Chapter 4

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heres another chapter

Did i ever say thanks for reading? Well thanks a bunch. and dont forget to vote please!!

enjoy ^_^


The next couple of days Kiedi dressed in a mixture of her old apparel and Kelly's new clothes. She was even getting comfortable in them. Kiedi had tried to be a different at this school and she was succeeding. People actually said 'hi' to her and it was because of her and not the fact that she was Kelly's sister, people genuinely liked her.

Kiedi sat with Leo and the others at lunch regularly. She liked these guys, they were kind and fun and she fit in with them for the first time. She and Jasmine were even close friends and she realized that although Kyle was a flirt he was a nice guy who loved to make people laugh and Carl really was a serious no nonsense kind of guy who often smelled of cigarette smoke, but he wasn't a bad guy either.

Cooger was also a joker less so than Kyle but still, and because of them a smile was constantly on Kiedi's face. Leo was also extremely friendly more so whenever Lukas was around, if Kiedi had had more experience she would even say that Leo was Flirting with her.

Luke talked to her occasionally when he wasn't in one of his grumpy moods which, coincidentally, happened each time Leo flirted with her openly in front of him. Leo was nice and all but Kiedi found herself more attracted to Luke; with his unruly hair, silent brooding nature and his toe curling smiles that he would grace her with occasionally, Kiedi thought with a smile.

She looked over at him now as he sat across the room they were practicing for the play in. he looked so handsome that Kiedi found herself blushing just looking at him. He also looked very uncomfortable to be there, probably mirroring the look on Kiedi's face. Suddenly Alicea came to stand in her line of sight of Luke, Kiedi knew it was on purpose and glanced at her. She was staring daggers at Kiedi and had a scowl on her face and she mouthed 'Stay away'. Oh yeah, important fact: Alicea was Luke's girlfriend for the past two years, Kiedi thought sadly.

"Well guys that was a great practice," Janice said an hour later.

"Yeah," they all agreed. We all said our farewells and left the school building. Kiedi checked her phone and saw that it was just after 4 and her dad would still be at home. She was just going to call him when Luke called out to her.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked. Kiedi was going to say yes but then she saw Alicea waiting by his van; Kiedi really couldn't be bothered with Alicea's antics at the moment so she came up with an excuse.

"I was calling my dad, it's okay," Kiedi shrugged and put up a fake smile.

"Lukas honey, can we go now? She said her father's coming for her," Alicea whined. Kiedi fought the urge to roll her eyes at her, she seriously hated that girl.

"Nonsense I can drop you off," Luke said. Kiedi looked pointedly at Alicea and Luke smiled and waved her over still. Kiedi reluctantly nodded and went past a pissed looking Alicea into the backseat.

The drive to her house was quiet there was only talking when Kiedi had to give Luke the necessary directions. When they reached her doorway Kiedi breathed a sigh of relief. Luke let her out on his side since Alicea was too busy with her nails to move.

"Bye, thanks," Kiedi said looking up into Luke's clear blue eyes.

"No problem," he nodded. "Later," he watched until she was safely inside the house before he drove off.

"Finally she's gone," Alicea said. "Honestly, you could have just let her dad come and get her."

Luke listened to her and had to wonder if she had always been this selfish; recently he had been wondering a lot of things about Alicea. It started the day he met Kiedi; ever since almost everything Alicea did pissed him off and every time she touched him he felt anger so intense he wanted to run away before he hurt her. To be frank, Alicea no longer appealed to him. He no longer knew why it is he had even dated her. All that he knew was that she was completely different from the type of person he wanted and coincidentally Kiedi had the exact qualities that he was looking for. Luke was brought out of his thoughts by Alicea's rambling.

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