Chapter 5

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This song is my absolute fav! i hope you guys like it. this is just a cover version though. the actual song is 'Make it to me' by Sam Smith

Above is my ideal Lukas. if you guys thought of someone else it's okay. You can even comment on it and maybe Ill make some changes.


Kiedi closed the door and leaned against it for support for she feared that her knees might give out. Her body burned everywhere Luke's own had touched her; she still hadn't controlled her breathing from her reaction to the smouldering heat in Luke's eyes as he'd looked down at her.

"Kiedi is that you?" Kelly asked from upstairs. "Your dripping wet, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Kiedi stuttered as she pushed off from the door and climbed the stairs to her room.

"So... How was it?" Kelly asked curiously as she plopped down on Kiedi's bed.

"It was great, I had a lot of fun," Kiedi replied as she stripped out of her wet clothes. "He took me on a boat ride," Kiedi smiled.

"Aww how romantic," Kelly smiled from the bed.

"It was just like the stories I read in my romance novels," Kiedi mused. "He was the perfect gentleman."

"I'm so glad you had fun on your first date," Kelly hugged her.

Kiedi froze where she stood.

"It wasn't a date," she quickly corrected. "He was just giving me a tour of town in Leo's place."

"Oh honey," Kelly smirked at her, "you dressed up and stayed out all day with a hot six feet and beyond guy and he took you on a boat ride, it was definitely a date."

"He has a girlfriend Kells."

"What's your point?" Kelly shrugged.

"It wasn't a date," Kiedi muttered and closed the bathroom door.

"Yes it was," Kelly sang loudly as she shut Kiedi's room door behind her.

When Kiedi finished her bath she got dressed and headed straight for bed. She fell asleep shortly after, her last thought being "Was it a date?"

Luke caught her up against his chest. Kiedi looked up into his dark blue eyes and his hands tightened around her waist. He looked deeply into her eyes as he lowered his head to hers. Kiedi felt the burn of his lips against hers. His lips moved slowly over hers and Kiedi slid her hand up his chest and splayed them in his hair it was... coarse, like cotton. All of a sudden Kiedi couldn't breathe; Luke's lips were no longer sliding over hers but were acting as a mask covering her face so she couldn't breathe...

Kiedi jumped up in her bed and gasped for air. She was in a cold sweat and her fingers were gripping the sheets. What a dream, she thought with a sigh and climbed out of bed. She took a shower and put on cut off shorts and a wrestler tank. She went downstairs and finished some last minute unpacking. She stopped for awhile to make breakfast. By the time she was finished Kelly and her dad were both seated in the kitchen waiting. When they were finished eating Kelly washed the dishes then went back to her room. Mr. Russell said he had some errand to take care of so he left in his car. Kiedi went back to unpacking. When she was finished she didn't want to waste the boxes so she decided to put them in the garage. Upon their storage Kiedi came across two bicycles. She took them out of the garage and cleaned them off thinking she and Kelly could do some riding.

When Kiedi asked Kelly she was all for it and the two of them donned helmets and went for a ride along a path they saw in the forest around their house. Even though the sun was out the path was still damp and slightly muddy from yesterday's rain so they had to go slow. It was both disadvantageous and advantageous because Kelly wanted to race but at a slow pace they could look around at the scenery.

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