dance with you!"

"Yo Shane I really thinks she doesn't wanna dance with you dude," Kyle had appeared out of nowhere and had his palm pressed against Shane's chest as a sign for him to back off.

"Back off Kyle, didn't you just have a girl wrapped all over you? You can't get them all!" Shane spat at him, still not letting go.

"Yeah but this one is taken," Kyle said through gritted teeth but still Shane wouldn't let go of her.

"It's just one dance," he said innocently looking at Kie.

"But I don't want to dance," Kie saw Luke approaching and he looked angry. 

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