Chapter 1- The closing of one door

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hey guys!

well this is my first book and Iv been writing it for years and continuously editing it but my friends said I should post it so they can read it so here it is!

I really hope you like it. leave any comments below tho so ik what you guys think.

lets go....


Kiedi rolled over in her bed and opened her eyes then had to shut them back. She sat up and tried again, slowly this time.

It was better this time but her eyes still had to adjust to the bright light. Her sister Kelly was already up and about their shared bedroom.

"You're up early," Kiedi mumbled as she watched her younger sister brush out her long blond hair in front of the bedroom mirror.

"Nope you just slept late again," Kelly laughed at her, her voice all chirpy as usually.

"What's the point of even getting up? It's our last day here anyways," Kiedi grumbled as she went into their bathroom. She looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror while she brushed her teeth. Her light green eyes were still foggy with sleep but other than that her face was the same oval shape it had been when she had gone to bed. She had the same aristocratic nose and long jet black hair that she had caught in a ponytail when she was going to bed.

Kiedi rinsed out her mouth then stripped and got in the shower; all the time wondering when she was going to see any resemblance between her and her sister, and their father for that matter; she didn't have a mother to compare herself to even though their father insisted she was the spitting image of her. Apparently their mom died shortly after Kelly was born and their father thought it was too painful to keep pictures of her around.

Kiedi washed, rinsed and repeated both her hair and her body before she finally came out of the shower. She blow dried her hair then went back into the bedroom. Kelly was already dressed in her usual impeccable attire. She had on a pink flare out skirt with a white three quarter sleeve top and pastel pumps. Her hair was shining in its full length down her back and her bright blue eyes lined with dark mascara which highlighted their beauty just as she wanted it to. Kiedi didn't even start on the jewellery because she didn't know how to describe it; all she knew was that Kelly had captured her usual Angelic appearance once again.

"Oh Kie would you hurry up," Kelly scolded her, "I'm going to get breakfast started. Dad already left so we have to catch the train again."

"Alright I'll be out in fifteen minutes," Kiedi waved her off.

Fifteen minutes later Kiedi came out in her black jeans and black graphic hoodie with her hair braided in two and a tam on. She didn't wear much jewellery only her diamond stud earrings.

Kelly put down a grilled cheese on the counter that also served as their dining table. They lived with their father in a two bedroom two bathroom apartment in middle town New York. It had a big enough living area which was divided in half by the kitchen which only one person could operate comfortably in at once.

Kelly came and sat beside her with her own sandwich and a glass of milk. It was awhile before Kiedi noticed that she was using her hair to block her tears.

"Kells what's wrong?" Kiedi dropped her sandwich and wrapped her arm around her sister.

Kelly sniffled and made a little chuckle before answering, "I was just remembering that you're the one who taught me to make a grilled cheese in this very same Kitchen and come day after tomorrow we won't live here anymore."

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