Chapter 15

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Hey Guys. Here's another chapter! Enjoy


The weekend came all too soon, well not technically the weekend but the Thursday that they were going to drive out to the campsite because it was a long trip and they didn't want anything to shorten their fun.

Kiedi was in her room packing her stuff in her knapsack, she'd packed one other pair of sneakers and a few long sleeve tops along with her sweater because Jazz had warned her that out there got cold at night. The weekend was only supposed to be four days long starting on the Friday and ending on the Monday, not including the drive back home. So all in all Kiedi got six days of exclusive Luke; she was excited and nervous at the same time.

Kelly came in sat down on her bed. "I hope your packing something sexy," she teased, " your turning eighteen tomorrow, so you'll be legally old enough to...," Kelly didn't need to finish Kiedi knew what she was talking about. Kiedi looked at her sister scornfully, she regretted the minute she'd told Kelly that she and Luke had never had sex.

"What?!" Kelly had screamed in shock, "Four months of sneaking around and sleeping over and Hunky Gold still hasn't hit it?"

"I think he's waiting for me to turn eighteen first," Kiedi had told her the excuse she'd been telling herself for the last two months.

Back to the present, Kiedi watched as Kelly searched through her neatly packed bag and tugged things out.

"Kiedi, you're not going to a convent," Kelly said disgustedly, "not even one shorts or dress?"

"It's hiking and fishing and overall camping," Kiedi muttered in her defence.

Kelly tugged everything out of the bag; the only thing she left was the sneaker and the one long sleeve top that had a deep cleavage. Then Kelly went raiding in her closet and stuffing new stuff into her bag., Kiedi simply sat on the bed in awe because there was nothing she could do to stop Kelly now that she'd started.

Luke came for her around eleven that day and her dad said he wanted to speak to him before they left. She led him to the living room and her father stood at the bookshelf looking out the window.

"Good morning Lukas," Kiedi's father said. Luke felt the hairs on the back of his spine rise; this was a usual reaction to her father, that's why Luke didn't come over often when he was there.

"Good morning sir," Luke replied.

"Kiedi why don't you go and finish packing," her father suggested. Both Kiedi and Luke knew that he was asking for some alone time with Luke so She glanced awkwardly between the two of them before she left the room.

With Kiedi gone the tension grew in the room and the temperature rose several degrees. Luke shifted from leg to leg awkwardly as he looked everywhere except at the man who made the beast inside him feel nervous.

"Why don't you have a seat?" Mr. Russell offered as he took a seat himself. Luke figured it would be disrespectful to refuse so he sat in the opposite single seat. "You and my daughter have gotten extremely close in the last couple of months," Mr. Russell started.

Oh dear, Luke thought, he was getting the threatening father talk. "Yes sir," Luke answered.

"Luke let me get straight to the point," Mr. Russell sat forward and Luke pulled back the beast inside him became wary. "I know what you are and I want to know your intentions for my daughter."

Luke felt the air rush out of his body. What? Her father Knew? How? He knew Kiedi wouldn't tell him so how? Then the last part of the question came to mind and Luke felt offended.

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